看板 Wonderland
作者 標題 [Note] 紡線
時間 2012年12月04日 Tue. AM 01:31:49
Making yarn: How to spin on a drop spindle - YouTube
How to spin on yarn on a drop spindle, with low whorl and high whorl spindle. Using woolen and worsted drafting methods. Learn to start with by making your o...
How to spin on yarn on a drop spindle, with low whorl and high whorl spindle. Using woolen and worsted drafting methods. Learn to start with by making your o...
Making Newspaper Yarn - YouTube
Vickie Howell demonstrates how to make yarn out of newspaper to knit the Extra! Eco! frame from her book (co-written with Adrienne Armstrong), AwareKnits!
Vickie Howell demonstrates how to make yarn out of newspaper to knit the Extra! Eco! frame from her book (co-written with Adrienne Armstrong), AwareKnits!
炙愛毛線@Taipei Times! Yarn Passions@Taipei Times! - Yarn Passions 炙愛毛線 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格 回到關於毛線 back to Our Yarns 中文翻譯: 先生與太太,Kent與Anita Suarez(張婧楦)兩人皆知道如何說好故事(spin a good yarn)。但當Kent在紡毛線(spins a yarn)的時候,他是真的在紡毛線—以墜 ... ...
影音教學-自己動手把羊毛紡成毛線吧 @ 旋轉木馬力 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
之前在日本行去吉祥寺拜訪了ANANDA,也碰到了緒方伶香 老師,除了買到超激安い的羊毛set以外,還帶了緒方老師最喜歡的糖果粉紅混色羊毛,另外我比手畫腳的,以日本人無法抗拒的台灣女孩的熱情,請緒方老師 ...
之前在日本行去吉祥寺拜訪了ANANDA,也碰到了緒方伶香 老師,除了買到超激安い的羊毛set以外,還帶了緒方老師最喜歡的糖果粉紅混色羊毛,另外我比手畫腳的,以日本人無法抗拒的台灣女孩的熱情,請緒方老師 ...
紡錘 スピンドル drop spindle
※ 作者: JazminLi 時間: 2012-12-04 01:31:49
※ 編輯: JazminLi 時間: 2012-12-04 17:04:56
※ 看板: Wonderland 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 207
※ 文章分類: [NOTE]
3樓 時間: 2012-12-04 01:53:25 (台灣)
12-04 01:53 TW