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作者 標題 [情報] 傳言馬刺或交易走Tiago Splitter爭取空間
時間 Wed May 6 15:31:20 2015
NBA Rumors: Spurs To Trade Tiago Splitter To Make Room For LaMarcus Aldridge? | Lakers Nation
San Antonio Spurs could be paving the way for a run at LaMarcus Aldridge in NBA free agency by attempting to trade center Tiago Splitter during the off-season. ...
NBA Rumors: Spurs To Trade Tiago Splitter To Make Room For LaMarcus Aldridge?
乳摸:馬刺或交易走Tiago Splitter以爭取LaMarcus Aldridge的空間?
Following an incredible first-round playoff series against the Los Angeles
Clippers, the San Antonio Spurs’ attempt to win back-to-back championships
has officially come to an end. Despite a valiant effort against Chris Paul
and company, the Spurs will head into an off-season filled with uncertainty.
宣告結束。儘管英勇的努力對抗Chris Paul與其戰友,馬刺將進入充滿不確定性的休
宣告結束。儘管英勇的努力對抗Chris Paul與其戰友,馬刺將進入充滿不確定性的休
The Spurs are one of many teams in the league with a roster that could look
drastically different next season. Although San Antonio is known for not
pursuing big-name free agents, the five-time NBA champions appear to have a
great chance of landing Texas native LaMarcus Aldridge this summer.
According to ESPN’s Marc Stein, the Spurs may attempt to trade Tiago
Splitter in order for more financial flexibility in free agency:
根據ESPM的Marc Stein,馬刺可能將試圖交易Tiago Splitter以追求更多的薪資彈性
One scenario on the personnel grapevine gaining steam is the notion that the
Spurs could elect to explore the possibility of dealing away Tiago Splitter
to create more financial flexibility. Splitter has two years left on his
contract valued at just under $17 million and is quietly regarded as a key
contributor in San Antonio given how well he fits as a frontcourt sidekick
next to Duncan. But if you’re the Spurs — and if the increasingly loud
rumbles about Aldridge having San Antonio as the preferred destination atop
his wish list prove true — examining Splitter’s trade market might suddenly
become unavoidable.
一個浮現的個人小道消息是馬刺球團會投票選擇將Tiago Splitter交易走的可能性。
As of right now, the teams rumored to be interested in Aldridge include the
Spurs, Dallas Mavericks, New York Knicks, Portland Trail Blazers and Los
Angeles Lakers. Even though the Lakers and Knicks will have the cap space and
attractive destinations in terms of location, the two Texas squad appear to
have the edge moving forward.
The Spurs will be an intriguing option for Aldridge with arguably the best
head coach in the game, Gregg Popovich, intent on returning and the team
still a potential title contender next season. San Antonio will have to
figured out what the immediate future holds for Tim Duncan and Manu Ginobili,
as well as locking up Kawhi Leonard long-term, but they’ll still be in good
position regardless to sign Aldridge.
馬刺會是Aldridge一個奇妙的選項,或許是最佳總教練的Gregg Popovich試圖回歸且
隊伍明年仍是一個可能的冠軍爭奪者。聖安東尼奧將必須考慮Tim Duncan和Manu
Ginobili立即的將來以及把Kawhi Leonard綁上長約,但他們顯然仍將處於一個簽下
底下的外國湖迷表示湖人可以用Nick Young, Robert Sacre, Tarik Black換Splitter,
因為有短期約,而馬刺需要清理薪資,真是美好的夢想(?) wwwww
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推 : 我湖小虧1F 05/06 15:32
推 : 迷迷幻想喔2F 05/06 15:34
推 : 跟湖人交易??? 不可能3F 05/06 15:34
推 : Splitter算是在海軍上將退休後我難得能有印象的TD4F 05/06 15:34
噓 : 亡者加上將能換到,湖人當別人都開資源回收廠喔!5F 05/06 15:34
→ : 搭檔耶.... 之前其他都沒它存在感大...6F 05/06 15:35
→ : 可愛頂薪+AGG 你摳馬刺有這麼慷慨?7F 05/06 15:35
推 : 噗~弄到Gasol爽太久也不是辦法啊8F 05/06 15:35
→ : TD又要佛心降薪了嗎?
→ : TD又要佛心降薪了嗎?
→ : 喜洋洋短期約? 才剛打簽約第一年吧10F 05/06 15:36
推 : 消息來源: 湖迷國度...........11F 05/06 15:36
推 : 我湖小虧12F 05/06 15:37
推 : 就算不追AGG Splitter也該試著拿來交易13F 05/06 15:37
→ : Splitter並不是不可動的等級 能讓球隊變好就去換
→ : Splitter並不是不可動的等級 能讓球隊變好就去換
→ : 刺刺應該會想要選秀籤吧15F 05/06 15:38
→ : 確定不是2015大計那個跑去留言的嗎?16F 05/06 15:38
推 : 馬刺拿LA真的沒有很好...17F 05/06 15:41
→ : 一直覺得splitter可以升級一下18F 05/06 15:42
推 : TS能動 如果有不錯的內線19F 05/06 15:42
→ : 一直覺得馬刺禁區不夠硬 TD也老了在撐沒多久
→ : 一直覺得馬刺禁區不夠硬 TD也老了在撐沒多久
推 : 安啦 馬刺夠強了 原陣容保持下去 稱霸西南組21F 05/06 15:45
※ 編輯: jimmy5680 (, 05/06/2015 15:48:28推 : TS真的有點微妙呢22F 05/06 15:46
推 : 湖人誰都要搶 哪一次搶到了有好好照顧23F 05/06 15:46
推 : 把馬妞交易掉啦24F 05/06 15:47
→ : 窮人版Bosh,又貴又難用25F 05/06 15:55
推 : Tiago並沒有配不起他拿的薪資,且他是逐年遞減合約26F 05/06 15:57
推 : 我湖小虧 但還能接受!27F 05/06 15:58
推 : 馬刺不太進場抓FA是因為他們有個二十年如一日的球員28F 05/06 16:05
→ : 現在這個球員也屆退了 他們沒有不進場的理由
→ : 現在這個球員也屆退了 他們沒有不進場的理由
推 : 窮人板bosh? who?30F 05/06 16:10
推 : 小老大都提出來你想怎樣啦31F 05/06 16:10
推 : Splitter會被hack32F 05/06 16:12
推 : 在低點不容易賣吧33F 05/06 16:14
推 : 真換我覺得馬刺不虧耶@@ 小黑有搞頭,小羊當板凳暴徒34F 05/06 16:19
→ : 沙奎有次大轉身嚇死人了,POPO練一練三個都飛天~
→ : 沙奎有次大轉身嚇死人了,POPO練一練三個都飛天~
推 : 有些湖迷真的超扯 朋友湖迷常常在想CURRY去湖人..36F 05/06 16:21
推 : 換瑪嘎受啦37F 05/06 16:21
推 : 現在到底誰想去大蘋果跟湖人38F 05/06 16:25
→ : 城市真的這麼重要嗎?雖然看NBa一段時間但還是很好
→ : 奇
→ : 城市真的這麼重要嗎?雖然看NBa一段時間但還是很好
→ : 奇
推 : 小黑那麼矮....(絕對沒6'11)最好可以頂剃牙哥41F 05/06 16:28
推 : 湖人那包不行啦,又沒辦法清空間,只有小黑有潛力42F 05/06 16:29
推 : 你去查收入就知道業外差多少了43F 05/06 16:30
→ : 來我牛啦44F 05/06 16:33
→ : \McGee/ \McGee/ \McGee/45F 05/06 16:33
推 : 除非馬刺巨頭們自動一起降薪 才有操作空間46F 05/06 16:33
推 : 能有AGG 當然可放走指叉 沒那麼強 C給TD打50F 05/06 16:43
推 : 找阿鼎好了啦 煩死了這麼簡單就解決51F 05/06 16:46
推 : 窮人版BOSH=受傷的BOSH52F 05/06 16:51
推 : Popo不會要楊的53F 05/06 16:54
推 : 那筆完全就放話好不好 湖人重建收個Splitter幹嘛54F 05/06 17:02
推 : 像Curry這樣又帥又萌 在NY、LA邀約會多到爆55F 05/06 17:20
推 : 剔牙哥是可以交易 但湖人這一包...56F 05/06 17:24
→ : TS大多數都是上中擋拆或是撿籃板而已馬刺不會讓他地57F 05/06 17:45
→ : 位或高位單打的
→ : 位或高位單打的
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