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作者 標題 [新聞] 民主黨議員就華為產品中的台積電晶片問題
時間 Thu Oct 31 23:15:10 2024
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Democratic lawmaker takes aim at Biden over TSMC chip in Huawei product, letter shows
WASHINGTON, Oct 31 (Reuters) - Democratic Senator Mark Warner criticized the Biden administration for "apparent lax monitoring" of TSMC (2330.TW), opens new tab following revelations a chip produced by the Taiwanese chipmaker ended up in a product made by China's heavily sanctioned Huawei.
In a letter reviewed by Reuters, the influential lawmaker also took the government to task for "repeated leadership failures" in enforcement of U.S. export rules after TSMC informed the U.S. that one of its chips had been found in a Huawei AI processor, a possible violation of U.S. restrictions on the Chinese telecommunications equipment maker.
"TSMC’s production of chips for Huawei has serious implications for U.S. national security," Warner, who chairs the powerful Senate Intelligence Committee, said in the letter to President Joe Biden dated Oct. 30.
"I urge you to swiftly take immediate steps to assess and strengthen the efficacy of existing controls," he added.The White House, Huawei and the Chinese Embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to requests for comment. TSMC declined to comment.
The Commerce Department, which oversees export policy, said in a statement that "No Commerce Department in history has been tougher on China." It touted its moves to add over 400 Chinese companies to a trade restriction list, "extensive" new controls and a record number of convictions last year. "We will continue to use all of our tools — administrative, criminal, and regulatory — to safeguard U.S. national security," the statement added.
But the letter, coming from a fellow Democrat, illustrates the growing, bipartisan concern among lawmakers that Washington is not taking sufficiently aggressive action to halt the technological advance of Beijing. The U.S. fears China could use the technology to bolster its military capabilities.
Republican congressman John Moolenaar, who chairs the House of Representatives Select Committee on China, said last week the TSMC chip represents "a catastrophic failure" of U.S. export control policy, and asked for "immediate answers" from Commerce and TSMC about the scope of the "disaster."
Huawei was added to a trade restriction list in 2019 amid fears its telecoms equipment could be used to spy on users, which Huawei denies. The restriction means U.S. and foreign suppliers have to obtain a special difficult-to-obtain license before shipping to Huawei.
But Huawei unveiled a new phone last year powered by a sophisticated chip, seen as a symbol of the China's technological resurgence despite Washington's best efforts to cripple its capacity to produce advanced semiconductors.
The U.S. has also imposed a raft of measures aimed at restricting the shipment of advanced GPU chips - which enable artificial intelligence (AI) - to China to hobble its AI capabilities, which Washington fears could be used to develop bioweapons and launch large-scale cyber attacks.
The TSMC chip ended up in Huawei's Ascend 910B, the company's own GPU product, Reuters reported, apparently fueling Huawei’s efforts to develop a competing ecosystem for AI, Warner wrote.
"This recent incident – and (the Commerce Department's) apparent lax monitoring of TSMC’s compliance – raise questions" about whether TSMC is observing the Commerce Department's limits on the computing power of AI chips that can be shipped to China, Warner added.
前幾日共和黨眾議員 中國特別問題委員會主席
John Moolenarr表示華為產品中出現台積電製造晶片盯上商務部和台積電
近日民主黨參議員Mark Waner批判拜登政府對台積電監管不嚴,導致華為產品出現台積電製造的晶片
前有川普發難 後有議員檢討華為問題
Sent from JPTT on my Google Pixel 7 Pro.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: baddaddy 2024-10-31 23:15:10
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1d8vy0Tp (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1730387712.A.773.html
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→ : ,我覺得美國人很厲害
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推 : 設計服務真的要嚴格限制15F 10/31 23:27
推 : 太多漏洞了16F 10/31 23:27
→ : 超譯了吧17F 10/31 23:27
推 : 有看過以色列一直去伊朗設廠或代工的嗎?18F 10/31 23:28
噓 : 弄死台積~搞垮台灣~20F 10/31 23:29
推 : 台積電是美國公司嗎 管真寬21F 10/31 23:30
→ : 蘋果一樣中國製造 也沒看美國抵制22F 10/31 23:30
→ : 只是想趁機搞GG而已,等川普上就知道了23F 10/31 23:32
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→ : 跟台積製造華為需要的晶片不同...y
→ : 跟台積製造華為需要的晶片不同...y
→ : 怎樣,兩黨都在雞巴膩26F 10/31 23:38
噓 : 只准親兒子賺27F 10/31 23:45
→ : 因為美積電開始運作了啊,不把你GG弄到半殘怎麼可28F 10/31 23:48
→ : 能
→ : 能
推 : 組裝廠要外流東西簡單的很30F 10/31 23:51
推 : 華為的高通晶片也是台積電生產啊 lol31F 11/01 00:01
推 : GG這波賺了預收貨款之後 接下來就是營收打折惹32F 11/01 00:03
→ : 透過白手套買的人多了 要是全都不准賣 GG500見
→ : 透過白手套買的人多了 要是全都不准賣 GG500見
噓 : 這不抓出來才會變成問題34F 11/01 00:12
→ : 真相一點也不重要 搞GG才是重點35F 11/01 00:12
推 : intel去中國投資就沒差36F 11/01 00:27
推 : 因為印度是印太戰略的核心37F 11/01 00:30
噓 : 魏:你太靠北我就乾脆不管禁令全賣華為38F 11/01 00:30
推 : 制裁台積電39F 11/01 00:32
推 : 台積電應該慢慢擺脫美國技術限制 一直被抓著把柄40F 11/01 00:33
推 : 利空連發應該是吃貨,吃貨完噴一噴就準備走空頭41F 11/01 00:55
→ : 來個右肩給多蛙
→ : 來個右肩給多蛙
→ : 假如要嚴封的話,ic設計一大票不死也半殘,光手機43F 11/01 00:57
→ : 裡的就不知輸出多少過去
→ : 技術間接都是美國給的,看看荷商ASML的下場
→ : 裡的就不知輸出多少過去
→ : 技術間接都是美國給的,看看荷商ASML的下場
推 : 美國想要總代理46F 11/01 01:03
推 : 修理GG成顯學?47F 11/01 01:11
→ : GG就脫離美國,找死!48F 11/01 02:02
→ : 有完沒完,這參議員連國家安全都搬出來是準備搞垮49F 11/01 02:16
→ : 台積電?
→ : 台積電?
→ : 若是轉了好幾手才賣給華為 跟GG有何關係?51F 11/01 06:01
→ : 不去找賣晶片給華為的公司 趁機針對GG?
→ : 不去找賣晶片給華為的公司 趁機針對GG?
推 : 你們不是執政黨嗎 ?自己演一波震怒戲碼?53F 11/01 06:32
→ : 然後怎麼不透過外交關係去施壓呢?
→ : 然後怎麼不透過外交關係去施壓呢?
推 : 雖然自己也賠錢,但1100T的學長不能不尊重57F 11/01 06:54
推 : 說台積擺脫美國的 以為全部技術都台積電自主的?58F 11/01 07:16
推 : 中芯全技術自主,美國沒輒,台積電算了吧,就是個打59F 11/01 07:20
→ : 工仔
→ : 工仔
→ : 笑死 跟台灣立委質詢差不多程度61F 11/01 08:17
推 : 中芯那來的技術自主,ASML不維護的話,產能就砍半62F 11/01 08:41
推 : 有沒有人注意到美國國會是無法質詢官員的 只能站在63F 11/01 08:51
→ : 那邊自說自話 所以他們才會有聽證會制度 台灣卻一
→ : 堆人搞不懂美國國會調查權的由來
→ : 那邊自說自話 所以他們才會有聽證會制度 台灣卻一
→ : 堆人搞不懂美國國會調查權的由來
推 : 趕快上貢乾股50%好了 不然一直找麻煩66F 11/01 09:36
→ : 可是法國能質詢也有聽證會67F 11/01 09:56
推 : 本來就是可以質詢也能聽證啊68F 11/01 10:11
→ : 本來就有聽證跟質詢69F 11/01 10:38
推 : 印度表示70F 11/01 10:45
推 : 不是有人說假新聞 哈哈哈71F 11/01 11:09
推 : 蛤 監管不嚴???72F 11/01 11:34
推 : 中國表示:「大疆無人機你們美軍還要不要買?反正73F 11/01 11:49
→ : 你們只能透過印度中間商買,我無所謂 」
→ : 你們只能透過印度中間商買,我無所謂 」
推 : 建議gg 總部移到日本或美國75F 11/01 12:59
推 : GG有中國廠阿 成熟製程也能賣阿 黑人問號76F 11/01 15:31
※ 看板: Stock 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 45
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