※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-02-02 09:23:20
看板 WomenTalk
作者 標題 [討論] 適合情侶的英文短句
時間 Thu Feb 1 14:30:58 2018
上面可以刻字 英文字20字之內
You complete me.
We complete us.
Sent from JPTT on my iPhone
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1QShGbU3 (WomenTalk)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WomenTalk/M.1517466661.A.783.html
推 : I see you.1F 02/01 14:31
※ 編輯: khtw (, 02/01/2018 14:32:35推 : I want to have a happy ending2F 02/01 14:33
推 : For you,a thousand times over.3F 02/01 14:34
→ : 英文不好還要刻也是傻眼貓貓了!!4F 02/01 14:35
→ : I will be back5F 02/01 14:35
推 : How do you turn this on6F 02/01 14:35
→ : 我將會成為你的後背7F 02/01 14:35
推 : you are apple in my eye but I choose a big chest8F 02/01 14:36
推 : May the force be with you9F 02/01 14:36
→ : Fanny&Willy
→ : Fanny&Willy
推 : I’m only one call away11F 02/01 14:37
→ : I love your fairy arse12F 02/01 14:39
推 : share my life, is yours to keep13F 02/01 14:41
→ : I had a pen14F 02/01 14:42
推 : Ah Ah Ah staying alive15F 02/01 14:43
→ : If you were a drum, I’d bang you everyday
→ : If you were a drum, I’d bang you everyday
推 : How do you turn this on17F 02/01 14:48
推 : IKEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA18F 02/01 14:51
→ : One and only. always be with U19F 02/01 14:53
推 : We are made for each other20F 02/01 14:54
推 : Pay me monkey21F 02/01 14:56
噓 : I'm two-timed baby.22F 02/01 14:58
推 : You're god damn right.23F 02/01 14:59
推 : suck me24F 02/01 15:00
→ : Fuck me25F 02/01 15:01
→ : Fuck you.
→ : Fuck you.
推 : Love me feed me never leave me27F 02/01 15:03
推 : You are my every today and all my tomorrows.28F 02/01 15:03
→ : We are never getting back together29F 02/01 15:08
推 : I love you, it is from my bottom of my heart30F 02/01 15:10
推 : the apple of my eye31F 02/01 15:11
→ : You always get me top, get me there.32F 02/01 15:11
→ : Translate Server Error.33F 02/01 15:16
推 : fuck my fucking pussy34F 02/01 15:16
推 : mei sho gam mo35F 02/01 15:17
→ : we won't last than one year36F 02/01 15:18
推 : May Show Gun More37F 02/01 15:20
推 : (默默收藏38F 02/01 15:26
推 : like no other you can't be replaced39F 02/01 15:26
推 : How do you turn this on41F 02/01 15:36
推 : Dobby is freeee42F 02/01 15:37
推 : penpineapple applepen43F 02/01 15:38
推 : You had me at hello44F 02/01 15:38
→ : You jump I jump45F 02/01 15:39
推 : Say my name46F 02/01 15:40
推 : 幹 推文不要亂教啦哈哈哈47F 02/01 15:42
推 : you are easy48F 02/01 15:45
推 : I see Dad people49F 02/01 15:46
推 : 推文不要亂教+150F 02/01 15:48
推 : You are my shit 妳是我的東西<351F 02/01 15:48
推 : Do you know da way?52F 02/01 15:52
推 : Expelliarmus!53F 02/01 15:52
推 : This is a pen54F 02/01 15:53
推 : Dad is like the wind always by my side55F 02/01 15:53
推 : I was made for loving you - 歌也蠻好聽的:)56F 02/01 15:53
→ : carry u in me heart57F 02/01 15:53
推 : a penis more powerful than a sword58F 02/01 15:54
推 : not one, not two..59F 02/01 15:55
推 : You can’t see me60F 02/01 15:59
→ : trust the process61F 02/01 16:00
推 : You had me at hello.62F 02/01 16:02
推 : How dare you are!63F 02/01 16:03
推 : Tight !tight! tight!64F 02/01 16:04
推 : I want play a game65F 02/01 16:04
推 : I want to play a game…66F 02/01 16:04
推 : i don’t know who u are67F 02/01 16:06
推 : U know nothing68F 02/01 16:08
→ : may show gun more69F 02/01 16:09
推 : You jump I jump70F 02/01 16:09
→ : 小生最新那篇爆文你沒看喔 當然是fast and furious啊71F 02/01 16:11
推 : why not both72F 02/01 16:12
推 : I love you. I know.73F 02/01 16:14
推 : 不要刻啦,不然以後分手不好處理74F 02/01 16:15
推 : Can I have a cookie?75F 02/01 16:15
推 : Nice to meet you76F 02/01 16:15
推 : Let’s grow old together.77F 02/01 16:24
→ : 快被這篇笑死78F 02/01 16:24
推 : 好多都在鬧XD79F 02/01 16:28
→ : Do you know far way80F 02/01 16:28
推 : Super risky stacking81F 02/01 16:28
→ : Do you inside?82F 02/01 16:29
推 : GIVE ME REMEMBER83F 02/01 16:31
→ : I'm heisenberg84F 02/01 16:33
推 : Over my dead body!85F 02/01 16:34
→ : I am pregnant, honey.86F 02/01 16:36
推 : May showed gun mo87F 02/01 16:37
推 : Is it good to drink?88F 02/01 16:38
推 : may show gun more89F 02/01 16:39
→ : I've sacrificed everything. What have you given?90F 02/01 16:42
推 : Who's your daddy?91F 02/01 16:46
推 : an apple a day92F 02/01 16:48
推 : U suck. I suck. We suck each other93F 02/01 16:49
推 : I'm into u94F 02/01 16:49
推 : we remember95F 02/01 16:49
推 : Love will tear us apart96F 02/01 16:50
推 : What's your name?97F 02/01 16:50
推 : U complete me. I'm getting married.98F 02/01 16:50
推 : Please break up with me99F 02/01 16:52
推 : I'll be back100F 02/01 16:57
→ : 第一句比第二句好很多.....101F 02/01 17:01
推 : im ur father102F 02/01 17:02
推 : I am the bone of my swords103F 02/01 17:03
推 : Put the hands up!104F 02/01 17:05
推 : I mean all of you are rubbish105F 02/01 17:06
推 : you're fired.106F 02/01 17:06
推 : I have money107F 02/01 17:10
噓 : say my name108F 02/01 17:10
推 : Read my name109F 02/01 17:12
推 : I am the Danger!110F 02/01 17:13
推 : It's time to break up111F 02/01 17:13
推 : I see u 是阿凡達嗎112F 02/01 17:14
推 : Do you want to build a snowman113F 02/01 17:14
推 : XDDDDDD笑死我了114F 02/01 17:14
推 : 乾推文好好笑115F 02/01 17:15
推 : I FUCK TED116F 02/01 17:18
推 : go go weapons go117F 02/01 17:18
推 : MSGM118F 02/01 17:18
推 : 我是來看推文的119F 02/01 17:20
推 : See u again120F 02/01 17:20
推 : I'm watching you121F 02/01 17:20
推 : like a g6122F 02/01 17:21
推 : It's good to drink?123F 02/01 17:23
推 : Costco124F 02/01 17:24
推 : May show gun mo?125F 02/01 17:25
推 : I am your father.126F 02/01 17:26
推 : may the odds be ever in your favor127F 02/01 17:29
噓 : People die if they are killed!128F 02/01 17:32
→ : over my dead body129F 02/01 17:36
推 : 卡片: I'm your father130F 02/01 17:36
→ : 女友: Nooooooo
→ : 女友: Nooooooo
推 : I’m fine thank you and you132F 02/01 17:40
推 : 推文好好笑133F 02/01 17:41
→ : Over my dead body134F 02/01 17:41
→ : Daddy's home.135F 02/01 17:41
推 : I love you not because of who you are, but becaus136F 02/01 17:46
→ : e of who I am when I am with you.
→ : e of who I am when I am with you.
推 : 當然是Winter is coming138F 02/01 17:50
推 : Is it good to drink?139F 02/01 17:51
推 : Make America great again.140F 02/01 17:52
推 : Tanaka Taikiku141F 02/01 17:52
推 : I am Not the one.142F 02/01 17:54
推 : shamma lamma mu mu143F 02/01 17:54
推 : 各種好笑144F 02/01 17:55
推 : Summer is a bitch145F 02/01 18:00
→ : Summer is a bitch
→ : Summer is a bitch
推 : Damn!!!What's wrong with you?147F 02/01 18:00
推 : I'm Getting Medieval on your ass148F 02/01 18:01
推 : winter is coming149F 02/01 18:02
推 : Jessie we need to cook!!150F 02/01 18:03
推 : 當然是happy new year多應景啊151F 02/01 18:04
推 : you are a fucking birch152F 02/01 18:06
推 : Yahoo! ~~~~~~153F 02/01 18:12
推 : Winter is coming154F 02/01 18:14
推 : China blue155F 02/01 18:16
推 : I R Winner156F 02/01 18:23
推 : 認真回 How do I live without you157F 02/01 18:25
推 : Valar morghulis,Valar dohaeris.158F 02/01 18:28
推 : you deserve better one159F 02/01 18:29
推 : beauty and the beast160F 02/01 18:34
推 : dick and pussy161F 02/01 18:36
→ : dicky and pussy
→ : dicky and pussy
推 : Who's ur daddy163F 02/01 18:42
→ : 好啦~認真回: I see my future in your eyes.
→ : 好啦~認真回: I see my future in your eyes.
推 : I love us.165F 02/01 18:45
→ : I'll look for you, l'll find you, and I'll fuck you.166F 02/01 18:47
推 : you know nothing _(對方的名字) 客製化 選我正解167F 02/01 18:58
推 : Come, and pick me up. There’s are many stars in th168F 02/01 19:00
→ : e universe, but you are the only one in my eyes.
→ : e universe, but you are the only one in my eyes.
推 : I want fxxk you170F 02/01 19:01
推 : You're my kind of perfect.171F 02/01 19:06
推 : I am inside you172F 02/01 19:06
推 : Everything will be fine173F 02/01 19:12
推 : hakuna matata174F 02/01 19:17
推 : IKEA175F 02/01 19:18
推 : 認真回176F 02/01 19:22
→ : Time will tell how much I love you
→ : 可以刻在手錶上
→ : Time will tell how much I love you
→ : 可以刻在手錶上
推 : We belong to each other : )179F 02/01 19:23
推 : I will love you till kingdom come.180F 02/01 19:23
→ : Can’t remember to forget you181F 02/01 19:23
→ : I am rich182F 02/01 19:24
推 : I love you. I know.183F 02/01 19:26
推 : Za warudo184F 02/01 19:27
→ : wryyyyyy
→ : wryyyyyy
推 : Fire in the hole!186F 02/01 19:33
推 : hakuna matata187F 02/01 19:34
推 : you had me at hello188F 02/01 19:35
推 : FOR THE ALLIANCE189F 02/01 19:35
推 : Better call Saul190F 02/01 19:37
推 : 太好笑了XD191F 02/01 19:37
噓 : do you kmow de wae to devil192F 02/01 19:39
推 : Show me the money193F 02/01 19:41
推 : You light me up.194F 02/01 19:41
推 : You are my sunshine195F 02/01 19:42
噓 : I will find you198F 02/01 19:47
推 : suck my dick199F 02/01 19:49
推 : 看到Dobby is freeee笑到流淚XDDD200F 02/01 19:53
推 : I can teach you better201F 02/01 20:01
推 : hello banana202F 02/01 20:09
推 : how are you? I'm fine thank you and you? this is203F 02/01 20:14
→ : a book
→ : a book
推 : i see you205F 02/01 20:14
推 : say my name206F 02/01 20:17
推 : You mean more to me than anything else207F 02/01 20:22
推 : 乾快被推文笑死208F 02/01 20:26
推 : John Cena209F 02/01 20:32
推 : It’s raw210F 02/01 20:40
推 : winter is coming211F 02/01 20:47
推 : I GOT IT FROM MY DADDY212F 02/01 20:49
推 : Dobby超好笑213F 02/01 20:49
推 : 推文真的很好笑XDDD+D214F 02/01 20:56
推 : I'll find you and I'll ...215F 02/01 21:02
推 : 笑死XDD216F 02/01 21:04
→ : show me your bba sae217F 02/01 21:11
推 : 快笑死XDDDDDD218F 02/01 21:12
推 : 好北爛的歪樓喔 XDDDD219F 02/01 21:13
推 : people mountain people sea220F 02/01 21:13
推 : Give this man a shield221F 02/01 21:17
推 : this is a book222F 02/01 21:19
推 : A is an apple.223F 02/01 21:24
推 : 幹may the force be with you XDDD224F 02/01 21:25
推 : I want to play a game!!!!!225F 02/01 21:29
推 : Why so serious226F 02/01 21:34
推 : I have 30cm~You have E cup!!227F 02/01 21:48
推 : Is it good to drink?228F 02/01 21:52
推 : 你:I am your father 她:NOOOOOOO~!229F 02/01 22:06
推 : Morning nine nine how how one.230F 02/01 22:11
推 : Without you, I am piece of shit.231F 02/01 22:12
推 : Fuck me.232F 02/01 22:18
→ : I cheat you, I lied to you too233F 02/01 22:21
→ : I hate you234F 02/01 22:30
推 : Hold the door!235F 02/01 22:31
推 : Freeze!Put your hands up .236F 02/01 22:35
→ : Fuck up my face237F 02/01 22:35
推 : In your Face238F 02/01 22:35
推 : Please don’t bro 或是中文葛格母湯 參考看看239F 02/01 22:37
→ : Fuck you ,又赤裸又真誠240F 02/01 22:42
推 : Don't be shy.241F 02/01 22:43
推 : do you know da wae?242F 02/01 22:44
推 : I love you not because of who you are, but because o243F 02/01 22:52
→ : f who I am when I'm with you
→ : f who I am when I'm with you
推 : you green green der245F 02/01 22:52
噓 : enemy's found246F 02/01 22:59
噓 : Cash me outside howbow dah247F 02/01 23:05
推 : over my dead body248F 02/01 23:23
推 : I am your father249F 02/01 23:25
推 : trust me you can make it250F 02/01 23:37
推 : Whatever happens tomorrow, we had today251F 02/02 00:11
推 : Captain teemo on duty252F 02/02 00:16
推 : Do u know de way?253F 02/02 00:42
推 : we are family254F 02/02 01:00
推 : GGININDER255F 02/02 01:01
推 : Moon Tom O256F 02/02 01:34
推 : u r my lobster257F 02/02 01:43
推 : Inside me258F 02/02 01:48
推 : The war has begun and nothing gonna beat my ass259F 02/02 02:03
推 : 來亂的哈哈哈260F 02/02 02:18
推 : you don't have to win a lottery, you just have to win261F 02/02 02:26
→ : my heart
→ : my heart
推 : Bang263F 02/02 02:26
推 : Two in a pink one in a stink264F 02/02 02:45
推 : May the force be with you265F 02/02 03:23
推 : I want to wake up to you everyday.266F 02/02 04:49
※ 看板: WomenTalk 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 3341
作者 khtw 的最新發文:
- 43F 11推
- 交往近四年,12/31提分手路過 其實剛在一起就覺得這個人不大方 剛在一起的時候我們都35歲 薪水一個月大約比我多25000 這四年當中 他請我喝過的飲料還沒有我同事請我的次數多 一開始出去都會跟我說 …466F 318推 19噓
- 借標題問一個最近身邊發生的狀況 女生薪水A,男生薪水1.6-1.7A 800萬預售屋將在明年六月交屋 有預計在明年三月結婚 但因為以下狀況讓女生有些怯步 男生說,房子的頭期款跟裝潢一人出一半 之後房貸 …191F 75推 6噓
- 最近情人節打算送個禮物 上面可以刻字 英文字20字之內 想了一兩句 You complete me. We complete us. 哪個好呢? 或是想要有那種 都在你身邊的感覺 還是女孩有沒有其他更 …266F 209推 7噓
- PPT縮圖 迷妹最喜歡說只聽過ㄧ兩首就在酸 說幹醮五月天的都是假五迷 不巧姊房間隨便拍都一堆他們的專輯跟書籍 還有一堆不好整理的收起來了 一堆親簽商品更是當傳家寶一樣收藏著 但那都是半個月以前的事情 …
2樓 時間: 2018-02-02 00:49:03 (台灣)
02-02 00:49 TW
We don't talk anymore, like we used to do