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看板 RenoSax
作者 RenoYeh (雷諾)
標題 [協奏曲] Cyber-Bird - Yoshimatsu Takashi
時間 2015-11-04 Wed. 06:14:02

作曲:Takashi Yoshimatsu 吉松 隆
演奏:Russell Peterson & The Fargo-Moorhead Symphony

Saxophone Concerto, Op. 59, "Cyber-bird":

I. Bird in Colors: Allegro
II. Bird in Grief: Andante
III. Bird in the Wind: Presto

Encore: "Round Midnight" by Thelonious Monk

Yoshimatsu - Saxophone Concerto, Op. 59, "Cyber-bird": - YouTube Takashi Yoshimatsu Saxophone Concerto, Op. 59, "Cyber-bird": I. Bird in Colors: Allegro II. Bird in Grief: Andante III. Bird in the Wind: Presto Encore: "Rou...


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※ 作者: RenoYeh 時間: 2015-11-04 06:14:02
※ 編輯: RenoYeh 時間: 2015-11-04 06:14:57
※ 看板: RenoSax 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 146 
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