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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] KD的媽媽幫KD跟球評討了個道歉
時間 Wed Jun 14 22:33:26 2017
來源: The Mercury News
Kevin Durant's mom induces apology from Stephen A. Smith
Wanda Durant called the ESPN personality out for criticizing her son’s decision to join the Golden State Warriors. ...
Mama Durant drops the mic on apologizing Stephen A. Smith
Wanda Durant induced an apology from Stephen A. Smith on Tuesday in regards
to his comments on her son.
Kevin Durant's mom made an appearance on ESPN's First Take and spoke with
Smith, whom she slammed last month for criticizing KD what he called a “weak
” choice to go from the Thunder to the Warriors.
“If I had a mic, I would drop it,” Wanda Durant said Tuesday. “It's over.
My son said it last night. He said it.”
Smith replied with a lengthy explanation about his comments concerning Kevin
Durant's decision, including praising KD several times for his skills as a
basketball player and for his quality as a person.
“Your son is a champion. He deserves props for that,” Smith said, in part.
“Your son is a champion. He deserves props for that,” Smith said, in part.
“Always a model citizen. Always classy. Always conducts himself right.
Always has been an elite player. and now he’s a champion.”
的球員!現在,他是第一名喔!」That did not quite mollify Mama Durant.
“Well, thank you. But, I just think if Kevin has a certain talent, then he
shouldn’t be brought down by anybody on where he plays,” Wanda Durant said.
“If you think he’s causing an unbalance in the league, then maybe the other
players gotta (step it up). Some of them may have to do that. But I don’t
think it’s fair to minimize what Kevin offers Golden State and what they
offered him, to say what it was the weakest move in NBA history. I think you’
re wrong. You’re too harsh. The things that you said about my team, I really
appreciate that, but I just think you were kind of harsh.”
這不應該貶低我兒杜蘭對勇士隊的付出;也不該忽略勇士隊給我兒杜蘭的幫忙;然後說我 兒杜蘭跳槽是懦弱的行為。我認為你講的太過頭了!」
The crowd started chanting “Say-You’re-Sorry” — not surprising since the
show was filmed in Oakland.
節目是在勇士的主場地奧克蘭錄的,有這樣的反應不意外。“I’m sorry,” Smith said to Durant before the two shook hands warmly.
Consider any potential beef squashed.
Stephen A. Smith Apologizes To Kevin Durant's Mom | First Take | June 13, 2017 - YouTube Stephen A. Smith apologizes to Kevin Durant’s mom, Wanda Durant, for his comments about her son’s move from the Oklahoma City Thunder to the Golden State War...

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PGKayld (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1497450812.A.BE7.html
推 : 原來SAS也是孬種1F 06/14 22:34
→ : 球媽要不要跟球爸合體啊?2F 06/14 22:34
推 : 杜蘭媽超杜蘭3F 06/14 22:34
→ : 杜蘭媽www4F 06/14 22:35
推 : 杜媽 最近跟球爸很搶戲5F 06/14 22:36
推 : Smith明明在偷酸 心理一定在憋笑6F 06/14 22:36
→ : 杜蘭媽...這7F 06/14 22:37
推 : 球爸杜蘭媽ㄧ起上節目吧8F 06/14 22:37
推 : 杜蘭媽單親能養出這樣一個兒子真的不簡單9F 06/14 22:38
推 : 來人啊,先把杜媽的造型師給斃了10F 06/14 22:39
→ : 杜蘭爸不知道長什麼樣子,看KD的體格不像遺傳杜蘭媽11F 06/14 22:39
→ : 杜蘭爸應該也是個被埋沒的練武奇才
→ : 杜蘭爸應該也是個被埋沒的練武奇才
推 : 好酸,叫他第一名啦13F 06/14 22:41
推 : 美國糗爺遇到虎媽14F 06/14 22:41
推 : 真的 杜蘭媽跟杜蘭身材完全不一樣15F 06/14 22:42
推 : 杜媽多高?16F 06/14 22:42
推 : 節目效果17F 06/14 22:43
→ : 有媽的孩子像個寶18F 06/14 22:43
推 : 垃圾名嘴不分國籍19F 06/14 22:46
推 : 球爸 杜蘭媽 嘴綠媽 偉德妻 要不要都出來尬一下20F 06/14 22:48
→ : 孬種+媽寶........這種運動員居然有球迷 XDDDD21F 06/14 22:48
→ : 打不贏就加入還不懦弱嗎22F 06/14 22:49
【場邊號外】KD媽媽上節目力挺兒子 聽聽體壇名嘴Stephen A的反應【中文字幕】 - YouTube 籃球發燒迷呈現『籃球火鍋』,帶給全世界華人地區最新最精彩最經典的NBA視頻。現在的網路宛如大雜燴,此頻道盡力將一切有關籃球的資訊重新整理,並以中文推出。目的是方便熱愛籃球的華人搜索,因此將寶貴的籃球文化推廣到華人地區。火鍋也盡力燉出高素質的內容,在篩選以及編輯會以籃球與觀眾為中心。 『籃球火鍋』的所有影片的版權/...

→ : 臉腫腫的24F 06/14 22:49
※ 編輯: pneumo (, 06/14/2017 22:50:50推 : 杜蘭媽看起來不矮 可是不像杜蘭是那種吃不胖身材25F 06/14 22:51
推 : 好幾個球星媽都很悍......26F 06/14 22:54
推 : 當然 很多都單親媽媽 不兇點早就悲劇了27F 06/14 22:55
噓 : 垃圾名嘴,一點原則都沒有28F 06/14 22:56
推 : 杜蘭媽要不要跟球爸 配個對好了29F 06/14 22:56
→ : 媽寶30F 06/14 22:56
噓 : ?31F 06/14 22:56
推 : 去你媽的 這句話好切實際32F 06/14 22:57
推 : 為什麼看起來蠻酸的33F 06/14 22:58
推 : sas碰到女的就不敢嘴 還是球爸帶種 嘴到Leahy崩潰34F 06/14 22:58
推 : 史密斯有說錯嗎35F 06/14 22:59
推 : 媽寶mvp36F 06/14 22:59
推 : 杜蘭媽好猛37F 06/14 23:02
推 : 他媽單親 養小孩很辛苦38F 06/14 23:04
推 : 打不贏就加入還怕人講.到底臉皮薄還是厚阿39F 06/14 23:07
噓 : 媽寶40F 06/14 23:10
推 : 難怪green跟腿杜會是好朋友 兩個人的媽媽都...41F 06/14 23:11
推 : SAS當年還信誓旦旦說KD會去湖人呢。42F 06/14 23:13
推 : 沾黃都有球迷了 杜蘭有意外嗎?43F 06/14 23:13
→ : 媽寶44F 06/14 23:13
推 : Nike直接拍這段當廣告 比G5結束哪個好喔45F 06/14 23:15
→ : KD他媽比球爸好多了好嗎...46F 06/14 23:17
推 : 講真的,單親老媽不悍一點怎麼把兒子導回正途。47F 06/14 23:18
推 : 感覺還好 就是杜媽不爽而已 他沒有像球爸嘲諷別人48F 06/14 23:20
噓 : 噁心 說事實而已還要跟人討道歉喔 無恥49F 06/14 23:23
推 : say you're sorry~50F 06/14 23:25
推 : 一堆噓的不要搞笑 你兒子拿到NBA冠軍 會在節目上說51F 06/14 23:25
→ : 你兒子爛 你兒子抱腿嗎 多多思考是件好事
→ : 你兒子爛 你兒子抱腿嗎 多多思考是件好事
噓 : 死媽寶53F 06/14 23:29
推 : 偉大的母親54F 06/14 23:29
推 : 我兒XDDDDDDD55F 06/14 23:30
噓 : 媽寶杜56F 06/14 23:31
→ : 有媽的孩子像某杜
→ : 有媽的孩子像某杜
推 : 球評中肯啊58F 06/14 23:33
噓 : .........活在別人的嘴裡59F 06/14 23:34
推 : 好媽媽60F 06/14 23:46
推 : 你罵人家腿杜 媽媽會森77啦61F 06/14 23:48
噓 : 超級媽寶 要不要叫你媽上場幫投最後一擊62F 06/14 23:56
推 : 媽媽挺兒子很正常,她也沒像球爸一樣到處亂嗆64F 06/15 00:06
→ allyourshit …
噓 : 哭喔66F 06/15 00:20
推 : 藍媽球爸XD67F 06/15 00:21
噓 : 你鵝子真是一個優秀的懦夫呢68F 06/15 00:24
推 : 杜媽加油!打敗球爸69F 06/15 00:29
推 : XD70F 06/15 00:31
推 : 誰家媽媽不挺自家孩子啊...71F 06/15 00:45
推 : 媽寶成這樣72F 06/15 00:46
噓 : 抱大腿還不准人家講咧,笑死73F 06/15 00:50
噓 : 別這樣 媽媽彆很久了 XDD 走捷徑真的很棒!讚!74F 06/15 00:52
推 : 媽媽這樣護是正常的 你媽就不要你吃虧還不跳出來呵75F 06/15 00:58
→ : 呵
→ : 他媽媽也沒亂噴 只是護子心切罷了
→ : 呵
→ : 他媽媽也沒亂噴 只是護子心切罷了
推 : 快笑死,雖然討厭kd, 但是要媽媽不挺兒子什麼邏輯,78F 06/15 01:19
→ : 轉隊也不是十惡不赦吧
→ : 轉隊也不是十惡不赦吧
推 :80F 06/15 01:30
→ : SAS回應根本酸爆XDDDDDD81F 06/15 01:51
推 : ㄇㄇ ㄊ在罵窩 QQ82F 06/15 02:32
噓 : 罵人家媽寶 你這輩子媽媽沒養過你是不是83F 06/15 02:36
→ : 輸了還在崩潰?
→ : 輸了還在崩潰?
推 : 推母愛偉大XDDD85F 06/15 03:35
推 : 還好啦,講話時都笑笑的,氣氛沒很尷尬86F 06/15 05:59
→ : 感情真的很好 其實滿羨慕的87F 06/15 07:08
推 : 一堆腦酸見獵心喜 呵呵88F 06/15 07:09
推 : Smith感覺真委屈89F 06/15 07:21
推 : I see that him being mentally weak comes from t90F 06/15 07:48
→ : he family
→ : he family
噓 : 說是媽媽決定的算了92F 06/15 08:24
噓 : 媽寶煩不煩93F 06/15 08:31
推 : SMITH平常嘴炮慣了 今天只是碰到鐵板罷了94F 06/15 08:42
推 : 揪賭藍辣~~~~~~~~~~~~95F 06/15 09:13
推 : 兒子都多大了 搞這套96F 06/15 09:33
噓 : 媽寶嗎??你兒子是懦弱阿~加入打敗他的球隊?!超軟97F 06/15 09:57
推 : 杜媽球爸送作堆啦 開主播台98F 06/15 10:03
推 : 哈哈高級酸99F 06/15 10:40
→ : 史密斯孬種 演演猴戲 騙收視 製造話題100F 06/15 10:51
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 64
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