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看板 NBA
作者 leo755269 (天才小釣手)
標題 [外絮] Wade:我和James在2010年有興趣加入公牛
時間 Fri Oct 14 11:13:41 2016

Star guard Dwyane Wade revealed Thursday both he and LeBron James had the
Chicago Bulls atop their wish list during free agency in 2010, according to
Vincent Goodwill of CSN Chicago, but the Miami Heat's ability to sign the
pair along with Chris Bosh was ultimately the decisive factor.

根據CSN Chicago的Vincent Goodwill所言,明星後衛Dwyane Wade在星期四時透漏,他和
LeBron James在2010的自由市場都將芝加哥公牛作為他們的優先選項。但是邁阿密熱火有
能力簽下他們兩人外加Chris Bosh,成為最終的決定性因素。

"My eyes were here; LeBron's eyes were here," Wade told Goodwill. "Miami put
a monkey wrench in the plan when they could fit all three of us."


Wade added that if Luol Deng had been traded from the Bulls to the Los Angeles
Clippers that summer, "it would've been a different story."But Wade doesn't
have any regrets, as he told K.C. Johnson of the Chicago Tribune:

「事情很可能變得不一樣。」Wade表示如果公牛能在那個夏天將Luol Deng交易到快艇的
話,也許就能成真了。但Wade告訴Chicago Tribune的K.C. Johnson,他毫不後悔這個決

Wade disputed the notion that he and James had been planning the 2010 summer
years in advance, per Goodwill:  http://i.imgur.com/qUXhlf4.jpg


The trio of Wade, James and Bosh would go on to reach four straight NBA
finals between 2010 and 2014 with the Heat, winning two in the process. But
James returned to the Cleveland Cavaliers in the summer of 2014, Wade signed
with the Bulls this summer, and Bosh likely will never play for the Heat
again after failing a physical three weeks ago, as he has dealt with
blood-clotting issues.


As to whether Wade considered partnering with James again, this time in
Cleveland, the shooting guard made it clear the possibility was never
realistic, per Johnson:  http://i.imgur.com/9WMM8Gu.jpg


Now Wade, 34, finds himself on a new-look Bulls team that traded Derrick Rose
and lost Pau Gasol and Joakim Noah to free agency this offseason. It added
Rajon Rondo and Robin Lopez in their place. Wade has realistic goals for his
new team, calling the postseason the main priority and noting that title
hopes are "unrealistic" for the 2016-17 season, per Johnson.

新成員還有Rajon Rondo和Robin Lopez。對於新球季的目標,Wade來的十分實際,首要目

Or course, had Wade joined the Bulls back in 2010 along with James, the
team's title chances would have been far more realistic.






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※ 編輯: leo755269 (, 10/14/2016 11:15:31
auron4041   : 哪些方法? 退休23號球衣嗎?1F 10/14 11:15
key000130   : 真 意圖抱rose腿2F 10/14 11:15
RamonJames  : 當然是後公牛比 上一段才說unrealistic3F 10/14 11:15
baobeising  : 如果2010加入公牛組四巨頭 媒體mvp票就不會投rose了4F 10/14 11:26
YiJianLian  : LCD位置還是比較優 Rose不曉得能否搭配LBJ打無球5F 10/14 11:28
takoQAQ     : LBJ wade都能打無球說不定蠻配的6F 10/14 11:42
DukeMonkey  : Rose Wade LBJ Bosh Noah 這陣容?7F 10/14 11:46
UnderStand56: 那這樣皇叔就沒有mvp 變成草莓獸拿了8F 10/14 11:48
peter331    : 少Gasol差很大,個人覺得另外兩個Wade跟RLo可以取代9F 10/14 12:02
xxxx5566    : 這樣ROSE就不會變追魂鍋下的背景了10F 10/14 12:03
paso        : 玫瑰搞不好就不會這麼早報廢了 姆斯還蠻可能的 以他11F 10/14 12:15
paso        : 想超越MJ的心態 去公牛當初可能性看來是有
fatoes      : 如果你的內文是Wade駁斥這個說法 那你的標題就不該13F 10/14 12:16
fatoes      : 這樣寫
可能我沒翻好讓人誤會 我修改一下
SamDalembert: 最後一句的主詞是公牛隊吧15F 10/14 12:26
Teng0615    : Rose就不會被生化後場圍攻了...16F 10/14 12:33
banmaxwill  : 真的加了ROSE 就不會廢掉了17F 10/14 12:53
CZH0830     : 加入公牛我就變詹迷了18F 10/14 12:55
Peter521    : rose qq19F 10/14 13:03
zoutzuur    : 這樣noah就不會變反詹大將軍 變成御前帶刀侍衛20F 10/14 13:08
emilchu98   : 最後一句看成Note721F 10/14 13:24
bravo       : Rose沒廢,反而詹皇駕崩了22F 10/14 13:26
※ 編輯: leo755269 (, 10/14/2016 13:42:31
ak0209      : 太小看錫柏杜了23F 10/14 13:42
ak0209      : 錫柏杜可以把Rose 魯蛋 LBJ Wade通通操掛掉
SSS120329   : 席總沒辦法操壞LBJ吧 他在熱火也是快每場40分鐘25F 10/14 14:07
blur13      : http://0rz.tw/Iz9Cf 自己看有沒有40分鐘26F 10/14 15:14
LeBron James Stats | Basketball-Reference.com
LeBron James - Career stats, game logs, biographical info, awards, and achievements for the NBA. ...


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