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看板 NBA
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時間 Sat Dec 24 03:43:36 2022
1. https://twitter.com/TheNBACentral/status/1606019607352877056
“Scottie Barnes needs to work much harder over the summer to be an NBA elite
star…It’s hard to see any one area of the game that Barnes is better at in
his second year than he was in his first.”
- Toronto Raptors’ insider @SmithRaps
暴龍記者: Scottie Barnes夏天必須更努力去訓練
2. https://twitter.com/TheNBACentral/status/1606351780778053637
Report: NBA general manager says teams are turned off by Jae Crowder’s
decision to hold out
"It’s one thing if Kevin Durant’s holding out because he’s not getting
paid enough, but Jae Crowder? Seriously?”
某位NBA高層說 有不少球隊對Jae Crowder堅持不出賽望之卻步
“但Jae Crowder?,你認真嗎?”
3. https://twitter.com/LegionHoops/status/1606338533550981120
REPORT: “Zach LaVine wants to go to the Lakers, that has been pretty clear
for a while now.” (via @SeanDeveney ,
Bulls’ Turmoil Has Teams Eyeing Zach LaVine, Alex Caruso Trades | Heavy.com
The Bulls have had issues this season, and as they sink in the standings, an overhaul might yet come. ...
Zach LaVine想去湖人已經有一段時間了
4. https://twitter.com/LegionHoops/status/1606369257146953728
The 2023 NBA All-Star jerseys have reportedly leaked. Thoughts? (h/t
@MavsTracker , @residentkevin )
5. https://twitter.com/sn_nba/status/1606372677714837509
CJ McCollum blessed kids from the Boys & Girls Club in New Orleans with an
iPad, his jersey, and two tickets for the Pelicans game vs. the Spurs
CJ McCollum送給小孩一人一台iPad,一件球衣, 加兩張球賽門票
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ZfWJmS8 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1671824624.A.708.html
推 : Lavine 姆斯 AD 幾冠?1F 12/24 03:49
推 : 那個明星賽球衣下襬我還以為髒掉2F 12/24 03:50
推 : 體諒一下JC可能需要買大一點的鑽戒不然又…3F 12/24 03:51
推 : J尻忙著求婚,就不要吵他了4F 12/24 04:04
推 : 這球衣比去年好太多了5F 12/24 04:12
推 : 推個善心CJ 每個小朋友都很開心尖叫XD 聖誕老公公6F 12/24 04:27
→ : 來著
→ : 來著
推 : 亞利桑納C羅 鳳凰城小AI8F 12/24 04:28
推 : 還在求婚的男人9F 12/24 04:28
推 : 其實J尻第二次亮出NBA身分就成功了啦!只是萬一沒下10F 12/24 06:17
→ : 一張合約,不知道會不會被提離?
→ : 一張合約,不知道會不會被提離?
推 : 公牛那幾個明星都想去洛杉磯,笑死12F 12/24 06:57
推 : 這球衣讓我想到小時候穿T打球 都直接拿下擺擦汗....13F 12/24 07:23
推 : 下擺真的看起來像拿去擦什麼東西髒掉...14F 12/24 07:40
推 : 推CJ,這些小孩有夠開心,應該一輩子都是CJ球迷了15F 12/24 07:56
噓 : 這球衣怎麼像系隊做的= . =16F 12/24 08:04
推 : Word 文字藝術師日常17F 12/24 08:56
噓 : 打那麼爛也想去湖人18F 12/24 09:00
推 : 球衣廉價感有夠重,又沒特色19F 12/24 09:28
推 : 有沒有高手能統計 龜龜去湖人前 傳出過幾篇20F 12/24 09:28
→ : 龜龜去湖人已經有一段時間了 這種特定宣傳
→ : 想去湖人 應該可以抓到戰情室的軌跡
→ : 龜龜去湖人已經有一段時間了 這種特定宣傳
→ : 想去湖人 應該可以抓到戰情室的軌跡
推 : 我要當CJ的小孩23F 12/24 09:42
推 : 東11的球員拼命想去西13打球。24F 12/24 09:44
推 : 推CJ25F 12/24 10:14
推 : 不知是哪款IPAD26F 12/24 10:22
推 : 太陽買斷J尻底薪加盟我勇,雙贏27F 12/24 10:25
推 : J尻就要先發 去你勇是要誰把位子讓出來?嘴綠喔28F 12/24 10:39
推 : J尻這種咖位還敢擺爛zz29F 12/24 10:54
推 : 推CJ30F 12/24 11:51
噓 : LV想滾就快滾31F 12/24 13:02
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 28
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