※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-11-01 11:48:25
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] DH:上賽季湖人很爛,整個夏天感覺很差
時間 Tue Nov 1 11:08:16 2022
“Every team was gunning for us and they gave us their best shot every night,”
Howard said. “We didn’t get the job done. And it sucked. It left a bad taste i
n my mouth all summer. I probably spit 10 million times just thinking about how
bad we lost and how much time was put in to that season. … I really felt like i
t was embarrassing.”
“We still had who we had and we still should have been better,” he continued.
“So, I take my part in it. I could have been a lot better. Whatever they needed
me to be.
“But it did not end well last year and it really was an embarrassment. Some day
s I was like, ‘Man, we shouldn’t even put on this jersey like this.'”
這件球衣。 」
Unfortunately for Dwight, he might not get a chance to redeem himself anymore. H
is contract with the Lakers ended at the conclusion of last season and the team
decided against offering him an extension. That was Howard’s third stint in LA,
and it may have very well been his last.
'It was embarrassing': Dwight Howard on last season with Lakers
Dwight Howard spills on how last season's 'embarrassing' run with the Lakers 'left a bad taste in his mouth.' ...
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※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 11/01/2022 11:08:37
推 : 來台灣打球啦1F 11/01 11:09
→ : 快來台灣 晚了我們就不要了2F 11/01 11:09
推 : 來台灣3F 11/01 11:09
推 : 來台灣散播吧4F 11/01 11:10
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 11/01/2022 11:10:33推 : 沒下一站了ㄅ,都 36 了5F 11/01 11:12
推 : 太平洋西岸歡迎你6F 11/01 11:13
推 : 還好有一冠,比瓜哥幸運多了7F 11/01 11:14
推 : 這番話感覺要宣布退休了耶8F 11/01 11:14
推 : 來台灣打球吧 台妹很愛這種身材體能的9F 11/01 11:16
推 : 跟退休沒兩樣了,NBA沒人要啊10F 11/01 11:16
推 : 湖人需要高機動性中鋒11F 11/01 11:16
→ : 趕快旅台 救救台籃12F 11/01 11:17
推 : 提到來台就要扯一下台妹 是有多噁13F 11/01 11:17
→ : 小哈需要你14F 11/01 11:17
推 : 台灣二十年計畫就靠你了15F 11/01 11:17
推 : P+16F 11/01 11:17
→ : 38>3617F 11/01 11:17
推 : 上賽季三個字多的18F 11/01 11:17
推 : 上季一堆人上錯車,結果這台車是411號車,害今年一19F 11/01 11:19
→ : 堆人失業
→ : 堆人失業
推 : 生涯差515分就2萬分 應該拚一下做苦工還是夠硬21F 11/01 11:20
推 : 他現在一直在拍勵志短片22F 11/01 11:21
→ : 外表孔武有力,心理素質堪慮23F 11/01 11:22
→ : 也不能怪他們上錯車,有的球員不組團,無法取勝
→ : 也不能怪他們上錯車,有的球員不組團,無法取勝
推 : 他隨便去CBA都能虐菜吧,尤其CBA喜歡肢體衝突25F 11/01 11:23
推 : 以為是去爭冠 結果是去陪皇上刷數據 笑死26F 11/01 11:23
推 : 來台灣27F 11/01 11:24
→ : 瓜哥也要退了嗎,怎麼也乏人問津28F 11/01 11:26
→ : 是沒看過這賽季膩29F 11/01 11:28
→ : Come tw plz30F 11/01 11:29
→ : 只能說,一支團隊如果大家目標不同,事前沒有講清楚31F 11/01 11:31
→ : 總是會有人犧牲,領得少,又被球迷責怪
→ : 總是會有人犧牲,領得少,又被球迷責怪
→ : 現在湖人也很爛33F 11/01 11:34
推 : 這季更34F 11/01 11:35
→ : 姆斯越領越多 其他人領繩背鍋35F 11/01 11:37
推 : 沒辦法 有個隊友只會刷數據 還賣不掉36F 11/01 11:37
推 : 過完整個夏天,憂傷沒有好一些37F 11/01 11:37
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 26