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作者 標題 [外絮] Noel希望隊上的三個大個子能並存
時間 Wed Dec 14 18:08:25 2016
Noel eager to see how 3 big men can coexist
Like several 76ers fans, Nerlens Noel wants to see how the team's three elite centers are going to play together. - Keith Pompey, Philadelphia Inquire ...
Like several 76ers fans, Nerlens Noel wants to see how the team's three elite
centers are going to play together.
The Sixers are overcrowded at that position with Noel, Joel Embiid, and
Jahlil Okafor all capable of starting in the NBA. We could find out how
things are going to work out as early as Wednesday night against the Toronto
Raptors. If not, then on Friday against the Los Angeles Lakers.
That's when all three centers should finally be healthy and able to go at the
same time.
"I wasn't curious before," Noel said, "but now that we are actually here, I
guess that I am curious, whatever that means. But we will let that play out
as long as it needs to."
Noel has changed his tune. On Sept. 25, he said that having three
starting-caliber centers on the roster did not make sense.
But based on recent practices, Noel gets the impression that two big men will
be on the floor together. The thought is that the Sixers will create a
high-low offense, he said.
"I think a new offense is something good," Noel said. "It's something that
can really somewhat work with the big trailing, the big at the free-throw
line. So I think it's more compact, and spacing will definitely be a key
Sixers coach Brett Brown believes all three centers can coexist. In that
scenario, Embiid would be the franchise player. Noel would be a reserve
defensive specialist who runs rim-to-rim and excels in pick-and-rolls. Okafor
would provide an offensive spark when needed.
"It can work if they buy in and let me coach them and put them in positions
where they truly have a chance to succeed," Brown said.
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推 : 5大1F 12/14 18:09
→ : 現在不就是了嗎 輪流受傷2F 12/14 18:10
推 : 三中鋒戰術3F 12/14 18:11
推 : 所以誰要當替補的那個4F 12/14 18:12
推 : 應該先請人來看看風水 輪流受傷怎麼打5F 12/14 18:13
推 : Saric跟Ilyasova也擺上 死亡五大6F 12/14 18:13
推 : 覺得embiod可以打三號@_@7F 12/14 18:13
推 : 死亡五大呀8F 12/14 18:14
※ 編輯: humbler (, 12/14/2016 18:16:26→ : 三塔配上大號PG 翔陽七六人隊9F 12/14 18:16
推 : 運球Okafor比較好 但是Embiid投籃贏10F 12/14 18:16
推 : 還有BEN SIMMONS打控衛,整個巨人隊11F 12/14 18:17
推 : C NOEL PF OKAFOR SF EMBID12F 12/14 18:17
推 : 三塔打焦土戰有搞頭嗎13F 12/14 18:17
→ : 是四個 他把BS放哪了? 恩 BS是誰 XD14F 12/14 18:17
推 : PG:西門 SG:Saric SF:推特 PF:Okafor C:Noel 五大!15F 12/14 18:18
→ : 他們速度快嗎 不夠的話會被小球戰術打吧16F 12/14 18:19
推 : 不過教練這樣說 覺得OKAFOR可能要打第六人17F 12/14 18:19
→ : 我覺得賣掉機會更大18F 12/14 18:21
推 : OK4跟Saric打替補不錯啊19F 12/14 18:21
推 : 不要拋棄我 QQ20F 12/14 18:22
→ : 這發言真的對團隊是好事21F 12/14 18:25
→ : 輪流受傷XDDDD22F 12/14 18:26
推 : 這三個目前真的都輪流cover對方受傷時間…23F 12/14 18:27
推 : 還有一個西門維修中 四大中鋒!24F 12/14 18:30
推 : 五大 招來25F 12/14 18:41
推 : 可是你會先被賣掉26F 12/14 18:41
→ : 你有問過76人的薪資嗎?27F 12/14 18:45
推 : 三塔蠻強的阿28F 12/14 18:47
→ : 後鬼嗎XD29F 12/14 18:50
推 : 鉛筆打SG30F 12/14 18:50
推 : 擺五大打焦土戰感覺有搞頭XD31F 12/14 18:51
推 : 湖人三塔可以並存,76人加油!!!32F 12/14 18:52
推 : 並存的話 應該還是要有一個打替補33F 12/14 18:52
推 : 七六人起飛34F 12/14 18:55
推 : 死亡五大加第六人Saric如何35F 12/14 19:03
推 : 翔陽76人XDD36F 12/14 19:04
推 : C: Embiid、Okafor、Noel。37F 12/14 19:07
→ : PF:Simmons、Saric、Ilyasova。
→ : 六隻大長人,好爽喔!
→ : PF:Simmons、Saric、Ilyasova。
→ : 六隻大長人,好爽喔!
推 : 真要我說 Noel跟OK4都可以交易掉 C:安比 PF:Simmons40F 12/14 19:11
→ : 就好 Saric好用應該也不會太貴可以留著
→ : 就好 Saric好用應該也不會太貴可以留著
推 : 五大vs五小 一定超酷42F 12/14 19:12
推 : 推特王打SF 效法KD43F 12/14 19:16
推 : 我覺得讓安比打大前鋒比較好一些44F 12/14 19:24
推 : 以後死亡五大就是顯學了 怎麼對位都是優勢45F 12/14 19:32
推 : 難 僧多粥少46F 12/14 19:32
→ : Noel:我去打小前鋒,幫我撐五年47F 12/14 19:33
推 : 給勇士一個啦48F 12/14 19:33
推 : 變成翔陽應該滿有趣的49F 12/14 19:37
推 : 就差西門組死亡五大50F 12/14 19:39
推 : 現今的籃球趨勢應該不可能.....51F 12/14 19:42
推 : 超想看五大!!!52F 12/14 19:47
→ : 屯一堆長人做啥 拿去換個好PG或射手比較實在53F 12/14 19:48
→ : 不用去換阿,選秀選一個不就好了54F 12/14 19:49
推 : 結果最後留ok4 推特 Simmons 就好笑了55F 12/14 19:49
推 : 借轉C's56F 12/14 19:52
※ gaiaesque:轉錄至看板 Celtics 12/14 19:52
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