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作者 標題 [專欄] 灰熊教練Fizdale力挺Parsons
時間 Fri Mar 3 15:56:21 2017
文章出處 https://goo.gl/ziMjZy
MikeCheck: Fizdale defends Parsons, maintains patience amid struggles | Memphis Grizzlies
Relaying some of his strongest comments this season in support of Chandler Parsons, Grizzlies coach David Fizdale insisted Thursday the struggling for ...
MikeCheck: Fizdale defends Parsons, maintains patience amid struggles
Posted: Mar 02, 2017 By Michael Wallace Grind City Media
MEMPHIS – Relaying some of his strongest comments this season in support of
Chandler Parsons, Grizzlies coach David Fizdale insisted Thursday the
struggling forward remains a vital part of the team’s push toward the
灰熊總教練David Fizdale堅信:灰熊小前鋒保有一股將團隊推向季後賽的生命力。
“All I know is I see a guy in here really trying to help us,” Fizdale said
after Thursday’s practice at FedExForum. “And you better believe it – when
he gets going, it’s going to be a huge lift to us. And I guarantee you a lot
of people will be happy with him once that body starts moving.”
「我只知道這裡有個傢伙積極地想幫助我們。」David Fizdale在聯邦球場練習後說。
No one is more eager for that breakthrough to come than Parsons, whose first
season in Memphis has been overshadowed by a methodical and frustrating
recovery from issues with both knees that have tarnished his impact in games.
In the midst of Parsons’ struggles on the court have been occasional
controversies in his dating life that have played out on popular social media
In a sense, Parsons has had more highlight moments on celebrity gossip sites
than he’s delivered on the basketball court this season. Those issues,
combined with a four-year, $94 million contract he signed last July as the
biggest incoming free agent in franchise history, have made the versatile
6-10 forward a polarizing figure in large segments of the Grizzlies’ fan
這讓大家感到Parsons在八卦網站上的highlight moments比他在賽場上還多,種種議題加
Parsons, 28, is having the least productive season of his six-year career,
averaging just 6.1 points, 2.3 rebounds and 1.2 assists while shooting 34.2
percent from the field and 25.9 percent from three-point range. He’s played
in 30 games and has averaged 19.5 minutes a night in his first full season
back from a second knee surgery he underwent last March while with the Dallas
Parsons has voiced his disappointment with his performance throughout the
Parsons has voiced his disappointment with his performance throughout the
season as he’s battled to regain his rhythm while also coping with a program
designed to manage his minutes and incrementally build his workload. He’s
remained the Grizzlies’ regular starting small forward, although he has been
limited to about 25 minutes and rarely plays in the fourth quarter.
Fizdale has defended Parsons’ role in the rotation throughout the season,
and did so again on Thursday when asked how he felt about some fans booing
Parsons in the first half of Tuesday’s 130-112 win against Phoenix. Parsons,
who scored in double figures just once in February, missed three of four
shots and finished with four points, four fouls and two turnovers in 23
minutes against the Suns.
“I told you guys, my lens is different than everyone else’s,” Fizdale said
before the team departed for Friday’s game in Dallas against the Mavericks.
“I’d like to see some of these people come off some of the injuries he’s
had and try to come out and play in an NBA game, and do it well. It’s
difficult. So, I’m going to keep showing extreme confidence in him. I
understand that it’s a real slow process. I’m happy that I have him for the
minutes that I have him. We’re just going to keep working towards his rhythm.
Earlier this week, Fizdale had hinted he was considering possible changes to
the rotation in search of effective combinations to complement Memphis’
marquee players. While Mike Conley, Marc Gasol and Zach Randolph have found
a collective rhythm – they combined for 74 points in Sunday’s win in Denver
and then 80 points Tuesday against Phoenix – they’ve gotten little
consistent help from role players.
Fizdale在這周前曾暗示他考慮改變戰術,基於Mike Conley、Marc Gasol和Zach Randolph
Parsons was ultimately signed to supplement the Grizzlies’ primary offensive
threats as a reliable fourth option. But with 21 games remaining in the
regular season, the hope is he’s not a work in regress despite carrying a
plus-minus ratio of minus-7 in Memphis’ three games since the All-Star
break. The Grizzlies (36-25) were one of four teams separated by 1 ½ games
entering Thursday night for the No. 4 seed in the Western Conference playoff
race, which guarantees home-court average in the first round.
Fizdale continues to preach patience with the Parsons’ process.
“Maybe it will help (critics/fans) to know that nobody on our team works
harder than him,” Fizdale said of Parsons. “He’s in here every day, all
night, either getting treatment, lifting, shooting. My coaches with families
are staying in here late at night with him, because he carries that weight
heavier than anybody.”
Therein lies the other issue with Parsons, who has been harder on himself
than anyone. Teammates have constantly been in his ear to lift his confidence
and support him throughout the season. Grizzlies assistant coach J.B.
Bickerstaff, who coached Parsons in Houston two years ago, is also frequently
with Parsons to boost both his spirits and his conditioning.
J.B. Bickerstaff也經常陪在他身邊提升他的身心狀況。
“He feels like he’s letting his team down, he feels like he’s letting this
city down, and he doesn’t want that,” Fizdale said of Parsons. “I know
people get on him about the social media stuff. That’s today’s athlete. I
don’t know why people get all riled up.”
Fizdale also hopes skeptics cut Parsons a break on social media, where he
routinely engages followers with random Q&A sessions and is the source of
backlash for sharing insight into his private life.
“They use it against him when they’re not playing well,” Fizdale said of
Parsons’ critics. “‘Well, you shouldn’t be on there when you’re not
playing well.’ When you’re playing well, you can get on there and tweet and
everything else? So, I don’t get caught up in everything else.”
可是前幾天跟太陽比賽 場邊有小模幫加油耶 https://goo.gl/NSPj8k
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推 : 可能有分錢給教練吧1F 03/03 15:57
推 : 其實蠻佩服這教練的,以後 Parsons 會不會復活不知2F 03/03 15:58
→ : 道,現在這樣等於四打五還贏這麼多場。
→ : 道,現在這樣等於四打五還贏這麼多場。
推 : 史上最強公關球員 人和也搞得不錯 以後當GM4F 03/03 15:59
推 : 老闆的眼光擺在那,你敢不挺?5F 03/03 16:00
推 : 教練不這樣講不行吧XD 打成這樣還有3年多 交易價值6F 03/03 16:00
推 : 白人三號打個三年後多半有傷勢 但退化這麼多還20007F 03/03 16:00
→ : 萬
→ : 歷史少見
→ : 萬
→ : 歷史少見
→ : 根本低到不知道可以換回甚麼10F 03/03 16:01
推 : "Fizdale也希望Parsons少碰社交媒體"翻錯了,是說教11F 03/03 16:02
推 : 教練當然要挺啊 自家人都嫌以後怎麼騙人買12F 03/03 16:02
推 : 教練:有他在你們才會發現我多強13F 03/03 16:02
→ : 練希望批評者別在CP使用社交媒體上一直鞭他14F 03/03 16:02
推 : 不離不棄15F 03/03 16:02
→ : 他敢說啥...說了等於打臉GM好嗎 又不是花幾百的小咖16F 03/03 16:03
推 : 他是不是除了老闆之外連教練裸照都有啊= =17F 03/03 16:03
推 : 採訪結束後:趴森斯你要馬給我錢要馬帶我去打炮18F 03/03 16:03
推 : 灰熊應該還是得目標在第二輪 不然GM感覺遲早被火19F 03/03 16:03
推 : Parsons到底有什麼魔力 可以讓教練說的那麼好20F 03/03 16:03
推 : 現在是當作福將使用的意思嗎21F 03/03 16:04
→ : 去年小牛花了大半季他才恢復身手 結果就進IR22F 03/03 16:04
→ : 復健時間只會越來越長
→ : 當然另一種可能是他才第四得分點 在球場上被使用率
→ : 復健時間只會越來越長
→ : 當然另一種可能是他才第四得分點 在球場上被使用率
→ : 灰熊是吃錯什麼藥把他弄來啊,小牛實驗還不夠?25F 03/03 16:05
→ : 更低 以至於更難恢復26F 03/03 16:05
推 : 這季上場這麼久了~還要說在復健嗎???27F 03/03 16:06
推 : 有夢最美28F 03/03 16:06
→ : 不過吃錯藥的不只是灰熊啦 別忘了拓荒者當時也在追29F 03/03 16:06
→ : 森斯魔力迷倒灰熊上下,哇靠!30F 03/03 16:06
→ : CP25要回小牛主場和Barnes正面對決 該爆發一場了吧31F 03/03 16:06
→ : 完全不敢想像如果阿拓當時是簽下他 會是怎樣情境32F 03/03 16:07
→ : 就是因為阿拓也在追 灰熊才急著簽 灰熊比阿拓還急迫33F 03/03 16:09
→ : 灰熊主要陣容也打好幾年了 這幾年必須衝冠了
→ : 灰熊主要陣容也打好幾年了 這幾年必須衝冠了
推 : 看成先發小偷35F 03/03 16:10
→ : CP25應該答應教練要一起去把女星(?)36F 03/03 16:11
→ : 他巔峰時期的表現太吸引人了 耐力好又3D37F 03/03 16:11
推 : 他在小牛主場會被噓爆38F 03/03 16:11
推 : 因為已經簽了 也交易不出去 只好無奈的支持39F 03/03 16:13
噓 : 2000萬分一些給教練還可以接受拉40F 03/03 16:14
推 : 有幫忙介紹女朋友?41F 03/03 16:16
→ : 其實恢復到當年實力 灰熊就很好用拉42F 03/03 16:18
推 : 在小牛即使復健大半季還至少有13.7分 現在直接砍半43F 03/03 16:19
推 : 灰熊真的強啊 放個小倫還可以一直贏44F 03/03 16:20
噓 : 比路人還差的數據可以說成這樣 保持健康也是實力的45F 03/03 16:25
→ : 一部分吧
→ : 一部分吧
→ : 當年嗎..就算是當年 防守至上的灰熊會要低下的CP25?47F 03/03 16:28
→ : CP25去小牛還被嫌棄防守 之後才開始加強 然後就...
→ : CP25去小牛還被嫌棄防守 之後才開始加強 然後就...
推 : 他在小牛時期打的不錯,得分滿穩定的,只是季後賽49F 03/03 16:29
→ : 都報銷
→ : 都報銷
→ : 拉空間轉運球跑快攻 有當年身手還 ok拉51F 03/03 16:29
噓 : 少來52F 03/03 16:29
→ : 是說當年他防守起家的 後面丟太爽才變成另外種樣子53F 03/03 16:30
推 : Bella耶 哇塞54F 03/03 16:30
推 : 不得不挺,不挺也賣不掉55F 03/03 16:32
推 : 就是不值得 overpaid56F 03/03 16:36
噓 : 新水坑57F 03/03 16:36
推 : 裸照58F 03/03 16:39
推 : 錢得了 怕爽死 XD59F 03/03 16:40
推 : 很聰明啊 現在先鼓勵他 恢復一點以後 才會有賣相60F 03/03 16:43
→ : 錢太多 分一點給教練OK的61F 03/03 16:45
推 : 看來CP25有總教練的裸照62F 03/03 16:46
→ : Parson改行當經紀人算了63F 03/03 16:47
推 : 斯德哥爾摩症候群?64F 03/03 16:56
推 : 樓上xD65F 03/03 16:57
推 : 翻譯:我相信他非常的好,有人要原價買嗎?66F 03/03 17:04
推 : 到底高富帥比較偷 還是小熊的黑蛙比較偷呢?67F 03/03 17:04
噓 : "Fizdale也希望Parsons少碰社交媒體"69F 03/03 17:06
→ : 有種去問z寶跟卡特啦70F 03/03 17:06
→ : 大概有幫仲介二手妹子給教練玩吧 每天帶妹去消遙71F 03/03 17:07
噓 : show me your tits.72F 03/03 17:07
噓 : 這句跟原文意思也差太多了吧73F 03/03 17:08
推 : 錢不是你出當然可以這樣說74F 03/03 17:10
推 : 倫的最高境界(誤)75F 03/03 17:10
推 : CP25在小牛其實打的還不錯啦 牛迷本來都希望他不要`76F 03/03 17:11
→ : 合約 續留 不過現在看還真的幸好XD
→ : 合約 續留 不過現在看還真的幸好XD
噓 : 等輸球再來找戰犯吧78F 03/03 17:14
推 : 跟妹子製造生命吧...79F 03/03 17:16
推 : 以他現在的數據提升起來對球隊當然幫助很大啊......80F 03/03 17:17
→ : .
→ : .
噓 : 會講這種幹話的就是交易不出去希望他止跌回升82F 03/03 17:33
推 : 拜託...Z-Bo也不年輕了83F 03/03 17:43
→ : 壓寶在他跟伉儷身上希望有點作用
→ : 壓寶在他跟伉儷身上希望有點作用
推 : FG32.4%...根本雜魚85F 03/03 17:44
推 : 熊熊的其他隊友&教練蠻強的 有了怕爽死 場場四打五86F 03/03 17:45
→ : 還可以保持在西區前8 不簡單
→ : 還可以保持在西區前8 不簡單
推 : 這教練是不是愛上他了88F 03/03 17:48
推 : 把東西賣出去的第一步就是真心相信自己的產品很好89F 03/03 17:52
→ : 看來是有塞錢給教練~XDDDD (誤90F 03/03 17:53
→ : CP手上有真多隊高層的裸照啊91F 03/03 17:54
推 : 不推特怎麼吃更多妹?92F 03/03 18:05
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