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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-11-16 07:07:09
看板 NBA
作者 love1500274 (CoWuCoWu)
標題 [外絮] Jaylen Brown把KI禁賽令矛頭指向蔡崇信
時間 Wed Nov 16 04:49:07 2022

New York Daily News
https://tinyurl.com/yksz7r6e (By Kristian Winfield)
Jaylen Brown takes aim at Nets' Joe Tsai over Kyrie Irving
National Basketball Players Association Vice President and Boston Celtics All-Star Jaylen Brown says “it’s time for a larger conversation” now that st ...


NBPA VP Jaylen Browns takes aim at Joe Tsai over Kyrie Irving ban: ‘It’s
time for a larger conversation’

Jaylen Brown把KI禁賽令矛頭指向蔡崇信:“是時候進行更廣泛的對話了”

Jaylen Brown, National Basketball Players Association Vice President and
Boston Celtics All-Star, says “it’s time for a larger conversation” now
that star Nets guard Kyrie Irving continues to miss games beyond his minimum
five-game suspension.

Irving has been ruled out for what will be his seventh consecutive missed
game after the Nets deemed him “unfit to be associated with the” franchise
for “failure to disavow antisemitism” following the controversial post of a
movie rife with antisemitic tropes on his social media feeds.

賽爾提克隊球星兼球員工會副主席Jaylen Brown表示,

籃網明星後衛Kyrie Irving繼續缺席比賽


Over the weekend Nets owner Joe Tsai told a local reporter Irving “still has
a lot of work to do” to get back onto the basketball court. Brown
quote-tweeted the report and called it alarming for multiple reasons.

“He didn’t say that the organization was working together to get Kyrie back
on the floor. He said that he had more work to do,” Brown said Monday night.
“And our society has more work to do.”

“Including Joe Tsai,” Brown continued. “It’s 2022. It takes 10 minutes of
time to see who these business owners, corporations, etc., who they’re
associated with and who they’re doing business with, who they’re affiliated

That line was a direct shot at Tsai, whose company Alibaba, reportedly
supported China’s cultural genocide of the Uyghur Muslims.

[ Joe Tsai’s Alibaba financially supported China’s ‘cultural genocide’ of
Uyghur Muslims: report ]


“蔡崇信並沒有說球隊正在共同努力讓Irving重返賽場。 他說Irving還有更多工作要做
。我們的社會也有更多工作要做。包含蔡崇信,現在是 2022 年。花 10 分鐘的時間去了


Alibaba funded China’s ‘cultural genocide’ of Muslims: report
Joe Tsai's Alibaba funded tech used by China to track its citizens, which was “used widely” in the region over one million Uyghur Muslims and other et ...


Specifically, according to an ESPN report, Alibaba funded technology used by
China to track its citizens. That technology was “used widely” in the area
where over one million Uyghur Muslims and other ethnic minorities were forced
into barber-wire camps for “re-education.”

Tsai’s quote came after sneaker giant Nike announced its plans to cut ties
with Irving after the fallout surround his five-game suspension. Nike founder
Phil Knight said Irving “stepped out of line” by sharing the film “Hebrews
to Negroes: Wake Up Black America” on his social media channels.

Brown responded to Knight’s quote, tweeting: “Since when does Nike care
about ethics?”

根據 ESPN 的一份報告,阿里巴巴資助了中國,用其技術去追踪公民 。該技術並廣泛的

NIKE 創始人 Phil Knight 說: "Irving 在他的社交媒體頻道上分享電影“希伯來人對黑

接著Brown在推特上回應: NIKE 什麼時候開始關心道德了?

“I’m vice president of the union, and it’s part of my job to protect our
players legally, Brown said Monday night. “And to see Phil Knight first come
out and condemn Kyrie, and also see Joe Tsai say he has more work to do, I
think it’s time for a larger conversation.”

As part of his suspension, the Nets listed six criteria Irving had to fulfill
as part of the process to return back to the court. Those criteria included
condemning the film, completing both sensitivity and antisemitic training,
meeting with both the Anti-Defamation League and Brooklyn’s Jewish
leadership, donating $500,000 to anti-hate causes and meeting with Tsai again.

Last week, Irving met with both Tsai and NBA commissioner Adam Silver.
Silver, who is Jewish, told The New York Times he doesn’t believe Irving is
antisemitic, but he also said: “Whether or not [Kyrie Irving] is antisemitic
is not relevant to the damage caused by the posting of hateful content.”

Tsai reportedly said Irving “has to show people he’s sorry” and that “What
’s important — and what people miss — is he only apologized after he was

“我是工會的副主席,合法地保護我們的球員是我工作的一部分,看到 Phil Knight 首
先站出來譴責 Kyrie,也看到蔡崇信說他還有更多工作要做,我認為是時候進行更廣泛的

事業捐款 50 萬美元以及與蔡再次會面。

上週,Irving 會見了蔡崇信和 NBA 總裁 Adam Silver。身為猶太人的 Silver 告訴《紐
約時報》,他不認為 Irving 是反猶太主義者,但他也表示:“Irving是否反猶太與發布


Brown said Irving is in a gray area because he posted the link to the
controversial film without any caption.

“I think it’s uncharted territory,” Brown said. “I think it’s no
distinction between what somebody says vs. what somebody posts, and I guess
that’s what they are trying to figure out. The terms that the Brooklyn Nets
instituted for his return, I voiced my discomfort.

“It’s still an indefinite suspension, he’s already missed five or six
games, so how many games is he going to continue to miss? Is it another
situation going on there? Is it a larger situation going on there, is it a
larger conversation that needs to be had? We’ve yet to find out.”

Brown suggested Irving might not be willing to do much more apologizing than
he has already done. He also suggested he’s willing to dig deeper into Tsai’
s off-court history if terms surrounding Irving’s suspension stay the same.

“Irving 處於灰色地帶,因為他發了這部有爭議的電影的鏈接,但沒有任何說明。我認為
楚的。而籃網隊為 Irving 制定的回歸條款,讓我感到不安。這是無限期停賽,Irving 已
經缺席了五六場比賽,他還要缺席多少場比賽呢? 這期間有發生其他事情嗎?還是發生了
更重大的情況,是否需要進行更廣泛的對話? 我們還沒有找到答案。”

Brown 暗示 Irving 可能不願意做更多的道歉。

Brown還表示,如果Irving 停賽條款保持不變,他願意更深入地研究蔡崇信的場外歷史。

[ Leonard Greene: Nets making Kyrie Irving jump through too many hoops ]

“I’m not sure if [showing contrition] is something that Kyrie is looking to
do,” Brown said. “I don’t think he meant any harm by posting it.
Obviously, it came off as insensitive to a lot of people, but Adam came out
with a statement: He doesn’t believe Kyrie Irving is antisemitic,” Brown
said. “Joe Tsai came out and said a statement that they don’t believe he is
antisemitic. Those are their words, so he has already apologized formally
through his IG post.

“But the comment that Joe Tsai made, which I feel like bothered a lot of
people was like, ‘He has more work to do.’ Like, what does that mean? Our
society has more work to do, including Joe Tsai. So I’m curious to know what
that is, what that means.”

Irving will miss the Nets’ matchup against the Sacramento Kings on Tuesday.
Brooklyn travels to Portland next to complete its four-game West Coast road
trip against the Trail Blazers on Thursday then returns home to host the
Memphis Grizzlies on Sunday.

“我不確定 [表現出悔意] 是不是Kyrie想要做的,我不認為他發的那篇文是刻意去造成
傷害。 顯而易見地很多人覺得無所謂,但 Adam 發表了聲明:他不相信 Kyrie Irving
是反猶太主義者,接著蔡崇信出來說,他們不相信 Irving是反猶太主義者。 那是他們的
原話,而且 Kyrie 已經透過他的IG正式道歉了。

就像,這是什麼意思? 我們的社會還有很多工作要做,包括蔡崇信。 所以我很想知道,

Irving將錯過週二與國王隊的比賽。 接下來籃網將前往波特蘭,完成周四對陣拓荒隊的

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※ 編輯: love1500274 ( 美國), 11/16/2022 04:54:34
RadioMan    : 黑人大尾了喔1F 11/16 04:51
hydeless    : 就不要搞到杰倫也不能打球2F 11/16 04:53
EZ78        : 連坐到Brown的話一定出大事的3F 11/16 04:55
y1896547    : 黑人又被迫害了4F 11/16 04:56
PKming      : 爽耶 黑人又想惹事 鬧越大越好 開心5F 11/16 04:56
curlymonkey : 讚啦 黑人這樣就對了6F 11/16 04:57
lemonchin   : 黑人和中國人都雙標,雙標大戰7F 11/16 05:01
ckain       : 有本事跟阿銀講啊,球員工會跟聯盟才是對等的8F 11/16 05:01
bloodruru   : 其實說的是實話 可是掌權者可不這麼想阿 XD9F 11/16 05:03
hydeless    : 杰倫想挖Joe Tsai跟Phil Knight跟猶太人的連結10F 11/16 05:04
hydeless    : 阿就不是要動搖國本嗎?美國五百大哪個沒跟猶太人做
hydeless    : 生意的,人家猶太黑勢力就想要低調你還這樣搞
love1500274 : 血流成河jpg.13F 11/16 05:08
m122e       : 黑人開始想鬥中國人了 好欸 血流成河14F 11/16 05:12
md3q6e      : 這不只是杰倫的事情 動到杰倫等於動到整個球員工會15F 11/16 05:12
md3q6e      : 杰倫也說近期內如果沒有進一步的消息
md3q6e      : 就要以球員工會的名義代KI提出申訴
madeathmao  : 是要另起事端來報仇?韭蔡有問題所以薩滿就清白了18F 11/16 05:15
md3q6e      : 12/15要決定勞資協議要不要提早重組19F 11/16 05:16
md3q6e      : 阿銀應該不會想鬧到賽季停擺吧
luck945     : 球員繼續這樣搞,就看後面勞資談判是不是又要休館21F 11/16 05:19
luck945     : 只要把ki記者會的表現拉出來,要怎麼談
Wavecloud   : 其實很中肯 也許KI這樣對猶太人是不對 但老闆對其23F 11/16 05:24
Wavecloud   : 他同樣的問題其實也是不吭聲 只挑自己有利的想關注
Wavecloud   : 的來做 這就標準商人作法
legendd     : 黑人vs中國人 好欸26F 11/16 05:25
Wavecloud   : 但薩滿自己的問題也很嚴重 他又不止鬧這齣 也同樣27F 11/16 05:26
Wavecloud   : 是個雙標仔 只關心自己想關心的議題zzz
pttfish     : 講的很好啊 支持中國種族滅絕的人談歧視29F 11/16 05:26
madeathmao  : 兩邊都是雙標仔啊,正面對決也不錯30F 11/16 05:29
sylviehsiang: Kanter要參戰了嗎?31F 11/16 05:35
gggger      : 杰倫真的是聰明人32F 11/16 05:43
Sherlock95  : 阿銀:杰哥 不要33F 11/16 05:50
conqueror507: 乳猶vs乳滑34F 11/16 05:51
hank7218    : 送去再教育35F 11/16 05:52
yowhatsupsli: 杰倫你冷靜一點,不要害中國又沒有NBA看了36F 11/16 05:59
mhkt        : 杰倫別搞事啊  ……  這次風波純屬KI搞大的37F 11/16 06:00
※ 編輯: love1500274 ( 美國), 11/16/2022 06:02:15
ken720331   : 帥喔  BLM38F 11/16 06:02
zeroiori    : 意思是在不放人就要燒蔡了嗎39F 11/16 06:04
jimmyisgay  : 要來了40F 11/16 06:06
www24578973 : 我猜明年KI合約到期沒續約的話,JB 也會把矛頭指向41F 11/16 06:07
www24578973 : 蔡
JustBecauseU: 拿錢的爬到出錢的人頭上 危險43F 11/16 06:10
Hohenzollern: 黑人鬥不過猶太人 但可以鬥臭黃種人44F 11/16 06:11
ppoll2      : 燒起來45F 11/16 06:15
casman      : 杰倫這回應很有理啊,事實就是如此46F 11/16 06:15
leehom309536: BLM終於要對付中國了嗎,加油47F 11/16 06:16
alonzohorse : 杰倫講蠻好的,其實真的就是雙標大戰48F 11/16 06:16
DonDonFans  : 黑人現在才發現蔡老闆有問題?49F 11/16 06:16
zeroiori    : 接下來就看其他人有沒有站出來挺這次發言了50F 11/16 06:17
undeadcatd  : 到時候KI乖乖縮回去看球員工會和KD一樣尷尬51F 11/16 06:18
qpeter      : 總算說話了 球員工會完全不發聲會很奇怪 不能讓工會52F 11/16 06:19
bemjamen123 : 超賽現在正順 他搞事得罪猶太人 欸恭喜 Ki第二要誕53F 11/16 06:20
bemjamen123 : 生了
qpeter      : 形同虛設吧55F 11/16 06:20
iwinlottery : 不敢講猶太人罵黃猴子就對了56F 11/16 06:24
liao18      : 杰倫講的很好啊~中國跟蔡老闆沒多高尚57F 11/16 06:24
Q12345Q     : 看戲58F 11/16 06:24
zeroiori    : 可以看看到底哪邊的頭會被按下去 熱鬧看起來59F 11/16 06:25
LukaDoncic77: 杰倫的身份講這個才是剛好啊60F 11/16 06:25
kai08130623 : 就算JB說的是實話,但現在就是有股勢力想弄死KI啊61F 11/16 06:29
kai08130623 : ,主席跟老闆跟本人會談過確認沒有反猶太,那為什
kai08130623 : 麼還要弄成這樣
Q12345Q     : dig deeper into Tsai's off-court history64F 11/16 06:30
Qorqios     : 讚讚 NBA球員竟然敢戳新疆65F 11/16 06:31
kimuratakuya: 杰倫冷靜,我FB有選你啊66F 11/16 06:35
h5t6566556  : Kanter 如果參戰 應該就結束了 Kanter 鬧大對誰不利67F 11/16 06:36
h5t6566556  : 想也知道
natsu123    : 比起猶太 扁中國是更好的選擇 何況老美風向不舔了69F 11/16 06:37
h5t6566556  : 阿銀就已經出來幫KI說話了 確認他沒有那個意思 現在70F 11/16 06:40
h5t6566556  : 不見好就收 Kanter如果參戰我看到時候誰會縮 嘻嘻
shfunhuang  : 開副本了72F 11/16 06:41
Remianal    : 笑死黑人鬥不贏猶太人只好鬥中國人73F 11/16 06:41
Ming0515    : https://i.imgur.com/aRkgk8e.jpg74F 11/16 06:49
sliverstream: 黃種人欺負黑人在那哭哭囉 XD75F 11/16 06:50
h5t6566556  : KI鬥誰了?現在是有人要搞KI欸 阿銀都出來說話了76F 11/16 06:50
h5t6566556  :   阿銀的身分幫KI澄清很有說服力啊 KI如果真有那個
h5t6566556  : 意思 阿銀最好是敢背書
iamchyun    : 早就說過黑人傻呼呼 跟8+9一樣只會瞎挺早晚出事79F 11/16 06:51
pennylook   : 拓荒者的那個小賈斯汀因為嘲諷猶太人沒球打,傑倫怎80F 11/16 06:56
PTTjoker    : jb是聰明人, 不過這次挺笨蛋可不太聰明81F 11/16 06:56
pennylook   : 麼沒出來講幾句,是因為不是黑人還是太小咖82F 11/16 06:56
PTTjoker    : 雖然蔡也不是啥好人, 但KI惡人自要有惡人治83F 11/16 06:56
TheoEpstein : 就杰倫想要動用整個球員工會來打中國人老闆這樣吧84F 11/16 06:56
PTTjoker    : 好好跟這種自以為聰明的笨蛋講規則沒啥用的85F 11/16 06:56
h5t6566556  : Lebron James推特:讓KI上場打球86F 11/16 06:57
ghchen1978  : 主席:老闆別這樣,禁ki我們很難打87F 11/16 06:57
eineFrage   : 相互毀滅的意思吧 ( ̄   ̄)88F 11/16 06:58
h5t6566556  : 姆斯都挺KI了 按照樓上某樓邏輯 難道姆斯也會變成KI89F 11/16 06:58
h5t6566556  : 第二嗎笑死
qkqk        : 喔喔喔喔黑命貴幹上天龍人91F 11/16 06:59

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