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※ 本文為 JackLee5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-07-01 14:29:37
看板 NBA
作者 a10141013 (FlyBall)
標題 [情報] Klay Thompson 達成簽約 8y/80M  跟Anta
時間 Sat Jul  1 14:15:06 2017

Klay Thompson signs $80M deal with Anta, aims to be the M.J. of Chinese shoe brand - CBSSports.com
Thompson has his own signature shoe with the Chinese brand Anta ...


This was not simply a vacation, however, as Thompson has been on tour with
Anta, the Chinese shoe company he's endorsed by. And judging by the news
Friday that Thompson will sign a new 10-year deal worth up to $80M with Anta,
it appears the trip has been a success. Via NiceKicks.com:

After initially signing a shoe deal with Chinese brand Anta in 2014, Golden
State Warriors star forward Klay Thompson has signed a new 10-year
renegotiation extension with the company, Nice Kicks has exclusively learned,
locking him in with Anta until 2026.


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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1498889708.A.3F6.html
srwcc       : 約、都約1F 07/01 14:15
lnh13454    : 恩2F 07/01 14:15
JayFans0610 : 你標題打成8y3F 07/01 14:15
gv390       : 好猛4F 07/01 14:15
chrisplash  : 好多5F 07/01 14:16
kenlin0105  : 老馬是不是留錯版了6F 07/01 14:16
zxc787848   : 難怪那麼ㄎㄧㄤ7F 07/01 14:17
svg1031     : 阿不是年8M8F 07/01 14:17
TheDonDon   : 太多了吧XD9F 07/01 14:17
smik        : KT要走啦,我看好多人在喊10F 07/01 14:17
NoteEdge    : 他真的這麼喜歡那個醜鞋?Nike adidas一定有給他約11F 07/01 14:18
NoteEdge    : 的吧
tiger8019622: $$$$$$$13F 07/01 14:18
STRO        : 8年??超久耶14F 07/01 14:18
rick9321    : $$$$$$$15F 07/01 14:18
devin0329   : 難怪被籃板打火鍋16F 07/01 14:19
Raskolnikov : 哈哈 這麼愛安踏喔17F 07/01 14:19
zxc787848   : NIKE會幫KT出個人鞋款嗎18F 07/01 14:19
try107799   : 要疯19F 07/01 14:19
airbase     : 有差嗎 反正都是中國製20F 07/01 14:20
CGary       : nike不缺大牌 anta給kt頭牌 怎麼比?21F 07/01 14:20
a222317168  : 13億人口大市場22F 07/01 14:21
Gotham      : 其他大廠不可能給他這麼多錢23F 07/01 14:22
iviola      : KT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wade24F 07/01 14:23
NoteEdge    : 我記得KG後來也變安踏25F 07/01 14:23
Jormungandr : 樂當安踏一哥 nike球星太多了26F 07/01 14:24
Aggro       : 寧為雞首 不為牛後27F 07/01 14:26
a11011788   : 推6樓 哈哈28F 07/01 14:26
lopopo001   : 安踏一哥 說不定以後可以吃中國市場29F 07/01 14:27

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