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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-03-16 01:48:02
看板 Tech_Job
作者 shakamyth (捲C)
標題 [請益] GG職務請益
時間 Mon Mar 15 16:11:55 2021



職務名稱: F18B-LIT4 PE Engineer
工作地點: 南科
1. A highly motivated individuals with a strong technical background and capab
ilities for advanced process technology.
2. Continue improvement in precise process control.
3. Cross teamwork to develop a high efficiency production line as auto data co
llection, auto diagnosis and auto execution.  4. Be responsible for sustaining
 daily operations, troubleshooting and mentoring technicians.


職務名稱: 南科F18B LIT Process Engineer
工作地點: 南科
1. A highly motivated individuals with a strong technical background and capab
ilities to develop and sustain process technologies for flash memory and logic
2. Working with a team which may include device, integration, yield, lithograp
hy, etch and thin films or external suppliers to drive leading-edge integrated
 module development, control and improvements.
3. Be responsible for sustaining ownership such as day-to-day operations, equi
pment troubleshooting and mentoring technicians.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WJnRDVH (Tech_Job)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1615795917.A.7D1.html
moonth66: 強者!1F 03/15 16:12
qwe080969: 不是都製程嗎 差別在哪…2F 03/15 16:27
lovealgebra: process control—> 87%是製程工程師3F 03/15 16:52
lovealgebra: 產線跟搜集Data,應該是製程工程師....
lovealgebra: 反正先買車、買房再說
lovealgebra: 難不成你覺得是黃光製程產品工程師嗎?看起來就是黃
lovealgebra: 光製程
sustjh: LIT PE, 這很清楚了8F 03/15 17:08
qwerasdft: pe中的王者還是個pe,名稱都假的9F 03/15 17:27
vinsanity25: process engineering engineer?10F 03/15 17:34
iwami:         製        程       工程師11F 03/15 17:39
jaannddyy: F18b持續徵才中12F 03/15 17:39
anvier9663: 中科可內推 意者站內~13F 03/15 17:51
FUNYUN: 都蠻賽的14F 03/15 18:37
yee0423: 精實中的精實,之後10點不知道走不走的掉!15F 03/15 18:38
senra5115: 唯影,加油16F 03/15 18:38
KCKCLIN: 羨慕 可以買房惹 求內推17F 03/15 19:02
teenyhey: 求內設18F 03/15 20:38
lasd: 進去後馬上買房,基本上就不會有想離職的念頭,讚讚19F 03/15 20:44
tinalockhart: 羨慕推 求內推QQ20F 03/15 22:56
hotter: 南科GG 14B設備內推 意者請站內信21F 03/15 22:59
richardj: 都一樣不用選了22F 03/15 23:04
toypoodle007: 精實!23F 03/15 23:31
kcip: 就是製程了,產線三寶之一,大概都晚上10點後下班,工時13-124F 03/15 23:38
kcip: 4。有特早/日班/小夜,特早當日班用,日班當小夜用,小夜當
kcip: 大夜用。一個月大概休4-5天。LIT4的4是指部別,也就是你在
kcip: 黃光4部的某課。千萬別存有美好的幻想,台積之所以強,就是
kcip: 從你們身上奴性榨出來的。
yee0423: lith4是黃光部4課29F 03/16 01:06
yee0423: lit 4應該是顧193或248機台,整天抱著筆電顧SPC chart,
yee0423: 等著被highlight
maikxz: 反正都一樣過幾天就去EUVㄌ32F 03/16 01:31

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