※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-09-11 01:59:04
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作者 標題 [新聞] 法官判決蘋果需放寬App Store的政策
時間 Fri Sep 10 23:55:47 2021
Apple can no longer force developers to use in-app purchasing,
judge rules in Epic Games case
-Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers handed down a decision in a closely-watched
trial between Apple and Epic Games on Friday.
-Rogers issued an injunction that said that Apple will no longer be allowed to
prohibit developers from providing links or other communications that direct
users away from Apple in-app purchasing.
-Apple won on 9 of 10 counts but will be forced to change its App Store
policies and loosen its grip over in-app purchases.
Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers handed down a decision in a closely-watched
trial between Apple and Epic Games on Friday.
Rogers ordered an injunction that said that Apple will no longer be allowed
to prohibit developers from providing links or other communications that
direct users away from Apple in-app purchasing, of which it takes 15% to 30%
of gross sales.
The injunction addresses a longstanding developer complaint and suggests the
possibility that developers could direct their uses to their website to
subscribe or purchase digital content, hurting Apple’s App Store sales.
The decision concludes the first part of the battle between the two companies
over Apple’s App Store policies and whether they stifle competition. Apple
won on 9 of 10 counts but will be forced to change its App Store policies and
loosen its grip over in-app purchases.
Apple stock dropped 2% in trading on Friday.
The trial took place in Oakland, California in May, and included both company
CEOs testifying in open court. People familiar with the trial previously told
CNBC that both sides expected the decision to be appealed regardless of what
it was.
Since the trial ended but before the decision was handed down, Apple has made
several changes to mollify critics, some as part of settlements with other
app developers, including relaxing some rules about emailing customers to
encourage them to make off-app purchases and allowing some links in apps.
Rogers wrote in the decision that she disagreed with both Apple and Epic
Games over the framing of the market Apple allegedly dominates. Rogers found
that it was “digital mobile gaming transactions,” not control over App
Store apps, as Epic Games had alleged, nor was it all video games, as Apple
had claimed.
Epic Games is among the most prominent companies to challenge Apple’s
control of its iPhone App Store, which has strict rules about what is allowed
and not, and requires many software developers to use in in-app payment
system, which takes between 15% to 30% of each transaction.
Epic’s most popular game is Fortnite, which makes money when players buy
V-bucks, or the in-game currency to buy costumes and other cosmetic changes.
Epic wasn’t seeking money from Apple— instead, it wanted to be allowed to
install its own app store on iPhones, which would allow it to bypass Apple’s
cut, and impose its own fees on games it distributed. Epic Games CEO Tim
Sweeney had chafed against Apple’s in-app purchase rules as early as 2015,
according to court filings and exhibits.
But the public clash between the two companies started in earnest in August
2020, when Epic implemented a plan to challenge Apple called “Project
Liberty,” according to court filings.
Epic Games updated Fortnite on its servers to reduce the price of its in-game
currency by 20% if players bought directly from the company, bypassing Apple’
s take, and violating Apple’s rules on steering users away from its in-app
Apple removed Fortnite from the App Store, meaning that new users could not
download it and that it would eventually stop working on iPhones because the
app could not be updated. As it planned, Epic then filed a lawsuit that
culminated in May’s trial.
At the trial, Apple CEO Tim Cook testified on one of the last days, and faced
pointed questioning from Judge Rogers over its restrictions on steering users
to make purchases off-app,
“It doesn’t seem to me that you feel any pressure or competition to
actually change the manner in which you act to address the concerns of
developers,” Rogers said.
Epic Games also sued Google over its control of the Play Store for Android
phones. That case has not yet gone to trial.
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※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 09/10/2021 23:57:01
應該有人已經預測到這結果 (ex:SPOT)
※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 09/10/2021 23:59:16
※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 09/10/2021 23:59:59
推 : 蘋果就土匪啊 收30%手續費...1F 09/10 23:58
我覺得有趣的是最近一些面向消費者的SaaS類股都蠻挺的應該有人已經預測到這結果 (ex:SPOT)
※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 09/10/2021 23:59:16
※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 09/10/2021 23:59:59
噓 : 好像蘋果開發Os都不用成本一樣2F 09/10 23:59
→ : NETFLIX應該很爽3F 09/10 23:59
→ : 壓價啦哪次不壓價4F 09/11 00:01
推 : 彎腰撿鑽石,下次要遇到apple崩3%都不知何年何月5F 09/11 00:03
推 : 完蛋 供應商又要被壓榨了6F 09/11 00:03
推 : 蘋果開發要錢沒錯,但是利用壟斷賺了太多超額利潤7F 09/11 00:03
推 : aapl跳水中8F 09/11 00:03
→ : 要不然股價怎麼會一直漲9F 09/11 00:04
→ : 其實看起來跌不少 但也只是跌掉幾天漲幅而已10F 09/11 00:04
→ : 我看一堆手遊也是 靠著抽卡機制賺了一堆超額利潤啊11F 09/11 00:04
→ : 這倒是真的 錢錢都被廢物遊戲賺走了QQ12F 09/11 00:05
→ : 現實就是Apple不收手續費, App的開發商也不會降價13F 09/11 00:06
推 : 賣遊戲的哪個不是超額利潤 都是數位資料而已14F 09/11 00:06
推 : 好玩的數位資料好 換皮的數位垃圾多15F 09/11 00:07
→ : *少
→ : *少
→ : 是啊,那開發iOS要講求各種平衡,還要講求效能、相17F 09/11 00:09
→ : 容性,不是比手遊更應該賺得多…
→ : 容性,不是比手遊更應該賺得多…
→ : 賣個組合包要一兩千台幣…一堆人也是花幾百萬買帳號19F 09/11 00:09
推 : 把蘋果空回5020F 09/11 00:10
→ : 至少我是希望Apple賺得比那些免洗的遊戲商還多啦。21F 09/11 00:10
→ : 至少他會出比較順的手機,然後股價會上漲
→ : 至少他會出比較順的手機,然後股價會上漲
推 : 難得有利空 期權賣起來賺23F 09/11 00:14
推 : 還在吹蘋果系統比較順就知道又一位史前朋友XD24F 09/11 00:15
推 : 某人搞不清楚狀況,現在是蘋果利用他的壟斷地位強制25F 09/11 00:16
→ : 收取30%手續費,又不准別人加入來競爭,要是蘋果真
→ : 收取30%手續費,又不准別人加入來競爭,要是蘋果真
推 : 這不就代表因為遊戲課金問題被下架的遊戲,未來要27F 09/11 00:16
→ : 上架了?
→ : 上架了?
→ : 的有本事開放讓別人來競爭,又可以讓人甘願付30%再29F 09/11 00:17
→ : 來說
→ : 來說
噓 : ios?幹我買手機不就含ios費用了31F 09/11 00:17
→ : 不然買空機自己安裝os膩
→ : 不然買空機自己安裝os膩
→ : 開發商造反啦33F 09/11 00:20
推 : 反壟斷早該對apple store出手了34F 09/11 00:23
→ : 這邊風向蠻有趣的 最常聽到的都是說:不爽不要賺35F 09/11 00:23
推 : 樓上某人是在講三小?作業系統要什麼平衡?論相容性36F 09/11 00:24
→ : ,iOS要相容的東西會比Windows多嗎?
→ : ,iOS要相容的東西會比Windows多嗎?
→ : app收入佔不多吧…38F 09/11 00:25
推 : 沒付出甚麼勞動就抽30%本來就很不合理39F 09/11 00:25
→ : IOS要相容各種用戶 Win則只有生產力才用的到40F 09/11 00:26
推 : 不爽不要上架啊41F 09/11 00:26
推 : APP內購收入已經佔APPL的大宗了 我記得42F 09/11 00:26
噓 : 在7-11跟costco上架也要付上架費啊 當人家開店架43F 09/11 00:27
→ : 通路都是慈善嗎
→ : 通路都是慈善嗎
→ : 我不認同沒什麼"勞動"這一點 抽30%很高不合理認同45F 09/11 00:27
推 : 果粉爽買貴的,因為那是蘋果,那是價值,如果便宜46F 09/11 00:30
→ : 那就不是蘋果了
→ : 那就不是蘋果了
推 : 笑死 你在7-11買雜誌 然後打去雜誌社買東西 7-1148F 09/11 00:31
→ : 有抽你錢?
→ : 幹 我在手遊課金 蘋果就是抽錢啊
→ : 有抽你錢?
→ : 幹 我在手遊課金 蘋果就是抽錢啊
推 : 7-11沒抽你錢 雜誌社有被抽不是嗎?羊毛出在羊身上51F 09/11 00:33
→ : 成本不就會輪回到你手上那本雜誌的訂價 嗎 ?
→ : 成本不就會輪回到你手上那本雜誌的訂價 嗎 ?
噓 : 說沒有勞動也太好笑了 CDN和金流之類的infra 和這53F 09/11 00:34
→ : 些endpoint增加的資安風險/compromise 是誰承擔的
→ : 些endpoint增加的資安風險/compromise 是誰承擔的
→ : 一句OS成本就無限上綱55F 09/11 00:36
→ : 哪天蘋果跟每台iPhone收OS月租費該不會也有人認為
→ : 合理吧
→ : 哪天蘋果跟每台iPhone收OS月租費該不會也有人認為
→ : 合理吧
推 : 在V了啦58F 09/11 00:36
推 : 講的跟訂閱制服務有點像..該不會你看免費netflix?59F 09/11 00:39
→ : 當然以iPhone的價格還要收os月租費是不可能合理的事
→ : 當然以iPhone的價格還要收os月租費是不可能合理的事
推 : 管理App版本,推播,低成本全世界下載,樣樣都要錢61F 09/11 00:47
→ : 抽成本來就是合理的不然自己做平台賣= =
→ : 抽成本來就是合理的不然自己做平台賣= =
→ : 還可以上訴啊,越高階的法院蘋果贏面越大63F 09/11 00:48
推 : 蘋果律師團:窩海梅展現全部實力64F 09/11 00:55
推 : 我比較希望他們先把iPhone 13換成type c 上次豆65F 09/11 00:56
→ : 腐頭吹環保 你自己獨樹一格 生產不同線 這就比較
→ : 環保嗎 我其他設備都用type c了 出門也只要幾條
→ : 就能共用了 還比你的線耐用。。
→ : 腐頭吹環保 你自己獨樹一格 生產不同線 這就比較
→ : 環保嗎 我其他設備都用type c了 出門也只要幾條
→ : 就能共用了 還比你的線耐用。。
噓 : 笑死,不要臉的廢物集團法院也參一腳了69F 09/11 00:57
→ : 全是一群沒用的廢物無能渣宰,不會搞一個收10%的平
→ : 台挖走所有apple的軟體開發商喔,全是廢物集團啊
→ : 打不贏,不要臉不認輸,說人家的努力是不公平呢
→ : 美國再讓這些廢物集團為所欲為,等著毀滅啦
→ : 全是一群沒用的廢物無能渣宰,不會搞一個收10%的平
→ : 台挖走所有apple的軟體開發商喔,全是廢物集團啊
→ : 打不贏,不要臉不認輸,說人家的努力是不公平呢
→ : 美國再讓這些廢物集團為所欲為,等著毀滅啦
推 : 內購抽錢合理,但使用其它支付方式仍然要抽你錢就74F 09/11 01:08
→ : 不合理了
→ : 不合理了
推 : 蘋果可憐吶76F 09/11 01:09
推 : 在股板也可以看到果粉崩潰喔 77F 09/11 01:39
推 : 我比較意外過這麼久才被調查78F 09/11 01:40
推 : 跟韓國判的一樣 開放第三方支付79F 09/11 01:51
※ 看板: Stock 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 70
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