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作者 標題 [外絮] The Spurs show why the Clippers should
時間 Thu Apr 30 14:53:22 2015
The Spurs show why the Clippers shouldn't break up their team
馬刺展示了為什麼快艇不該拆掉他們核心球員的理由 http://tinyurl.com/l72jo9s
The Spurs show why the Clippers shouldn't break up their team - SBNation.com
San Antonio stole a win in Los Angeles and took the upper hand in this series. But win or lose, the Clippers should keep their core together. The Spurs illustrate why. ...
San Antonio stole a win in Los Angeles and took the upper hand in this
series. But win or lose, the Clippers should keep their core together. The
Spurs illustrate why.
將隊中的核心保留在一起,理由馬刺會說明You need luck to win an NBA championship. Luck alone can't do it, but if you're
one of the top five teams in the league and there isn't much separating you
from the other four squads considered contenders and near-contenders, luck
matters. Clearly superior teams almost always win their playoff series, but
when squads are evenly matched, a play here or a play there can change the
course of fate. Sometimes you catch the breaks, sometimes you don't.
Anything can happen in the NBA playoffs. That's true in individual playoff
games, and it's especially true in the split-second in which some playoff
games, like Tuesday's Game 5 between the Spurs and Clippers, are decided.
Anything can happen, but one team must win.
We are a deterministic people, and we like to attribute the results of random
events to character attributes. When DeAndre Jordan lightly taps a ball in
the cylinder that may very well have gone in had he been absent, we like to
suggest its indicative of the center's basketball IQ (or lack thereof). When
the Clippers lose a heartbreaking nailbiter, we prefer to blame their
comparative playoff inexperience or lack of championship moxie instead of
chalking it up to a random event that broke the wrong way. When the Spurs win
a game like this -- as they always seem to do -- we prefer chalk it up to
intangible Spursy greatness instead of a lucky break. As if the mere presence
and aura of the Spurs cause Jordan to brush the ball.
We know better. We know the Spurs can be victims of bad luck, too. We know
what can happen in 0.4 seconds thanks to the Spurs' bad luck in 2004. Where
was the Spurs' unbeatable championship aura when Ray Allen was in the corner
in 2013? The Spurs have known suffering. The Spurs have known pain. We ignore
this because more often the Spurs incite the suffering and inflict the pain.
絕殺? 記得2013雷槍那顆底角衝天射破馬刺王者皇氣的三分彈?
And the reason why the Spurs so frequently come out ahead is simple, really.
It's because the Spurs are always there.
The Spurs seem to have caught so many breaks because they are almost always
one of the top five teams in the NBA, and have been for almost two decades.
That means that San Antonio almost always beats lesser teams in the playoffs
and is always locked in tough series with the other great teams of a given
season. The Spurs win some, and lose some.
五強之一,這狀況幾乎延續了快要20年! 這點意味著馬刺在季後賽中幾乎總是擊敗
五強之一,這狀況幾乎延續了快要20年! 這點意味著馬刺在季後賽中幾乎總是擊敗
San Antonio's amazing triumph isn't winning five championships (and counting)
in Tim Duncan's 19 seasons, it's being in contention for a championship every
year for 19 seasons. Even if you catch the right breaks and match-ups only
one out of every five seasons in that kind of run, you end up with four
titles. Luckier teams might get a few more. Less fortunate franchises might
only get a couple. The Spurs are playing for No. 6 in Year 19 of the Duncan
而是在這19季裡他們居然都是總冠軍級別的強隊! 不管怎麼好運氣怎麼算都很強啊!
If they do win No. 6 six weeks from now, that one-title-every-three-years
rate will be impressive. Yet the sheer number of opportunities to win a title
is the more awe-striking figure. Consider that the Spurs have hit 55 wins
(or, in lockout seasons, the winning percentage equivalent) in 17 of the 19
seasons of the Duncan era. On average, less than five teams per season hit
that mark. If you have 17 seasons as a top-five team in less than two
decades, of course you're going to win titles.
The interesting thing about this series and the Clippers' future is that the
Clippers are also right there. They are good enough to win a championship.
This was L.A.'s third straight season with at least 55 wins. They are at the
party, waiting for Lady Luck to look their way.
The lesson of the Spurs is that you need to preserve your presence at that
party as long as possible. The Spurs were able to draft the best power
forward ever. The Clippers nabbed a pretty good one, too, and followed it up
by trading for one of the best point guards of his generation.
選秀進來培養的不老實佛vs交易進來的第一控衛! 精彩精彩精彩!
There have been suggestions that if L.A. falls in the first round, the team
ought to let the high-priced Jordan leave and attempt to use the resources
that would otherwise be spent on the center to provide more defense and
depth. Whether Jordan is worth a max contract is highly debatable, and the
Clippers' front office ought to have that debate.
But on the surface level, the team knows it can get to the party consistently
with a team built around Chris Paul, Blake Griffin and Jordan. The trio is
young enough that the party invites should be coming for at least another few
seasons. (CP3 turns 30 next month, but has an extraordinarily skilled game
that should age well if his knees hold up.)
Regardless of the outcome of this series, the Clippers should follow the
Spurs' lead and preserve this run as long as possible.
另一篇:Spurs, Clippers Giving NBA Fans Everywhere the Heavyweight Fight
They Deserve http://tinyurl.com/kvnz783
Spurs, Clippers Giving NBA Fans Everywhere the Heavyweight Fight They Deserve | Bleacher Report
The latest NBA news, trade rumors, scores, live coverage, free agent updates, power rankings, mock drafts and more from Bleacher Report ...
沒力氣翻了純分享標題~ 這真的是極其精彩的系列賽!
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推 : TD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1F 04/30 14:54
推 : 不老實佛again XDDD2F 04/30 14:56
推 : 推3F 04/30 14:56
推 : 不老實佛!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4F 04/30 14:58
推 : 公牛 兩次三連霸 還是強大許多5F 04/30 14:58
→ : manu當年領先3分卻去犯德佬的2上籃,血都快吐光了XD6F 04/30 14:59
推 : 不過我覺得還是球運差異..7F 04/30 14:59
推 : 老漁0.4秒 不是三分彈吧8F 04/30 15:01
感謝提醒~ 推 : 或許更能期待季末石佛退休 起碼庫斑一定是這樣想的9F 04/30 15:03
推 : 馬刺這幾年來存很多運氣可以拿出來花了吧10F 04/30 15:04
推 : 要說被各種豪洨球絕殺,馬刺絕對當仁不讓啊11F 04/30 15:05
推 : 結論:靈氣12F 04/30 15:05
推 : 淚推TD13F 04/30 15:06
※ 編輯: Satsuki7552 (, 04/30/2015 15:07:28推 : 這個酒蛋 弱點太多了 不會罰球、不會單打14F 04/30 15:10
推 : 咦 我怎麼記得老漁的0.4秒是三分彈沒錯QQ15F 04/30 15:10
推 : T mac的豪洨35秒16F 04/30 15:11
推 : 真不老實17F 04/30 15:11
推 : 只有季候賽才看馬刺比賽的我,誠心問,雙方先發在18F 04/30 15:12
→ : 打,是不是快艇會佔上風,馬刺都靠船隊替補,才趕
→ : 緊超分,等船先發回來再敗掉。
→ : 打,是不是快艇會佔上風,馬刺都靠船隊替補,才趕
→ : 緊超分,等船先發回來再敗掉。
推 : 0.4秒是兩分阿21F 04/30 15:13
推 : 小的只是早上沒事做時,偶爾看lin的兼差球迷22F 04/30 15:14
推 : 前半段太腦補了 明明就是運氣的關係23F 04/30 15:15
→ : 直覺是季後賽經驗和板凳的強度24F 04/30 15:18
推 : 感謝翻譯25F 04/30 15:19
推 : 我記得先是TD一個很賽的打板超前,然後是0.4秒絕殺26F 04/30 15:20
→ : 那場最後兩球都滿扯的
→ : 那場最後兩球都滿扯的
推 : 請問第一句是不是該翻成 "為何快艇隊不該拆掉核心球28F 04/30 15:24
→ : 原" 呢? 不論是單詞還是內容都在講這件事啊
→ : 應該說核心陣容
天啊~ 我連第一句都翻錯,謝謝你啊好心人~→ : 原" 呢? 不論是單詞還是內容都在講這件事啊
→ : 應該說核心陣容
推 : 推翻譯31F 04/30 15:28
※ 編輯: Satsuki7552 (, 04/30/2015 15:30:31推 : 推32F 04/30 15:29
推 : TD先豪小打版吃掉歐肥逆轉,接著被0.4....QQ33F 04/30 15:30
推 : 不老實? 感覺是個跟老忠實泉類似的翻譯。34F 04/30 15:32
推 : 快艇就差在替補 只剩尻佛 尻佛也烙賽就......35F 04/30 15:33
→ : 快艇的百萬小河流迷呢!!36F 04/30 15:39
推 : 不老實,選字正確給推37F 04/30 15:47
→ : 話說快艇先發是夠強了,但那放火的板凳還是不足以
→ : 幫助快艇奪冠啊...
→ : 話說快艇先發是夠強了,但那放火的板凳還是不足以
→ : 幫助快艇奪冠啊...
推 : 推翻譯40F 04/30 15:54
推 : 我覺得Griffin還沒到巔峰 還能再進化欸41F 04/30 16:14
→ : CP3+BG大概就稍微弱一些的爵士二老
→ : CP3+BG大概就稍微弱一些的爵士二老
推 : 推 。0.4秒是兩分43F 04/30 16:18
噓 : 被人奇蹟逆轉,跟看對手中二贏得一勝,其實差滿多44F 04/30 16:25
→ : 的
→ : 的
推 : 快艇是否要把DAJ當核心就是個很大的問題 像被老漁那46F 04/30 16:26
→ : 種0.4秒投進沒話說 莫名其妙的絕殺自己 常常發生想
→ : 拿總冠軍就很難
→ : 種0.4秒投進沒話說 莫名其妙的絕殺自己 常常發生想
→ : 拿總冠軍就很難
推 : 快艇sf、sg位子根本沒人,替補更慘,全隊就靠先發349F 04/30 16:29
→ : 人
→ : 人
推 : 快艇陣容其實沒什麼大問題吧 有時候真的需要機運51F 04/30 16:40
→ : 大概就少一個3D 取代咩棒 讓咩棒去替補就夠了
→ : 大概就少一個3D 取代咩棒 讓咩棒去替補就夠了
推 : DAJ再不練好罰球 聯盟也不改規則 那他是該走了53F 04/30 16:44
推 : 推54F 04/30 16:56
推 : 快艇真的不差了..真的輸在替補 還有對手太不老實55F 04/30 17:00
推 : 未來是你們的,我快退休了,再等我個幾年56F 04/30 17:10
推 : CP3已經不年輕了57F 04/30 17:18
→ : TD退休可能會牽動整個西區市場XD58F 04/30 17:25
推 : 不老實佛!!!59F 04/30 17:47
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 84
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