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看板 NBA
作者 h1212123tw (der龜)
標題 [新聞] 表弟推公牛助教
時間 Tue Feb  7 18:14:10 2017

DeMarcus Cousins Shoves Bulls Assistant Coach Jim Boylen | Bleacher Report
Things got a little heated during the Sacramento Kings - Chicago Bulls game on Monday night. At the end of the third quarter, a commotion broke out on ...


DeMarcus Cousins Shoves Bulls Assistant Coach Jim Boylen

Rivea Ruff–February 07, 2017

Things got a little heated during the Sacramento Kings-Chicago Bulls game on M
onday night.

At the end of the third quarter, a commotion broke out on the court, with Rajo
n Rondo and Matt Barnes at the center.

The minor spat drew members of each team's coaching staffs to the floor to bre
ak it up. DeMarcus Cousins, who's already built a bit of a reputation for impa
ssioned responses, made his way over to the scuffle.

He was blocked out by Bulls assistant coach Jim Boylen, who appeared to push C
ousins away from the action. Boogie didn't take too kindly to the gesture and
responded by shoving Boylen.

The confrontation cleared up quickly after that, but officials were tasked wit
h reviewing what exactly transpired to properly hand out fines and penalties.

Cousins was given a technical, his 15th of the season.

Things got a little heated during the Sacramento Kings-Chicago Bulls game on M
onday night.

At the end of the third quarter, a commotion broke out on the court, with Rajo
n Rondo and Matt Barnes at the center.

The minor spat drew members of each team's coaching staffs to the floor to bre
ak it up. DeMarcus Cousins, who's already built a bit of a reputation for impa
ssioned responses, made his way over to the scuffle.

He was blocked out by Bulls assistant coach Jim Boylen, who appeared to push C
ousins away from the action. Boogie didn't take too kindly to the gesture and
responded by shoving Boylen.

The confrontation cleared up quickly after that, but officials were tasked wit
h reviewing what exactly transpired to properly hand out fines and penalties.

Cousins was given a technical, his 15th of the season.


第三節結束時,Matt Barnes和Rajon Rondo在場中央,發生了一些衝突。

這小衝突讓兩隊的教練團都跑到場上,試圖將雙方隔開,但咱們的表弟DeMarcus Cousins

他被公牛的助教Jim Boylen給阻隔在外,他試圖推開Cousins讓他遠離衝突,表弟認為這





Bulls & Kings Get into a Heated Scrum | February 6, 2017 | 2016-17 NBA Season - YouTube 2016-17 NBA season Full Game Highlights Regular February Feb 6th 6 2016 2017 Cavs Cavaliers Wizards Lakers Knicks OKC Thunder Pacers Clippers Raptors Spurs G...


"WTF 這樣都不吹T喔???"
公牛助教看到  不想他們來亂





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dameontree  : 他的水準就這樣1F 02/07 18:15
※ 編輯: h1212123tw (, 02/07/2017 18:15:49
purplebfly  : 我以為他的"推"是稱讚的意思說,沒想到是真的推2F 02/07 18:16
AngeLucifer : 那還好標題不是狂推公牛助教, 那畫面很奇葩3F 02/07 18:17
Jefa910     : 當然不爽阿  每次抱怨一下T就飛過來了  別隊都沒事4F 02/07 18:17
skygray2    : 看成"表弟推公牛助功"5F 02/07 18:19
※ 編輯: h1212123tw (, 02/07/2017 18:22:08
toast1521   : 表弟噓公牛助教6F 02/07 18:22
c87873334   : 影片Taj被吹T了不是嗎??怎麼會"WTF不吹t"7F 02/07 18:23

喔喔 應該是rondo 已改
frank47147  : 表弟推公牛助教(物理性)8F 02/07 18:24
softwords   : 一下比中指 一下推人 好愛上新聞版面9F 02/07 18:24
fivetobacco : 他到底在幹麻...10F 02/07 18:28
timcools    : 這個性真的...十足的莫名其妙,真的很容易被影響11F 02/07 18:29
OPPAISuki   : 表弟推公牛助教>///<12F 02/07 18:30
Fiona102    : 不好意思噓一下原PO亂帶風向喔 後面那段心得根本錯13F 02/07 18:30
Fiona102    : 的離譜 你有沒有看到裁判吹T給TAJ後 咩棒才過去找
※ 編輯: h1212123tw (, 02/07/2017 18:33:08
Fiona102    : 人理論 看起來應該是咩棒發底線球跟軟豆有不滿15F 02/07 18:32
Fiona102    : 這是兩個事情疊起來 軟豆TAJ和裁判要犯規不成被吹T
Fiona102    : 吵得更兇 咩棒又進去吵架後 表弟跟進結果被推了一下
Fiona102    : 不爽推回去 最後就是看到的這樣
auron4041   : 所以到底誰被吹了?19F 02/07 18:33
auron4041   : 現在看Taj好像有被吹 但是好像不適跟裁判爭論的關係
Fiona102    : 表弟跟咩棒不可能是原PO說的不滿裁判不吹T 因為裁判21F 02/07 18:34
auron4041   : 咩棒和表弟就真的不知道是在幹嘛了22F 02/07 18:34
Fiona102    : 早就吹T啦 這篇心得根本亂寫一通23F 02/07 18:34
Fiona102    : 自己從1:12開始看 TAJ繞裁判背後幹礁講垃圾話
Fiona102    : 也不用眼睛看 影片主播也有講

Taj有領T沒錯 漏看了抱歉 但表弟的確是一直比T 不就表示他認為要吹T嗎? 妹棒也完全
沒要跟軟豆衝突的意思吧 妹棒也是針對裁判抱怨阿

joydivision2: 表弟不是領T就是在領T的路上 哪裡有T他往哪去26F 02/07 18:45
k960674     : 純噓表弟  雖然Jim在溜馬已經是四年前的事情27F 02/07 18:47
owlrex      : 看到別人有T 自己沒有 覺得不平衡 (!?)28F 02/07 18:47
k960674     : 再噓Barnes  上次嘴我們家西瓜  根本人品超差29F 02/07 18:50
※ 編輯: h1212123tw (, 02/07/2017 19:05:50
oblue       : Jim推表弟沒事  表弟回撥一下就被吹T  人黑就是活30F 02/07 18:59
oblue       : 該被打
lowl99      : Barnes英文打錯了32F 02/07 19:08
已改 感謝
※ 編輯: h1212123tw (, 02/07/2017 19:10:41
leo755269   : 分類錯 要用外絮33F 02/07 19:18
auron4041   : 現在想想他有些T真的很莫名其妙是真的34F 02/07 19:35
auron4041   : 去年記得他跟Rondo一起為裁判鼓掌也吃了T 哈
westdoor5566: 有表弟有推36F 02/07 19:38
Fearearth   : 借噓,他媽這裁判跟SBL那個有什麼不一樣?Taj覺得37F 02/07 19:58
Fearearth   : 自己被推向裁判吼幾句裁判還摸他示意然後馬上背對他
Fearearth   : 插了一個T,外圍賭多少?
Fearearth   : 補推
See this Instagram video by @br_hoops • 7,054 likes ...

fredchan1992: 表弟最近很不平衡,常提醒裁判42F 02/07 20:17
liusim      : 光這樣看 覺得公牛助教在保護雙方43F 02/07 20:29
QQERQQ      : 表弟看起來沒怎樣阿! 覺得那個動作還好......44F 02/07 20:50
versace     : Cousins心智年齡實在是……45F 02/07 21:37
onthesea    : 囧臉表弟正常發揮而已46F 02/07 22:27
KillLakers  : 找裁判理論又不是想打架...  公牛助教是想打十個歐47F 02/07 22:32
KillLakers  : 找裁判 結果助教旋轉陀螺搞個制空圈是哪招........
KillLakers  : 不想他們亂?? 請先把自己隊先亂的那兩支抓回去吧...

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