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作者 標題 [外絮] Stotts與Griffin分手在一次投射練習後
時間 Fri Oct 20 07:43:00 2023
Terry Stotts steps down as Bucks assistant days after incident at shootaround: Sources - The Athletic
Stotts returned to the Bucks in June after previous assistant-coaching and head-coaching stints with the franchise. ...
Milwaukee Bucks assistant coach Terry Stotts is stepping down, only four
months after he returned to the team, a league source said. Here’s what you
need to know:
The Bucks hired Stotts as an assistant in June, marking his return to the
franchise after he served as head coach for parts of two seasons from 2005-07
and as an assistant coach from 1998-2002.
Before his hiring this summer, Stotts spent two years away from coaching
after leading the Portland Trail Blazers for nine seasons (2012-21).
Stotts recently reunited with Damian Lillard, who he coached in Portland when
Milwaukee acquired Lillard in a trade last month.
密爾瓦基公鹿隊助理教練Terry Stotts即將辭職--而這只發生在他加入該隊4個月後。這些
1. 公鹿隊在六月雇用他為助教前,他已經在這個組織於2005-07作為總教練且於1998-02作
2. 在夏天雇用他之前,Stotts過去兩年在離開拓荒者後便沒有接觸任何執教工作(2012-
3. Stotts最近才與Lillard這名他在波特蘭執教過的球星重聚。
Bucks caught off guard
Bucks head coach Adrian Griffin discussed Stotts’ resignation during his
previously scheduled media availability on Thursday afternoon.
“It caught all of us off guard, of course, but again, you just support him,
” Griffin said. “He was a terrific guy. I learned a lot from him in a very
short time. He was really good at what he does. He made a decision – a
personal decision – and we just have to respect that.”
公鹿隊總教練Adrian Griffin在他星期四下午已經排定好的採訪時間討論了Stotts的辭職
When asked for any reasoning given by Stotts for his decision, Griffin told
reporters that he didn’t feel that was a question for him to answer but
rather something that Stotts would need to clarify.
“You’re going to have to ask Terry,” Griffin said. “He’s a great coach.
I really enjoyed getting to know him. Terrific person. It was his decision. I
just wish him the best.”
Before getting traded to the Bucks at the start of October, Lillard had spent
11 seasons with the Blazers, nine of which were with Stotts as head coach.
Despite their close relationship, Lillard said he was just as surprised by
the decision as everybody else on the team.
“It kind of came out of nowhere,” Lillard said. “I’ve been in this league
long enough to know that these types of things happen. Everything continues,
so you’ve got to kind of process things like this and other things that may
come up and continue to move forward. For me, knowing Terry as long as I’ve
known him – playing for him for nine years and him also making this
transition for me easier just having a familiar face be such a huge part of
it – was a good thing. I think now that I’m settled in, to see him go is
unfortunate. It’s sad to see him go, but like I said, everything is still
moving forward.”
Trouble between Stotts and Griffin
Although Griffin did not mention any sort of issue between himself and Stotts
on Thursday, their relationship was tenuous, league sources told The
Athletic, and there was a brief incident at Tuesday’s shootaround in
Oklahoma City.
According to sources who witnessed the events, Griffin wrapped up the
shootaround and called the team together for a huddle to close out the day
and let the players get to post-shootaround shooting drills. During that
huddle, Griffin informed the coaches that he wanted to have a separate huddle
with them once they wrapped things up.
When the players and coaches broke the huddle, Stotts went in the opposite
direction of the coaches’ huddle and instead started walking toward players
to discuss the offense. As Stotts attempted to start a conversation with
Lillard and Giannis Antetokounmpo, Griffin called to Stotts to join the
coaching huddle. When Stotts asked for some time with the players, Griffin
yelled for Stotts to join the coaches’ huddle. The incident occurred in
front of the entire team, those sources said.
While brief, the interaction highlighted the underlying complexity of the
relationship between Griffin and Stotts in their first year together in
Milwaukee. Around the situation on Thursday, there were two perspectives
surrounding Stotts’ resignation: His potential difficulty adapting to a
bench role under Griffin after more than a decade as a head coach, and the
other being a certain treatment and level of respect that needed to be shown
to someone with Stotts’ pedigree.
Stotts嘗試與Lillard及Giannis Antetokounmpo開啟一段對話時,Griffin打斷他並叫他加
Griffin’s new approach and his relationship with Stotts
Griffin, a first-time head coach, has emphasized bringing a renewed sense of
energy to the organization. Throughout training camp, many players have
complimented Griffin’s emphasis on competitiveness and physicality and
enjoyed the way in which Griffin has gone about trying to instill more
toughness to the organization.
The Bucks hired Stotts to be Griffin’s lead assistant for multiple reasons.
Stotts has 13 years of head coaching experience with three different
franchises, including nine seasons with the Portland Trail Blazers, and his
offensive expertise would play well with Griffin’s defensive focus. Stotts
has a 517-486 record in his 13 seasons as head coach in Atlanta, Milwaukee
and Portland. Stotts could also be a useful resource for Griffin as he went
through various experiences for the first time as a head coach.
補。Stotts 13年在老鷹、公鹿與拓荒者的生涯中有517勝486敗的戰績。Stotts也可能可以
補。Stotts 13年在老鷹、公鹿與拓荒者的生涯中有517勝486敗的戰績。Stotts也可能可以
Ultimately, though, the partnership between Griffin and Stotts was not meant
to be, and Stotts ended it with his resignation. Both Lillard and Khris
Middleton told reporters that they were given a heads up of Stotts’ decision
on Wednesday night with Lillard telling reporters that Stotts reached out to
him personally.
“We spoke directly,” Lillard said. “I don’t expect anything different. We
spend so much time around each other in this league. Seven, eighth months a
year, practice every day, flights, hotels, dinners, watching film, we share a
lot of intimate spaces and like I said, being with him for nine years and him
being my head coach, me being the point guard of his team, we spent a lot of
time around each other. We know each other really well, even in the two years
without him, we stayed in pretty consistent contact. So, I don’t expect
anything different than him to call me directly and that’s how it happened.”
與Khris Middleton都告訴記者他們星期三晚上獲知了他的決定且Stotts私下聯絡Lillard
與Khris Middleton都告訴記者他們星期三晚上獲知了他的決定且Stotts私下聯絡Lillard
對方相處了很長一段時間。每年7 8個月天天練球、搭飛機、住飯店、共進晚餐、看電影,
對方相處了很長一段時間。每年7 8個月天天練球、搭飛機、住飯店、共進晚餐、看電影,
Per a team source, the Bucks will take their time in considering all options
in filling Stotts’ spot on the staff.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 作者: EZ78 2023-10-20 07:43:00
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bCRy6Zo (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1697758982.A.8F2.html
推 : 謝謝翻譯1F 10/20 07:44
推 : 總教練權威vs老教頭資歷?2F 10/20 07:46
→ : 沒開季內部就氣氛.求小李心裡陰暗面積3F 10/20 07:47
推 : 看來是菜鳥上司要帶領學長下屬常有的問題,職場上4F 10/20 07:47
→ : 常看到
→ : 常看到
→ : 你鹿教練新官上任3把火也太望了6F 10/20 07:48
→ : Griffin慘了,菜鳥教練最需要首席助教輔佐以及和球7F 10/20 07:48
推 : 小李不管到那裡熟人總是會變不見8F 10/20 07:48
→ : 員溝通,現在把他氣走要怎麼執教9F 10/20 07:48
推 : 感謝翻譯 小糾正10F 10/20 07:49
推 : 所以是一個不爽沒被尊重 另一個不爽被菜鳥上司唸11F 10/20 07:49
→ : 球員與教練解賽後 > 解散12F 10/20 07:49
→ : 重點是這教練以後怎麼跟小李打關係阿..13F 10/20 07:49
→ : Stotts打斷他並叫他 > Griffin ?14F 10/20 07:49
推 : 不知變通vs玻璃心15F 10/20 07:50
→ : 某方面來說是好事吧 至少不是因為家庭或疾病而辭職16F 10/20 07:50
→ : 阿 感謝糾錯17F 10/20 07:51
※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 10/20/2023 07:52:44→ : Stotts應該還有機會再找到工作的18F 10/20 07:51
推 : 字母認可的總教練需要看阿拓前總教練跟前球星的臉19F 10/20 07:52
→ : 色嗎?XD
→ : 色嗎?XD
→ : 小李跟教練我不覺得字母會選教練21F 10/20 07:53
→ : 菜鳥教練人和搞不好 應該也很快就下課22F 10/20 07:54
推 : 資訊量不多 如果照內文來看Griffin比較佔理吧23F 10/20 07:54
推 : Griffin有人和問題嗎?吉巴不是也很賭爛他?24F 10/20 07:54
→ : 尤其是這種沒奪冠就失敗的球隊25F 10/20 07:54
→ : Jimmy Butler那個是朋友間開玩笑啦26F 10/20 07:54
推 : 我覺得助教不理總教練的集合指示不太尊重,但總教27F 10/20 07:55
→ : 練當全隊目前對老前輩喊也不太會做人就是了。
→ : 練當全隊目前對老前輩喊也不太會做人就是了。
→ : Griffin會被選中跟Ham一樣算是擅長與球員打關係的29F 10/20 07:55
→ : *面前30F 10/20 07:55
→ : 我是覺得兩個原因都有啦 應該就Stotts覺得沒被尊重31F 10/20 07:56
→ : 現在看他怎麼跟小李打關係吧xd32F 10/20 07:56
→ : 但同時他也暫時沒辦法適應助教的角色33F 10/20 07:56
→ : 一個急著想建立權威 一個放不下自尊心 你各位爬到中34F 10/20 07:58
→ : 階都會遇到XD
→ : 階都會遇到XD
推 : 羽球隊(× 36F 10/20 07:59
→ : 與球隊(0
※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 10/20/2023 08:00:33→ : 與球隊(0
推 : 25年前就在公鹿當助教 可能沒被敬老尊賢38F 10/20 08:00
推 : 就想說怎麼可能跟小李有關39F 10/20 08:01
推 : 羽球隊40F 10/20 08:01
推 : 合不來不用勉強阿,不知道有什麼特別的41F 10/20 08:02
→ : 對話大概是這樣 stotts:你幾梯的 Griffin:我總教練42F 10/20 08:03
→ : Griffin:you are fired
→ : Griffin:you are fired
→ : 總要敬老尊賢吧44F 10/20 08:04
→ : 沒啦 Griffin應該沒開他 比較像Stotts一氣之下辭呈45F 10/20 08:04
→ : 就丟過去了lol
→ : 但也都幾歲的人了 應該原本就多少有不適應這份工作
→ : 就丟過去了lol
→ : 但也都幾歲的人了 應該原本就多少有不適應這份工作
→ : 當過總教練被菜鳥當眾吼 也算是面子丟盡......48F 10/20 08:06
推 : 資深老A覺得沒被菜鳥軍官尊重的概念49F 10/20 08:09
推 : 然後昨天那篇ㄧ堆說跟小李不和 笑死真的造謠不用錢50F 10/20 08:11
→ : 的
→ : 的
→ : 我覺得Stotts是為興趣才繼續做不是因為錢.我認識不52F 10/20 08:12
→ : 少人財產夠退休了還一直做下去的.問都是不做事會不
→ : 習慣
→ : 少人財產夠退休了還一直做下去的.問都是不做事會不
→ : 習慣
→ : 造謠不是這樣用的,昨天沒說辭職原因當然會引人猜測55F 10/20 08:13
推 : 一堆人口氣根本不是猜測56F 10/20 08:16
推 : 歐美又是教練的 大家Ego到馬擺很高57F 10/20 08:18
→ : Stotts跟小李講個話還要被吼 那確實沒啥理由繼續待
→ : 在這邊
→ : Stotts跟小李講個話還要被吼 那確實沒啥理由繼續待
→ : 在這邊
推 : 新連長直接把老a氣到退休(X60F 10/20 08:20
推 : 其實嚴格說來跟小李還是有一定的關係 只是不是因為61F 10/20 08:21
→ : 關係緊繃 而是關係太好XD
→ : 關係緊繃 而是關係太好XD
推 : 主要小李跟stotts 合作那麼多年了 突然走人是跟小63F 10/20 08:22
→ : 李不和怎麼想都很怪啊
→ : 李不和怎麼想都很怪啊
→ : 小李訪問那個那個回答讓我以為我在寫甲文(X65F 10/20 08:23
推 : 菜連長VS老a吧66F 10/20 08:25
推 : 如果無法適應助教腳色 早點請辭也好 省的吵架67F 10/20 08:33
→ : 綠賽穩了68F 10/20 08:33
→ : 內文是說Griffin喊叫 果然總教壓力很大69F 10/20 08:35
推 : 一個連都需要一個老A阿 那這樣又要找新的老A很麻煩70F 10/20 08:38
推 : 唔 教練版本的"新人與老人不合" 人和人相處許多細71F 10/20 08:42
→ : 節實在不容易 個人在工作覺得工作內容不難 處理人
→ : 跟人的互動最麻煩XD
→ : 節實在不容易 個人在工作覺得工作內容不難 處理人
→ : 跟人的互動最麻煩XD
推 : 你我傷到心碎還不罷休74F 10/20 08:43
推 : 我賽上賽季有一定的程度就是毀在菜鳥總教練跟老鳥75F 10/20 08:45
→ : 助教的人和問題上面
→ : 助教的人和問題上面
推 : 人和問題可以靠戰績沖淡 菜鳥連長才有機會鎮住老A77F 10/20 08:46
→ : 正式開打季賽前就直接不爽而離職 是有多憤怒...78F 10/20 08:47
推 : 也好啦,有問題提早走人總比季中引爆來的好79F 10/20 08:48
推 : 49歲頭一次當總教練的黑人,想要藉由吼吼65歲有12年80F 10/20 08:49
→ : 總教練經歷的老白男來立威,結果造成反效果...
→ : 總教練經歷的老白男來立威,結果造成反效果...
推 : 賽上賽季應該是毀在前總仔人馬跟現總仔的人和82F 10/20 08:51
推 : 昨天還一堆人意有所指的說小李搞事 呵呵83F 10/20 08:53
推 : 突然想到周瑜面對程普這種老屁股的狀況 最後是程普84F 10/20 08:54
→ : 服了周瑜的氣量XD
→ : 服了周瑜的氣量XD
推 : 新人預官遇到20年士官長,士官長不想差小你86F 10/20 08:55
推 : 敗總又下課啦87F 10/20 08:58
→ : 樓上是不是搞錯人了88F 10/20 08:59
推 : 敗總是Byron Scott 不是他吧89F 10/20 08:59
推 : Game of Zones下一季題材Get90F 10/20 09:00
→ : "我們都很驚訝" XDD
→ : "我們都很驚訝" XDD
推 : 今天沒吼,Griffin的地位也沒啦,早晚被Stotts篡位92F 10/20 09:01
推 : 原來是被總教練趕走93F 10/20 09:02
→ : 賽季都還沒開始連助教都叫不動,球員會當你一回事?94F 10/20 09:03
推 : Stotts 現在不差錢了吧,被這樣吼面子掛不住辭職也95F 10/20 09:12
→ : 不難理解
→ : 不難理解
→ : 菜鳥長官想樹立權威 結果老鳥不爽了97F 10/20 09:14
→ : 黑人教練果然很會搞鬥爭98F 10/20 09:16
推 : 原來是新來的資深前阿拓 想篡位當老大?99F 10/20 09:21
→ : 誤會婊子李了 先道歉100F 10/20 09:25
推 : 也沒什麼篡不篡啦 其實就很常見的角色轉換時的衝突101F 10/20 09:28
推 : 太衝動了 應該繼續留隊私下跟雙星打好關係 等到總102F 10/20 09:44
→ : 教練帶不起來或需要借頭 Stotts就可以上位
→ : 教練帶不起來或需要借頭 Stotts就可以上位
→ : 兩邊都沒有對錯吧,就不適應,提早處理而已104F 10/20 09:48
推 : 也不是權威吧 說要開會 人還在茶水間聊天真的很煩啊105F 10/20 09:49
→ : 但他可能覺得正在跟球員對話不想被打斷
→ : 就變成所有教練等他 今天是資淺助教就跑步過去了
→ : 但他可能覺得正在跟球員對話不想被打斷
→ : 就變成所有教練等他 今天是資淺助教就跑步過去了
推 : 資淺助教也不可能自己找球隊兩大球星來講話啦108F 10/20 09:56
推 : 老鳥被菜鳥在團隊面前看沒有109F 10/20 09:57
→ : 照目前消息應該就是Stoot感覺沒被尊重,Stoot可不110F 10/20 10:03
→ : 是拓荒者資深老鳥,他也是公鹿資深老鳥之一,他開
→ : 始在公鹿做助教的時候雷槍還在公鹿,Redd還沒進聯
→ : 盟,甚至Griffin開始當助教的時候,Stoot已經有過
→ : 兩隊的總教練經驗,包括公鹿,有這樣這經驗差距還
→ : 在球員面前被吼他可能真的沒辦法接受
→ : 是拓荒者資深老鳥,他也是公鹿資深老鳥之一,他開
→ : 始在公鹿做助教的時候雷槍還在公鹿,Redd還沒進聯
→ : 盟,甚至Griffin開始當助教的時候,Stoot已經有過
→ : 兩隊的總教練經驗,包括公鹿,有這樣這經驗差距還
→ : 在球員面前被吼他可能真的沒辦法接受
推 : 原來公鹿三槍時期 stotts就在了 那真的很資深116F 10/20 10:04
→ : 一梯退三步,Griffin比Stoot都不知道要退到哪裡去117F 10/20 10:04
→ : ,老士官長Stoot自己退沒有留下來弄你這個菜鳥連長
→ : 就不錯了
→ : ,老士官長Stoot自己退沒有留下來弄你這個菜鳥連長
→ : 就不錯了
推 : 可能老A跟總教練蜜月期結束就不對盤了吧 早早結束合120F 10/20 10:05
→ : 作也好
→ : 作也好
→ : Ray Allen Glen Robinson 投射能力都很強 小李也是122F 10/20 10:08
→ : 難怪stotts不爽被吼
→ : 難怪stotts不爽被吼
推 : 黑人之吼失效124F 10/20 10:13
推 : 我也覺得會毀在人和上...125F 10/20 10:18
→ : 單就練球這件事,Griffin 不算錯啦,硬要刁他態度不126F 10/20 11:00
→ : 夠好,沒有用請的,那就要算 Stotts 自認牌子更大,
→ : 覺得你就算是總欸也要敬老尊賢。但當總欸當然不可能
→ : 事事順你意思,不過根本還是兩者彼此大概本來就沒建
→ : 立起不錯的私交或信賴關係,才會一點摩擦就變這樣。
→ : 夠好,沒有用請的,那就要算 Stotts 自認牌子更大,
→ : 覺得你就算是總欸也要敬老尊賢。但當總欸當然不可能
→ : 事事順你意思,不過根本還是兩者彼此大概本來就沒建
→ : 立起不錯的私交或信賴關係,才會一點摩擦就變這樣。
推 : 把一個資深助教趕跑了 那你最好有本事131F 10/20 11:02
推 : 讓我想到kidd新人教練時也是把他的首席助教髮禿吼走132F 10/20 11:03
→ : 的,只能說新教練想樹立權威,但沒顧及這些老一輩的
→ : 尊嚴
→ : 的,只能說新教練想樹立權威,但沒顧及這些老一輩的
→ : 尊嚴
→ : 說真的... 現在分手不見得是壞事阿,這種問題沒那麼135F 10/20 11:04
→ : 好處理,只是看現在還能找到誰來當首席助教就是 XD
→ : 好處理,只是看現在還能找到誰來當首席助教就是 XD
推 : 上次一覺醒來隊友走 這次是助教走137F 10/20 11:10
推 : 是跟球員在談進攻也不是上面推文說的什麼茶水間聊138F 10/20 12:02
→ : 天啊
→ : 在全隊面前公然翻臉(?)還是有點扯 太衝動了吧
→ : 天啊
→ : 在全隊面前公然翻臉(?)還是有點扯 太衝動了吧
推 : 但你現在就是助教,總教練說開會你還自己跑去跟球141F 10/20 12:04
→ : 員討論,這是你比較不尊重總教練吧?
→ : 員討論,這是你比較不尊重總教練吧?
→ : 就可以私下勸啊,除非是慣犯那當場翻臉倒是很正常143F 10/20 12:06
→ : 我不會說Stotts完全沒問題,但Griffin當全隊面前開
→ : 吼實在是太衝了點
→ : 我不會說Stotts完全沒問題,但Griffin當全隊面前開
→ : 吼實在是太衝了點
推 : 這篇只是Stotts的角度,天知道他跟Griffin其他互動146F 10/20 12:15
→ : 教練集合開會就你在忙自己的,別人的時間不是時間嗎
→ : 教練集合開會就你在忙自己的,別人的時間不是時間嗎
推 : 小李一向沒有人和問題 本來就覺得不會是他148F 10/20 12:34
→ : 說是用yell,但到底是大聲喊還是有點生氣的叫他,149F 10/20 12:38
→ : 一般人也不會知道,也可能Stotts就臉皮薄,被菜鳥
→ : 教頭喊一下就不開心,這種基本不會有答案的啦
→ : 一般人也不會知道,也可能Stotts就臉皮薄,被菜鳥
→ : 教頭喊一下就不開心,這種基本不會有答案的啦
推 : 分手很難單方錯啦 只能說直接吼是個糟糕的選項152F 10/20 13:01
→ : 私下談談 還是不聽勸 再找機會吼也不遲啊
→ : 私下談談 還是不聽勸 再找機會吼也不遲啊
推 : 面試王老河該上了吧154F 10/20 13:21
推 : 這理由蠻合理的155F 10/20 15:12
→ : 球員:欸~ 看出來誰是總教練了吧XD
→ : 球員:欸~ 看出來誰是總教練了吧XD
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