※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-08-06 18:05:10
看板 PC_Shopping
作者 標題 [情報] 4080規格洩漏更新 cuda降到9728
時間 Sat Aug 6 14:48:44 2022
The embargoed RTX 40 specifications for board partners certainly do change a
lot. Hardware leaker Kopite is reporting on any change to the SKUs being
considered for the upcoming models.
Following an update to RTX 4090 and RTX 4070, the RTX 4080 is now in line for
an update. It should be noted that RTX 40 specs did change a few times
before, the most recent update for RTX 4080 was around June. Kopite has since
update the RTX 4090 and RTX 4070 specs, with the only remaining part being
At least in this case the specs did not change dramatically, there is only an
update to CUDA Core specs, now rumored at 9728. This means a downgrade from
80 active Streaming Multiprocessors to 76. It appears that the memory, TDP
and performance estimates are all the same.
The RTX 4080 is so to require 420W of power by default, and it should ship
with 16GB 256-bit GDDR6X memory. Judging from new specs, all thus far
confirmed high-end RTX 40 models are to feature 21 Gbps modules.
Kopite did not update the 3DMark TimeSpy Extreme score (as he said before
those are not estimates but an actual test result). This means that with
fewer cores, the clock speed might have gone up, although we do not know the
original and current frequency.
The RTX 4080 is expected to be announced at the same time as RTX 4090 which
is probably early October.
不過@kopite7kimi沒有改變4080 3dmark time spy的分數
長期關注 im@s 與 LL
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YxWxFOQ (PC_Shopping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PC_Shopping/M.1659768527.A.61A.html
→ : 四位數跟五位數,奇摩子有差1F 08/06 14:53
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推 : UCDA是加拿大學校專用的嗎10F 08/06 15:06
※ 編輯: NanaMizuki ( 臺灣), 08/06/2022 15:07:56推 : uccu11F 08/06 15:07
推 : 老黃:倚天切!12F 08/06 15:09
推 : UCC13F 08/06 15:11
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