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※ 本文為 cuteman0725 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-09-28 00:33:23
作者 pttEnglish (郭易滿分英文)
標題 [題目] 0924郭易滿分考前真題, 珍貴的整篇文章:)
時間 Sat Sep 24 07:53:16 2011

Questions 155-156 refer to the following information.

LBG     Lehman
                  Biotechnology Group
Laboratory attire:
The Lehman Biotechnology Group operates several science laboratories, all of which requires safety precautions. Any employee working in a laboratory must wear appropriate clothing and use appropriate safety equipment. At the minimum, personnel in all laboratories must wear lab coats, closed-toe shoes, and safety glasses. Further attire or protective gear may be required for specific activities. Notices about required safety attire and good laboratory practices will be posted
every morning on laboratory doors.

155. What protective gear is NOT required for all laboratories?
(A)  Lab coats          (B)  Safety glasses
(C)  Protective gloves  (D)  Closed-toe shoes

156. How often are the laboratory notices posted?
(A)     Daily    (B)     Weekly
(C)     Monthly  (D)     Yearly

Questions 172-175 refer to the following letter.
To:      Arlene Brenzovich <abrenzovich@montgomeryemail.net>
From:    Oak Grove Gifts Customer Service <service@oakgrovegifts.com>
Date:    August 3 
Subject:        Re: Fruit basket inquiry

Dear Ms. Brenzovich:

Thank you very much for your interest in our products. Yes, we usually do have pears,
but unfortunately demand has been heavy this year. If you like, I will add you to our mailing list so that you can receive an e-mail as soon as pears are again available. We have delicious peaches and plums available right now. Also, apples are available throughout the year.

Please feel free to contact us with further inquiries about our fine selection of fruit baskets. To submit an order, please call us toll-free at 888-555-8792 or visit our Web site at www.oakgrovegifts.com and fill out an online order form. The form may also be printed and faxed to us at the same number.

Yours sincerely,

Meena Gupta
Oak Grove Gifts Customer Service

172. Why was the e-mail sent to Ms.Brenzovich?
(A) She requested a product brochure.
(B) She submitted a question to Oak Grove Gifts.
(C) She works as a distributor for Oak Grove Gifts.
(D) She wants to return a gift.

173. What does Ms. Gupta offer to do for Ms. Brenzovich?
(A)  Arrange for free delivery of a product  (B) Send her information by e-mail
(C)  Sell her certain products at a discount (D) Send her an updated catalog

174. What fruit did Ms. Brenzovich express an interest in?
(A) Apples  (B) Plums
(C) Peaches (D) Pears

175. What is NOT mentioned as a way to submit an order?
(A) Postal mail (B) Telephone
(C) Internet    (D) Fax

大家好 我是郭易老師的助教◎歡迎參觀訂閱老師的Yahoo Blog:)
◎師訓上百位教師(含北美籍暨長春藤Ivy League碩士群)
◎郭易滿分英文◎ http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/etjason-etjason
※ 編輯: pttEnglish      來自:        (09/24 08:02)
terry01333  :CA BBDA1F 09/24 09:53
ggosiang    :CA BBDA2F 09/24 10:49

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