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作者 標題 [新聞] Drew Gooden代表芬蘭國家隊參加世界盃
時間 Wed Aug 6 22:07:59 2014
Drew Gooden代表芬蘭國家隊參加2014 FIBA World Cup
Drew Gooden was born in Oakland, went to college in Kansas, and has made a
living playing for 10 NBA franchises across the United States.
Now the Wizards forward plans on extending his footprint overseas at the end
of the month when he suits up for Finland in the FIBA World Cup, according to
a person with knowledge of Gooden’s intentions. Gooden, 32, is eligible to
play for Finland because his mother is Finnish.
Finland, ranked 39th in the FIBA world rankings, is one of four wild cards in
the World Cup, which is scheduled to begin in Bilbao, Spain, on Aug. 30.
Finland’s first opponent in Group C play? The United States.
The World Cup will be Finland’s first worldwide FIBA competition. The Nordic
nation’s worldwide basketball tournament history is limited to two Olympic
appearances, in 1952 and 1964. Finland was granted an automatic berth in the
1952 tournament because the country hosted the Games.
Other familiar names on the Finnish roster include Hanno Mottola and Erik
Murphy. Mottola played two seasons in the NBA for the Hawks after playing at
the University of Utah. Murphy, now with the Cavaliers, played collegiately
at Florida and for the Jazz last season.
Gooden joined the Wizards on a 10-day contract in February and finished the
campaign with the team. The 12-year veteran re-signed with the Wizards last
Drew Gooden plans on playing for Finland in FIBA World Cup - The Washington Post
The Wizards' well-traveled veteran, who is elgible to play for the Nordic country because his mother is Finnish, will add international tournament play to his bio. ...
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1407334082.A.46B.html
※ 編輯: campaso (, 08/06/2014 22:10:21
推 :給懶得看的,因為他媽是芬蘭人1F 08/06 22:10
推 :Goooooooden2F 08/06 22:10
推 :今年在巫師打的不錯阿,記得之前很容易遊魂。3F 08/06 22:11
噓 :芬蘭人就芬蘭人 為什麼1F嘴那麼臭4F 08/06 22:13
推 :我眼殘 霸欠
推 :我眼殘 霸欠
推 :1F不就只是說他母親是芬蘭人的意思嗎?6F 08/06 22:15
推 :4F XDDDDDDDDDDDDD7F 08/06 22:16
推 :我笑了8F 08/06 22:17
推 :4F10F 08/06 22:21
推 :這有簽名檔的潛力XDD11F 08/06 22:21
推 :XD12F 08/06 22:21
噓 :已做成簽名檔13F 08/06 22:22
推 :樓歪了啦~XD14F 08/06 22:23
推 :4F好兇喔16F 08/06 22:23
推 :四樓.......... (其實我一開始也看錯 XD17F 08/06 22:24
推 :豬骨蛋 有點懷念他 但之前好像一直沒球隊要他18F 08/06 22:25
推 :她可以一場20分12板 下一場4分2板 骰子型球員19F 08/06 22:26
推 :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD20F 08/06 22:31
推 :4樓好兇q___q21F 08/06 22:32
推 :Hahaha 他在巫師阿 打得還ok22F 08/06 22:32
推 :四樓到底看成什麼?23F 08/06 22:33
推 :4F XDDDD24F 08/06 22:33
推 :古蛋單純想打國際賽吧 因為USA絕對輪不到他25F 08/06 22:35
推 :原來是他媽的芬蘭人26F 08/06 22:38
→ :根本懶得看,因為他媽的芬蘭人(疑?)27F 08/06 22:41
推 :4F凶宅28F 08/06 22:43
推 :文中提到另兩位NBA選手Hanno Mottola、Erik Murphy29F 08/06 22:44
→ :另外芬蘭國家隊主控是 Petteri Koponen
→ :另外芬蘭國家隊主控是 Petteri Koponen
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 34
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