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作者 標題 [外絮] 熱火已計劃追求變成自由球員的甜瓜了
時間 Thu Jun 12 18:32:57 2014
Miami Heat Already Planning Free-Agent Run at Carmelo Anthony
Miami Heat mastermind Pat Riley just might be on the verge of adding another
superstar to his Big Three.
According to ESPN.com's Brian Windhorst and Marc Stein:
ESPN的記者Brian Windhorst和Marc Stein提到:
“Sources told ESPN.com that Heat officials and the team's leading players have
already started to explore their options for creating sufficient financial
flexibility to make an ambitious run at adding New York Knicks scoring
machine Carmelo Anthony this summer in free agency.”
Yep, that Carmelo Anthony—the one who averaged 27.4 points and 8.1 rebounds
this season.
是的,就是Carmelo Anthony,這位本季能繳出平均27.4分和8.1籃板的球星。
The ESPN rumor is consistent with what USA Today's Sam Amick first reported
on the subject. Amick explained the financial implications as well, writing:
EPSN得到的這則消息隨後也被《USA Today》的記者Sam Amick報導,Amick也分析了一下
“A Big Four with the Heat (James, Wade, Bosh and Anthony) is possible, but it
would require significant pay cuts from all involved. The Heat have about $8
million in payroll for next season if James, Wade and Bosh all opt out. It
comes in handy that the salary cap is expected to increase by about $5
million next season to $63.2 million, while the luxury tax threshold is
expected to be $77 million.”
Amick notes that the Los Angeles Lakers and New York Knicks are also hoping
to somehow entice LeBron James and Anthony to join forces with their
respective clubs.
Writing for ESPNNewYork.com, Stephen A. Smith reported, "Melo wants to play
with LeBron James. And, from what I'm being told, LeBron James wants to play
with Melo. Assuming circumstances are ideal for them to do so."
ESPNNewYork的Stephen A. Smith透露:「Melo想和LBJ打球,還有我所知道的,LBJ也
Before any superstar-combining scenario comes to fruition, Anthony must first
make a decision about his future with the Knicks. Per Stein:
在熱火四巨頭合體的謠言成真以前,Melo必須先替自己在尼克的未來做決定,Per Stein說
“Anthony has until June 23, essentially one week before the start of free
agency, to notify the New York Knicks if he plans to opt in or out of the
final year of his current contract, according to sources familiar with the
terms of his deal.”
Should Anthony opt out, the next question would be whether he's willing to
take the requisite pay cut to join James and Co. in Miami.
It's hard to fully grasp the impact Anthony would have on the Heat. Though
It's hard to fully grasp the impact Anthony would have on the Heat. Though
his production would almost certainly be curtailed playing alongside so much
talent, the team's offense would still be elevated to another level
The franchise would also reach new heights as a cultural phenomenon. It's
hard to even wrap one's head around that much star power being consolidated
on the same team.
Such a move would undoubtedly spur 29 other owners to think about the
league's competitive balance and whether there should be ways to prevent such
a remarkable concentration of talent. If the salary cap and luxury tax can't
prevent it, perhaps there will be dialogue on new mechanisms designed to
restore league-wide parity.
The Heat would, however, remain perfectly happy with the status quo.
Report: Miami Heat Already Planning Free-Agent Run at Carmelo Anthony | Bleacher Report
The latest Miami Heat news, trade rumors, scores, live coverage, free agent updates, power rankings, mock drafts and more ...
真組成的話 NBA其他29隊還要玩嗎?
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推 :想看馬刺大戰四王1F 06/12 18:35
※ 編輯: thanos (, 06/12/2014 18:38:57推 :真的在玩2k組隊嗎…2F 06/12 18:37
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推 :總覺得三巨頭剛好 四巨頭一定無法完美合作的阿5F 06/12 18:38
推 :做夢6F 06/12 18:38
→ :球團砍光算了,留馬刺跟熱火兩隊打就好7F 06/12 18:38
→ :OK+馬龍+手套沒奪冠 NASH+DH+姊姊+老大一輪遊8F 06/12 18:39
→ :再說把錢都投資在先發上那替補怎麼辦呢?
→ :再說把錢都投資在先發上那替補怎麼辦呢?
→ :我箭三巨頭>>>>>>>>>>>>熱火四巨頭10F 06/12 18:40
→ :問題東區已經爛成這個鳥樣,躺著打都能進季後賽,在外11F 06/12 18:40
推 :CP3也來好了,替補就DH Gasol MWP Kobe Nash,無敵!12F 06/12 18:40
→ :外掛一個13F 06/12 18:40
→ :要飯登:你們一起全上了吧!14F 06/12 18:41
推 :2K組隊,湖人實現2次啦15F 06/12 18:41
→ :這是熱火球迷亂放的消息吧16F 06/12 18:41
推 :很想看 一季也好 美國隊在nba打能拿冠軍嗎XD17F 06/12 18:41
→ :BOSH:這下要當小四了18F 06/12 18:41
→ :不然西區組個要飯化緣團好了,直接打冠軍杯,季賽免了19F 06/12 18:42
推 :好爽 想看這假消息能讓魯蛇酸各種悲憤到什麼地步XD20F 06/12 18:42
推 :Howard Nash Kobe MWP Gasol是幾巨頭?21F 06/12 18:42
→ :西區代表 要飯化緣團VS東區代表 火腿隊 可能還有看頭22F 06/12 18:43
推 :剩下8M的球員打包+明年首輪籤 換 asik LBJ去打控衛23F 06/12 18:43
推 :要飯化緣隊早就組過了 想當年三哨齊聚一堂 好不威風24F 06/12 18:44
→ :LBJ+Wade+Melo+Bosh+Asik25F 06/12 18:44
推 :就算組成 其他29隊也還是熱火剋星XDDD26F 06/12 18:45
→ :支持KD來年降薪來我箭組要飯化緣隊27F 06/12 18:46
推 :把BOSH交易出去 就好 還是三巨頭28F 06/12 18:46
→ :Melo與LBJ這兩隻同質性不會太高嗎?29F 06/12 18:49
推 :沒用吧,wade還能打多久,不要做夢了30F 06/12 18:50
推 :薪資比較好奇要給多少才組得起來31F 06/12 18:52
推 :非常期待32F 06/12 18:53
推 :可惜明年馬刺更老了,不然期待看馬刺打敗四巨頭33F 06/12 19:11
推 :搞不好馬刺明年更輕鬆34F 06/12 19:16
推 :所以馬刺今年要拿冠軍阿XD 這樣明年才有好戲看35F 06/12 19:45
推 : 湖人那兩次四K 幾乎都有兩三個是又老又傷的36F 06/12 19:47
→ : 熱火若組成四K 可是四個正值壯年無傷痛的....差很多
→ : 熱火若組成四K 可是四個正值壯年無傷痛的....差很多
→ :那就真的要看LBJ打控球了吧38F 06/12 19:48
噓 :甜瓜如果去熱火的話,打死我也不看nba,冠軍都給熱火就39F 06/12 19:49
→ :好,美國夢幻隊派熱火上去就好了
→ :好,美國夢幻隊派熱火上去就好了
推 :非常期待一顆球要怎麼分41F 06/12 19:51
推 :瓜瓜肯犧牲數據嗎 他無私嗎42F 06/12 19:55
推 :熱火有沒有連罷應該會是關鍵影響43F 06/12 19:56
→ : 霸
→ : 霸
推 :Wade算有傷痛啦 不過還是非常猛45F 06/12 20:00
→ :很多人會期待吧哈哈 尤其輸球的時候
→ :很多人會期待吧哈哈 尤其輸球的時候
推 :有甜瓜在的球隊不會奪冠的 放心讓甜瓜去熱火吧47F 06/12 20:01
推 :BOSH從三弟升級成三哥48F 06/12 20:01
→ :尼克連季後賽都沒進 還是在較弱的東區49F 06/12 20:02
→ :Wade應該要降最多 其次LBJ多Bosh幾百萬 其他到時再說50F 06/12 20:14
→ :等真的到熱火了再討論也不遲
→ :等真的到熱火了再討論也不遲
→ :結果兩個都被乾爹帶去雷霆...52F 06/12 20:16
推 :不如買三哨53F 06/12 20:23
推 :組四巨頭的話我猜薪水12M~15M54F 06/12 20:29
→ :而且連美國隊國際賽都會輸球了 組四巨頭也不一定真的
→ :拿的到冠軍吧 馬刺組一隊國際聯軍可能就贏了
→ :C.Pasol PF.TD SF.可愛 SG.馬妞 PG.Parker
→ :替補 Tiago Diaw Batum Mills Green
→ :而且連美國隊國際賽都會輸球了 組四巨頭也不一定真的
→ :拿的到冠軍吧 馬刺組一隊國際聯軍可能就贏了
→ :C.Pasol PF.TD SF.可愛 SG.馬妞 PG.Parker
→ :替補 Tiago Diaw Batum Mills Green
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 44
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