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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-05-25 17:00:43
看板 NBA
作者 taylorliao (Page)
標題 [外絮] Taj Gibson 準備下季接替Boozer
時間 Sat May 24 14:01:22 2014

Taj Gibson is ready

While general manager Gar Forman has remained poker-faced about the future of
Carlos Boozer in a Bulls uniform, several sources indicated that reserve power
forward Taj Gibson was told by his coaching staff to start preparing this
offseason to be a starter come tip-off 2014-15. And Gibson has. With about a
week left of rehabbing a badly sprained left ankle that occurred in the Game 5
playoff loss to the Wizards last month, Gibson confirmed that he has been told
“to get my body and mind right to be a starter.’’ “I mean this will be
exciting,’’ Gibson said in a phone interview. “This is what I’ve always
thought about. When I started [those six games] for Boozer when he was hurt
during the season, I just know how excited I was, how good it felt to come to
the arena.’’ Chicago Sun-Times

儘管公牛GM Gar Forman 對於被問到有關 Carlos Boozer 下季是否仍身穿公牛球衣一樣
擺著一張撲克臉,有一些消息指出先發PF候選人 Taj Gibson 已經被教練組通知在這個休
賽季準備一下明年接替先發4號位。而 Gibson 的狀態也顯示準備中。在季後賽首輪面對巫
這真的很令人興奮,我已經想要很久了。在我當時因為 Boozer 受傷而接了先發的那6場比
賽,我只記得我真的超興奮,用先發出賽真的超棒的。」 Chicago Sun-Times


來源網址: http://ppt.cc/rWn8


Dwight Howard: "My soul, everything I have is in Orlando. I just can't leave it

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※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1400911288.A.234.html
jack22330088:Booooooo要丟下我1F 05/24 14:03
imret       :Booooo離Booooo棄2F 05/24 14:03
diefish5566 :我Boooooooooooooooo要走3F 05/24 14:03
kevinpeng   :Hodor4F 05/24 14:04
keroromoa   :Booooooooooooo是這樣Zerrrrrrr吧5F 05/24 14:05
thanos      :火箭萬用包<--->Boozer6F 05/24 14:06
shadowshaikh:Booooooooooo要抓交替7F 05/24 14:06
Basket0205  :公牛準備特赦了吧 還用得著萬用包?8F 05/24 14:07
neos042     :Lin換Boozer9F 05/24 14:07
quaker7481  :公牛的陣容原本其真的齊 這兩年傷了rose很傷10F 05/24 14:07
Basket0205  :幹嘛幫火箭吃三千萬11F 05/24 14:07
Dorae5566   :Booooo離booooooo棄,被當北七12F 05/24 14:08
kobeslaker  :Boooo要zer我!13F 05/24 14:08
kk9517      :Boooooooooooooo要這樣14F 05/24 14:09
johnli      :Booooo離Booooo棄 是我Boo拉zer15F 05/24 14:10
dcoog7880   :Booooooooooooooo要取代我16F 05/24 14:10
MG1211      :Boooo爽zer17F 05/24 14:12
yahooooooooo:Boooooooo要趕我走18F 05/24 14:12
t55020255   :Boooooooooooooo這樣對我19F 05/24 14:14
MG1211      :我Booooooooooooo想當魯zerrrr20F 05/24 14:14
hei566      :booooo是zer樣吧21F 05/24 14:14
c7683fh6    :Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodor22F 05/24 14:15
shifa       :Boooooo是zerrrrrr樣吧23F 05/24 14:16
lave70      :Giboooooooooooson24F 05/24 14:23
ga023630    :Booooooooooooooo要Diu我25F 05/24 14:25
kings200207 :他跟德龍離開爵士就隕落了= =26F 05/24 14:25
plan1       :Bloooooooo要zer樣27F 05/24 14:27
cn0341      :Bo~~~~~會~~~~~吧~~~~~28F 05/24 14:31
njunju      :boooooo要賣我29F 05/24 14:31
BigEyes123  :歐Booooooooooooo30F 05/24 14:32
season80111 :對booooooooooooo起31F 05/24 14:34
axd1982     :boooooo要我zer~~32F 05/24 14:35
davidwen    :Boogibooozerson33F 05/24 14:40
jcto04      :Boooooooooooooooooooooooo是真der吧!???34F 05/24 14:44
kj810       :boooooooo會吧要zer土了35F 05/24 14:45
retre77     :小胖跟bo都越來越鳥..36F 05/24 14:48
kerry0496x  :Boo要道歉 Boo要道別  在這燈火輝煌的夜裡~~37F 05/24 15:05
kattte      :boozer:我打球打到頭髮都沒了,現在連球隊都要扔了我38F 05/24 15:05
kerry0496x  :沒有人~~  會流淚~~  淚流~~39F 05/24 15:05
yaobj       :BOOZER被公牛這麼搞,註定一輩子是高薪低能的代表XDDD40F 05/24 15:05
kerry0496x  :哪有啊  boo的努力  公牛迷都有看到啊XD41F 05/24 15:06
kerry0496x  :五門齊的時候  Boo和Noah一起高位助攻傳爽爽
wenqi       :依依Booooooozer43F 05/24 15:18
lpoki10     :Boooo要特赦我zer44F 05/24 15:28
YamagiN     :Boo要問 Boo要說 一切盡在Boo言中45F 05/24 15:39
kuo1922     :哭~~笑~~Booooooozerrrr~46F 05/24 15:40
hongchanghsu:BOOOOOOOOOOO47F 05/24 15:41
Lheavens    :Taj 就是年輕且更有爆發力的Boozer阿 只差投射能力了48F 05/24 15:43
pptsodog    :Boo哭了 Boo哭了 我一個人boo哭了49F 05/24 16:09
jahen       :Booooooooo要再射zer50F 05/24 16:11
imret       :其實Boooooooooo想走 其實我想留51F 05/24 16:19
imret       :我Boooooo難過 只是為什麼眼淚會流 我也Booooo懂
Unixsan12318:Booooooooooooo要擠掉我53F 05/24 16:57
hsf0318     :Booooo要讓我變成魯zerrr54F 05/24 17:00
briankch    :Booo離Boo棄 被當北七55F 05/24 17:32
brian980466 :Boooooo難過56F 05/24 17:43
nowitzki46  :Booooooo要小看我57F 05/24 17:53
pong530     :booooooooo~~~58F 05/24 20:07
cvbn7910    :Boo還蠻貴的耶 16.8M59F 05/24 20:12
henry9405   :籃網簽下去吧!!!60F 05/24 20:17
sinben      :Boooooooooooooooooooooozer61F 05/24 20:41
jerrys0580  :booooo zerbooooo是真的!!62F 05/24 21:39
ask5566     :Boozer一定會離開的.....掰掰63F 05/24 23:21
Kulan       :一直很欣賞他 在公牛默默耕耘那麼久 終於要出頭了64F 05/25 01:04
Kulan       :不過公牛教練那種操法實在是...

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