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作者 標題 [外絮] Derrick Williams 將簽下第二份10天短約
時間 Tue Feb 14 11:37:35 2017
來源: https://goo.gl/JJKseK
Cavs will likely sign Derrick Williams to second 10-day contract
Derrick Williams has already earned his spot with the Cleveland Cavaliers. According to Dave McMenamin of ESPN, Williams has already shown enough for ...
Derrick Williams has already earned his spot with the Cleveland Cavaliers. According to Dave McMenamin of ESPN, Williams has already shown enough for ...
Cavs will likely sign Derrick Williams to second 10-day contract
Derrick Williams has already earned his spot with the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Derrick Williams 已經在騎士隊贏得了屬於他的位置
According to Dave McMenamin of ESPN, Williams has already shown enough for
the Cavaliers to sign him to another 10-day contract:https://twitter.com/mcten
根據ESPN記者 Dave McMenamin 的相關消息指出,
Williams 目前的表現已經讓騎士隊準備與他再度簽下另外一份的10天短約。
Despite being signed on early Thursday, Williams has already made an impact
as a member of the team's rotation. In two appearances with the Cavaliers,
the forward has averaged 9.5 points in 21.5 minutes per game.
After the Cavaliers traded Chris Andersen to the Charlotte Hornets on Monday
afternoon, it's only a matter of time before Cleveland signs Williams for the
remainder of the season.
而且騎士隊在星期一下午把Chris Andersen交易至黃蜂隊之後
未來留下Derrick Williams一直到今年剩餘賽季結束只是時間的問題而已了
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Oedk2BI (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1487043458.A.2D2.html
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推 : 可以扛20分鐘還可以得10分,很強了8F 02/14 11:42
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推 : 這隻也是蠻可憐的,好不容易有好消息15F 02/14 11:51
推 : 都沒啥幫助 將就用看看16F 02/14 12:00
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※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 59
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