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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-06-06 09:20:37
※ 本文轉寄自 applejone.bbs@ptt.cc 時間: 2011-06-13 17:41:22

看板 PC_Shopping
作者 lightwings (L)
標題 [情報] Microsoft pact with Nvidia could result in future
時間 Sun Jun  5 21:20:37 2011


Details have come to light of a pact that computer giant Microsoft has with
component maker Nvidia that could result in a future takeover.

Computer giant Microsoft has a deal in place with graphics and mobile
processor manufacturer Nvidia that gives the Redmond-based company the
exclusive right to equal any offers by third-parties for 30 percent or more
of Nvidia’s outstanding shares. The deal effectively prevents any other
company besides Microsoft from acquiring Nvidia.

In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing dated May 27 and reviewed by
Information Week, Nvidia says, “Under the agreement, if an individual or
corporation makes an offer to purchase shares equal to or greater than 30% of
the outstanding shares of our common stock, Microsoft may have first and last
rights of refusal to purchase the stock.”

Nvidia is a major player in the booming tablet component market and also
manufactures parts for personal computers. This week at the Computex trade
show in Taiwan, Microsoft showed off Windows 8 tablets running on chips made
by Nvidia. Other companies using its components include Samsung and Motorola.

The Information Week report suggests that in recent years Apple may have been
interested in acquiring Nvidia, though news of the deal beteween Microsoft
and Nvidia appears to have put an end to any ideas the Cupertino company may
have had regarding a takeover.

In a quarterly earnings report filed last week by Nvidia, the company stated
that an attempt by another company to acquire it could be disrupted by “our
agreement with Microsoft.” Information Week reported that “at current
valuations, the clause would kick in if a potential acquirer offered about
$3.4 billion for 30% or more of Nvidia.”

Having the option to prevent another company acquiring Nvidia puts Microsoft
in a strong position as it means the computer giant can stop another company
coming along and potentially disrupting the supply chain for components for
its devices, such as upcoming tablets running Windows 8. Of course, if
Microsoft acquired Nvidia then it would have total control over Nvidia’s
supply chain.

For the time being at least, it seems that there are no immediate plans for
Microsoft to buy Nvidia, although officials at the computer company declined
to comment for the Information Week report.


簡單來說就是M$和NV簽訂一項協議,M$有優先權購買NV 30%以上的流通股,



會不會是M$和NV想要在Windows 8方面互補呢?

       心沒有大小   也沒有形狀

       看不出形體   更稱不出重量


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