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看板 NBA
作者 KirkSynder (Be good @.@)
標題 [外絮] 在大三元的華麗數據背後-全能以及私心
時間 Sat Jul  8 14:26:14 2017


原文網址 https://goo.gl/yaA2S4

Triple-doubles in basketball reflect selfishness as well as

The evidence is convincing that players change their behaviour
 in order to pad their statistics


http://imgur.com/a/JXLBh  http://imgur.com/XinlBWp

OFF-SEASON drama in North America’s National Basketball
Association (NBA) reached high gear on July 6th, when teams
officially became able to sign free agents. Among the most
momentous transactions so far has been the Oklahoma City
Thunder’s acquisition of Paul George, a star small forward.
Between him and Russell Westbrook, the league’s reigning Most
Valuable Player, the team will present a formidable threat next

休賽期間的重頭戲-自由球員市場7月6日正式上映,而Paul George的轉隊
更是目前為止的重要交易之一,雷霆隊為新科MVP Russell Westbrook找

Mr Westbrook needs the help. Last season he achieved an extra
-ordinary statistical feat. Basketball′s standard benchmark of
virtuoso versatility is the “triple-double”: a game in which
a player reaches double figures (ten or more) in three separate
categories, usually points, rebounds and assists. Mr Westbrook
managed to average a triple-double for an entire 82-game season.
Only one player had ever done so before, all the way back in


Nonetheless, despite this Titanic accomplishment, the Thunder
were easily eliminated in the first round of the playoffs. It
is hard to reconcile Mr Westbrook′s magnificent handiwork with
his club′s lacklustre showing. But one plausible explanation
is that Mr Westbrook may have focused more on maximising his
own glory than on winning games.


There is of course no way to know exactly what motivated Mr
Westbrook. However, the overall pattern of players's behaviour
provides ample grounds for suspicion. Compiling large statistical
totals is difficult, so it stands to reason that games with lots
of rebounds or assists are rarer than those with just a few. For
the league as a whole, the distributions match the expected
pattern: there are fewer games with nine rebounds or assists than
with eight, fewer with eight than with seven, and so on.


Among players on the brink of a triple-double, however, there is
a conspicuous discrepancy. Players who already have at least ten
points and assists are more likely to finish a game with ten
rebounds than with nine. Similarly, those who already have at
least ten points and rebounds are nearly as likely to wind up
with ten assists as with nine. The comparative dearth of games
with eight or nine assists or rebounds, and surfeit of those with
exactly ten, strongly suggests that players with the opportunity
for a triple-double change their actions on the court in order to
attain one. Their teammates, aware of the glory that a triple
-double can bring, may also help things along. These adjustments
suggest such players are distracted from playing to win.


(PS 圖表上有註明是用http://www.basketball-reference.com/的數據


It is possible that Mr Westbrook is an exception to this pattern,
and never took his eyes off the prize of victory. But if he was
indeed guilty of “stat-padding”, next year is likely to be
different. Now that he has matched the record, he may be less
motivated to do so again. And Mr George’s arrival should make
the Thunder a much stronger team. That will give Mr Westbrook a
credible chance to play for a title, instead of mere individual

已經完成了單季大三元的壯舉,而且在迎來了Paul George後比起累積個人



 realtw: 經濟學人?哈 原來加上這四個字 連人名都沒有的就變權威了 11/16 14:19
 realtw: 我也是經濟學人 我權威嗎                               11/16 14:19
 realtw: 台日韓新某經濟學家=全世界=權威                        11/16 14:21
 realtw: 知道啊 經濟學人是英國一個小報啊 就是故意留梗啊        11/16 14:42

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zxc75953515 : 整篇都在解釋自己沒有說人家有兩把刷子1F 07/08 14:29
Z05030Z05030: 簽名檔xdd2F 07/08 14:29
e49523      : 還寧願他故意刷 至少會把球傳出去3F 07/08 14:29
uglyfinger  : 還不錯,事實總是令某些人難以接受4F 07/08 14:30
evedder     : 這篇到底想說什麼?一直說拿大三元會有私心,又一5F 07/08 14:32
evedder     : 直說不是在講龜?
如果你有看圖表應該會發現在統計圖上隨著籃板/助攻 增加 人次是逐漸下降
但是唯獨在10籃板/助攻上 卻是例外不降反升 這裡只是對「多出來」的部份
提出一種可能 球員或是隊友有私心

而拿大三元的人這麼多 很難分辨誰是自然達成誰是私心
(也許Jason Kidd是沒私心 但我很確定有一個人一定有私心 Ricky Davis)
Ricky Davis Failed Triple-Double Attempt - 3/16/03 - YouTube
 With a 25-point lead and just 6 seconds remaining in the game, Cleveland Cavaliers guard Ricky Davis purposely shot and ...

Ricky Davis Failed Triple-Double Attempt - 3/16/03

FULL CEREMONY FOR RUSSELL WESTBROOK WITH OSCAR ROBERTSON PASSING RECORD ON TO RUSSELL | OSCAR: "MVP" - YouTube Great ceremony for Russell Westbrook! Oscar Robertson calls him the MVP! Proud of you Russell! A trophy was presented to Westbrook, the new record holder. Gr...

demon77885  : Felicio:閃避模式是什麼? 我的版啦!!!7F 07/08 14:32
evedder     : 那幹嘛整篇都在提他?8F 07/08 14:32
leo755269   : 他到底是不是反串的啊9F 07/08 14:33
bearest     : 刷刷刷  刷刷刷  你要加什麼料?10F 07/08 14:33
chinhan1216 : 經濟學人...11F 07/08 14:33
omage       : 你不要誤會,我不是指你,我是指在座的各位,都是_12F 07/08 14:34
uglyfinger  : 慘惹……有人受不了了13F 07/08 14:34
omage       : 就沒有針對威少阿,它指的是整體統計上的數據,阿剛14F 07/08 14:35
omage       : 好威上少上季大三元最多這樣
str54188    : 習包子吃太多就會像簽名檔一樣16F 07/08 14:35
baiweilo    : 我覺得不錯啊,用數據證明刷子存在17F 07/08 14:36
brokenXD    : 結論就是刷數據啦  不意外  這不是大家都知道的嗎?18F 07/08 14:36
※ 編輯: KirkSynder (, 07/08/2017 14:53:22
uglyfinger  : 這篇真的不是說MVP故意刷數據啦!^^19F 07/08 14:38
tfoxboy     : 刷分仔20F 07/08 14:42
hungys      : 結論根本跟什麼都沒說一樣 有人還是見獵心喜 呵21F 07/08 14:43
Giuliani    : 分析不錯22F 07/08 14:48
coolcjy     : Wade表示23F 07/08 14:50
larryrock   : 讓我們想到Kidd 很多這種差一個籃板或一助攻的比賽24F 07/08 14:50
WLR         : 就某種預期獎勵,會改變球員的行為。數據上的特殊意25F 07/08 15:00
WLR         : 義,創造了球員對贏球以外的需求。
heavensun   : LBJ無私打法  常常大38  沒有大3元 不要而已27F 07/08 15:01
IHD         : 若改輸隊沒數據 63分季後賽紀錄也消失 能鼓勵求勝?28F 07/08 15:08
liang850409 : 喇叭詹最常躲大三元29F 07/08 15:15
spritepeare : 給看不懂內文的人: 單場9板/9助>>單場10板/10助人數30F 07/08 15:24
spritepeare :  but 單場10-10-9人數卻<單場10-10-10人數
rodion      : 大三元龜: 我私心? 沒看見拿MVP時把隊友叫上去了?32F 07/08 15:37
XristianBale: 喇幫是反例,常常數據靠近卻不用力刷33F 07/08 15:37
feiwens5566 : 雷霆還能進季後賽 這隊給Kobe帶還不一定有季後賽咧34F 07/08 15:37
Maxslack    : 你說笑嗎35F 07/08 15:39
uglyfinger  : 慘,膨脹到連RW>KB都講出來了36F 07/08 15:51
jimmyjou2006: 他說的意思很明確,不是助攻多就是常傳球,很多全37F 07/08 15:53
jimmyjou2006: 能數據的背後更是自私的表現,刷助攻刷命中早就行
jimmyjou2006: 之有年,像Nick Young這種你能說他是進攻黑洞,但
jimmyjou2006: 絕對不是自私
jimmyjou2006: 場上工作很多,不是說一定要碰到球才進入狀況,而是
jimmyjou2006: 要讓球員做習慣的事
Yves1020    : 我豆跟詹皇不是都常準大三43F 07/08 16:01
mmbbp       : 這時就要推kidd,視大三元如糞土的男人!!44F 07/08 16:13
jimmyjou2006: 不管是不是大三元,現金球員都傾向於打出全能數據,45F 07/08 16:23
jimmyjou2006: 而不是贏球
jimmyjou2006: 籃板8助攻6就開始傳球,而不是繼續拼籃板,刷個20 8
jimmyjou2006:  8多得是
ltameion    : Kerr早就看透LBJ了 最後都派curry守 就是看準LBJ愛49F 07/08 16:52
ltameion    : 刷數據
jimmyjou2006: 不用說特別有名幾個,大半隊伍都有這種,讓自己數51F 07/08 16:58
jimmyjou2006: 據升級,團隊籃板助攻卻都沒增加,然後身價漲了拿大
jimmyjou2006: 約,數據好看但就是都不會贏球
jimmyjou2006: 以前時代隊上有人拿個25 8 8還不贏很難見,現在卻
jimmyjou2006: 習以為常
mono1023    : 推Kidd56F 07/08 17:05
Wardyal     : 證明除了LBJ不刷大三元,其他人微三元都會開始刷數57F 07/08 17:30
Wardyal     : 據
kutkin      : 不刷得的少數  他要講的就是這個意思59F 07/08 17:44
iamgoodboy  : 他的大三元就是私心  結案60F 07/08 18:09
zxc5966871  : 野雞雜誌61F 07/08 18:43
wseb        : Kidd有54次差一的微三元..差二的破百次..62F 07/08 19:34
wseb        : Kidd的微三元比LBJ的還要多太多了..
NewbieShiba : 有場均大三元還有MVP,要冠軍戒有屁用?64F 07/08 21:03

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