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作者 標題 [新聞] Facebook shares plunge more than 20%
時間 Thu Feb 3 06:26:57 2022
原文標題:Facebook shares plunge more than 20% on weak earnings
, big forecast miss
發布時間:2 20223:31 PM
Facebook shares tumbled more than 20% in extended trading on Wednesday after
the company reported disappointing earnings, gave weak guidance and said user
growth has stagnated.
Here are the results:
Earnings per share: $3.67 vs $3.84 expected, according to a Refinitiv survey
of analysts
Revenue: $33.67 billion vs $33.4 billion expected, according to Refinitiv
Facebook also missed estimates with user numbers.
Daily Active Users (DAUs): 1.93 billion vs 1.95 billion expected by analysts,
according to StreetAccount
Monthly Active Users (MAUs): 2.91 billion vs 2.95 billion expected by
analysts, according to StreetAccount
Average Revenue per User (ARPU): $11.57 vs $11.38 expected by analysts,
according to Street Account
The company, which was recently renamed to Meta, issued disappointing
guidance for the first quarter in addition to coming up short on its
fourth-quarter profit and user numbers. Daily Active Users (DAUs) on Facebook
were slightly down in the fourth quarter compared to the previous quarter,
marking its first quarterly decline in DAUs on record.
Facebook said revenue in the first quarter will be $27 billion to $29
billion, while analysts were expecting sales of $30.15 billion, according to
Refinitiv. That would mean 3% to 11% year-over-year growth, while analysts
were expecting about 15%, according to Refinitiv.
Facebook said it’s being hit by a combination of factors, including privacy
changes to Apple’s iOS and macroeconomic challenges. It blamed the
lower-than-expected growth in part on inflation and supply chain issues that
are impacting advertisers’ budgets.
There’s also a shift to products that don’t generate as much revenue as its
core news feed. For example, people are spending more time on its Reels
“On the impressions side, we expect continued headwinds from both increased
competition for people’s time and a shift of engagement within our apps
towards video surfaces like Reels, which monetize at lower rates than Feed
and Stories,” Facebook said.
The report is Facebook’s first since changing the name of its parent company
to Meta, which is a nod to the metaverse. CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the
name change in October following a series of troubling reports about Facebook
that stemmed from leaked documents shared by a former employee with
journalists, lawmakers and the Securities and Exchange Commission.
With the name change to Meta comes a new reporting structure. The company
said in its last earnings report that it will break out its hardware
division, Facebook Reality Labs, into a separate division. Its core business
will be Facebook’s Family of Apps (FoA), including Instagram, Messenger and
Meta said its Family of Apps saw revenue of $32.79 billion with operating
income of $15.89 billion in the fourth quarter. Its Reality Labs segment made
$877 million in revenue in the quarter with an operating loss of $3.3 billion.
For the fourth quarter, Facebook is proving to be an outlier among the top
tech companies. Its results come a day after Alphabet cruised past estimates,
sending its stock higher on Wednesday. Apple and Microsoft also topped
estimates on profit and revenue. Despite a January stock slump across tech,
the industry giants, other than Netflix, have delivered uplifting earnings
reports, reminding investors of the power of their dominant businesses even
in a challenging macro environment.
As of Wednesday’s close, the company’s shares are down about 4% this year.
EPS 不如預期
META 現在盤後 -21%
市值蒸發快 200B
這比 NFLX 還誇張
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1X-mKquP (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1643840820.A.E19.html
推 : 糕1F 02/03 06:30
推 : 又要改公司名救股價了XD2F 02/03 06:32
推 : 哈,非死不可3F 02/03 06:33
推 : 也沒那麼糟,真是太無情了。。。4F 02/03 06:35
噓 : 現在財報稍差隨便就-20%起跳 蠻北爛的5F 02/03 06:38
推 : 會跟網飛一樣 抄答案?6F 02/03 06:38
※ 編輯: qk123 ( 臺灣), 02/03/2022 06:40:30推 : 現在稍微差一點都可以直接砍到見骨7F 02/03 06:41
推 : 而且現在對比的是去年疫情最受惠時期 都成長了還想8F 02/03 06:43
→ : 怎樣
→ : 怎樣
推 : 成長股不成長就會這樣10F 02/03 06:43
→ : 畢竟你是買他的未來
→ : 畢竟你是買他的未來
噓 : 元宇宙可以炒五年 根本送分題12F 02/03 06:45
推 : 蜥蜴人要救救自己嗎?13F 02/03 06:50
推 : FB不意外14F 02/03 06:57
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→ : 網頁還是APP? 網頁的話Nasdaq.com就有了16F 02/03 07:03
→ : APP的話 富徒牛牛也有得看
→ : APP的話 富徒牛牛也有得看
推 : 蜥蜴人的宇宙夢cc18F 02/03 07:06
推 : 蜥蜴人給力點19F 02/03 07:14
推 : 盤後直接20% 慘20F 02/03 07:18
→ : 年輕人都換別的社群了21F 02/03 07:19
→ : 炒題材.實際獲利慘23F 02/03 07:20
推 : 社群網站取代性高 又越來越渣 很正常啊24F 02/03 07:21
推 : amzn也不太看好25F 02/03 07:29
→ : 好的都先公布.壞的才陸續要公布26F 02/03 07:29
推 : 活躍用戶是衰退還是成長趨緩?27F 02/03 07:30
推 : 成長趨緩也會被看壞喔28F 02/03 07:32
推 : 見證歷史 這麼大型的股票也可以瞬間殺20%29F 02/03 07:32
推 : 史壯掰30F 02/03 07:34
推 : 撿鑽石囉!31F 02/03 07:35
→ : 這間公司就很廢,看不到新藍海,只好一直去蹭元宇宙32F 02/03 07:37
→ : 、NFT啥的
→ : FB暴雷也證實元宇宙題材炒完沒搞頭惹
→ : 業務還被抖音威脅= =
→ : 、NFT啥的
→ : FB暴雷也證實元宇宙題材炒完沒搞頭惹
→ : 業務還被抖音威脅= =
推 : 減撿36F 02/03 07:44
→ : fuckbook 還沒被嚴厲監管就鳥樣了37F 02/03 07:44
推 : 同樣都賣廣告GOOG繳出好的成績單,FB怪通膨38F 02/03 07:45
推 : -23%,太可怕39F 02/03 07:49
推 : 崩崩40F 02/03 07:55
推 : 客戶被谷歌搶走?41F 02/03 07:55
※ 看板: Stock 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 63
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