※ 本文為 pp761211 轉寄自 ptt2.cc 更新時間: 2012-10-07 14:50:47
看板 Treesbicycle
作者 標題 [KorM] 我有的韓國"女子團體"歌曲介紹
時間 Sun Jun 3 22:39:51 2012
網頁好讀板: http://disp.cc/b/?page=b_fav#!517-3JIt
[KorM] 我有的韓國"女子團體"歌曲介紹 - Treesbicycle板 - Disp BBS
女子團體 網頁好讀板: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2NE1 [李彩琳 孔敏知 朴春 朴珊德拉] ※2009. ... ...
2NE1 [李彩琳 孔敏知 朴春 朴珊德拉] ※2009.05.17 出道
2NE1 - UGLY M/V - YouTube
[2NE1 2ND MINI ALBUM] ▶ NOW available on iTunes: ▶ 2NE1 Products on eBay: ▶ Released at YG-eShop:...
[2NE1 2ND MINI ALBUM] ▶ NOW available on iTunes: ▶ 2NE1 Products on eBay: ▶ Released at YG-eShop:...

2NE1 - HATE YOU M/V - YouTube
[2NE1 2ND MINI ALBUM] ▶ NOW available on iTunes: ▶ 2NE1 Products on eBay: ▶ Released at YG-eShop:...
[2NE1 2ND MINI ALBUM] ▶ NOW available on iTunes: ▶ 2NE1 Products on eBay: ▶ Released at YG-eShop:...

2NE1 - I AM THE BEST (내가 제일 잘 나가) M/V - YouTube
DIGITAL SINGLE [I AM THE BEST] ▶ NOW available on iTunes: ▶ 2NE1 Products on eBay: ▶ Released at ...
DIGITAL SINGLE [I AM THE BEST] ▶ NOW available on iTunes: ▶ 2NE1 Products on eBay: ▶ Released at ...

2NE1 - CAN'T NOBODY (English Ver.) M/V - YouTube
1ST ALBUM [TO ANYONE] ▶ NOW available on iTunes: ▶ 2NE1 Products on eBay: ▶ Released at YG-eShop:...
1ST ALBUM [TO ANYONE] ▶ NOW available on iTunes: ▶ 2NE1 Products on eBay: ▶ Released at YG-eShop:...

2NE1_GO AWAY - YouTube
Aneh, Seharus_na MobiL cwok yang meLedak.. walau gitu, yg penting asik ne video.. apa lagi Lagu_na....
Aneh, Seharus_na MobiL cwok yang meLedak.. walau gitu, yg penting asik ne video.. apa lagi Lagu_na....

朴春 Park Bom-You and I 繁中字幕 - YouTube
Park Bom "You and I" MV with Chinese subtitle. Subtitle worked by BBTW. 轉載自≡BIGBANG.TW≡台灣首站
Park Bom "You and I" MV with Chinese subtitle. Subtitle worked by BBTW. 轉載自≡BIGBANG.TW≡台灣首站

DIGITAL SINGLE [DON'T CRY] ▶ NOW available on iTunes: ▶ 2NE1 Products on eBay: ▶ Released at YG-e...
DIGITAL SINGLE [DON'T CRY] ▶ NOW available on iTunes: ▶ 2NE1 Products on eBay: ▶ Released at YG-e...

2012 New Song
2NE1 - I LOVE YOU M/V - YouTube
NEW SINGLE [I LOVE YOU] ▶ NOW available on iTunes: ▶ 2NE1 Products on eBay:
NEW SINGLE [I LOVE YOU] ▶ NOW available on iTunes: ▶ 2NE1 Products on eBay:

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/2NE1 - 維基
2NE1 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
2NE1(韓語:투애니원),為韓國的YG Entertainment公司於2009年所推出的四人女子團體。成員包括Bom、Dara、CL及Minzy。2009年3月27日和同門師兄BIGBANG在LG CYON Lollipop手機的廣告單曲《Lollipop》中合作,首度公開亮相;2009年5月6日以單曲《Fire》正式出道。單曲推出不久後,其MV在網上僅一天的點擊率已達到100萬次,其走紅速度極為迅速。 ...
2NE1(韓語:투애니원),為韓國的YG Entertainment公司於2009年所推出的四人女子團體。成員包括Bom、Dara、CL及Minzy。2009年3月27日和同門師兄BIGBANG在LG CYON Lollipop手機的廣告單曲《Lollipop》中合作,首度公開亮相;2009年5月6日以單曲《Fire》正式出道。單曲推出不久後,其MV在網上僅一天的點擊率已達到100萬次,其走紅速度極為迅速。 ...
4Minute [智賢 嘉允 祉潤 泫雅 昭賢] ※2009.06.18 出道
4MINUTE - '거울아거울아 (Mirror Mirror)' M/V - YouTube
Official Music Video for 거울아 거울아 (Mirror Mirror) 4MINUTE is ready to master all K-POP music! This is another 4MINUTE show. 2011.04.07 coming soon 4MINUTE初アルバ...
Official Music Video for 거울아 거울아 (Mirror Mirror) 4MINUTE is ready to master all K-POP music! This is another 4MINUTE show. 2011.04.07 coming soon 4MINUTE初アルバ...

4MINUTE - 'Heart to Heart' M/V - YouTube
Official Music Video for 'Heart to Heart' This is a brand-new 4Minute! Let's enjoy the 4Minute time! 大変お待たせいたしました! 4MINUTE「 Heart to Heart」 甘酸っぱい曲になっておりますので、...
Official Music Video for 'Heart to Heart' This is a brand-new 4Minute! Let's enjoy the 4Minute time! 大変お待たせいたしました! 4MINUTE「 Heart to Heart」 甘酸っぱい曲になっておりますので、...

4 Minute - Hot Issue - YouTube
Music video by 4 Minute performing Hot Issue. (C) 2009 Cube Entertainment
Music video by 4 Minute performing Hot Issue. (C) 2009 Cube Entertainment

HD | 110807 「 BEAST / B2ST + 4MINUTE + G.NA - Fly So High 」 Live! | August 7, 2011 - YouTube BEAST / B2ST (비스트) + 4MINUTE (포미닛) + G.NA Live!

HYUNA - 'Bubble Pop!' - YouTube
Official Music Video for HYUNA's 'Bubble Pop!' 현아의 두 번째 솔로 프로젝트 신나는 댄스,중독성 있는 가사와 멜로디가 한 번 들으면 잊혀지지 않는 힘! 또한 일본 오키나와의 아름다운 풍경과 현아의 퍼포먼스가 매력적인 뮤직비디오~ 확인해주세요 ♪...
Official Music Video for HYUNA's 'Bubble Pop!' 현아의 두 번째 솔로 프로젝트 신나는 댄스,중독성 있는 가사와 멜로디가 한 번 들으면 잊혀지지 않는 힘! 또한 일본 오키나와의 아름다운 풍경과 현아의 퍼포먼스가 매력적인 뮤직비디오~ 확인해주세요 ♪...

2012 New Song
4MINUTE - 'Volume Up' M/V - YouTube
포미닛 미니 3집 타이틀 곡 'Volume Up' 뮤직비디오 대 공개! 1년만에 돌아온 포미닛의 야심작, 'Volume Up'의 음원 및 뮤직비디오가 4월 9일 0시 공개되었습니다. 더 파격적으로, 더 멋지게 돌아온 포미닛의 모습! 지금 바로 감상하세요! --------------...
포미닛 미니 3집 타이틀 곡 'Volume Up' 뮤직비디오 대 공개! 1년만에 돌아온 포미닛의 야심작, 'Volume Up'의 음원 및 뮤직비디오가 4월 9일 0시 공개되었습니다. 더 파격적으로, 더 멋지게 돌아온 포미닛의 모습! 지금 바로 감상하세요! --------------...

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/4minute - 維基
4minute - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
4MINUTE(韓語:포미닛),是在2009年出道的5人韓國女子團體,經紀公司為Cube Entertainment。成員包括智賢、嘉允、祉潤、泫雅及昭賢。2009年6月18日,正式以首張單曲《HOT ISSUE》出道。4MINUTE是在舞台上的4分鐘內展示她們每個人的不同魅力的意思,另外,for (a) Minute也包含了她們希望在每個瞬間都會努力做到最好的意思。4MINUTE的粉絲稱為「4Nia」,意思為「4Minute Mania!」。4MINUTE的日本粉絲稱為「4Nia Japan」。應援色為珍珠紫羅蘭。 ...
A Pink [朴初瓏 尹普美 鄭恩地 孫娜恩 洪瑜暻 金南珠 吳夏榮] ※2011.04.19 出道
Apink(에이핑크) - MY MY - YouTube
지난 4월의 봄날 일곱 명의 요정들이 1st Mini Album "SEVEN SPRING OF APINK"으로 데뷔하며 활발한 활동을 마무리 한지 3개월... 2nd Mini Album "Snow Pink"가 11월 22일 공개 된다. 바로 새로운 곡을 내어 활동을 이어가는 요새 ...
지난 4월의 봄날 일곱 명의 요정들이 1st Mini Album "SEVEN SPRING OF APINK"으로 데뷔하며 활발한 활동을 마무리 한지 3개월... 2nd Mini Album "Snow Pink"가 11월 22일 공개 된다. 바로 새로운 곡을 내어 활동을 이어가는 요새 ...

[中字 MV] A Pink - I don't know 不知道 (中文字幕) - YouTube MV演出:Beast (B2ST) 的李起光 (Lee Ki Kwang / AJ) 註:新增了畫面名字識別, 方便大家認人 歡迎留言後自由轉載,謝謝支持! 如果影片畫面有黑邊出現,請重新整理以最佳比例播放! 歌手:A Pink 歌名:몰라요 / I don't know / 不知道 / 我不知道 專輯:Seve...

2012 New Song
Apink (에이핑크) - Hush (HD Full Version.) - YouTube
지금까지 고수해왔던 에이핑크만의 이미지에서 1주년 기념으로 선택한 모토는 '변화'이다. 데뷔 전부터 해외 팝스타들의 섹시한 안무는 물론, 높은 하이힐을 신고 장시간 마라톤 안무로 다져진 소녀들이기 때문에 어떤 컨셉이든 소화할 수 있는 '기본'을 갖추고 있는 에이핑크! 이번 앨범을 ...
지금까지 고수해왔던 에이핑크만의 이미지에서 1주년 기념으로 선택한 모토는 '변화'이다. 데뷔 전부터 해외 팝스타들의 섹시한 안무는 물론, 높은 하이힐을 신고 장시간 마라톤 안무로 다져진 소녀들이기 때문에 어떤 컨셉이든 소화할 수 있는 '기본'을 갖추고 있는 에이핑크! 이번 앨범을 ...

서인국&정은지(Seo in guk& Jeong eun jee) - All For You(리메이크 곡) - YouTube Seo in guk&Jeong eun jee from Apink has released a duet song! "All For You"!!:) 2012년 8월 28일! 2012 년 버젼의 새로운 "서인국&정은지 - All For You"가 발매되었습니다. 인기 드라마 '응답하라 1...

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Pink - 維基
A Pink - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
A Pink(朝鮮語:에이핑크)是韓國由七位女生組成的女子流行音樂團體,現任成員為朴初瓏、尹普美、鄭恩地、孫娜恩、洪瑜暻、金南珠、吳夏榮,為Cube Entertainment的子公司A Cube Entertainment策劃的第一個女子團體。 ...
After School ※2009.01.17 出道
[嘉熙 正雅 珠妍 U-ie Raina Nana Lizzy E-Young Ka-Eun][AUDIO] AFTERSCHOOL - Diva (2011 New Korea Ver.) - YouTube
it's the same or similar to the Japanese version they released in Japan.
it's the same or similar to the Japanese version they released in Japan.

[HD/Mv] After School - Because of you(Remix) [Engsub+Romani] - YouTube [no copyright infringement intended. for entertainment purposes only] This is a remix/Mashups made by DJYigytugd/Yigytugd, we work together, I just made the ...

[TRUE HD] After School - Because of you (English & Lyrics Subbed) - YouTube Download MV Subbed: credit: afterschoolcraze

After School Blue [珠妍 Raina Lizzy E-Young]
Wonder Boy Youtube http://tinyurl.com/3lw776d
Afterschool BLUE _ WONDER BOY _ MV - YouTube
A.S. BLUE 상상치도 못했던 그녀들의 '청순 발랄' - 순수하지만 어딘지 모르게 호기심이 가득한 A.S. style의 BLUE - 마음을 설레이게 만드는 멜로디, 시원한 리듬으로 기분까지 상큼하게 만드는 A.S. BLUE - 수록곡 'Lady'는 After school 멤버 ...
A.S. BLUE 상상치도 못했던 그녀들의 '청순 발랄' - 순수하지만 어딘지 모르게 호기심이 가득한 A.S. style의 BLUE - 마음을 설레이게 만드는 멜로디, 시원한 리듬으로 기분까지 상큼하게 만드는 A.S. BLUE - 수록곡 'Lady'는 After school 멤버 ...

After School Red [嘉熙 正雅 U-ie Nana]
In the Night Sky Youtube http://tinyurl.com/4ywes7f
子團體 Orange caramel [Raina Nana Lizzy]
Orange Caramel - Bangkok City [MV] (HD) - YouTube
PLEASE CHECK OUT THIS LINK: Its a link to a website on how to make music, so if you are interested in music an...
PLEASE CHECK OUT THIS LINK: Its a link to a website on how to make music, so if you are interested in music an...

Orange Caramel - Funny Hunny [Romanization+English+Hangeul] - YouTube Please Read Description DISCLAIMER : I OWN NOTHING ; this is all for entertainment purposes :D It's been a while for me uploading videos huh ? XD The only re...

Orange Caramel - The day you went away/ Standing in this place [KOREAN] - YouTube Chinese version: Download link:

Orange Caramel - Magic Girl MV - YouTube
After School members Raina, Nana and Lizzy form a sub-unit called Orange Caramel. CNBlue's drummer Minhyuk has a cameo.
After School members Raina, Nana and Lizzy form a sub-unit called Orange Caramel. CNBlue's drummer Minhyuk has a cameo.

2012 New Song
After School (Nana - Solo ) - Eyeline - YouTube
After School's new Maxi Single is awesome.*____* I'm so happy that Nana get's a solo song Good luck to "new" After School
After School's new Maxi Single is awesome.*____* I'm so happy that Nana get's a solo song Good luck to "new" After School

Orange Caramel(오렌지캬라멜) _ Lipstick(립스틱) MV - YouTube
English subtitles are available. Click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function. Korea's idol unit group' 'Orange Caramel' stands as a to...
English subtitles are available. Click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function. Korea's idol unit group' 'Orange Caramel' stands as a to...

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/After_School - 維基
After School - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
After School(諺文:애프터스쿨)(日本以AFTERSCHOOL名義活動),2009年出道時為五人南韓女子團體,經紀公司為Pledis Entertainment。After School是極少數固定增減成員的韓國團體之一,每次發表新作時都隨之有成員的變化。出道時的成員包含嘉熙、正雅、珠妍、小英、Bekah,而目前成員為正雅、珠妍、U-ie、Raina、NaNa、Lizzy、E-Young和Ka-Eun。 ...
BraveGirls [朴恩英 朴書雅 韓藝真 鄭瑜真 盧慧蘭] ※2011.04.08 出道
Easily Youtube http://tinyurl.com/7hvk5nf
BraveGirls - 툭하면 뮤직비디오 풀버젼 2011.07.29 - YouTube
브레이브 걸스(Brave Girls) - Back To Da Future [Mini Album] 발매일 : 2011.07.29 DISC01. Back To Da Future [Mini Album] 01. Back To Da Future 02. 툭하면 (Featuring Skul1)...
브레이브 걸스(Brave Girls) - Back To Da Future [Mini Album] 발매일 : 2011.07.29 DISC01. Back To Da Future [Mini Album] 01. Back To Da Future 02. 툭하면 (Featuring Skul1)...

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brave_Girls - 維基
Brave Girls - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Brave Girls(諺文:브레이브걸스)是韓國Brave Entertainment在2011年推出的五人女子團體,現成員包括EunYoung、SeoA、YehJin、YooJin及HyeRan。Brave Girls的官方歌迷名稱為Fearless,意思是戰鬥中勇敢無畏[1]。 ...
Brave Girls(諺文:브레이브걸스)是韓國Brave Entertainment在2011年推出的五人女子團體,現成員包括EunYoung、SeoA、YehJin、YooJin及HyeRan。Brave Girls的官方歌迷名稱為Fearless,意思是戰鬥中勇敢無畏[1]。 ...
Brown Eyed Girls [JeA Narsha Ga-in Miryo] ※2006.03.02 出道
Brown Eyed Girls (브라운아이드걸스) _ Sixth Sense _ MV - YouTube Brown Eyed Girls -- the only girl group to have acquired both popularity and musical skills with their 2009 hit-song Abracadabra -- are making their come bac...

BrownEyedGirls(브라운아이드걸스) _ Cleansing Cream(클렌징크림) MV - YouTube This new release "Cleansing Cream" is a complete turnaround from their previous song "Sixth Sense" which was acclaimed as the "Best Song of the Year". Writte...

Brown Eyed Girls - Sign MV (English Sub) - YouTube
A good song. the MV is hard to understand. OTL 2:40 - its not that I didn't translate b/c its not part of the song, but he's not speaking korean. By the soun...
A good song. the MV is hard to understand. OTL 2:40 - its not that I didn't translate b/c its not part of the song, but he's not speaking korean. By the soun...

Brown Eyed Girls - 여자가 있어도 (Even If You Have Another One) - YouTube 3rd Album: Sound-G (2009) *No copyright infringement intended

[Romaji SUBBED] Brown Eyed Girls - LOVE [HQ] - YouTube
Title: LOVE Artist: Brown Eyed Girls ------------------------------------------------ This is a production of RomajiChannel, please do full credits if hotlin...
Title: LOVE Artist: Brown Eyed Girls ------------------------------------------------ This is a production of RomajiChannel, please do full credits if hotlin...

[LIVE]GaIn & Jokwon - We Fell In Love 中字 - YouTube
100109 音樂中心 GaIn (BEG) & Jokwon (2AM) - We Fell In Love 我們相愛了 我發現我現在太喜歡這兩個娃了 我是用註釋的方法加的字幕T-T 真難...... 對了 中間有個細節 笑死我了 估計權兒親佳仁的手是彩排時候沒有的(01:09) 所以佳仁在後面的時候也抓了權兒...
100109 音樂中心 GaIn (BEG) & Jokwon (2AM) - We Fell In Love 我們相愛了 我發現我現在太喜歡這兩個娃了 我是用註釋的方法加的字幕T-T 真難...... 對了 中間有個細節 笑死我了 估計權兒親佳仁的手是彩排時候沒有的(01:09) 所以佳仁在後面的時候也抓了權兒...

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_Eyed_Girls - 維基
Brown Eyed Girls - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Brown Eyed Girls(諺文:브라운 아이드 걸스,中文:褐眼女孩,簡稱B.E.G.),是韓國流行音樂4人女子團體。成員包括JeA、Narsha、Ga-in及Miryo。由韓國最優秀作詞曲家組成的NegaNetWork公司巨力打造,其後花了3年籌備,最終於2006年3月2日組成「Brown Eyed Girls」。出道作品為專輯《Your Story》,2008年以歌曲「L.O.V.E.」開始為人熟識,2009年,Brown Eyed Girls所推出的主打歌「Abracadabra」大受歡迎。 ...
ChiChi [尹惠元 李尹姬 宋鐘愛 朴世美 李寶琳 白素英 金素利] ※2011.03.18 出道
CHI-CHI _ Longer (Remix Ver.) MV - YouTube
'COME BACK' 치치(CHI-CHI) NEW Digital Single Album "Longer" 2011년 상반기 대한민국을 '프레쉬 홀릭(Fresh holic)'에 빠뜨렸던 상큼한 매력의 7인조 걸 그룹 치치(CHI-CHI)가 오는 7월 21일, NEW Digital Si...
'COME BACK' 치치(CHI-CHI) NEW Digital Single Album "Longer" 2011년 상반기 대한민국을 '프레쉬 홀릭(Fresh holic)'에 빠뜨렸던 상큼한 매력의 7인조 걸 그룹 치치(CHI-CHI)가 오는 7월 21일, NEW Digital Si...

詳細介紹 : http://kpopn.com/2011/04/30/62685/ - kpopn
Chocolat [閔素雅 濟允 朱莉安 蒂雅 梅勒妮] [32 ※2011.08.18 出道
I Like It Youtube http://tinyurl.com/8tsbxaf
[ 01. Chocolat - I Like It ] MP3 DOWNLOAD - YouTube
All credit goes to Chocolat, this does not belong to me! Download Link : ALSO DOWNLOAD THIS : [Chocolat...
All credit goes to Chocolat, this does not belong to me! Download Link : ALSO DOWNLOAD THIS : [Chocolat...

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chocolat - 維基
Chocolat - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Chocolat(韓語:쇼콜라),多數寫成 ChoColat,是一個由美國的 Paramount Music 所創造的新進韓國女子音樂團體。Chocolat 這個名字是巧克力的法語,該名字被選中是因為成員們不同的性格與魅力,讓人聯想起不同口味的巧克力。Chocolat 是韓國歷史上第一支以混血兒為主的音樂組合,是由三名混血兒(Juliane、Tia 和 Melanie)以及兩名韓國人(素雅和濟允)組成,3名混血少女全部都是父親為白人美國人,母親為韓國人。平均18.6歲。 ...
Chocolat(韓語:쇼콜라),多數寫成 ChoColat,是一個由美國的 Paramount Music 所創造的新進韓國女子音樂團體。Chocolat 這個名字是巧克力的法語,該名字被選中是因為成員們不同的性格與魅力,讓人聯想起不同口味的巧克力。Chocolat 是韓國歷史上第一支以混血兒為主的音樂組合,是由三名混血兒(Juliane、Tia 和 Melanie)以及兩名韓國人(素雅和濟允)組成,3名混血少女全部都是父親為白人美國人,母親為韓國人。平均18.6歲。 ...
Dal Shabet [Serri 雅英 智律 佳恩 秀彬 優熙] ※2011.01.16 出道
달샤벳(dal★shabet)-블링블링(bling bling) full HD M/V - YouTube 달샤벳(dal★shabet) 블링블링(bling bling) full HD M/V - 공식홈페이지 : - 공식팬카페 :

2012 New Song
달샤벳(Dal★shabet) - Hit U(Feat. Bigtone) - YouTube
달샤벳(Dal★shabet) 4th Mini Album 'Hit U' 2011년 최고의 신인 걸그룹 달샤벳(Dal★shabet), 4번째 미니앨범 "Hit U" 발표 지난해 달샤벳은 잊어라!! '다크샤벳'이 왔다!! 달샤벳, '상큼•발랄' 벗고, '섹시•도도'로 파격변신!! 201...
달샤벳(Dal★shabet) 4th Mini Album 'Hit U' 2011년 최고의 신인 걸그룹 달샤벳(Dal★shabet), 4번째 미니앨범 "Hit U" 발표 지난해 달샤벳은 잊어라!! '다크샤벳'이 왔다!! 달샤벳, '상큼•발랄' 벗고, '섹시•도도'로 파격변신!! 201...

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dal★Shabet - 維基
Davichi [姜珉耿 李海麗] 女美聲團體 ※2008.02.22 出道
Davichi (다비치) _ Don't say Goodbye(안녕이라고 말하지마) MV - YouTube The talented female duo "Davichi", with their amazing harmony, is back with their album "Love Delight". The album consists of 6 tracks including "Don't Say G...

Davichi (다비치) - Time Please Stop ( Feat Eunjung) [MV Kpop] - YouTube If you also love the video please comment :) . Nouvelle chanson des Davichi! :D J'aime vraiment bcp. Le clip avec la charmante Eunjung des T-Ara est trop bie...

Davichi (다비치) - 8282 MV - YouTube
Group: 다비치 Davichi (Kang Min Kyung 강민경 & Lee Hae Ri 이해리) Title: 8282 (Hurry Hurry) Mini Album: Davichi in Wonderland Release Date: Mar 2009 Tracklist : 01 82...
Group: 다비치 Davichi (Kang Min Kyung 강민경 & Lee Hae Ri 이해리) Title: 8282 (Hurry Hurry) Mini Album: Davichi in Wonderland Release Date: Mar 2009 Tracklist : 01 82...

Davichi (다비치) - Sad Promise [ENG] - YouTube
Sad Promise (슬픈 다짐) is the 4th track off their first album. English Subbed created on WMM. Translation by d00lie @ soompi. No copyright infrigment intended. ...
Sad Promise (슬픈 다짐) is the 4th track off their first album. English Subbed created on WMM. Translation by d00lie @ soompi. No copyright infrigment intended. ...

Davichi & T-ara
[中字] T-ara & Davichi - 我們不是相愛的嗎 - YouTube
這是我第一次做翻譯~ 只是把英文翻做中文,可能有點怪,多多包含 請大家支持T-ara & Davichi 的我們不是相愛的嗎 ^^
這是我第一次做翻譯~ 只是把英文翻做中文,可能有點怪,多多包含 請大家支持T-ara & Davichi 的我們不是相愛的嗎 ^^

Woman Generation Youtube http://tinyurl.com/yjgu69d
HQ SeeYa , Davichi & Ji Yeon (T-ara) - Woman Generation 여성시대 [MV] - YouTube this song is so sweet ^^ Please comment & Rate! :)

Forever Love Youtube http://tinyurl.com/9xqw2q6
SeeYa, Davichi & T-Ara (JiYeon) - Love Forever - YouTube
Cinderella Man Drama OST Cinderella Man Drama OST
Cinderella Man Drama OST Cinderella Man Drama OST

2012 New Song
Yangpa & Davichi & HANNA - Love is all the same MV [English subs + Romanization + Hangul] HD - YouTube This video came out 2 weeks ago.. but with so many releases i didn't notice it.. Even if it comes late, i hope you enjoy it :) Back-up:

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davichi - 維基
Davichi - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Davichi(韓語:다비치,發音:Dabichi),韓國二人女子組合,原為Mnet旗下藝人,後轉至於Core Contents Media,成員包括姜珉耿及李海麗。組合名稱Davichi的意思為:用美麗的歌聲照亮一切。Davichi於2008年1月31日推出首張專輯《Amaranth》,並於2008年2月22日正式出道。歌迷名稱為High(하이)。 ...
Davichi(韓語:다비치,發音:Dabichi),韓國二人女子組合,原為Mnet旗下藝人,後轉至於Core Contents Media,成員包括姜珉耿及李海麗。組合名稱Davichi的意思為:用美麗的歌聲照亮一切。Davichi於2008年1月31日推出首張專輯《Amaranth》,並於2008年2月22日正式出道。歌迷名稱為High(하이)。 ...
Exid [許率智 安孝真 安希妍 徐惠璘 朴靜花] ※於2012.02.26正式出道
2012 New Song
EXID _ I Feel Good MV - YouTube
The group EXID, launched by the hit song maker and famous composer Shinsadong Tiger, is releasing their mini-album [HIPPITY HOP]. The composer Rado, who prod...
The group EXID, launched by the hit song maker and famous composer Shinsadong Tiger, is releasing their mini-album [HIPPITY HOP]. The composer Rado, who prod...

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/EXID - 維基
F(x) [Victoria Amber Luna SulLi Krystal] ※2009.09.05 出道
♬ 에프엑스 Hot Summer ℗ S.M.Entertainment ♪ Download on iTunes : ♬ FACEBOOK SMTOWN :
♬ 에프엑스 Hot Summer ℗ S.M.Entertainment ♪ Download on iTunes : ♬ FACEBOOK SMTOWN :

에프엑스 f(x)_NU ABO(NU 예삐오)_MusicVideo - YouTube
♬ f(x) NU ABO ℗ S.M.Entertainment ♪ Download on iTunes = ☞ For more Information :
♬ f(x) NU ABO ℗ S.M.Entertainment ♪ Download on iTunes = ☞ For more Information :

2012 New Song
에프엑스_Electric Shock_Music Video - YouTube
♬ Download on iTunes : ☞ For more Information : ☞ Facebook SMTOWN : htt...
♬ Download on iTunes : ☞ For more Information : ☞ Facebook SMTOWN : htt...

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/F(x)_(組合) - 維基
Gavy NJ [張熙英 盧詩賢 朴弼道] ※2005.11.10 出道
2012 New Song
You Call Yourself A Man Youtube HotSong
Gavy NJ (Feat. LE of EXID) - Don't call me MV [English subs + Romanization + Hangul] HD - YouTube 1st video on this channel :) Thanks for everyone who keeps subscribing ^^ About this video.. i always thought Gavy NJ was just a solo girl.. but in final are...

詳細介紹 : http://kpopn.com/2011/01/28/21976/ - KPOPN
Girl's Day [朴素珍 禹智海 方珉娥 金亞榮 李惠利] ※2010.07.09 出道
[特效中字] Girl's Day - 擁抱我一次 (Hug me once) [Dance Ver.][甜美回歸倍受矚目] - YouTube [特效中字] Girl's Day - 擁抱我一次 (Hug me once) [Dance Ver.] [甜美回歸倍受矚目] 特效字體:NOWSNSD9 LastsDAI5Y☼GirlsDay Taiwan 1st Fansclub 網址:

2012 New Song
Girl's Day(걸스데이) _ Oh! My God MV - YouTube
The popular 5-member girl group Girl's Day is back in 8 months with a song to make a consecutive hit following their songs "Twinkle Twinkle" and "Hug me Once...
The popular 5-member girl group Girl's Day is back in 8 months with a song to make a consecutive hit following their songs "Twinkle Twinkle" and "Hug me Once...

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girl's_Day - 維基
Girl's Day - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Girl's Day(韓語:걸스데이)是韓國DreamTea娛樂公司於2010年7月推出的女子團體,當時的成員有樸素珍、禹智海、方珉娥、黃智善、李智仁共5人。2個月後(9月14日)黃智善、李智仁宣布退出團體,同年10月經紀公司另外找了金亞榮、李惠利加入團體,團體人數仍為5人。粉絲名稱為「Daisy」或「Dai5y」。 ...
Girl's Day(韓語:걸스데이)是韓國DreamTea娛樂公司於2010年7月推出的女子團體,當時的成員有樸素珍、禹智海、方珉娥、黃智善、李智仁共5人。2個月後(9月14日)黃智善、李智仁宣布退出團體,同年10月經紀公司另外找了金亞榮、李惠利加入團體,團體人數仍為5人。粉絲名稱為「Daisy」或「Dai5y」。 ...
Hello Venus [Alice Nara Ara Yoonjo Lime Yooyoung] ※於2012.05.09正式出道
2012 New Song
[MV] HELLOVENUS_VENUS ( Türkçe Altyazılı ) - YouTube
İlk şarkı çevirim! Anlam bütünlüğü bakımından biraz eksik olabilir. Umarım anlayışla karşılarsınız. ^^ ~ Pri'Nomad t...
İlk şarkı çevirim! Anlam bütünlüğü bakımından biraz eksik olabilir. Umarım anlayışla karşılarsınız. ^^ ~ Pri'Nomad t...

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello_Venus - 維基
hello Venus - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Hello Venus(諺文:헬로비너스)是2012年出道的六人韓國女子團體,經紀公司為Pledis Entertainment。[1]成員包括Alice、Nara、Yooara、Yoonjo、Lime、Yooyoung。官方歌迷名稱為「Hello Cupid」 。[2] ...
Hello Venus(諺文:헬로비너스)是2012年出道的六人韓國女子團體,經紀公司為Pledis Entertainment。[1]成員包括Alice、Nara、Yooara、Yoonjo、Lime、Yooyoung。官方歌迷名稱為「Hello Cupid」 。[2] ...
Jewelry [河珠妍 金恩庭 金艺媛 朴世美] ※2001 出道
One More Time Youtube http://tinyurl.com/7kve3lw
jewelry(쥬얼리) - One More Time - YouTube
'Again',니가 참 좋아'로 대중들에게 꾸준한 사랑을 받으며 2005년 발매한 'SuperStar'로 명실상부 국내 최고의 여성그룹으로 대표된 쥬얼리가 2008년 2월 20일 5집 앨범으로 돌아왔다. 'SuperStar'를 통해 그동안의 가창력과 실력에 대한 편견을 깨트리며 가...
'Again',니가 참 좋아'로 대중들에게 꾸준한 사랑을 받으며 2005년 발매한 'SuperStar'로 명실상부 국내 최고의 여성그룹으로 대표된 쥬얼리가 2008년 2월 20일 5집 앨범으로 돌아왔다. 'SuperStar'를 통해 그동안의 가창력과 실력에 대한 편견을 깨트리며 가...

詳細介紹 : http://baike.baidu.com/view/674379.htm#1 - 百度
Kara [朴奎利 韓昇延 具荷拉 妮可 姜知英] ※2007.03.29 出道
KARA - STEP - YouTube
더욱더 업그레이드된 카라의 세번째 정규앨범!!! "점핑"이후의 야심찬 정규3집 타이틀곡 "STEP" 뮤직비디오 KARA's 3rd Album Title Song "STEP" FULL HD M/V
더욱더 업그레이드된 카라의 세번째 정규앨범!!! "점핑"이후의 야심찬 정규3집 타이틀곡 "STEP" 뮤직비디오 KARA's 3rd Album Title Song "STEP" FULL HD M/V

[Audio/Download Link] Kara - Date (My Boy) - YouTube
Like, Comment, Subscribe! :) From their third album, STEP. DL: To download: *Press on the link, right clic...
Like, Comment, Subscribe! :) From their third album, STEP. DL: To download: *Press on the link, right clic...

[韓中字HD]KARA - Jumping MV(Korean Ver.) - YouTube
朴奎麗(Park Gyu Lee) 韓勝妍(Han Seung Yeon) 妮可Nicole(鄭龍珠) 具荷拉(Goo Ha Ra) 姜智英(Kang Ji Young) [KRMTV.COM]
朴奎麗(Park Gyu Lee) 韓勝妍(Han Seung Yeon) 妮可Nicole(鄭龍珠) 具荷拉(Goo Ha Ra) 姜智英(Kang Ji Young) [KRMTV.COM]

2012 New Song
詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kara - 維基
Kara - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Kara(韓語:카라),為韓國的DSP Media公司在2007年所推出的五人女子團體,現任成員包括奎利、昇延[1]、妮可[2]、荷拉及知英[1][3],原為四人團體,於2007年3月29日以歌曲《Break It》正式出道,2008年2月27日隊員成熙因學業退出團體。荷拉及知英在其後加入[4]。同年7月25日推出首張迷你專輯《Rock U》,其後在10月13日推出首張數位單曲《GOOD DAY SEASON 2》。 ...
Miss A [王霏霏 孟佳 李玟暎 裴秀智] ※2010.07.01 出道
[M/V] miss A "Good-bye Baby" from [A Class] - YouTube
The rain is over!! Finally the sun is out and so is miss A's 1st full-length album along with their breathtaking and suspenseful music video~~ Stop whatever ...
The rain is over!! Finally the sun is out and so is miss A's 1st full-length album along with their breathtaking and suspenseful music video~~ Stop whatever ...

[M/V] miss A "Bad Girl, Good Girl" from [BAD BUT GOOD] - YouTube miss A's debut title "Bad Girl, Good Girl" official music video from the debut album [BAD BUT GOOD] in 2010 presented by AQ Entertainment/JYP Entertainment 미...

Miss A - Love Again MV (Eng Subs) HD - YouTube
No Copyright infringements intended. Contains Content from : JYP Entertainment & AQ Entertainment. I can't speak or understand Korean, so forgive me for any ...
No Copyright infringements intended. Contains Content from : JYP Entertainment & AQ Entertainment. I can't speak or understand Korean, so forgive me for any ...

miss A - Breathe mirrored Dance MV [Eng Sub] - YouTube
Learn more miss A dances: original: copyright of АQ / JYР Еntertainment for danc...
Learn more miss A dances: original: copyright of АQ / JYР Еntertainment for danc...

2012 New Song
[M/V] miss A "Touch" from the 4th project, [TOUCH] - YouTube
miss A's music video is out!!! check it out and leave a lot of comments for miss A. miss A [Touch] 뮤직비디오가 공개되었습니다. 많은 관심과 응원 부탁드립니다! =)
miss A's music video is out!!! check it out and leave a lot of comments for miss A. miss A [Touch] 뮤직비디오가 공개되었습니다. 많은 관심과 응원 부탁드립니다! =)

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miss_A - 維基
Miss A - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
miss A(韓語:미쓰에이)韓國四人女子組合,隸屬於JYP Entertainment,同屬公司AQ Entertainment、J.Tune Entertaiment,現主要以J.Tune為主。由Fei、Jia、Min、Suzy四個成員組成。亮相歌曲為〈Love Again〉(沒有成員Min)。正式出道歌曲為〈Bad Girl Good Girl〉,由公司老闆朴振英親手打造,於2010年7月1日在Mnet〈M!Countdown》舞台上第一次亮相,正式宣告出道。 ...
Nine Muses ※2010.08.12 出道
[文懸雅 李泫株 柳世羅 李惠敏 朴銀肢 朴勁利 表慧美 朴珉河]2012 New Song
Nine Muses(나인뮤지스) _ TICKET(티켓) - YouTube
[Sweet Rendezvous] contains the confident love style of Nine Muses, with its title song [Ticket] acting as a metaphor for a new definition of love, comparing...
[Sweet Rendezvous] contains the confident love style of Nine Muses, with its title song [Ticket] acting as a metaphor for a new definition of love, comparing...

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nine_Muses - 維基
Rainbow [金栽經 高佑麗 吳勝雅 盧乙 鄭允惠 金智淑 趙賢榮] ※2009.11.14 出道
[韓中字HD]Rainbow - Sweet Dream MV - YouTube
[KRMTV]紅色:金栽經/김재경/Kim Jae Kyung 橙色:高佑麗/고우리/Koh Woo Ri 黃色:趙賢榮/조현영/Cho Hyun Young 綠色:金智淑/김지숙/Kim Ji Suk 藍色:盧乙/노을/No Eul 靛色:吳勝雅/오승아/Oh Seung A 紫色:鄭允慧/정윤혜/Jung Y...
[KRMTV]紅色:金栽經/김재경/Kim Jae Kyung 橙色:高佑麗/고우리/Koh Woo Ri 黃色:趙賢榮/조현영/Cho Hyun Young 綠色:金智淑/김지숙/Kim Ji Suk 藍色:盧乙/노을/No Eul 靛色:吳勝雅/오승아/Oh Seung A 紫色:鄭允慧/정윤혜/Jung Y...

[M/V]레인보우(Rainbow) - TO ME(내게로..) - YouTube
레인보우(Rainbow) 2nd Mini ALBUM "SO 女" TO ME(내게로..) FULL HD 뮤직비디오!!
레인보우(Rainbow) 2nd Mini ALBUM "SO 女" TO ME(내게로..) FULL HD 뮤직비디오!!

Rainbow (레인보우) - A DANCE VERSION _ MIRRORED & DOWNLOAD - YouTube DOWNLOAD: Yeah so since I don't have the file anymore, you'll just have to rip it off youtube lols. REQUESTS: Leave a comment on my youtube channel if you ha...

2012 New Song
子團體 Rainbow Pixie [吳勝雅 金智淑 趙賢榮]
Rainbow Pixie (레인보우 픽시) - Hoi Hoi (호이호이) Music Video - YouTube Rainbow Pixie Digital Single "Hoi Hoi" 레인보우 픽시 디지털싱글 "호이호이" レインボーピックシデジタルシングル "ホイホイ"

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow - 維基
Rainbow - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
RAINBOW(韓語:레인보우、日語:レインボー)是韓國DSP Media於2009年推出的七人女子組合,成員包括 在京、佑麗、勝雅、盧乙、允慧、智淑和賢榮。2009年11月,以首張專輯《Gossip Girl》出道。 ...
Rania [Riko Saem Jooyi Di T-ae Xia] ※2011.04.06 出道
Rania(라니아) _ POP POP POP MV - YouTube
A new group who came into the spotlight for the world-famous producer Teddy Riley Rania's new album was produced by the top Asian hit-maker "Brave Brothers" ...
A new group who came into the spotlight for the world-famous producer Teddy Riley Rania's new album was produced by the top Asian hit-maker "Brave Brothers" ...

[NEW] Rania - Masquerade (English Ver.) [FULL] - 1st Debut / Mini Album , 3rd Track - YouTube Visit us (New forum) for more goodies about Rania. Upload : huttkung @ Global Ladies (1st International forum & Your #1 source ...

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rania - 維基
Rania - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Rania(諺文:라니아)是韓國一個八位女生組成的女子流行音樂團體。 ...
Rania(諺文:라니아)是韓國一個八位女生組成的女子流行音樂團體。 ...
SeeYa [李寶蘭 金延智 李秀美] ※2006 出道
Seeya - I Still Like You [Eng. Sub] - YouTube
Song: I Still Like You Singer: Seeya Album: California Dream this is not a new song frm this group since, NGR is no longer a part of this group, they are now...
Song: I Still Like You Singer: Seeya Album: California Dream this is not a new song frm this group since, NGR is no longer a part of this group, they are now...

[KTV] SeeYa - 激動的心(가슴이 뭉클) --- 韓劇-個人取向(개인의취향) OST - YouTube 韓劇「個人取向」插曲「激動的心」自製KTV ※此KTV純屬個人興趣之作, 影片版權歸韓國MBC電視公司所有.

[HD/HQ Music Video] SeeYa - His Voice / Voice of a Bad Person - YouTube SeeYa returns from their hiatus and losing Nam Gyuri as their leader. Now, with Lee Soomi, their comeback of His Voice (Voice of a Bad Person) is released! F...

Woman Generation Youtube http://tinyurl.com/yjgu69d
HQ SeeYa , Davichi & Ji Yeon (T-ara) - Woman Generation 여성시대 [MV] - YouTube this song is so sweet ^^ Please comment & Rate! :)

Forever Love Youtube http://tinyurl.com/9xqw2q6
SeeYa, Davichi & T-Ara (JiYeon) - Love Forever - YouTube
Cinderella Man Drama OST Cinderella Man Drama OST
Cinderella Man Drama OST Cinderella Man Drama OST

기생령OST '끝까지'- 씨야&티아라 - YouTube
가수 다비치, 씨야& 티아라 기생령 O.S.T에 참여했다. 다비치와 민명기 작곡가 함께한
가수 다비치, 씨야& 티아라 기생령 O.S.T에 참여했다. 다비치와 민명기 작곡가 함께한
, 씨야& 티아라와 조영수 작곡가가 함께한 끝까지
로 들에게 인사한다. 엠넷닷컴 통해 8월 1일 다비치의 Heaven
, 8월 2일 씨야& 티아라의 끝까지
공개한다. 가수...
《Coffee Over Milk》- [Coffee House 韩剧 OST 中字] by T-ARA & SeeYa - YouTube Coffee House 韩剧 (咖啡屋) OST 中文字幕 歌名:《Coffee Over Milk》/ 咖啡较之牛奶 演唱:HyoMin (T-ARA),Soyeon (T-ARA) & Boram (SeeYa) [ 歌词:] Darling, darling, darling Oh Honey, hone...

2012 New Song
[BG Team] [Vietsub] YangPa ft SoYeon (T-ARA), BoRam (SeeYa) - I Know (Live) @ KBS Music Bank - YouTube
[Vietsub] YangPa ft SoYeon (T-ARA), BoRam (SeeYa) - I Know Download : ...
詳細介紹 : http://kpopn.com/2010/05/14/15279/
Secret [孝盛 智恩 Zinger 善花] ※2009.10.15 出道
Secret(시크릿) _ Love is MOVE(사랑은 MOVE) MV - YouTube
Secret, the four-member Muse with overflowing energy, is challenging the K-pop scene with their first full-length album "Moving in Secret" since their debut ...
Secret, the four-member Muse with overflowing energy, is challenging the K-pop scene with their first full-length album "Moving in Secret" since their debut ...

[Secret4Subs] Secret - Starlight Moonlight MV [eng sub] - YouTube Brought to you by Secret4Subs Visit secretfour.com for more secrets! Translator: SunHwaForYou, bitnaneun✩ Editor: Insouciance Timer/Typesetter: emilyyt QCer:...

Korean Girl Pop Group - Secret - "Shy Boy" Music Video 720p [HD] - YouTube Korean Girl Pop Group - Secret - "Shy Boy" Hi-Def Version 720p Hi-Def Version

[繁中字HD]Secret 宋智恩 - Going Crazy MV (ft.方勇國) - YouTube Secret 隊長:全孝盛(Jeon Hyo Sun)、隊員:韓善華 / 韓善花(Han Sun Hwa)、Zinger(鄭荷娜)、宋智恩(Song Ji Eun)

Madonna Youtube http://tinyurl.com/23evxg4
Secret - "Madonna" (MV) - YouTube
Music Video 뮤직비디오 / 뮤비 # 시크릿 - 마돈나 / Secret - Madonna *Available in High Definition (HD) ~members: - Jeon Hyo Sung (전효성) - Song Ji Eun (송지은) - Zinger (징거) - ...
Music Video 뮤직비디오 / 뮤비 # 시크릿 - 마돈나 / Secret - Madonna *Available in High Definition (HD) ~members: - Jeon Hyo Sung (전효성) - Song Ji Eun (송지은) - Zinger (징거) - ...

Magic Youtube http://tinyurl.com/368mkzd
2012 New Song
[HD] Secret - Poison MV - YouTube
SECRET (시크릿) - POISON Music Video This video is not owned by me but TS Entertainment, it is only uploaded for entertainment purposes only. The beautiful ladi...
SECRET (시크릿) - POISON Music Video This video is not owned by me but TS Entertainment, it is only uploaded for entertainment purposes only. The beautiful ladi...

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_(組合) - 維基
Secret (組合) - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Secret(韓語:시크릿),是韓國TS Entertainment在2009年推出的四人女子組合。成員包括隊長孝盛、智恩、Zinger、善花。2009年10月15日正式以首張單曲〈I Want You Back〉出道。 官方粉絲名稱為Secret Time,官方應援物則是黃色的應援充氣棒。 ...
Sistar [孝琳 寶拉 昭宥 多絮] ※2010.06.04 出道
SISTAR 씨스타_So Cool_Music Video [HD] - YouTube

[中字 MV] Sistar19 - Ma Boy (中文字幕) - YouTube
歡迎留言後自由轉載,謝謝支持! 如果影片畫面有黑邊出現,請重新整理以最佳比例播放! 下載這版本的中字MV: 歌手:Sistar19 歌名:Ma Boy 專輯:Ma Boy (中字 繁中幕字 中文字幕 chinese sub MV ...
歡迎留言後自由轉載,謝謝支持! 如果影片畫面有黑邊出現,請重新整理以最佳比例播放! 下載這版本的中字MV: 歌手:Sistar19 歌名:Ma Boy 專輯:Ma Boy (中字 繁中幕字 中文字幕 chinese sub MV ...

씨스타-니까짓게(SISTAR-How Dare You) M/V Full 초고화질 - YouTube 씨스타-니까짓게(SISTAR-How Dare You) M/V Full 초고화질 Sistar 3rd Single Album [How dare you] シスター3rdシングルアルバム「ニッカジッケ」 Sitar [How dare you] STARSHIP.Entertainment Downlo...

Push Push Youtube http://tinyurl.com/3tzt28x
씨스타 '푸시푸시' 뮤직비디오(SISTAR 'Push Push' Music Video) - YouTube 씨스타 '푸시푸시' 뮤직비디오(SISTAR 'Push Push' Music Video) Sitar 1st Sinle Album [push push] STARSHIP.Entertainment Download on iTunes =

2012 New Song
SISTAR 씨스타_나혼자(Alone)_Music VideoHD - YouTube
씨스타 1st Mini Album _Alone 나혼자(Alone) HD Music video . SISTAR _Alone ℗ STARSHIP ENTERTAINMNET Album Title : SISTAR 1st Mini Album Title Song : 나혼자(Alone) Rele...
씨스타 1st Mini Album _Alone 나혼자(Alone) HD Music video . SISTAR _Alone ℗ STARSHIP ENTERTAINMNET Album Title : SISTAR 1st Mini Album Title Song : 나혼자(Alone) Rele...

[SOPCharts][K-POP] SISTAR( 씨스타 ) - No Mercy《 ALONE 》 - YouTube Playlist : 歌手:SISTAR \ 씨스타 歌名:No Mercy 專輯:Alone \ 나혼자 [ 1th Mini Album ] ----------------------------...

[FanMade繁中MV] SISTAR - Holiday - YouTube
Copyright reserved by LOEN Entertainment - ℗ STARSHIP ENTERTAINMNET *轉載列明- SuperHeiyo@youtube 翻譯- SuperHeiyo 其實用holiday代入LOVING U的MV都很配w 如果我翻譯有錯請見諒~
Copyright reserved by LOEN Entertainment - ℗ STARSHIP ENTERTAINMNET *轉載列明- SuperHeiyo@youtube 翻譯- SuperHeiyo 其實用holiday代入LOVING U的MV都很配w 如果我翻譯有錯請見諒~

SISTAR 씨스타_Loving U_Music Video HD - YouTube
Summer Special Album _ Loving U_Music Video SISTAR _LOVING U ℗ STARSHIP ENTERTAINMNET Album Title : SISTAR Summer Special Album Title Song : LOVING U Release...
Summer Special Album _ Loving U_Music Video SISTAR _LOVING U ℗ STARSHIP ENTERTAINMNET Album Title : SISTAR Summer Special Album Title Song : LOVING U Release...

[OST] HershE (Jiyeon, Ailee, Hyorin) - Superstar [Dream High 2 OST - Part 4] - YouTube Dream High 2 OST part 4. HershE - Superstar. Please support us on Facebook: All the latest news will be at: http...

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/SISTAR - 維基
Sistar - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Sistar(韓文:씨스타),是南韓StarShip Entertainment的四人女子組合,成員包括孝琳、寶拉、昭宥、多順。2010年6月3日,推出首張單曲《Push Push》,翌日6月4日於KBS音樂銀行正式出道。 ...
SNSD [太妍 潔西卡 珊妮 蒂芬妮 孝淵 俞利 秀英 潤娥 徐玄] ※2007.08.05 出道
(少女時代)Girls' Generation 소녀시대_THE BOYS_Music Video (KOR ver.) - YouTube ♬ Download on iTunes : ☞ For more Information : ☞ Facebook Gir...

少女時代 / MR.TAXI (DANCE VER.) - YouTube
★3rdシングル『MR.TAXI / Run Devil Run』2011.04.27 RELEASE 「GENIE」「Gee」に続く待望の3rdシングルリリース! 新曲「MR.TAXI」は、韓国でのヒット曲の日本語版ではない初の日本オリジナル楽曲。一方の「Run Devil Run」(日本語バージョン)は今年1...
★3rdシングル『MR.TAXI / Run Devil Run』2011.04.27 RELEASE 「GENIE」「Gee」に続く待望の3rdシングルリリース! 新曲「MR.TAXI」は、韓国でのヒット曲の日本語版ではない初の日本オリジナル楽曲。一方の「Run Devil Run」(日本語バージョン)は今年1...

【繁中字 MV】 少女時代 (SNSD) - BAD GIRL(壞女孩) - YouTube
歡迎大家自由轉載 但請不要重新上傳YT 製作字幕:HAITAI 歌詞翻譯出處:Dornan@PTT SNSD版
歡迎大家自由轉載 但請不要重新上傳YT 製作字幕:HAITAI 歌詞翻譯出處:Dornan@PTT SNSD版

SNSD 少女時代 閃亮新世界(Into The New World)(繁中歌詞) - YouTube 少女時代(SNSD)出道曲閃亮新世界繁中歌詞 祝少女時代出道4周年快樂! 9/10台北小巨蛋演唱會順利成功! 影片內容若有侵權請告知,會立即撤下影片。

Girls' Generation(소녀시대) _ Oh! _ MusicVideo - YouTube
♬ Girls' Generation Oh! ℗ S.M.Entertainment ♪ Download on iTunes = ☞ For more Information :
♬ Girls' Generation Oh! ℗ S.M.Entertainment ♪ Download on iTunes = ☞ For more Information :

Girls' Generation(소녀시대) _ 훗(Hoot) _ MusicVideo - YouTube Girls' Generation(소녀시대)_훗(Hoot)_뮤직비디오(MusicVideo) ※ 소녀시대 SSKIN 테마 - GIRLS
Generation Live Wallpaper & Widget app This app will...
Girls' Generation(소녀시대) _ RunDevilRun(런데빌런) _ MusicVideo - YouTube ♬ Girls' Generation Run Devil Run ℗ S.M.Entertainment ♪ Download on iTunes = ☞ F...

Girls` Generation(소녀시대) _ Gee _ MusicVideo - YouTube
♪ Download on iTunes = ☞ For more Information : ※ EXTRAS ■ Girls' Generati...
♪ Download on iTunes = ☞ For more Information : ※ EXTRAS ■ Girls' Generati...

SNSD Boyfriend - 소녀시대 남자친구 - Fan Made MV (Subs) - YouTube For Subs click the CC button in the player. ============= An unofficial music video of the fourth song, "Boyfriend" in SNSD 2nd mini album "Tell Me Your Wish...

2012 New Song
子團體 TTS [太妍 蒂芬妮 徐玄] TaeTiSeo
☞ Download on iTunes : * Album booklet and audio file of the members introducing the tracks will be prov...
☞ Download on iTunes : * Album booklet and audio file of the members introducing the tracks will be prov...

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/SNSD - 維基
少女時代 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
少女時代(朝鮮語:소녀시대 So Nyeo Si Dae/少女時代,英語:Girls' Generation,常簡稱為少時或SNSD),為韓國的SM Entertainment公司於2007年所推出的九人女子音樂團體,成員包括太妍、潔西卡、珊妮、蒂芬妮、孝淵、俞利、秀英、潤娥及徐玄,部份成員在團體出道以前已經開始在藝能界活動。2007年8月5日,推出首張單曲《閃亮新世界》[1]。少女時代於三年內已在韓國、中國、台灣、泰國等亞洲國家累積出廣大的知名度。 少女時代每位成員也在各種藝能領域、主持綜藝節目等活動上各有發展,成員亦各自通曉英語和日語等語言。而她們已於2010年8月25日在舉辦演 ...
少女時代(朝鮮語:소녀시대 So Nyeo Si Dae/少女時代,英語:Girls' Generation,常簡稱為少時或SNSD),為韓國的SM Entertainment公司於2007年所推出的九人女子音樂團體,成員包括太妍、潔西卡、珊妮、蒂芬妮、孝淵、俞利、秀英、潤娥及徐玄,部份成員在團體出道以前已經開始在藝能界活動。2007年8月5日,推出首張單曲《閃亮新世界》[1]。少女時代於三年內已在韓國、中國、台灣、泰國等亞洲國家累積出廣大的知名度。 少女時代每位成員也在各種藝能領域、主持綜藝節目等活動上各有發展,成員亦各自通曉英語和日語等語言。而她們已於2010年8月25日在舉辦演 ...
Spica [金甫娥 金保亨 朴娜蕊 楊知元 朴珠泫] ※於2012.02.08正式出道
2012 New Song
Russian Roulette Youtube http://tinyurl.com/78fcaga
詳細介紹 : http://kpopn.com/2012/01/11/101778/
SunnyHill [章賢 勝兒 Jubi Kota 美成] ※2007.10.04 出道
SunnyHill _ Pray _ MV - YouTube
가슴 깊이 파고드는 이별의 슬픔 써니힐이 전하는 간절한 기도 # 드디어 공개! 그 동안 감춰두었던 감성 보컬 ::: Digital Single '기도' 2년 만에 컴백해 뛰어난 실력과 독특한 매력으로 대중들에게 존재감을 뚜렷하게 각인시킨 써니힐이 새로운 디지털 싱글 '기도'로 팬들...
가슴 깊이 파고드는 이별의 슬픔 써니힐이 전하는 간절한 기도 # 드디어 공개! 그 동안 감춰두었던 감성 보컬 ::: Digital Single '기도' 2년 만에 컴백해 뛰어난 실력과 독특한 매력으로 대중들에게 존재감을 뚜렷하게 각인시킨 써니힐이 새로운 디지털 싱글 '기도'로 팬들...

SunnyHill(써니힐) _ Midnight Circus _ MV - YouTube
SunnyHIll's new album "Midnight Circus" has been perfected with the best dream team members of Korea. Under the coordination of Producer Cho Young-Chul, who ...
SunnyHIll's new album "Midnight Circus" has been perfected with the best dream team members of Korea. Under the coordination of Producer Cho Young-Chul, who ...

2012 New Song
SunnyHill(써니힐) _ The Grasshopper Song(베짱이 찬가) MV - YouTube '베짱이 찬가' The Grasshopper song If you delay and delay, there's no happiness and no more today again. (미루고 미루다 행복은 없어 오늘은 또 다시 없어) The time has slipped already...

SunnyHill(써니힐) _ Princess and Prince Charming(백마는 오고 있는가) MV - YouTube "Has seeking after specifications improved your quality of life in any way?" SunnyHill's single [Is the White Horse Coming?] SunnyHill is back! Showing off a...

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunny_Hill - 維基
Sunny Hill - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Sunny Hill(韓文:써니힐)是韓國一個五人男女混合的音樂組合,男子一個女子四個。 原來是由章賢、勝兒、Jubi組成的二女一男混聲組合,2010年加入Kotta,2011年加入美成。 2007年的出道作品為單曲《Love Letter》,2011年初以演唱最佳愛情OST《撲通撲通》開始為人熟識,同年其後推出的主打歌《Midnight Circus》大受歡迎。 Sunny Hill的歌迷官方稱為「Hiller」。 ...
Sunny Hill(韓文:써니힐)是韓國一個五人男女混合的音樂組合,男子一個女子四個。 原來是由章賢、勝兒、Jubi組成的二女一男混聲組合,2010年加入Kotta,2011年加入美成。 2007年的出道作品為單曲《Love Letter》,2011年初以演唱最佳愛情OST《撲通撲通》開始為人熟識,同年其後推出的主打歌《Midnight Circus》大受歡迎。 Sunny Hill的歌迷官方稱為「Hiller」。 ...
T-ARA ※2009.07.29 出道
[朴素妍 朴智妍 朴孝敏 咸恩靜 全寶藍 李居麗 柳花英 李雅凜 Danee]T-ARA(티아라) _ Roly-Poly in Copacabana MV - YouTube
*English subtitles are available. (Click on CC button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' fuction) [ ♬ Download ] iTunes :
*English subtitles are available. (Click on CC button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' fuction) [ ♬ Download ] iTunes :

[中字] T-ara & Davichi - 我們不是相愛的嗎 - YouTube
這是我第一次做翻譯~ 只是把英文翻做中文,可能有點怪,多多包含 請大家支持T-ara & Davichi 的我們不是相愛的嗎 ^^
這是我第一次做翻譯~ 只是把英文翻做中文,可能有點怪,多多包含 請大家支持T-ara & Davichi 的我們不是相愛的嗎 ^^

[FULL-LENGTH] T-ara I really really like you audio - YouTube
Please visit this page to show your support for t-ara
Please visit this page to show your support for t-ara

04 T-ara (티아라) - I'm So Bad - YouTube
No copyright infringement intended Upload by : Thatchatharit Sittiwong
No copyright infringement intended Upload by : Thatchatharit Sittiwong

Log In Youtube http://tinyurl.com/6s6j856
T-ARA (티아라) _ LOG-IN(로그인) _ MV - YouTube
T-ARA has released their digital single "Log-In", which is the official theme song for the public service campaign with SBS and JDX. The fresh and lively dan...
T-ARA has released their digital single "Log-In", which is the official theme song for the public service campaign with SBS and JDX. The fresh and lively dan...

티아라(T-ara) - yayaya - YouTube
T-Ara's YAYAYA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CJ E&M Music은 아시아 No.1 엔터테인먼트 기업인 CJ E&M의 음악...
T-Ara's YAYAYA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CJ E&M Music은 아시아 No.1 엔터테인먼트 기업인 CJ E&M의 음악...

T-ara - 몰라요 (I Don't Know) (Remix.) - YouTube
A remix version of 몰라요 (I don't know). From the John Travolta Wanna Be Album. Enjoy. :) Need KPop ? Listen and Discover Korean Music at Jenpoo.com
A remix version of 몰라요 (I don't know). From the John Travolta Wanna Be Album. Enjoy. :) Need KPop ? Listen and Discover Korean Music at Jenpoo.com

[AUDIO] 티아라 (T-ara) - 너너너 (You You You) - YouTube
© Core Contents Media No Copyright Infringement Intended
© Core Contents Media No Copyright Infringement Intended

T-ARA (티아라) - bo peep bo peep (안무5M) - YouTube
티아라가 국내 최고의 작곡가 방시혁, 신사동호랭이와 손잡고 정규앨범으로 11월 27일 돌아온다. 티아라는 상반된 느낌의 두 곡을 동시에 공개해 티아라가 갖고 있는 두 가지 서로 다른매력을 팬들에게 어필할 계획. 정규 앨범 발매 소식과 함께 공개된 앨범 자켓을 통해서도 카리스마 넘치...
티아라가 국내 최고의 작곡가 방시혁, 신사동호랭이와 손잡고 정규앨범으로 11월 27일 돌아온다. 티아라는 상반된 느낌의 두 곡을 동시에 공개해 티아라가 갖고 있는 두 가지 서로 다른매력을 팬들에게 어필할 계획. 정규 앨범 발매 소식과 함께 공개된 앨범 자켓을 통해서도 카리스마 넘치...

T-ara - Falling U - YouTube
Starring: Park Jiyeon & Ji Changwook (Actor) Thanks for watching! :D I made it by myself. Please rate and comment. Enjoy!! :) (P.S. Since there are so many t...
Starring: Park Jiyeon & Ji Changwook (Actor) Thanks for watching! :D I made it by myself. Please rate and comment. Enjoy!! :) (P.S. Since there are so many t...

T-ara - Like The Beginning (cheoeumcheoreom) (처음처럼) - YouTube This is the PV of the song Like The Beginning by T-ara. this is the link to the song:

[Vietsub] T-ara_Lies - YouTube
Đừng hỏi tại sao một ELF như tôi lại làm và up sub của T-ara. Đừng hiểu nhầm chỉ là tôi thích bài hát này, cũng quý mến những cô gái này nhưng tuyệt đối tôi ...
Đừng hỏi tại sao một ELF như tôi lại làm và up sub của T-ara. Đừng hiểu nhầm chỉ là tôi thích bài hát này, cũng quý mến những cô gái này nhưng tuyệt đối tôi ...

[Vietsub+Kara] T-ara - Good Person [T-araVN] - YouTube
Brought to you by T-aravn Subbing Team. HQ download : tiaravn.forumotion.com. Want more? Go and join tiaravn.forumotion.com
Brought to you by T-aravn Subbing Team. HQ download : tiaravn.forumotion.com. Want more? Go and join tiaravn.forumotion.com

[MV/HQ] T-ARA (티아라) - Apple Song (애플송 뮤비) - YouTube
pls. visit HD/HQ T-ara Apple Song Music Video. Hahaha, the song is cute and so the music video. I like the apples being used...
pls. visit HD/HQ T-ara Apple Song Music Video. Hahaha, the song is cute and so the music video. I like the apples being used...

Bye Bye Youtube http://tinyurl.com/c9p5htg
One & One Youtube http://tinyurl.com/7gp63mt
T-ARA-One & One - YouTube
Tracklist 1 One&One 2 처음처럼Like The First Time 3 Bo Peep Bo Peep 4 Tic Tic Toc 5 Bye Bye 6 Apple Is A 7 Falling U 8 Say Good Bye 9 Lies (Dance Ver.) 10 T.T.L ...
Tracklist 1 One&One 2 처음처럼Like The First Time 3 Bo Peep Bo Peep 4 Tic Tic Toc 5 Bye Bye 6 Apple Is A 7 Falling U 8 Say Good Bye 9 Lies (Dance Ver.) 10 T.T.L ...

기생령OST '끝까지'- 씨야&티아라 - YouTube
가수 다비치, 씨야& 티아라 기생령 O.S.T에 참여했다. 다비치와 민명기 작곡가 함께한
가수 다비치, 씨야& 티아라 기생령 O.S.T에 참여했다. 다비치와 민명기 작곡가 함께한
, 씨야& 티아라와 조영수 작곡가가 함께한 끝까지
로 들에게 인사한다. 엠넷닷컴 통해 8월 1일 다비치의 Heaven
, 8월 2일 씨야& 티아라의 끝까지
공개한다. 가수...
(효민) Hyomin (T-ara[티아라]) + Electroboyz - Beautiful Girl [LANGLEY] - YouTube Album Link: NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED! ALL CONTENT BELONGS TO ITS RIGHTFUL OWNER!

[Vietsub] Ji Yeon (T-ara) - Rolling (God Of Study OST) [360Kpop] - YouTube Brought to you by 360kpop subbing team ® Visit www.360kpop.com for more subbed videos. Upload by benhoz@360kpop

《Coffee Over Milk》- [Coffee House 韩剧 OST 中字] by T-ARA & SeeYa - YouTube Coffee House 韩剧 (咖啡屋) OST 中文字幕 歌名:《Coffee Over Milk》/ 咖啡较之牛奶 演唱:HyoMin (T-ARA),Soyeon (T-ARA) & Boram (SeeYa) [ 歌词:] Darling, darling, darling Oh Honey, hone...

T-Ara 하늘땅 별땅 (Heaven's Land Star's Land) Feat. 만성 [Romanized] - YouTube ▄ █ LETS' SING ALONG █ ▄ OK~ It's The Brand New Sound By Tebbin K With T.Ara Shake Shake Shake Make Me Boom Boom Boom Clap Shake Shake Shake Make Me Boom Boo...

HQ SeeYa , Davichi & Ji Yeon (T-ara) - Woman Generation 여성시대 [MV] - YouTube this song is so sweet ^^ Please comment & Rate! :)

與Supernova合作曲 ※堪稱韓樂入門曲
2012 New Song
[BG Team] [Vietsub] YangPa ft SoYeon (T-ARA), BoRam (SeeYa) - I Know (Live) @ KBS Music Bank - YouTube [Vietsub] YangPa ft SoYeon (T-ARA), BoRam (SeeYa) - I Know Download :

T-ARA (티아라) - 사랑놀이 (Love Game / Keep Out) [ENGLISH SUB] - YouTube - Playlist : ♪ Daum : Singer : T-ARA Mini Album : Day by...

T-ARA(티아라) _ Sexy Love (Dance Ver. MV) - YouTube
English subtitles are available. Click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function. :) T-ARA comes back with a whole new song called SEXY LO...
English subtitles are available. Click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function. :) T-ARA comes back with a whole new song called SEXY LO...

[OST] HershE (Jiyeon, Ailee, Hyorin) - Superstar [Dream High 2 OST - Part 4] - YouTube Dream High 2 OST part 4. HershE - Superstar. Please support us on Facebook: All the latest news will be at: http...

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-ara - 維基
T-ara - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
T-ara( /tiˈɑːrə/;韓語:티아라,日語:ティアラ))是韓國的女子音樂組合,由七名女生組成,屬於Core Contents Media。成員包括全寶藍、李居麗、朴昭妍[1]、咸慇晶[2]、朴孝敏、朴智妍、李雅凜和Danee(將加入)。組合名稱T-ara源自英文Tiara,意思是指要成為歌謠界的女王。韓國新人組合一般都會選擇歌曲節目首次公開亮相,但T-ara卻打破慣例於MBC綜藝節目《Radio Star》中出道,因出道方式獨特而受到外界關注。而出道歌曲為《謊言》。 ...
本版:T-ARA影音全收錄及詳細介紹 #1Eot5Jok
Two-X [智佑 恩 敏珠 秀琳 恩英] ※於2012.08.16正式出道
2012 New Song
투엑스(Two X) - Double Up - YouTube
2012년 8월 가요계를 평정할 걸그룹 '투엑스(Two X)'! 2012년 8월 가요계를 평정할 걸그룹이 등장했다. 투엑스(Two X)는 Top(탑), Win(이기다), One(1), X(배)로 최고를 뜻하는 탑,윈,원이 곱해져 최상의 팀, 최고의 것을 보여준다는 뜻을 가지고 있다...
2012년 8월 가요계를 평정할 걸그룹 '투엑스(Two X)'! 2012년 8월 가요계를 평정할 걸그룹이 등장했다. 투엑스(Two X)는 Top(탑), Win(이기다), One(1), X(배)로 최고를 뜻하는 탑,윈,원이 곱해져 최상의 팀, 최고의 것을 보여준다는 뜻을 가지고 있다...

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/TWO_X - 維基
TWO X - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
TWO X(韓語:투엑스)是由Rain 的所屬公司 J.Tune Camp 推出的新女團。成員包括 智佑、恩、敏珠、秀琳 和 恩英。而組合名稱 TWO X 的意思是 Top、Win、One,而 X 是指數學中的乘號。在08月16的M!Count Down 進行出道舞台。目前全體成員尚未中文正名。官方尚未公佈後援色。 ...
The Grace [天舞 上美 智聲 喜悅] ※2005.05.01 出道
(天上智喜)[中字 MV] 天上智喜(Dana & Sunday) - 我看看 One More Chance - YouTube 歡迎留言後自由轉載,謝謝支持! 如果影片畫面有黑邊出現,請重新整理以最佳比例播放! 歌手:天上智喜 / The Grace / CSJH / 천상지희 / 다나&선데이 / Dana & Sunday / 智聲 喜悅 歌名:나 좀 봐줘 / One More Chance / 讓我看看 專輯:나 좀 봐줘 (On...

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/天上智喜
天上智喜 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
天上智喜(朝鮮語:천상지희 Cheon Sang Ji Hui/天上智喜,英語:The Grace,常簡稱為CSJH)是韓國女子組合,成員由天舞(Stephanie)、上美(Lina)、智聲(Sunday)、喜悅(Dana)四人組成,而團名是由四位團員的名字所組合而成,團名寓意「擁有天上的智慧與喜悅」。其經紀人公司是韓國著名的SM Entertainment。組成天上智喜前,各位成員也各自有著豐富的經驗。四位成員在組成前分別在韓國、日本、美國爭取不同的經驗,而且各位成員各自精通不同語言,她們的目標並不單只在韓國,更瞄準了整個亞洲。天上智喜於2005年5月1日以《Too Good》一曲 ...
Wonder Girls [先藝 譽恩 婑斌 昭熙 惠林] ※2007 出道
Wonder Girls (원더걸스) - Be My Baby - YouTube
Wonder Girls' 2nd Album Title Song "Be My Baby" Copyrightⓒ 2011. JYP Entertainment. All Rights Reserved ▣ Wonder Girls 2nd Album Site
Wonder Girls' 2nd Album Title Song "Be My Baby" Copyrightⓒ 2011. JYP Entertainment. All Rights Reserved ▣ Wonder Girls 2nd Album Site

Wonder Girls (원더걸스) - 2 Different Tears (Kor. Ver) - YouTube Copyrightⓒ 2010. JYP Entertainment. All Rights Reserved ♥ Wonder Girls FACEBOOK ♥ JYP Entertainment FACEBOOK

Wonder Girls (원더걸스) - NOBODY (Eng. Ver) - YouTube
Copyrightⓒ 2008. JYP Entertainment. All Rights Reserved ♥ Wonder Girls FACEBOOK ♥ JYP Entertainment FACEBOOK
Copyrightⓒ 2008. JYP Entertainment. All Rights Reserved ♥ Wonder Girls FACEBOOK ♥ JYP Entertainment FACEBOOK

詳細介紹 : http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wonder_Girls - 維基
Wonder Girls - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Wonder Girls(韓語:원더걸스,簡稱為WG),為韓國的JYP Entertainment公司在2007年所推出的五人女子團體,成員包括先藝、譽恩、宣美、泫雅及昭熙。後來成員泫雅因慢性腸胃炎和頭暈等病痛問題經常暈倒和父母親對她身體狀況的擔憂,出道幾個月後便退出團體,並加入現任成員瑜斌。2010年,成員宣美為考取大學學位而暫時退出,亦加入現任成員惠林 ...
智妍 寶藍 ███ ◢█◣ ██◣ ◢█◣ Time To Love
素妍 孝敏 花英 ★ █ ▄▄ █▄█ █▄█ █▄█ ☆ Roly-Poly
居麗 恩靜 █ █ █ █ ◣ █ █ Cry Cry
就像最初 Lovey Dovey Yayaya Bo Peep Bo Peep Goodbye,Ok 我真的很痛 為你瘋狂
※ 發信站: 批踢踢兔(ptt2.cc)
◆ From:
→ :推 推1F 06/04 23:13
06.13 新增歌曲
團 體 名 稱 歌曲年份 歌名
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dal Shabet 2012.06 Mr.BangBang
Rainbow 2010 A
SeeYa 2010 激動的心
2011 So Nice To Meet You
06.28 新增歌曲
團 體 名 稱 歌曲年份 歌名
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------SeeYa 2009 His Voice
BrownEyedGirls 2008 How come
橙子蕉糖(AS) 2011 你離去的那天
T-ara(智妍)& 2012.02 Superstar
07.30 新增歌曲
團 體 名 稱 歌曲年份 歌名
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------2NE1 2012.07 I Love You
After School 2012.07 Flashback
2012.07 Eyeliner
橙子蕉糖(AS) 2011.12 Funny Hunny
F(x) 2012.06 Electric Shock
SNSD(潔西卡) 2009.07 冷麵
Sistar 2012.05 Holiday
2012.07 Loving U
SeeYa 2010.10 I Still Like You
T-ara 2012.07 Day By Day
2012.07 Don't Leave
2012.07 Love Game
2012.07 Holiday
08.31 新增歌曲
團 體 名 稱 歌曲年份 歌名
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kara 2012.08 Pandora
Two-X 2012.08 Double Up
10.07 新增歌曲
團 體 名 稱 歌曲年份 歌名
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------T-ara 2012.09 Sexy Love
T-ara&GavyNJ 2012.09 Day and Night
橙子蕉糖(AS) 2012.09 Lipstick
Exid 2012.09 I Feel Good
Secret 2012.09 Calling U
Secret 2012.09 Poison
徐仁國&鄭恩地 2012.09 All For You
※ 看板: Treesbicycle 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 116