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作者 標題 [外絮] Kerr談及他的父親與總統大選
時間 Sun Nov 27 05:49:27 2016
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Steve Kerr talks about his father’s assassination, growing up in the Middle
East, not ‘sticking to sports’
聊聊與運動無關的事。Steve Kerr談關於他父親的謀殺案,以及他在中東(Middle East)
11.26.2016 / by OLGUN ULUC / Source: FOX SPORTS
STEVE Kerr’s father was 52 years of age when he was assassinated.
Steve Kerr的父親於52歲時被謀殺。
Malcolm H. Kerr was the president of the American University of Beirut in
Lebanon when he was murdered by the Islamic Jihad, a group that would act as
a precursor to Hezbollah. Kerr was shot twice in the back of his head, in the
hallway of his office.
Steve Kerr的父親Malcolm H. Kerr*任貝魯特美國大學的校長時,被伊斯蘭教組
At 51, Steve Kerr, the NBA’s reigning Coach of the Year, still remembers
being an 18-year-old, and learning about his father’s death.
Speaking on 'The Axe Files'— a CNN and University of Chicago podcast,
hosted by former Barack Obama Senior Advisor, David Axelrod — Kerr recalled
the day he received the call about his father’s death, and how growing up in
the Middle East — he was born in Beirut, Lebanon, before living in Egypt —
has shaped his attitude toward the current state of politics.
芝加哥大學與CNN的Podcast上,Steve Kerr接受前歐巴馬總統府資策David Axelrod
區所影響。Kerr出生於黎巴嫩首都貝魯特(Beirut, Lebanon),也曾在埃及住過一段時間。
“I got a call, January 18th,” Kerr said.
“A friend who worked at the university, a man named Vahe Simonian — a good
old Armenian name; our family has this incredible Armenian connection because
of the work my grandparents did — I still have Armenian people, to this day,
from all over the country, saying ‘thank you for your grandparents’ work. It
’s really a source of pride for our family.
「在我父親大學工作的朋友打給我。他叫Vahe Simonian,一個非常古老又美麗
“Mr. Simonian worked at the university, a good family friend, and he called
me in the middle of the night. It was 3 o’clock in the morning, in my dorm,
and he gave me the news.”
Kerr had just started his freshman year at the University of Arizona when he
got the call.
Despite understanding the risks of his father’s job — the family was had
their car firebombed by the Jewish Defence League, a far-right
religious-political organisation — the Golden State Warriors’ head coach
was in shock when he was told the news.
“We had that typical insulation when nothing bad has ever happened to you,
you think ‘it’s not going to happen to me; it’s not going to happen to us
’, so we had some of that, I think,” Kerr said.
“My dad was beloved in the Middle East. He spoke fluent Arabic. He was a
champion for the Palestinian cause. If anything, we were more worried about
right wing Israeli politics than anything going on in Lebanon.
“We had an experience with fear, but it wasn’t something that caused us to
say ‘boy this is really dangerous’. It was more like we thought he’d be
The irony of Kerr’s father, a prominent American in Beirut who was helping
to foster peace in the region, being murdered by Islamic extremists, isn’t
lost upon him, and he credits his upbringing abroad for his nuanced view of
“I really got my education from travelling around the world, and living in
different cultures,” Kerr said. “There’s probably no better education than
After Donald Trump was elected as the next President of the United States,
Kerr was among the NBA head coaches to voice their respective opinions, and
concerns, about the new President-elect.
Donald Trump贏得總統大選之後,眾多NBA教頭對此發表了他們的看法
Kerr compared his ‘rant’ to a scene from ‘The Jerry Springer Show’, and
has regularly chosen to ignore some of the public’s demand that those in the
sports industry ‘stick to sports’.
Kerr自嘲他的”不當言論”就像美國節目”The Jerry Springer Show”***裡
“People ask us, so why shouldn’t I answer? I have this forum,” Kerr said.
“If there’s something important to speak on, then I think we should speak
on it. In this case, I felt it was important to address not the politics of
the election, but the nature of the election cycle. It’s the first time in
my life that the election was not about policy, or even personality. It was
about anger. It was about fear. And I was disgusted.
“I don’t care what side of the political spectrum you’re on. People vote
for all kinds of reasons, right? You vote for your pocket book. You vote for
abortion rights or gay marriage or you vote for certain social policies or
maybe foreign policy. Maybe you’re worried about this or that. And that’s
what it should be about. You should vote based on policy.
“But, this election had nothing to do with policy. It had to do with hatred
and fear and we had a candidate who stirred that up, and I thought it was a
horrible precedent for our country.”
Kerr is a self-professed Democrat, and said his team has had discussions
since Trump’s election. The common theme out of that meeting was that the
situation was ‘weird’.
Kerr’s main goal, at the moment, is to focus on his team. The Warriors are
in the midst of a nine game winning streak, with the team quickly gelling
after the introduction of Kevin Durant.
However, in the grand scheme of things, Kerr’s time and experiences living
abroad have opened his eyes, and he’s concerned about what the next four
years could hold for the United States.
“People voting on policy? Absolutely,” Kerr said.
“But, the nature, the tenor of this election was ugly and nasty, and it’s
scary in terms of what direction that is going to take.”
* Steve Kerr的父親Malcolm Kerr於1984年被真主黨前身Islamic Jihad謀殺,時值
黎巴嫩的內戰時期。Islamic Jihad當時以諸多孩童綁架案、謀殺或炸彈攻擊來達到
** Steve Kerr的祖父Stanley Kerr是一位人權主義者、臨床生物化學家和教育者。
*** The Jerry Springer Show是美國的節目,內容由上節目的人互相接露隱私,激
起怨恨謾罵。2002年被TV Guide雜誌列為最爛的電視節目
"The Worst TV Shows Ever"。
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1480196969.A.092.html
推 : 推1F 11/27 05:53
推 : 大推 原來他有這樣的過去2F 11/27 06:37
推 : Push3F 11/27 06:49
推 : 一門豪傑!4F 11/27 07:26
推 : 蠻精彩的5F 11/27 07:43
推 : 推6F 11/27 07:54
推 : 剛上大學接到那種消息...真是難過7F 11/27 08:09
→ : 更慘的是隔天上場打球 敵隊球迷講話超難聽 說你爸8F 11/27 08:45
→ : 在哪啊 聽說被爆頭了啊! 可以看我之前發的文章
→ : 在哪啊 聽說被爆頭了啊! 可以看我之前發的文章
推 : 推10F 11/27 09:02
推 : 推11F 11/27 09:08
推 : 熱心分享,推12F 11/27 09:12
推 : 川普會當選 政策之一要減少被中東人殺的美國人13F 11/27 09:14
→ : 身為被害者家屬 眼中只看到偏激言論 完全不看政策
→ : 身為被害者家屬 眼中只看到偏激言論 完全不看政策
推 : 他的故事可以出書了15F 11/27 09:15
推 : kerr是白人當然支持三普16F 11/27 09:21
推 : 推文竟然有人在檢討Kerr,不愧是鬼島島民:檢討被害17F 11/27 09:24
→ : 人 XD
→ : 人 XD
推 : 推19F 11/27 09:24
推 : Kerr身為被害者家屬不樂見選舉出現偏激言論正常不過20F 11/27 09:27
推 : 蓋長城跟企業回流都是政策啊,不是說你不喜歡就不是21F 11/27 09:32
→ : mmk這傢伙的邏輯與價格觀 真的是低落到一個極致22F 11/27 09:33
推 : 推Kerr選舉結果與政策無關那段...台灣近年來選舉結23F 11/27 09:34
→ : 果都跟政策無關阿...Kerr那段的厭惡實在感同身受
→ : 果都跟政策無關阿...Kerr那段的厭惡實在感同身受
推 : 最該檢討的是為什么兩黨選舉人的政策主張會越來越25F 11/27 09:35
→ : 偏向于務虛和抒發愿景吧
→ : 偏向于務虛和抒發愿景吧
推 : m好可憐 唉27F 11/27 09:39
推 : 其實川普當選就可以解釋為什麼了阿XD 川普幾乎完全28F 11/27 09:42
推 : 其實台灣的選舉也差不多 選民不成熟就容易被挑起恐29F 11/27 09:43
→ : 懼
→ : 懼
→ : 沒有確實的政見 靠口號跟民粹就贏了 如果只靠這些就31F 11/27 09:43
推 : 可以贏 為什麼需要花心思想可行的政見 畫大餅就好了
推 : 可以贏 為什麼需要花心思想可行的政見 畫大餅就好了
推 : 推33F 11/27 09:46
推 : 美國人不習慣這種選舉?台灣的每次選舉都是這樣啊…34F 11/27 09:48
推 : 他的意思是反對川普吧 怎麼有人好像看不懂文章35F 11/27 09:50
→ : 川普幾乎完全沒有確實的政見,還在崩潰?36F 11/27 09:50
→ : 整場選戰最不講政策的就是民主黨,整天拿老川緋聞打
→ : 整場選戰最不講政策的就是民主黨,整天拿老川緋聞打
→ : 川普不就一堆等著轉彎和現在已經轉彎的政見?38F 11/27 09:51
推 : 推這篇39F 11/27 09:52
推 : 希拉蕊上台大概轉更多,例如說TPP那個她以前支持,40F 11/27 09:54
→ : 一到選舉就反對...老川像是那個蓋牆其實以前國會就
→ : 審好預算蓋好一些了,只是只能做不能說,他直接
→ : 就給人"收割" XDDDDD
→ : 一到選舉就反對...老川像是那個蓋牆其實以前國會就
→ : 審好預算蓋好一些了,只是只能做不能說,他直接
→ : 就給人"收割" XDDDDD
推 : 民主不過是一群會投票的驢44F 11/27 09:56
推 : 把意見不合的人打成民粹,好像之前台灣選舉常常出現45F 11/27 09:58
→ : 可見藍色的民主黨支持者跟台灣藍色的很像
→ : 可見藍色的民主黨支持者跟台灣藍色的很像
→ : 他講的牆,不是已經蓋到一半的"籬笆"47F 11/27 09:59
→ : 是厚實的水泥高牆,我怎麼知道?我在美國是建築師
→ : 是厚實的水泥高牆,我怎麼知道?我在美國是建築師
→ : 他再多花點錢把舊有的牆連在一起擴大規模還能增進49F 11/27 10:00
→ : Security fence和Conc Wall都能搞錯的話,就搞笑了50F 11/27 10:00
→ : 國內就業哩51F 11/27 10:00
→ : Fence變成Conc Wall能就業到哪些人?搬水泥搬一輩子52F 11/27 10:01
→ : 這次選舉就是現世報,平時不關心鄉村郊區的事情53F 11/27 10:01
→ : 選輸就開始瘋狂檢討紅區群眾,跟某黨有八成像
→ : 選輸就開始瘋狂檢討紅區群眾,跟某黨有八成像
→ : 反正他已經轉彎說蓋水泥牆不急,也是預料中事55F 11/27 10:02
→ : 販賣恐懼最終會被反噬56F 11/27 10:03
※ 編輯: maverickEd (, 11/27/2016 10:07:28推 : 好垃圾的敵隊球員57F 11/27 10:16
推 : 其實川普主張海外撤軍以美國為主,不再去當無謂的世58F 11/27 10:23
推 : 鬼島鄉民只會檢討投川普的人 也不去想為何希會輸59F 11/27 10:23
推 : 有跟老百姓關系不大的政策 VS 沒政策但口號說到老60F 11/27 10:24
→ : 百姓心里去 どっち?
→ : 百姓心里去 どっち?
→ : 界警察,但kerr父親卻是死在美國過度介入外國的恐佈62F 11/27 10:25
推 : 每次看到意見不同就說民粹真的很無言,跟老K沒兩樣63F 11/27 10:27
→ : 活動裡,kerr父親死在其他總統候選人的傳統主張裡,並64F 11/27 10:27
→ : 不是川普嘴上的大白人至上的歧視言論
→ : 不是川普嘴上的大白人至上的歧視言論
推 : 受害者就該有受害者的樣子!懂?鬼島多少政客消費小66F 11/27 10:38
→ : 燈泡
推 : 我們更該反省的是 到底是發生了什麼事情 讓我們的
→ : 民主 永遠都是兩個垃圾選一個可回收的?
→ : 燈泡
推 : 我們更該反省的是 到底是發生了什麼事情 讓我們的
→ : 民主 永遠都是兩個垃圾選一個可回收的?
推 : 鬼島的候選人 也都是 挑起 仇恨與恐懼阿 哀哀70F 11/27 10:46
推 : 看看陳定南,選民不會去選好人拉,只會選會作秀的71F 11/27 10:50
推 : 要減少美國人被中東人殺這麼空洞的話也有人信72F 11/27 10:55
推 : Kerr和popo都對川普發表過長篇言論73F 11/27 11:03
推 : 優文 推74F 11/27 11:07
推 : 受害者家屬就該支持川普、受害者家屬就該只持死刑75F 11/27 11:21
→ : 不然就是腦袋不清楚~某些人的邏輯大概是這樣吧
→ : 不然就是腦袋不清楚~某些人的邏輯大概是這樣吧
推 : 因為你家人被中東激進份子殺死 你就要仇恨中東 支持77F 11/27 11:54
→ : 川普 有些人的想法真的很棒 沒看到Kerr開頭也有提到
→ : 他是通過亞美尼亞朋友得知這消息的
→ : 川普 有些人的想法真的很棒 沒看到Kerr開頭也有提到
→ : 他是通過亞美尼亞朋友得知這消息的
推 : 原來有這麼多人反對Kerr言論XD...80F 11/27 11:59
噓 : 全ptt也只剩這裡最支持希嬸了啊81F 11/27 12:01
→ : 說到散播仇恨、恐懼,不知道是哪邊的支持者,選後燒
→ : 國旗、毆打對方的支持者、不接受選舉結果還要求選舉
→ : 人跑票呢XD
→ : 說到散播仇恨、恐懼,不知道是哪邊的支持者,選後燒
→ : 國旗、毆打對方的支持者、不接受選舉結果還要求選舉
→ : 人跑票呢XD
推 : 原來不支持川普=支持希嬸喔 川粉二分法不意外85F 11/27 12:40
→ : 再說為什麼這裡反川普的最多?不就是因為NBA球員都
→ : 是川普種族歧視傷害對象的緣故嗎
→ : 再說為什麼這裡反川普的最多?不就是因為NBA球員都
→ : 是川普種族歧視傷害對象的緣故嗎
→ : NBA球員心裡怎麼想,我沒意見。倒是不少數字板的希88F 11/27 12:46
→ : 粉ID選後都跑來這裡了呢
→ : 粉ID選後都跑來這裡了呢
噓 : 我想請問pajck,有誰檢討被害人了?是很多嗎?憑什90F 11/27 12:50
→ : 麼提鬼島島民?請問版主不處理嗎?
→ : 麼提鬼島島民?請問版主不處理嗎?
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