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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-03-27 12:32:39
看板 WomenTalk
作者 pzhao (黑糖沙琪瑪)
標題 [問題] 推薦可以入眠的音樂
時間 Tue Mar 26 00:03:35 2019








上次聽Mogwai的Take Me Somewhere Nice


Cigarettes After Sex的Apocalypse就還不錯




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jetaime851: mit linear algebra lecture1F 03/26 00:05
AppleMan: 費玉清的2F 03/26 00:05
marquelin: Nora jones3F 03/26 00:06
marquelin: *Norah
susna80: 宮崎駿的輕音樂//5F 03/26 00:07
XBOX720: 以前都聽owl city 很像在哄小孩睡覺的歌6F 03/26 00:07
cami33: 下雨聲7F 03/26 00:09
※ 編輯: pzhao (, 03/26/2019 00:11:28
Avira: the album leaf-into the blue again8F 03/26 00:17
mythparadise: 黃杏怡 聆聽來自恆河的聲音9F 03/26 00:17
※ 編輯: pzhao (, 03/26/2019 00:18:31
ms0286415: 好樂團10F 03/26 00:20
skyviviema: 安卓叫估狗助理播放情境聲 有個柴火聲滿療癒的11F 03/26 00:21
diaoge: 三天三夜12F 03/26 00:22
b41p3987: Spotify 舒眠一堆13F 03/26 00:26
suiminkusuri: 上交友軟體找妹子電愛==14F 03/26 00:28
スタジオジブリピアノメドレー【作業用、勉強、睡眠用BGM】Studio Ghibli Piano Collection(Piano Covered by kno) - YouTube (Piano Covered by kno) ・風の谷のナウシカ(1984)/Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind 1.風の伝説/Kazeno Densetsu (Legend of the Wind)0:00 ・天空の城ラピュタ(1986)Laputa:Castel in the...

carren0911: 日本動漫的輕音樂都蠻好聽的16F 03/26 00:40
Spirited Away (2001) - The Name of Life (Instrumental piano) Inochi No Namae いのちの名前 - YouTube I mirrored the video and re-uploaded as the scene was from the movie. Spirited Away OST - The Name of Life (Piano) Inochi No Namae Movie Director - Hayao Miy...

KGO - "Name of Life (KGO's Amanogawa Remix)" - YouTube
i guess this album "Ghibli of Life" is a continuem of "Jazzin' For Ghibli" but it doesn't only features Joe Hisaishi's tracks this one is also taken from "Sp...

DJ Sly - いのちの名前~ジブリ・メドレー - YouTube
[HQ]  From the compilation album "The Best of Jazzin' for Ghibli".

khsi: 佛經20F 03/26 00:42
久石譲 Joe Hisaishi - The Sixth Station - YouTube
Piano solo [ピアノソロ] Performance by Joe Hisaishi. From album "ENCORE"

ookiniSN9: 回不去的旅人22F 03/26 00:46
tsunana2727: 聽Youtube的Bossa nova輪播一下就睡著了23F 03/26 00:55
aiur313: 有些床邊故事也不錯24F 03/26 00:56
xkiller1900: 啊宮崎駿的音樂幾乎就都久石讓的...25F 03/26 01:17
home4129: 周杰倫的床邊故事26F 03/26 01:19
flus179: 喜歡睡覺的時候有人在的感覺 不聽音樂 但我聽一個叫英雄27F 03/26 01:22
flus179: 說書的頻道講三國的故事 每天當床邊故事聽到睡著 推給你
whoismama: bill callahan - jim cain,有一陣子失眠聽完兩遍馬上29F 03/26 01:24
whoismama: 睡
XBOX720: 袁泉 寶寶睡 唱給大人聽的哄睡歌31F 03/26 01:39
a2530720: 甜梅號32F 03/26 01:57
iamwind7954: 我都看yotube沙畫的影片..影像很平靜音樂又很輕-.-33F 03/26 02:44
yui03072: 找alpha波的音樂34F 03/26 02:53
tommys90090: 印度公園35F 03/26 03:35
smap123: 王若琳的慢歌36F 03/26 04:09
Beanoodle: 這文好37F 03/26 04:23
nepal3128: 試試白噪音38F 03/26 05:59
skbshawn: Dejavu39F 03/26 06:13
Gymnopédie No. 1 - Erik Satie - 2 HOURS Classical Music for Studying & Concentration Piano Playlist - YouTube 2 Hours of Classical Music for studying and concentration. The best Satie study music and relaxing instrumental piano song. Thank you so much for watching th...

Hsiang3798: offonoff全部41F 03/26 07:44
pibidiq: marconi union - weightless42F 03/26 07:49
joe90827: 當然是還我國棟啊 邊聽邊睡超安心43F 03/26 07:53
s20147866: Asmr 有些很舒服44F 03/26 08:01
nightbjer19: One ok rock都陪我入睡45F 03/26 08:03
wppccc: slowdive 但感覺你應該有聽過了46F 03/26 08:07
JER2725: 痝␅去ard Rock/睡午覺的,聽bass聲線然後最睡著了47F 03/26 08:17
polobolo: joji48F 03/26 08:32
lllll12b56: 每天聽八神搖都搖到睡著49F 03/26 08:38
b501: Spotify上有一個播放清單:The most beautiful songs in the50F 03/26 08:48
b501:  world.
cogo4258: wii的主題曲52F 03/26 08:57
Blue6: 我難過53F 03/26 09:01
ppptofff: W. A. Mozart Piano Concerto No.20 in C Major KV.46754F 03/26 09:27
ppptofff:  2nd mvt.
hbs9586: Hammock56F 03/26 09:40
cdfq384903: insomnium-one for sorrow57F 03/26 09:55
ArcEclipse: Spotify的這個播放清單超厲害59F 03/26 10:02
lanadelrey22: 蕭邦夜曲60F 03/26 10:11
qaz34560: Offonoff推61F 03/26 10:29
imemhaha: ZAYN的Icarus Falls全專 失眠救星62F 03/26 10:36
mglynite: oh wonder的歌!!聲音很舒服63F 03/26 10:43
Frontier Village Dali - Final Fantasy IX Music Extended - YouTube Final Fantasy IX music that has been extended to play for at least 15.5 minutes. This video was uploaded from  This stre...

EVASUKA: FF9 Dali 村莊音樂。外國網友都說舒服心靜65F 03/26 10:45
movingheart: Max richter的sleep66F 03/26 11:15
Trasher: 第一個想到 莫文蔚 陰天67F 03/26 13:03
chuzozo: 黃玠的流行歌68F 03/26 13:05
tkubkl: YouTube上很多24/7 lofi hip hop天天聽那個入睡 不知道合69F 03/26 13:17
tkubkl: 不合胃口
nccupopo1221: 瑪麗蓮曼森71F 03/26 13:55
SherryHungC: 海浪聲72F 03/26 14:52
n86543: Lemon73F 03/26 20:40
babu5461: 我都聽英文新聞,通常3分鐘內睡著74F 03/26 21:33
kiki90419: 綠綱琴75F 03/26 22:16

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