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※ 本文為 JackLee5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-07-05 17:49:30
看板 NBA
作者 taylorliao (Page)
標題 [外絮] The Player Tribute"謝謝猶他"(中文翻譯)
時間 Wed Jul  5 15:42:05 2017

Thank You, Utah
July 4 2017


This has been the toughest decision that I’ve ever had to make in my life. This
weekend has probably been the longest weekend of my life. And today … well,
today has definitely been one of the craziest days of my life. But I wanted to
make sure that I got this right.


As you can see, it’s taken me a while, and thanks to everyone for their
patience. I can’t even begin to count the number of conversations I’ve had
with my wife, Robyn, and the rest of my inner-circle, since the season ended,
and all the way up to this evening — just going through every possible angle,
in every potential direction.

結束後一直到今天晚上,我根本沒辦法一一細數到底我跟我太太 Robyn、還有我身旁的人談

My meetings with all three teams during this process — Miami, Boston and Utah
— were just unbelievable. They couldn’t have been more impressive. Each
meeting left me convinced that the team I’d just met with was the right fit.
And even after I slept on it last night, while I was leaning heavily in one
direction … I still wasn’t 100-percent convinced about what I wanted to do.

在這段期間我與三個不同的球隊會面的過程 - 邁阿密熱火波士頓塞爾提克猶他爵士

What’s crazy is — before I even had a chance to make my decision, before I
had a chance to sit down and write this, and before I even had a chance to talk
about it with the people I love — I was already reading reports about where I
was going. And I guess that’s just the way things work, in 2017. But I’m
sorry it had to work out like that.


This was a life-changing decision for me and my family, and something we took
really seriously. And from the very start of this process, one thing stood out
as important: I knew that I wanted the fans and the organizations to hear my
decision directly from me.


After seven years in Utah, I have decided to join the Boston Celtics.


I know that will be tough to hear for Jazz fans — and I really want you all to
know that you mean the world to me and my family. Over the past few days, I’ve
been genuinely torn. And I know that this process isn’t easy on the fans,
either. So I just want to be as straight-up as possible about why I’m coming
to Boston.


First, though, if you don’t mind, I would really like to just take a moment
and express how much these last seven years in Utah have meant to me. Because
there’s only one fair way to say it: They’ve meant everything.


When I got to Salt Lake City, in the summer of 2010 — I know it’s a cliché,
but man, it’s the truth: I was just a kid. I remember the drive. I drove all
the way there, with my dad, from Indiana to Salt Lake City, just to save money.
I knew I had all of these expectations as a top 10 pick … but at the same
time, I was only 20. This was my first job away from home. And I was so nervous
about everything that was in front of me. I remember my first real routine as a
pro — finding a Subway near me (well, a mile or two away), and just walking
there, every day, so I could use my Subway card like I always had. And that was
really it for me, at first: Practice, and Subway, and video games. I was pretty
closed off.

天啊,我說真的: 我當時只是個孩子。我記得那次開車,因為想省錢,我跟我爸一路從
超緊張的。我記得我第一天身為球員後上工,就是找一家離我最近的 Subway(好啦也要1-2
miles),然後為了像我之前一樣使用我的 Subway卡,我就是每天到那去報到。然後一開始
真的就是每天都這麼過: 練球、Subway、打電動。我真的超宅。

And then I just think about how far I’ve come during my time here. I’ve truly
grown up in Salt Lake. I’ve become a man, and I’ve become a professional. I’
ve gone from being a kid … to now having a wife and two kids. I’ve gone from
having anxiety over leaving my family … to now having a family of my own. A
lot has happened to me during my time here, and I honestly can’t think of any
part of it that I haven’t cherished. This is a special place, and I know that
the impression it’s made on me will long outlast the impression I’ve made on


The Jazz organization, and everyone there who’s played a part over the course
of my career in Utah … more than anything else, they’re the people who make
this decision so difficult. Steve Stark, and the entire Miller family — they’
re first-class in everything they do. Dennis Lindsey — if there’s anyone who’
s most responsible for the winning culture in Salt Lake, it’s him. I really
could just go on here, naming people, forever.

你們,才讓這個決定如此艱難。Steve Stark,還有所有 Miller 家族的成員,不管做什麼
你們都是最棒的。Dennis Lindsey,如果要說是誰,在鹽湖城建立起的球隊追求勝利的文化

I was literally the last Jazz player left who played under Coach Sloan — and I
always took that as a lot more than just some piece of trivia. That was
something that truly made me feel like a part of the fabric of this franchise.
And that fabric is something that has meant a lot to me, ever since.

說起來我也是最後一個,曾經在 Sloan 教練麾下效力過的爵士球員,我也永遠不會把這件

And there are so many people who have been a part of that fabric, who have made
such a huge impact on my life — people who a lot of casual fans probably don’
t even know. And when I think about leaving Utah now … those are some of the
people who I’m going to miss the most.


I think about our assistant coach, Mark McKown, who has been with me from Day
One. I remember he took me to Santa Barbara as a rookie, with Jeremy Evans,
back when he was our strength coach — he called us G-Dilly and J-Dally.
Because we were rookies, and “all we did was dillydally.” I doubt I’ll ever
remember that and not smile.

我們的助理教練 Mark McKown,這個打從第一天起就與我相伴的人。我還記得當我還是新秀
而他還是我們的體能教練時,他帶著我和 Jeremy Evans 到 Santa Barbara,他總是叫我們
兩個 G-Dilly還有J-Dally,因為我們當時還很菜,他常常說我們都在混。我想我應該回憶

I think about Doug Birrell, who’s our massage therapist — who was there from
the start, with John and Karl. And we’ve just had … man, just hours and hours
of conversation, over the years. Everything from arguments, to debates, to
heart-to-hearts. Stuff that would never be repeated — which is something you
really learn to value as a professional athlete. But that’s how it’s always
felt within this organization. There’s always been real friendship here. There
’s a circle of trust.

我們的按摩治療師 Doug Birrell,他可是在 John & Karl 時期就在爵士的呢。我們有過

I think about Isaiah Wright, who’s now our strength coach — but when I got
there he was just a pudgy little ball boy. And we’re about the same age, so in
a lot of ways we’ve grown up together, and worked our way up together in the
franchise. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the work he’s put in with
me, just to make me a better basketball player. Oh yeah — and that one party
he invited me to, back when I was a rookie.

Isaiah Wright,現在是我們的體能教練,但我剛來時,他還只是個矮矮胖胖的小球僮勒。

I think about all of the great teammates I’ve had here, like Jeremy. I’ll
never forget — 2012, Jeremy is in the dunk contest, and I’m supposed to help
him with a dunk. And it’s the night before, and we’re at our hotel in Orlando
… and we’re like two kids who didn’t study before the final. We’ve got
nothing. And man, we’re just panicking, we’ve got no ideas, we’re trying to
think of something. And then we finally end up finding this ratty little YMCA
court, near the hotel, at like 3 in the morning, and we try to get a few reps
in. And that’s when Jeremy thinks up his dunk where I toss him two balls at
once. So we practice it one time, literally once, and that’s it. Totally wing
it. And of course Jeremy ends up nailing it, and winning the dunk contest.

所有曾經我在這的好隊友們,像是 Jeremy。我永遠不會忘記你們的,想起在2012 Jeremy去

YMCA球場,當時大概是凌晨三點,我們嘗試了一下幾招。所以 Jermey 也是在那個時候,想
。最後當然 Jeremy 把獎盃抱走,贏得了灌籃大賽。

I think about Coach Snyder, who, our first conversation, when we met for dinner
after he was hired — we didn’t even talk basketball once. Not a single word.
It was just life … and family … and who we were as individuals. As a coach,
Coach Snyder is incredible in every aspect of the game. His leadership, his
unique ability to motivate, and his insane attention to detail are such special
qualities that I will miss so much. There’s a lot of people I have to thank
for where I am today as a basketball player, but honestly none more than Coach



I think about Johnnie Bryant, a guy who was a developmental coach when I first
got here, and now he’s on the bench as an assistant. This past summer was
probably the most important summer of my career, basketball-wise — just
training to really take that next step as a player. And Johnnie, he’s just the
best there is — he was right there, every step of the way, with me. He’s the
guy who was having me work out with Kobe. He’s the guy who was sending me
texts, late at night, early in the morning, just encouraging me, pushing me, “
study this video,” “look at this game film.” He’s really the guy, at the
end of the day, who found the All-Star in me.

Johnnie Bryant,當時我剛到的時候,他是我們的開發(發展)教練,現在他跟我們一樣,以
生涯中最重要的夏天,專注訓練自己,成為更好的球員。而 Johnnie,就是他的功勞,他從
頭到尾都與我一起一步一步的練、他是讓我可以跟Kobe 一起訓練的人、他是那個日夜不停

And then I just think of the people of Utah, in general. They say that Salt
Lake is a great place to raise a family — and I know that sounds like
something people just say. But you spend enough time here … and you realize
that it’s true. And for me, as far as that goes — I feel like I’m indebted
to Salt Lake, twice over. Because not only has this been the city where I’ve
started my family, and not only has this been the city that’s helped raise my
daughters for the last couple of years … but long before that, during my first
few years in the league — I also feel like this city helped raise me. And I
feel like this city took me in, as part of its own family.



And I just wanted to say thank you for that.


And thank you for everything.


The last time I had a decision this tough … it was in college, during my
sophomore year, after we lost to Duke in the national championship game. I’d
gotten on NBA radars as a result of my play that March, and there were
projections that I might even be a first-round pick in the draft. And so I had
a decision to make: Should I leave my comfort zone at Butler and move on to the
NBA? Or should I stay another year, and give it another go, and try to finish
what we’d started — try to win a championship?


選秀名單中。當時我面臨到一個選擇: 我應該離開Bulter大學的舒適圈投身NBA,還是應該


It was such a tough decision. But there was one person who I knew I could talk
to about it from every angle, who I knew would give me the smartest and most
honest perspective available: Coach Stevens.

我知道他會給我最有智慧,也最由衷的建議: Stevens教練。

Coach Stevens was so great about it, all of it. He helped me lay out my
options, and talked it through from both sides … but in the end, when I needed
it, he also gave me my space. And he also let me know that it was my choice to
make — and that he would be there for me, on the other side of it, either way.
And of course I ended up deciding to leave: I declared for the draft, and got
drafted, and started my new NBA life in Utah. But it always meant a lot to me,
to know how, in that moment, even with our lives at this strange crossroads
together, Coach Stevens was someone I could count on.


And I guess it’s pretty crazy. Because seven years later, I had to make an
even tougher decision — and again, Coach Stevens and I found ourselves at a
crossroads together. And again, he was the person I knew I could count on the


And now I’ve decided to sign with the Boston Celtics.


There were so many great things pulling me in that direction. There was the
winning culture of Boston, as a city — from the Sox, to the Pats, to the
Bruins. There was the special history of the Celtics, as a franchise — from
Russell, to Bird, to Pierce, and it goes on. There was the amazing potential of
this current Celtics roster, as a team — from ownership, to the front office,
to a talented roster with Isaiah, and Al, and everyone else. And of course,
there was Coach Stevens: Not just for the relationship that we’ve built off
the court — but also for the one that we started building on the court, all of
those years ago, in Indiana.

從 Bill Russell、再到 Larry Bird、到 Paul Pierce等等的偉大球星。現有的陣容中也


印第安納從零開始,打造屬於我們場上陣容的 Stevens 教練。

And that unfinished business we had together, back in 2010, when I left Butler
for the NBA … as far as I’m concerned, all of these years later, we still
have it:

而在2010年,當我為了追求NBA離開 Butler 後,我們那未完成的理想‧‧即便在這麼年後

And that’s to win a championship.




Only The Strong Survive

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PN9XIEw (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1499240530.A.3BA.html
lesnaree2   : 也太長了吧1F 07/05 15:43
thwasdf     : 懶人包:波士頓比較有機會衝擊冠軍    嗯?2F 07/05 15:45
flyforist   :  http://i.imgur.com/jvTyPzS.jpg3F 07/05 15:46
lesnaree2   : 寫了一大堆 球衣還是得燒4F 07/05 15:46
oklagg      : 太假了5F 07/05 15:46
chouvincent : LBJ: Party no?6F 07/05 15:47
Ahfire      : 真的變很多 連心都變了7F 07/05 15:48
chi12345678 : 甲8F 07/05 15:49
greece1274  : 現在是怎樣 只要轉自由球員沒跟母隊續約就要被酸?9F 07/05 15:49
greece1274  : 那規定終身只能待同支球隊就好啦 連自由選擇都不行
karta1992560: 好假11F 07/05 15:49
ToToRoTW    : 後面不要寫爵爵應該不會生氣吧XD12F 07/05 15:49
JazMaHoJo   : 整晚不睡是打這個嗎?13F 07/05 15:49
t1329kimo   : 翻譯:不是我自己要去Boston的,我也是看報紙才知道14F 07/05 15:49
t1329kimo   : 的
※ 編輯: taylorliao (, 07/05/2017 15:50:02
Dadaptt     : 重點整理:Brad Stevens<316F 07/05 15:49
Aggro       : BOS的確比較靠近拉 東區競爭相對少一點17F 07/05 15:50
rabbit529   : 推翻譯 懶人包:比起猶他這個鬼地方,波士頓太舒適啦18F 07/05 15:50
TDKnight    : 前面不錯啊 後面很傷爵迷19F 07/05 15:50
JazMaHoJo   : 明年還是騎勇大戰吧 後年就不知道了20F 07/05 15:51
georgehua   : 感人QQ21F 07/05 15:51
Beckhung    : 謝謝你的貢獻 黑蛙22F 07/05 15:51
※ 編輯: taylorliao (, 07/05/2017 15:53:20
flyforist   : 我以為他之前說想再幫BS打球是場面話沒想到居然是真23F 07/05 15:52
flyforist   : 的
no34pp614   : 能家也是看報紙才知道der 所以只好被加入 哈25F 07/05 15:53
markwu123   : 後面就是寫波士頓有贏球傳統。(猶他沒有?)26F 07/05 15:53
n810516     : And thank you for everything. 如果只到這就好惹27F 07/05 15:53
iwgp30645   : 感覺有之前的大學教練真的占很大一部分因素28F 07/05 15:53
markwu123   : 波士頓可以拿到總冠軍(猶他拿不到)29F 07/05 15:53
qazwsx879345: 練球、Subway、打電動。我真的超宅。30F 07/05 15:54
Vinccc      : 後面聽起來像我要冠軍 爵士做不到31F 07/05 15:54
※ 編輯: taylorliao (, 07/05/2017 15:55:52
Aggro       : 應該是青賽目前戰績好又在東區的關係吧32F 07/05 15:55
markwu123   : YES  很婊猶他xd33F 07/05 15:55
qaz13579    : 你知道最瘋狂的是什麼嗎,在我根本還沒有想清楚前、34F 07/05 15:55
qaz13579    : 在我根本還沒有機會好好坐下來動筆
qaz13579    : 前,還有在我根本還沒有跟我愛的人討論以前,我已經
qaz13579    : 在在報導上看到我要去哪裡了。我猜
qaz13579    : 想,好吧2017年可能就是這麼搞吧。但我還是很抱歉是
qaz13579    : 用這樣的方式讓大家知道。
rabbit529   : 真的 最後捧教練BS 跟 Boston的部分蠻多餘的40F 07/05 15:55
seemoon2000 : 青賽雖然不是很強 但是在東區僅次於騎士 爵士要摸到41F 07/05 15:56
kaga1991    : 跟老大一起訓練42F 07/05 15:56
flyforist   : 就是個七年後跟初戀情人重逢的故事( ? _ ? )43F 07/05 15:56
markwu123   : 別忘了狗貝才為他打筆戰。被IT噴。哈你們沒總冠軍過44F 07/05 15:56
seemoon2000 : 西決的地板好像還滿遠的 太多超級球星了...45F 07/05 15:56
markwu123   : 然後現在寫一封信說 我想拿總冠軍xd46F 07/05 15:56
Aggro       : 我覺得有些轉隊帳面上的理由看看就好XD 當初魔獸去47F 07/05 15:57
markwu123   : 難怪狗貝IG會這樣子xd48F 07/05 15:57
Aggro       : 火箭說因為冰箱是傳奇禁區才去 誰信這是主因XD49F 07/05 15:57
allenblack  : 也是 爵士隊史無冠 10年來養出的當家明星都跑光光50F 07/05 15:57
o0991758566 : 帥哥教練的吸引力太大  黑蛙跟他的淵源很深51F 07/05 15:58
johnny4890  : Stevens 和bulter大學 還有他的故事還蠻可惜的 就差52F 07/05 15:58
johnny4890  : 一點點
Aggro       : 跑很正常拉 綠軍自己神主牌PP都跑了XDDD54F 07/05 15:59
pipimj      : 最後一句可以煽情一點看成他想完成大學時沒跟帥哥一55F 07/05 15:59
pipimj      : 起拿冠軍的遺憾(雖然都是拿冠軍啦XD
qazwsx879345: 又要扯到pp幹嘛= =pp是被交易 跟FA有甚麼關係57F 07/05 16:00
FAYeeeeeeee : 連這都有KOBE 太神啦58F 07/05 16:00
cidcheng    : 狗貝今天直接送他中指不是? XD59F 07/05 16:01
Myosotis    : 不要斷章取義...60F 07/05 16:02
MOTONARI    : 放心啦 這次離冠軍會差得更遠61F 07/05 16:02
s90523      : 推62F 07/05 16:02
sbflight    : 推63F 07/05 16:03
Aggro       : 也是 PP那個算是兩邊都好的確不太一樣 好吧我更正xd64F 07/05 16:03
LKN555      : 反正就是東區比較好刷數據 刷明星賽 刷東冠的概念XD65F 07/05 16:03
qpqp7788    : 現在大咖只要不留母隊 就會被酸的不要不要的 笑死66F 07/05 16:03
DragicGoran : 後面別寫可能還比較看得下去67F 07/05 16:04
JazMaHoJo   : 東決地板比較好摸 在爵士只能摸西爵地板68F 07/05 16:04
jkduke      : 看完還蠻感人的Q_Q 希望他可以跟教練一起拿一座冠軍69F 07/05 16:06
may60524    : 自家養出來All Star就這樣走了 感到難過70F 07/05 16:06
may60524    : 祝福黑蛙
WesMatthews : 東區太舒適啦72F 07/05 16:10
flyforist   : PP跑了???他是被交易欸73F 07/05 16:10
eirose      : 信裡還感謝了蠻多人的,結果還是一些人只看最後一段74F 07/05 16:10
jack19931993: 就恐怖情人只會在那挑刺啊75F 07/05 16:11
qazwsx879345: eirose大不是要睡了嗎xd76F 07/05 16:12
louisxxiii  : 講認真的爵士根本沒把人家好好的當球星當老大77F 07/05 16:13
eirose      : 趕圖阿...有個版不能去了只能待總版78F 07/05 16:13
lianhua     : 有老大79F 07/05 16:13
eirose      : 波士頓的職業球隊是真的都蠻厲害的,這城市也不大80F 07/05 16:14
kixer2005   : 我們必須把他綁起來然後燒掉81F 07/05 16:15
markwu123   : 呃。你跟我說BOSTON不大?82F 07/05 16:15
Lacus0827   : 你把最後去波士頓第一段修改 然後下面刪掉 這觀感83F 07/05 16:16
lovelyworld : 他也考慮了很久呀!來波士頓不是因為這邊比較好拿冠84F 07/05 16:16
lovelyworld : 軍,而是七年前他在NCAA冠軍賽落敗後,就直接加入NB
lovelyworld : A了,沒拿到NCAA冠軍是他跟CBS心中很深的遺憾,所以
lovelyworld : 他想來幫CBS完成未竟之功,超感人的呀!
Lacus0827   : 會好很多wwww88F 07/05 16:16
eirose      : 要看你界定大是多大,可能我覺得這都會區全美約第1089F 07/05 16:17
eirose      : 算還好不大. 對比所謂的大真的有差
marx93521   : BOS是大城市吧...91F 07/05 16:17
ts012108    : 波士頓真的不大啊.... 但在"運動"上 絕對"大"92F 07/05 16:17
Lattendue   : 所以看起來教練還是重要的誘因~還可以拉..93F 07/05 16:17
kevin51521  : 謝謝星海哥 到了波士頓還是會繼續支持你94F 07/05 16:18
WesMatthews : 跟猶他比不知道大了幾倍95F 07/05 16:18
eirose      : 就很像歐洲一些國家真的不大,但足球風氣好又強一樣96F 07/05 16:18
markwu123   : Real GDP by metropolitan area 2014 是全美第九97F 07/05 16:20
surfingbboy : 他真的愛帥哥教練98F 07/05 16:20
markwu123   : 1.NY、2LA 3 Chicago 4 dallas 5 houston99F 07/05 16:20
carefree711 : ㄍㄢˇㄖㄣˊㄊㄨㄟˉ100F 07/05 16:21
arlun       : 我覺得最後一段寫給他的球迷沒有不可以阿 也許對爵101F 07/05 16:21
arlun       : 士迷來說 前面就夠了 但對他的球迷來說 告訴他們為
arlun       : 什麼要去超賽很有必要性
markwu123   : 6 WA、7SF 8 費城 9波士頓104F 07/05 16:21
markwu123   : Current-dollar GDP by metropolitan area boston
markwu123   : 第九 塩湖城第.......43xd
arlun       : 不過我翻了一下爵士的隊版 似乎當初簽合約就沒有很107F 07/05 16:23
arlun       : 多人看好了說
aegis43210  : 波士頓算大城市哦,畢竟很早就開發,但氣候糟109F 07/05 16:24
aegis43210  : 大西洋沿岸的都會區因為早開發,所以人口都蠻多的
arlun       : 覺得只是老二老三的份憑什麼拿那麼多薪水…111F 07/05 16:25
ltivs       : OK的啦  去東區就能打明星賽跟東冠了  很棒吧112F 07/05 16:27
harry881210 : gobert QQ113F 07/05 16:28
mightymouse : 為什麼自由球員轉隊都要被酸,不是「自由」球員嗎?114F 07/05 16:29
leo755269   : 就為了寫這廢文還否定消息XDDDDDD115F 07/05 16:30
liusim      : 其實NBA這環境真的很高壓 看到前面20歲那段就有感116F 07/05 16:30
jimmy12282  : 推117F 07/05 16:30
liusim      : 雖然他們的年薪也是爆炸高118F 07/05 16:30
liusim      : 除非像PG這樣心有所屬 不然一般會面幾天做決定
liusim      : 真的蠻難的吧……
Inches from Immortality: How Gordon Hayward and Butler Almost Toppled Duke - YouTube It's been said more times than anyone can count, but Butler vs. Duke in 2010 epitomized the David vs. Goliath tale. But what if that script, that cliche, is ...

wayne291291 : 看一下吧122F 07/05 16:32
jeter0209   : 翻的好順123F 07/05 16:35
noahlin     : 氣候好又要大城市根本手指頭數得完124F 07/05 16:38
noahlin     : LA SF HOU DAL MIA 應該沒了
fasttrack   : 他當年離開stevens投入nba 現在也算回去找教練了126F 07/05 16:39
Cage1027    : 推127F 07/05 16:39
noahlin     : 美東跟大湖區冬天都冷得要死 其他內陸幾乎都小城市128F 07/05 16:40
gtgra053789 : 呵呵隨便啦 我只想看鄉民表演雙重標準129F 07/05 16:47
iamaq18c    : 感覺就在說:在爵士拿不到冠軍 所以我要去塞爾提克130F 07/05 16:47
rl55586     : 還ok阿131F 07/05 16:51
aegis43210  : 所以星海哥能去波士頓,個人還是覺得有勇氣132F 07/05 16:54
bye2007     : 寫的很好,蠻動人的133F 07/05 16:57
joyeszhang  : 要分手其實不需要那麼多屁話= =134F 07/05 16:58
eric03170427: 很感人啊!加油!135F 07/05 16:59
remix999    : 幹話王136F 07/05 16:59
bye2007     : 大推翻譯,翻譯很好137F 07/05 17:00
attdave     : 寫這麼多還是被燒球衣了,幫QQ138F 07/05 17:03
MichaelRedd : 那麼多幹話一句總結:我要去抱腿拿冠軍惹( ^.< )139F 07/05 17:05
flyingfish71: 小市場的球隊真的很無奈,坦到也練起來了就走了140F 07/05 17:09
Aggro       : 現在好不少了 還可以用母隊大約去拚看看141F 07/05 17:12
yuenwwjd    : 甚麼都不說跟 寫一堆感性文 也會有酸民靠北142F 07/05 17:19
tanner51    : 被酸是因為他歹戲拖棚,去Bos的理由,不用去會面也143F 07/05 17:29
tanner51    : 知道,早想分手卻不說。
Puraland    : 翻的好!145F 07/05 17:29
clairehsieh : 讚讚146F 07/05 17:42
laijack512  : 推147F 07/05 17:43

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