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看板 NBA
作者 Satsuki7552 ()
標題 [外絮] Austin Rivers helps save Clippers' sea
時間 Tue Apr 28 16:47:47 2015

Austin Rivers helps save Clippers' season, brings tears to his father's eyes

小河流出手挽救了快艇的球季命運, 老河流熱淚盈眶 http://tinyurl.com/kxekr9k
Austin Rivers helps save Clippers' season, brings tears to his father's eyes - Yahoo Sports
From Yahoo Sports: Doc Rivers has weathered criticism for trading for his son. In the Clippers' Game 4 victory, Austin gave him a reason to be proud, both as a coach and a dad. ...


When Doc Rivers walked into the locker room, the scene stopped him. Chris
Paul called on the Clippers to congratulate the young guard responsible for
saving the season and present him the game ball. Everyone clapped. Everyone
let out a long, loud cheer for Austin Rivers.

給了小河流 -- Austin Rivers

"For a moment, for a half second maybe, I became a dad in there," Doc Rivers
told Yahoo Sports later on Sunday at the AT&T Center. The tears welled in his
eyes, but he quickly wiped them away and stiffened in the concrete corridor.

總教練老河流向Yahoo Sport的記者說,那一刻,或許有一兩秒吧,我回到了我兒子父親

To trade for his son, Rivers had to make a case on the move's merits to a
dubious basketball community. He's had to live with the criticism. They've
had to live with it together. They had Sunday together, too.


Austin Rivers had his finest moment in the NBA on Sunday, scoring 16 points,
delivering defense, deflections and a 114-105 victory over the San Antonio
Spurs to bring this best-of-seven series back to Staples Center at 2-2. He
made deft drives to the basket and fearless finishes to stun the Spurs.


For nine years, Doc Rivers coached and lived in Boston. For most of that
time, his wife and children stayed in Orlando. Austin completed middle school
and high school, spent a year at Duke and moved onto the NBA. Father and son
were separated a long time, often coming and going in moments Doc had flown
down and stolen an off-night for a high school game or an ACC game on Tobacco


"Listen, we haven't been together a lot," Rivers told Yahoo Sports. "In a lot
of ways, I am his coach."


More coach than father, he's trying to say. It's an honest admission, and it
comes tinged with a touch of sadness. Nevertheless, Austin Rivers has had to
find his own way with these Clippers, earn his own respect. This was a
beginning on Sunday, nothing more, nothing less.


As much as anything, it's been Chris Paul and Blake Griffin fueling him with
belief. In the losing locker room of Game 3, Griffin told Austin Rivers that
he could make a difference, that he needed to use his size and speed to go
downhill, to assail the rim. Austin heard him, and heeded him.


"I need you," Paul told Austin on Sunday in the huddles, and, yes, Austin
finally found a way to impact this Clippers season. The NBA's a survival of
the fittest, and that's the kind of performance that Austin will need to
deliver again and again to have staying power. Everyone wanted to probe for
the "Happy Days" moment between coach and player on Sunday, between father
and son.

也將會是小河流需要一直做來讓自己更加出色的方式。 第四戰賽後,每個人都想要
知道教練跟球員間、父子倆之間會有怎樣的Happy Days慶祝

Austin dismissed all that. "Nah, man, we didn't win a championship."


Mostly, Austin wants to talk about his responsibility to his teammates –
 which is where a young player has to start in the NBA, especially this one.
After Game 4, the first question asked of Austin had been about giving his
father "an early Christmas present." Everything's within the context of Doc,
and that's how it'll be until the son can prove that he's a consistently good
player, that he belongs in these moments for a championship contender.


Wisely, there was no "I told you so," and no-one-believed-in-me defiance
after Game 4. This was an immense performance at the crossroads of the
Clippers' season, but it was only one. Austin Rivers wants to do it again.
That's how the criticism will stop. Play well again, and again.


"This is something I know I can do," he said.


At 22 years old, it's possible he can still be right about himself.
Sometimes, people give up on players too soon. Out of Duke, Rivers hadn't
been ready to live up to the promise of the 10th overall pick in the NBA
draft – and maybe he'll never be that. For the Clippers this season, for the
GM and coach, Doc River is under intense scrutiny. Rivers traded his 2014
first-round pick, Reggie Bullock, for his son in January.

2014的首輪簽跟Reggie Bullock,在一月交易來他自己的兒子

後面實在太長了就恕我不翻譯了,重點大家有看到就好 ^^"


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bolide77    : 老合 : 聖文.....你    QoQ1F 04/28 16:49
ghghfftjack : 有點感動 勝文加油擺脫勝文的稱號吧2F 04/28 16:50
pmdrt       : 贏了就不用回家打老婆了~~3F 04/28 16:50
seabox      : 百萬河粉出列4F 04/28 16:50
yoshro      : (」〒□〒)<小河好好加油阿~~~~~~~~~5F 04/28 16:50
o0991758566 : 聖文!!!!!!!!6F 04/28 16:51
jyekid      : 還是要對這種重用家臣的私心提出反感意見7F 04/28 16:51
freemail    : 靠爸8F 04/28 16:52
ghghfftjack : 沒有重用吧 CP3上一場犯了五次規 不得不讓勝文上久9F 04/28 16:53
ghghfftjack : 一點  她也沒有讓快艇這段時間崩潰掉
jyekid      : 河流多相信老將(進良大寶)但小河卻上 另HawesHudson11F 04/28 16:54
maxlin9527  : 百萬小河粉 站出來!12F 04/28 16:54
jyekid      : 打差立刻被冰 說沒私心是騙人的 不過老闆.球員沒表13F 04/28 16:55
Induction   : 沒有錯!勝文只是欠缺機會!2016唯一支持!14F 04/28 16:55
jyekid      : 示甚麼 小河G4也打得很好就算了 但還是很討厭這種15F 04/28 16:55
Yui5        : 馬刺認證的勝文XD,結果放給他投被打臉哈哈哈16F 04/28 16:56
srxrrr      : Induction XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD17F 04/28 16:56
bearest     : 前面打那麼爛卻一直有上場時間,怎會沒私心呢18F 04/28 16:56
MilkTea0509 : 其實是因為Mills太矮,小河在籃下很好吃....19F 04/28 16:57
jyekid      : 所以放他投籃啊 但他爭氣的投進了 Mills不貼嗎20F 04/28 16:58
jyekid      : 貼了以他的爆發力切道籃下就吃囉
Jigokuhen   : 河勝文!!!!22F 04/28 16:58
O10lOl01O   : 看他要不要而已!23F 04/28 16:59
yeiloud     : 投一休百24F 04/28 17:00
Murasaki0110: 爆發一場比拿總冠軍還難得25F 04/28 17:00
Jigokuhen   : 不過河勝文的手感是看天吃飯....26F 04/28 17:01
wylscott    : 若能穩定輸出 久了這種靠爸流言也會漸漸淡化吧27F 04/28 17:02
a28200266   : 勝文衝阿 幹掉馬刺靠你了28F 04/28 17:02
angelmax    : 勝文太爭氣惹 下一場讓他先發吧29F 04/28 17:02
slimak      : 勝文衝阿~~~~30F 04/28 17:03
garytony1   : 一場 也就那麼一場而已31F 04/28 17:03
Sonny78     : 無限期支持勝文取代CP3打先發!!!32F 04/28 17:05
lost0816    : 這場勝利太重要 ,  快艇今年真的不想再一輪遊33F 04/28 17:05
Induction   : 勝文這麼強,拉上來先發賣CP3補老將替補吧。34F 04/28 17:07
goonholyup  : 勝文賠光七百萬美金後終於賣出一碗豬肝湯戰哥也哭了35F 04/28 17:07
lost0816    : 有人站出來就對了, 季後賽有什麼用什麼36F 04/28 17:07
qwerty789   : 小河流下一場會持續爆發 還是無雙開完了 真是X因子37F 04/28 17:07
lost0816    : 有人站出來就對了,季後賽有什麼用什麼38F 04/28 17:07
jeff1008    : 小河流也有投籃比較差而已39F 04/28 17:07
ghghfftjack : Hawes hudson為啥不給上我不清楚 不過大寶貝有上阿40F 04/28 17:08
ghghfftjack : 至少看起來河流認為大寶貝比Hawes好用
qwerty789   : 小河流 尻佛 水槍兵 大寶貝 豪斯 這替補一字排開看42F 04/28 17:10
qwerty789   : 起來不差呀!
jyekid      : 教練用老將 卻獨厚愛一個季後賽處男 此外 雙H容錯率44F 04/28 17:10
jyekid      : 比小河來得低 如果今天他姓河流 在板凳上的就是大寶
magamanzero : 有私心是事實 能養起來就算了 要是敗在小河身上46F 04/28 17:12
jyekid      : 不過他G4打得很好 沒話說 請繼續使用47F 04/28 17:12
magamanzero : 河流也不會好過 河流也是拼了...為了兒子....48F 04/28 17:12
magamanzero : 只能說小河最好爭氣點...
ghghfftjack : Hawes不是沒給過機會啊 季中代替Griffin先發很多場50F 04/28 17:13
ghghfftjack : 上場時間還是不長  表現也是差強人意
ghghfftjack : 我是傾向認為河流已經把他移出輪替了
ghghfftjack : 有可能是河流不會用他 說真的他本季表現實在太差了
ghghfftjack : 不知道是怎麼回事
hmt17       : 謎之不讓CJ上去守他、55F 04/28 17:15
pagenotfound: 小河流只是剛好打到Mills的身材而已...56F 04/28 17:16
totemist    : Hawes就是沒3分沒防守沒體能 就掰了57F 04/28 17:16
pagenotfound: 擺多了就會出事情的58F 04/28 17:16
n111333     : 小河流大學不是只待一年嗎?還是我記錯了?59F 04/28 17:16
citcal      : 身為父親 這一刻應該是真的非常感動...60F 04/28 17:16
citcal      : 樓上沒搞錯 翻錯了而已....
louis152334 : 推給CJ多上啊.........62F 04/28 17:19
keroromoa   : 馬刺的1號如果TP狀況不回來,老波又不愛放CJ,那毛63F 04/28 17:20
keroromoa   : 巾還是會有被小河流吃掉的可能...
enjoyfafa   : 靠爸半年總要偶爾有個好表現阿~65F 04/28 17:21
g7a7n7      : 明明就被臟刺看扁賽到的,不信問TD66F 04/28 17:24
g7a7n7      : Timduncan@yahoo.com.tw
g7a7n7      : 附上他email不用謝了
ooxxman     : 小河整個生涯最精彩的比賽! 終於給他爸玩矇對一次了69F 04/28 17:26
hn11        : 全力支持我艇70F 04/28 17:27
love1500274 : 支持勝文先發71F 04/28 17:31
love913109  : 河粉站出來!什麼比勝文好多了72F 04/28 17:32
o0991758566 : CP3  JJ  勝文  BG  DAJ  完美先發五人73F 04/28 17:33
hmt17       : 3號我投不下去 唯一支持25號小河流先發74F 04/28 17:34
pingmau2004 : 還不是腿一個,怕重建趕緊落跑,跟某G一個樣75F 04/28 17:37
befly10015  : 確實有私心啊 照一般人打那麼爛 早被冰在板凳上了76F 04/28 17:52
thegod13    : 拷貝  TD的email是雅虎台灣的  跟我一樣耶77F 04/28 17:53
Xenogamer   : 真心不騙 2016連勝丼78F 04/28 18:00
sonota      : 美國勝文 算不算霸凌79F 04/28 18:01
OPOPPOP     : 雖然只是一場 但這場很關鍵~80F 04/28 18:10
bbbruce     : 唯一支持81F 04/28 18:11
Iamentire   : 推82F 04/28 18:12
SUSHIBOY    : 感人推83F 04/28 18:20
joulin      : 有洋蔥QQ  這次真的必須推小河流   他真的就了快艇84F 04/28 18:26
linceass    : 當然要靠他 因為大家都知道馬刺根本放他投籃XD85F 04/28 18:26
linceass    : 如果他打不出分數 快艇就真的沒救了
syo0093     : 我勝文公子何時才能光復台北 為中華民國爭一口氣呢?87F 04/28 18:27
ebaby2003   : 2016 唯一支持勝文88F 04/28 18:29
dice456     : 幹我以為我走錯板89F 04/28 18:32
GoBabyYA    : 河聖文!!90F 04/28 18:33
jackysuyu   : 剛好配合ALT昨天那篇很神的河勝文 廣告篇91F 04/28 18:39
jackysuyu   : http://ppt.cc/eIje
ALT - Timeline Photos | Facebook
第兩千零六十五話:洛城王朝-美國勝文See Translation

kullan      : 勝文真的救了這場93F 04/28 18:46
DASHOCK     : 感謝我爸 Q_Q94F 04/28 18:47
DASHOCK     : 為什麼我爸不是李嘉誠
icou        : 支持勝文選總統!96F 04/28 18:51
abc7360393  : 勝文加油 第二輪!!!97F 04/28 18:54
river0927   : ...才一場 G7這種表現再哭吧98F 04/28 18:56
senate0125  : QQ99F 04/28 18:58
nuturewind  : 美國戰哥:不能讓勝文不開勳100F 04/28 19:02
linyi520    : 內牛滿面101F 04/28 19:25
ryan0714123 : 這種文章出太快了,G5馬上就現原形102F 04/28 19:28
jyekid      : Doc Rovers says he looks at all of his players a103F 04/28 19:29
jyekid      : as his kids, not just Austin.  呵呵
Tenging     : 快艇連勝文105F 04/28 19:30
jyekid      : 我相信啊 但有的兒子比較受寵 姓氏剛好跟一樣106F 04/28 19:31
boy80421    : 可憐的人 就算場場40分也會被叫勝文107F 04/28 19:52
AngelNo13   : http://imgur.com/nP4CQe6108F 04/28 19:55
andy22ss    : 看明天是否打臉了109F 04/28 20:11
PHONm       : 翻得很好~110F 04/28 20:13
kimigogo    : 有第二輪再來開心好嗎111F 04/28 20:14
shifa       : 內舉不避親啊,還好吧112F 04/28 20:26
kuaiphoto   : 下一場就知道海水退潮後小河流有沒有傳褲子113F 04/28 20:31

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