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看板 NBA
作者 creative (創新)
標題 [花邊]河流:快艇曾在交易James Harden前諮詢了我
時間 Wed Feb 21 12:04:30 2024


Doc Rivers reveals Clippers consulted him before James Harden trade
Story by Tomer Azarly

INDIANAPOLIS, IN — When the LA Clippers traded for James Harden, there was
certainly a lot homework and calls put in before acquiring a player of his
caliber with the recent history he had been through. New Milwaukee Bucks head
coach Doc Rivers says he was one of them.

The Clippers' trade for James Harden shocked absolutely no one went it went
down the night of October 30th. After months of calling out the Sixers
publicly and repeatedly naming the Clippers as his desired destination,
Harden got what he wanted.

After a five-game losing streak with Harden, the trade has been a monumental
success. Kawhi Leonard and Paul George’s shooting efficiencies have taken
off with fewer on-ball responsibilities while James Harden has looked like
the perfect point guard alongside those two. Russell Westbrook, who lost his
starting job in the process, has embraced his role as a leader off the bench.
Speaking with ClutchPoints at NBA All-Star Weekend, Doc Rivers revealed that
the Clippers reached out and consulted him before completing the trade with
the Philadelphia 76ers.

“I was the one, obviously, they consulted,” Doc Rivers told ClutchPoints
before the Clippers acquired James Harden. “They made calls and I was one of
the guys who said it would be a great deal for them because I thought he fit
them better than he would fit the Sixers team. I think he’s a perfect fit

It’s a league. We talk. They just talked, asked questions, and I was on
board early.”

河流表示快艇曾在交易James Harden前諮詢了自己,他說道:“顯然,我是他們曾諮詢過
James Harden更適合快艇,而不是76人,我認為James Harden非常適合快艇。這是一個聯

It did take the Clippers several months to finally agree to terms on a trade
for the Sixers guard. After repeatedly calling out General Manger Daryl Morey
and the Philadelphia 76ers organization, it became clear the team would not
want to deal with this long. It felt like it was only a matter of time before
a deal was finalized, but there’s always the potential for a second or third
team to emerge as trade candidates.

When James Harden was finally traded to the Clippers, one of the more
resounding comments came during his introductory press conference in Los

“When I’m in a leash, [it doesn’t mean] I’m not just shooting the
basketball every time,” James Harden said. “I meant like I think the game
and I’m a creator on the court, you know what I mean? So if I got a voice to
where I can say, ‘hey, coach, I see this. What you think about this?’ Then
it’s like, okay. Somebody that trusts me, that believes in me, that
understands me, that I’m just not, I’m not a system player. I am a system.
You know what I mean? So somebody that can have that dialogue with me and
understand and move forward and figure out and make adjustments on the fly
throughout the course of games, that’s all I really care about. It’s not
about me scoring a basketball, scoring 34 points. I’ve done that already.”

When asked about those comments at All-Star Weekend and what he meant by
that, new Milwaukee Bucks Doc Rivers declined to even address the topic.

“Listen, that’s… I don’t coach James anymore,” Rivers countered to
ClutchPoints. “And I don’t need to answer any of those questions. That’s
whatever he wants that to mean. You should ask him. I’m not the one who said

James Harden在加盟快艇後的首次採訪中曾表示,76人教練組一直在嘗試改變他的角色,

對此,河流說道:“聽著,聽著,我已經不是James Harden的教練了,我不需要回答這些

Rivers did, however, provide Clippers head coach Tyronn Lue credit for
handling such a tough situation with the quartet of Kawhi Leonard, Paul
George, James Harden, and Russell Westbrook.

“He’s done a terrific job. Ty is obviously he’s a sensational coach. I
knew he was going to be. I’m the one who hired him. So every time I see him
do well, it makes me happy.”



The Clippers are 36-17 this season, sitting at third in the West at the
All-Star break. They’re also 33-15 with James Harden this season, including
a stretch where they won 31-of-39 games.

Doc Rivers’ Milwaukee Bucks and James Harden’s LA Clippers have yet to play
each other this season. The first matchup is set for March 4th in Milwaukee
and the second contest will be played less than a week later on March 10th in
Los Angeles.

心得 :  公鹿諮詢賽爾提克,關於河流當總教練



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※ 作者: creative 2024-02-21 12:04:30
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1brNPIjj (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1708488274.A.B6D.html
ANOY        : 甩1F 02/21 12:07
ppc233699   : 難得這麼說 謝老河2F 02/21 12:08
hua0122     : 看到毛巾架也很會灌雞湯 感到欣慰3F 02/21 12:08
byby55133   : 快艇諮詢老河的時候他沒在執教,不是直接敵人,但4F 02/21 12:09
byby55133   : 是公鹿諮詢賽爾提克高層,他們是直接敵人,當然下
byby55133   : 場差很多wwww
furjai      : 想像河流帶這隻四星艇會如何7F 02/21 12:10
TheoEpstein : to 7F, 季後賽3-1被逆轉是可想而知的8F 02/21 12:11
GHowPan     : 老河太神啦9F 02/21 12:11
star1234    : 老河名聲都臭掉惹,公鹿還當寶…10F 02/21 12:12
MDAISUKE18  : 要被逆轉也要有季後賽欸,你看現在公鹿要磨合幾場11F 02/21 12:12
a11011788   : 又有你的事了 老河真的厲害12F 02/21 12:13
k385476916  : 什麼都要問你13F 02/21 12:14
benson0134  : 不信公鹿會掉出前四14F 02/21 12:14
HellFly     : 他很懂啊,明星控衛+雙明星鋒線15F 02/21 12:16
Y1999       : 快艇:我就問問16F 02/21 12:17
swingingbear: 最被高估 瘋狂甩鍋 護短無能兒子 膚色對了就不缺工17F 02/21 12:17
ABiao0220   : 如果登登沒有磨合成功 大概也不會出來講ㄅ18F 02/21 12:17
hn11        : 問這個還算正常 畢竟是前教練19F 02/21 12:20
ARTORIA     : 遇事不決問老河20F 02/21 12:20
ginopun10477: 我就說老河一定行21F 02/21 12:22
Chanlin01   : 確實 如果破船沒磨合成功 撈河肯定不會出來講22F 02/21 12:22
PeterHenson : 好了啦 當初怎麼臭harden的23F 02/21 12:24
iamnotme    : 老河是不是都靠一張嘴24F 02/21 12:26
bangch      : 邀功跟甩鍋拼第一25F 02/21 12:27
yuenwwjd    : 怎麼一直刷存在感,難道老何要選總統?26F 02/21 12:29
h75311418   : 我記得他離開後不是這樣說的喔27F 02/21 12:31
Leo1127     : sensational 翻成「非常有煽動力、懂得鼓舞球員」?28F 02/21 12:31
alex8725    : 當初不是把輸球的鍋全賴在登登身上嗎29F 02/21 12:36
jian03      : 小李應該會回穩吧,他顯然是老河說心思已經在明星30F 02/21 12:37
e8e88       : 滿滿雞湯31F 02/21 12:37
jian03      : 賽的人,現在拿到3分跟mvp了,可以專心拼季後賽32F 02/21 12:37
winnerdinner: 浴室不潔就喝雞湯33F 02/21 12:38
Chanlin01   : 老河真的不太算雞湯 輸球就甩鍋34F 02/21 12:39
chinhan1216 : NBA第一馬後炮+甩鍋王35F 02/21 12:39
Chanlin01   : 雞湯教練輸球都一肩扛下責任36F 02/21 12:40
Chanlin01   : 老河比較像雞湯喝一喝突然整鍋砸球員臉上
samuelass   : NBA顧問GOAT 什麼重要的事都要先問他欸到底38F 02/21 12:41
kingianlin  : 又有你的事了老河39F 02/21 12:42
wang84802   : 好了啦雞湯大叔40F 02/21 12:45
kind9405    : 靠背新聞也太多41F 02/21 12:46
to1322      : 老闆:這就是我花了四千萬喝的雞湯嗎?42F 02/21 12:48
dindaofay   : 怎麼最近有關老河的新聞,都有種壞43F 02/21 12:49
dindaofay   : 事甩鍋,好事沾光的味道
dindaofay   : 是因為只可以擷取新聞片段的關係?@@
dindaofay   : *可以(X)
taristocrat : NBA催密長 眾人搶諮詢47F 02/21 13:01
Dubufan0528 : 對對對 您最厲害48F 02/21 13:06
CCFACE      : 重點  "是我雇他的"49F 02/21 13:10
louis00548  : 哇~什麼好事都老河做的,真棒50F 02/21 13:16
knowledge56 : 馬後炮看快艇戰績不錯才出來說 公鹿戰績爛怪球員51F 02/21 13:30
eukaryote   : 這人真的是越看越噁心52F 02/21 13:36
a9564208    : 難怪登登要走,怪不了人53F 02/21 13:45
ken720331   : 雜魚王54F 02/21 13:52
abbei       : 謝謝老河流捏55F 02/21 13:55
coox        : 被盧總狠甩好幾條街56F 02/21 14:08
Monetelliz  : 當初不是說Lue不會比較好,現在來蹭57F 02/21 14:58
shino95995  : 人家鱸魚說十場就十場 老河你要幾場自己講58F 02/21 15:05
www115ui8   : 邀功跑第一 甩鍋也跑第一59F 02/21 15:32
sonyvaio    : 先贏球好嗎60F 02/21 17:10
playernie   : 連敗的時候就不見你出來說61F 02/21 17:35
iwinlottery : 反觀綠賽62F 02/22 05:22
jorden      : 邀功??63F 02/22 08:00

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