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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2024-08-23 09:06:11
看板 NBA
作者 EZ78 (EZ78)
標題 [外絮] Dwight Howard性侵指控被撤銷
時間 Thu Aug 22 07:24:00 2024


Sexual assault lawsuit against Dwight Howard dropped - ESPN
A civil lawsuit against former NBA star Dwight Howard alleging sexual assault and battery has been dismissed, according to a court filing. ...


A civil lawsuit against former NBA star Dwight Howard alleging sexual assault
and battery has been dismissed, according to a court filing obtained by ESPN.

The dismissal came Monday in Gwinnett County Court in Georgia and was filed
by Stephen Harper, who initially filed the lawsuit against Howard in July

In Monday's filing, Harper dismissed all the claims he had asserted against
Howard with prejudice, meaning he cannot refile a lawsuit on those claims.

Justin Bailey, one of Howard's attorneys, told ESPN that no money was paid to
Harper in exchange for him dropping the suit against Howard.

Harper's attorneys didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.

根據ESPN得到的文件表示,一項針對前NBA球星Dwight Howard的性侵與襲擊的訴訟已經被

原告Stephen Harper提出撤回。



The lawsuit stemmed from a July 2021 encounter at Howard's Georgia residence,
where Harper accused Howard of sexually assaulting him. Harper's July 2023
complaint also accused Howard of "intentional infliction of emotional
distress" and false imprisonment.

Howard denied those allegations and said in an October filing that he and
Harper engaged in "consensual sexual activity."

Howard subsequently argued in a December filing that the accusations against
him were baseless and asked the court to immediately rule in his favor and
dismiss the lawsuit without a trial. A judge denied that request in February.




In the original complaint, Harper's lawyers said he and Howard first began
corresponding over direct messages on Instagram in May 2021, with Harper
initiating the exchange. Harper's complaint showed screenshots of the alleged
Instagram exchanges between Harper and Howard, along with an Uber receipt for
Harper's trip to Howard's residence on the night of the encounter.

Harper went to police a year later, according to a July 2022 incident report
from the Gwinnett County Police Department, which was obtained by ESPN. No
charges were filed.

"This is nothing more than a classic case of unrequited love," Howard's
lawyers wrote in the December filing obtained by ESPN. "After one consensual
evening together, Mr. Howard was no longer interested in keeping Mr. Harper's




Harper's lawyers wrote in a January response that the suit had "nothing to do
with unrequited love" and asked the judge to see past Howard's efforts "to
escape the consequences of his actions" and allow Harper to prove his claims
to a jury.

Howard, 38, last played in the NBA in 2021-22 with the Los Angeles Lakers. He
is an eight-time All-Star and a three-time NBA Defensive Player of the Year.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: EZ78 2024-08-22 07:24:00
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cndSIG3 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1724282642.A.403.html
※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 臺灣), 08/22/2024 07:24:55
vgil        : 男森要好好保護自己1F 08/22 07:30
EZ78        : 兩邊都是男的2F 08/22 07:31
YeSerD      : 喬好了3F 08/22 07:31
YellowTiger : 笑死 兩個都是男的4F 08/22 07:40
kaga1991    : 男以理解5F 08/22 07:44
bass17      : 孤掌男鳴6F 08/22 07:45
NightElf    : 左右為男7F 08/22 07:45
xbit        : 男分男解8F 08/22 07:47
forgetwen   : 男以控訴9F 08/22 07:48
yz5237yz    : 男上加男10F 08/22 07:49
ljk476820   : 男男自語:(11F 08/22 07:53
hanslins    : 魔獸直接公開出櫃,笑12F 08/22 07:57
roger2623900: 男以形容13F 08/22 07:57
www2967     : ..14F 08/22 08:00
pf775101    : 果真魔獸 男女通殺15F 08/22 08:07
Carters1109 : 所以NBA裡沒人喜歡他是有原因的16F 08/22 08:08
philluke    : 男儒灯添17F 08/22 08:08
kutkin      : 雙插頭18F 08/22 08:13
jupiterlin  : 錢19F 08/22 08:16
ADavisBest  : 魔獸一直以來都是雙啊。沒啥好意外的20F 08/22 08:18
VL1003      : 魔獸 18 年的時候就有被爆會跟帶把的玩,那時候黑21F 08/22 08:18
VL1003      : 得發光,是後來再次穿上紫金聖衣奪冠才又白回來。
LeehomLee   : 汁液型男23F 08/22 08:18
taristocrat : 腥腥相惜24F 08/22 08:22
kenny9046   : 錢有到位25F 08/22 08:23
s210125     : 魔獸男性 女性 雙性都吃吧 可能跟性向沒關係了 就26F 08/22 08:27
s210125     : 是圖個新鮮刺激
jerryhd921  : 都2024了不會還有人不知道DH男女通吃吧28F 08/22 08:33
GordonJordan: 魔受29F 08/22 08:50
dick929     : 我還停留在他一堆私生子的印象,沒想到玩這麼大30F 08/22 08:50
joyeszhang  : 男分男捨31F 08/22 08:56
johnwu      : 嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔32F 08/22 09:03
B9907143    : 別散播傳染病…33F 08/22 09:08
joe1408     : 弄出太多私生子才發現男的不會懷孕真方便34F 08/22 09:12
nothing188  : 是肛肛那件事嗎?35F 08/22 09:13
cool34      : 魔獸感覺也是玩很大36F 08/22 09:27
JRSmith     : 這還用感覺嗎 有性成癮吧37F 08/22 09:28
tsaon       : 進攻犯規撤銷38F 08/22 09:40
sallyhelp   : 遇到男生也要好好保護自己?這世界太可怕了吧39F 08/22 09:46
RandyOrlando: 後來發現男的就不會有私生子問題 但還是遇到了第一40F 08/22 09:51
RandyOrlando: 桶金了
karta2598023: 知男而上42F 08/22 09:57
qwas0413    : 什麼都玩得起的時候就會想玩點不一樣的了43F 08/22 10:12
roger744    : 男女通吃真的屌44F 08/22 10:18
a09898966656: 純粹都玩 在一起應該不會選男的哈哈45F 08/22 10:31
uuuuOPuff   : 美國地質學家46F 08/22 10:49
gginin007   : 兄弟…47F 08/22 10:55
bond30422   : 私生子太多,發現玩男的不怕懷孕,懂玩48F 08/22 11:11
allyourshit : 私生子很燒錢的 難怪魔獸沒辦法好好退休49F 08/22 11:24
NassirLittle: 男女通吃屌真的50F 08/22 11:30
HrtUndrBld  : 男的也好51F 08/22 11:39
deanisme    : DH 馬龍 Kobe 槍蜥 性醜聞的都快組成一支全明星隊52F 08/22 11:42
deanisme    : 了
paracase    : 汁液刑男,還是汁男刑液54F 08/22 12:08
lmf770410   : 男能可貴55F 08/22 12:33
sezna       : 玩男的不會生啊56F 08/22 13:20
turbomons   : 強者眼中除自己以外 都是可愛的雌性生物57F 08/22 13:33
Eleganse    : 摯愛男行 好夢男圓 男解男分 心癢男耐58F 08/22 14:12
raku        : NBA範馬勇次郎:我是雄性 世界上除了我之外的其他59F 08/22 14:20
raku        : 人都是雌性
ayuro       : 有洞就好61F 08/22 15:04
jordan1109  : 紅豆生男國62F 08/22 17:35
horstyle0411: 所以真的會吃男的,所以下次來台灣不一定要用叫女生63F 08/22 17:52
horstyle0411: 去奪寶了
chifeng     : 男以置信65F 08/22 17:52
alex0973    : 幹 我的本能覺得好噁 這樣是歧視嗎66F 08/22 18:38
river23     : 隊友都被他打量過一次了吧67F 08/22 18:57
sc79129     : 那個體格還反抗不了,絕了XD68F 08/22 23:44
NeeRee      : 之前有人說他是「受」的ㄧ方69F 08/23 01:02
NeeRee      : 實在很難想像
Beltran     : 對啊魔獸不是零號探員嗎 XD71F 08/23 03:41
JessicaA1ba : 甲甲真X72F 08/23 05:56

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