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看板 RenoSax
作者 RenoYeh (雷諾)
標題 [協奏曲] Concertante for Alto Saxophone and Wind Orchestra - Clare Grundman Brandon
時間 2014年04月07日 Mon. AM 04:30:00

作曲:Clare Grundman Brandon

Concertante for Alto Saxophone and Wind Orchestra - Clare Grundman Brandon jinwoo choi - YouTube CAU Wind Orchestra Conductor Il kyu Ham Palace of Art Concert Hall Alto Sax. Brandon Jinwoo Choi www.brandonjinwoochoi.com


看板《RenoSax》雷諾的古典薩克斯風 - Disp BBS

  Reno Yeh on Google+ 

※ 作者: RenoYeh 時間: 2014-04-07 04:30:00
※ 編輯: RenoYeh 時間: 2014-04-07 04:49:26
※ 看板: RenoSax 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 109 
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