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作者 標題 [外絮] Kyle Lowry告訴Neymar:第六戰邁阿密見
時間 Sat Jun 10 22:31:26 2023
Inside Miami Heat Locker Room After Another Demoralizing NBA Finals Loss
MIAMI — The Miami Heat's locker room was mute late Friday night. Players got dressed slowly at their locker stalls with heads tilted downward. Bi ...
Inside Miami Heat Locker Room After Another Demoralizing NBA Finals Loss
The Miami Heat's locker room was mute late Friday night. Players got dressed
slowly at their locker stalls with heads tilted downward.
Big man Bam Adebayo sat at his stall, mouth ajar, staring into space before
proceeding to get ready for his postgame press conference obligations.
Across the way, shooting guard Max Strus was visibly infuriated. He didn't
score a single point in 18 minutes of play, the second time he's failed to
register a point in these NBA Finals. As he finished getting dressed, cameras
and reporters began setting up camp around his stall.
"Y'all need to talk to me?" he asked in an irritable manner. The four-year
veteran then took questions like a professional.
長人Bam Adebayo坐在他的位置上,嘴巴微開,目光呆滯地看著看著空間來為他的賽後採訪
得分後衛Max Strus很顯然的十分憤怒。他在18分鐘的上場時間沒有得到任何一分,而這已
After suffering a demoralizing 108-95 loss to the Denver Nuggets, the Heat
now find themselves down 3-1 with their season on the line going into Game 5
on Monday in Denver.
In three of four Finals contests, the Heat have failed to score more than 95
points, dropping both home games. In Game 4 on Friday, Nikola Jokic sat on
the bench for the majority of the fourth quarter due to foul trouble, but the
Heat couldn't capitalize on his absence.
The Heat are wounded, but very much still prideful. Much has been made of the
legion of undrafted players on the Heat's roster. Is it fair to wonder if
there's a talent gap distancing the Nuggets from the Heat?
,即使Nikola Jokic在幾乎整個第四節都因為犯規麻煩而坐在板凳上,但熱火還是未能從
,即使Nikola Jokic在幾乎整個第四節都因為犯規麻煩而坐在板凳上,但熱火還是未能從
"It's disrespectful for people to say that because you can't just trick your
way into the Finals. It takes talent," team leader Udonis Haslem told
Bleacher Report before exiting the locker room.
"I don't know what the f--- they're talking about with that s---. Yes, we
have some undrafted players, but they're also talented players and we've made
it this far. We just have to limit our mistakes.
"They got 20 points off our f---ing [14] turnovers. That s--- can't happen.
But I believe in this team just like I did on those teams when we had D-Wade
and LeBron [James]. I have no doubt we'll respond accordingly."
Udonis Haslem在離開休息室前告訴BR。
Dwayne Wade與LeBron James那時的熱火一樣我相信著這支球隊。毫無疑問,我們會反擊的
Kyle Lowry also candidly dismissed that narrative.
"People are always going to run their mouths. It's like a--holes, everybody's
got one," Lowry told B/R while getting dressed. "We've been in this situation
the entire playoffs where people have counted us out and said we're an
undrafted team, but we are in the NBA Finals for a damn reason. I don't think
we listen to the noise because, at the end of the day, a team is 15 deep."
Kyle Lowry也直白的駁斥了這個說法。
Miami has relied heavily on Jimmy Butler being a shot creator and a
distributor. He led his team with 25 points on 9-of-17 from the field to go
with seven rebounds and seven assists. With the exception of Kyle Lowry off
the bench, Miami seems to lack another player capable of initiating and
creating quality shots at will.
The majority of the Heat's offensive sets are dribble handoffs and crisp ball
movement to get the defense to spread out in hopes of giving a shooter a
tight window for catch-and-shoot opportunities.
Meanwhile, the Nuggets have multiple players who have demonstrated the
ability to get a bucket beyond their two stars Nikola Jokic and Jamal Murray.
熱火非常依賴Jimmy Butler的得分與組織能力。他在這場以17投9中取得全隊最高的25分並
同時,金塊有多名球員展示了除了Nikola Jokic與Jamal Murray以外的得分能力。
"I think in our offense, we create shots for each other," Lowry told B/R. "I
think the Nuggets have a great defensive scheme, but I think we just missed
some shots. We're getting to our spots. Tonight was turnovers. That doesn't
help at all."
Kevin Love and Lowry met outside the locker room and had a fierce but
constructive conversation for several minutes about the team's mishaps and
discussed ways to improve for Monday.
"We've been down this road before. If there's anybody that can go to Denver
and get a win, it's us," Haslem told B/R. "You allow yourself to be
frustrated tonight. But when you wake up, that shit is over and we focus on
Game 5. A closeout game is the hardest game to win. We'll be up for the
Before departing the arena, Lowry shook the hand of Brazilian football star
Neymar and gave him a parting message.
"We'll be back for Game 6," he said. "We'll see you then."
Kevin Love與Kyle Lowry在更衣室外面有一段數分鐘激烈但具有建設性的對話。他們討論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 作者: EZ78 2023-06-10 22:31:26
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aX8b0so (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1686407488.A.DB2.html
推 : 合理 正在看重播 第一節裁判真幫忙啊1F 06/10 22:35
推 : 結束了2F 06/10 22:35
推 : 明年G6啦3F 06/10 22:37
推 : 奇怪耶這些人的發言聽起來還是很中二假gang是那招..4F 06/10 22:38
推 : 可以了啦已經贏湖人了,明年再來5F 06/10 22:39
推 : 想多了6F 06/10 22:39
→ : .7F 06/10 22:39
→ : 贏湖人那太簡單了8F 06/10 22:39
→ : 口氣就一副先貼別人標籤的樣子9F 06/10 22:39
推 : 雖然贏面已經不大 但從訪談可以感受到熱火的精神10F 06/10 22:41
→ : 說到做到喔11F 06/10 22:42
推 : 哈牌雞湯12F 06/10 22:42
推 : Sam Cassell表示:13F 06/10 22:42
推 : 「阿密見,G6邁」15F 06/10 22:44
推 : 先把自己武裝起來 如果在這都氣餒了 那G5也只是消化16F 06/10 22:45
推 : 加油 我相信裁判下一場還是會幫你們的17F 06/10 22:45
→ : 比賽而已...18F 06/10 22:45
→ : 兩邊都有必勝覺悟,就看誰比較硬囉19F 06/10 22:48
推 : 就不要讓熱火贏一場20F 06/10 22:48
推 : 就表現出鬥志而已啊 這不是很好嗎?21F 06/10 22:49
→ : 有些推文真不知道在酸什麼的
→ : 有些推文真不知道在酸什麼的
推 : 第五場應該很精彩了 熱火全力一拼23F 06/10 22:51
推 : 有偷到一場不錯了啦 山羌一場都偷不到呢☺24F 06/10 22:51
→ : 雖然是不可能逆轉了25F 06/10 22:52
→ : 但倒是希望下場比賽能回應他們的鬥志 再贏一場
→ : 但倒是希望下場比賽能回應他們的鬥志 再贏一場
推 : 加油啊 總冠軍3:1逆轉勝又不是沒有歷史27F 06/10 22:52
推 : 武裝也沒必要對著記者講別人ass洞吧...28F 06/10 22:53
推 : 那些一直在酸靠裁判的真的是金塊球迷嗎29F 06/10 22:54
推 : 贏湖人給尊敬 湖人沒8打5會敗得更難看30F 06/10 22:55
推 : 可是你今天後面很雷31F 06/10 22:57
推 : 嗆這個很棒啊 至少鬥志還在100。%32F 06/10 22:58
推 : 走到現在代表比28隊都強33F 06/10 22:58
推 : "Don't let us get one."34F 06/10 23:00
推 : 然後主場五連敗看金塊封王35F 06/10 23:01
推 : 酸8V5的當然不是金塊球迷啊這問題還要問嗎...36F 06/10 23:01
推 : 啊 裁判不能酸喔 裁判有爭議說不得是吧37F 06/10 23:01
→ : 你真以為WWE的反派角色只有他們的對手希望他們輸掉38F 06/10 23:02
→ : 嗎
→ : 嗎
→ : 內馬爾來看兩場都輸QQ40F 06/10 23:03
→ : 熱火進冠軍賽就是被西區電41F 06/10 23:05
推 : 金塊紀律太好 攻防方面都執行的很完美 再加上天賦和42F 06/10 23:05
→ : 體型的硬傷 能拿一勝很厲害了 連一分雨+歷史刷分鎖
→ : 喉王都被橫掃了
→ : 體型的硬傷 能拿一勝很厲害了 連一分雨+歷史刷分鎖
→ : 喉王都被橫掃了
推 : 一定會見的 就算輸了也是要回邁阿密45F 06/10 23:05
推 : 老巴還不出手嗎46F 06/10 23:05
推 : 就不要讓我們....ry47F 06/10 23:07
→ : Heat in 748F 06/10 23:09
推 : 難得莫肥都小烙賽 結果還是沒辦法拿下49F 06/10 23:12
推 : 好啦 加油啦 想多看幾場50F 06/10 23:16
推 : 熱火要拿出狠勁阿!加油!51F 06/10 23:16
推 : 你們是準備拿來輸湖人用的52F 06/10 23:18
推 : 等你說到做到喔,多一場比賽能看也是球迷的福氣53F 06/10 23:19
推 : 拼到底 拿出精彩的比賽吧54F 06/10 23:19
推 : 殘兵火 尊重推55F 06/10 23:21
推 : G2之後 金塊防守交代和執行做得更徹底了56F 06/10 23:23
推 : 你確定?57F 06/10 23:24
推 : 蘿莉只會提屁股?58F 06/10 23:26
推 : 羅利你不要上就會贏了59F 06/10 23:31
推 : 羅莉好兇 失誤也是你的專長60F 06/10 23:32
推 : 加油 你們可以的61F 06/10 23:33
推 : 有夢最美62F 06/10 23:41
推 : 金塊進攻還是比熱火好太多了...除非三分又爆發63F 06/10 23:47
推 : 就你熱火最蟑螂 不乖乖下去64F 06/10 23:54
→ : 天賦沒輸戰術沒問題,只是投進的分數比較少才沒贏65F 06/10 23:56
推 : Strus跟記者發飆幹嘛…… 自己投不進的66F 06/10 23:56
推 : 以熱火的鬥志可能有機會67F 06/11 00:00
推 : 到時沒比賽了 能見多久都行68F 06/11 00:03
推 : 老蘿莉體力不夠了69F 06/11 00:06
推 : 熱火破金塊主場算厲害了 西區那三隊還沒破70F 06/11 00:07
推 : 哨音一直都是偏金塊吧71F 06/11 00:18
推 : 哨音偏金塊?反串要說喔72F 06/11 00:23
→ : 打完去邁阿密度假73F 06/11 00:36
推 : 蘿莉G5準備爆發74F 06/11 00:41
推 : 就你在雷….75F 06/11 00:46
→ : 哨音偏金塊?看的是同場比賽嗎?76F 06/11 01:04
→ : 熱火問題就是三分球啊,被防下來就沒了。77F 06/11 01:10
推 : 留言不意外一堆酸潑冷水哈哈哈哈78F 06/11 01:21
→ : 可悲啊
→ : 可悲啊
推 : 說熱火選順underdog,但是金塊那個FMVP順位也...80F 06/11 01:26
推 : 休賽季約大臉咖啡的意思81F 06/11 01:57
→ : 6/16 Neymar:奇怪球場怎麼沒人82F 06/11 01:58
推 : 想看G6巴83F 06/11 02:26
推 : 好了啦 繼續哭哭84F 06/11 02:32
推 : 沒機會85F 06/11 03:40
推 : 採訪一個沒打球的幹嘛86F 06/11 04:37
推 : 熱火需要敵隊一個挑釁點火的人,遇到金塊整隊好學87F 06/11 06:11
→ : 生,鬥志整個沒了。
→ : 生,鬥志整個沒了。
推 : 輸了也是要飛回來89F 06/11 06:32
推 : 蘿莉他媽有臉跟Love爭執90F 06/11 06:41
→ : 就不要讓我贏第五場91F 06/11 06:49
推 : 有一說一,的確是今年唯一能攻破金塊主場的92F 06/11 06:59
推 : 好了啦 你們跟湖人打也是差不多的結局 可以準備放93F 06/11 07:23
→ : 假了
→ : 假了
噓 : 蘿莉......高品質投籃?看球好嗎......95F 06/11 07:59
→ : 蘿莉 是高品質演戲吧96F 06/11 08:12
推 : 是下季例行賽第6場嗎?97F 06/11 08:52
→ : 你可以自己回主場打第六戰 不過金塊已全隊放暑假了98F 06/11 08:59
推 : Miami in 7-1199F 06/11 09:08
推 : 第六戰:球隊隊內練習賽,內馬爾:叫我來看這幹嘛100F 06/11 09:47
推 : #正面積極101F 06/11 10:50
推 : 加油102F 06/11 10:58
→ : 羅莉現在太雷,連運球有時候都抖103F 06/11 11:10
推 : 一起練假摔?大屁股勝算高一些104F 06/11 11:18
推 : lowry現在還敢開嘴哦,要嘴也先表現好一點吧105F 06/11 11:30
推 : 跟梅西一起去邁阿密踢球106F 06/11 11:41
推 : 說真的可以了 至少贏一場107F 06/11 11:52
推 : 哈哈哈,哨音偏金塊???看來很死忠喔108F 06/11 12:33
推 : 熱火加油109F 06/11 16:25
推 : 邁阿密國際主場見110F 06/11 18:41
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 26
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