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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-12-02 19:59:15
看板 NBA
作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
標題 [外絮] AI的控衛總統山:魔術強森、微笑刺客、
時間 Fri Dec  2 18:30:28 2022


Allen Iverson is one of the greatest players to ever set foot on an NBA court, a
s he was one of the greatest guards this game has ever seen. Great as he was, Iv
erson knew how to appreciate the talent and praise it whenever he saw it.


When it comes to the greatest players of all time, the NBA has many names to pic
k. From the greatest to ever play to the greatest team of all time to the best p
layers to exist and play in every position.


Every one of us has a favorite player in each position, and Iverson isn't an exc
eption. The 2001 NBA MVP, one of the best players from his draft class, was rece
ntly asked about his favorite point guards of all time and gave a big response.


"I'mma go Magic [Johnson], Isiah [Thomas], Steph [Curry], and Chris Paul," Ivers
on said.


These four players are big legends of the game, all of them being known for a sp
ecific aspect of their game. In their own style, they've dominated the league, b
eing part of winning teams and having a huge impact on the league and the game o
f basketball in general.


Just like that, Iverson left his mark on the league, being one of 4 guards to wi
n the MVP trophy. The Answer is arguably the most talented player in NBA history
, but his lack of a championship and controversial career often take him out of
these tops. Still, he's happy with the way things unfolded for him and now is sp
reading love, praising other legends instead of criticizing them.


Allen Iverson Reveals His Mt. Rushmore Of Point Guards - Fadeaway World
Allen Iverson reveals which four legends belong to his Mt. Rushmore of point guards. ...


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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1669977030.A.047.html
lsps9151014 : 我幫大家講 有人沒冠1F 12/02 18:31
cfe1111     : 老史呢2F 12/02 18:32
O10lOl01O   : Kidd&Nash:???3F 12/02 18:33
h5t6566556  : 最後一段 看看Al對後輩都是讚美 反觀歐肥…4F 12/02 18:33
jay228      : AI也沒冠阿,當然要選個同類5F 12/02 18:33
live147222  : 寶螺??6F 12/02 18:33
YellowTiger : 要不要寄mail給他 問他為什麼沒有XXX7F 12/02 18:33
LedZeppelin : 引戰點不夠8F 12/02 18:34
sxce5283    : 老史沒有保羅為啥有9F 12/02 18:35
LukaDoncic77: 無冠仔別蹭進去好嗎10F 12/02 18:37
tim1112     : 你寫信問AI吧11F 12/02 18:37
buneng      : kidd nash cp3月經比較又要來了12F 12/02 18:38
crazywill   : cp3?????13F 12/02 18:38
lillardfor3 : 老史生涯都當副手 CP3都以一哥帶隊14F 12/02 18:38
DonDonFans  : 老史 cp3 nash又要吵起來了嗎15F 12/02 18:39
ste14563    : 老史跟Nash呢16F 12/02 18:41
deanisme    : 老史98總冠軍賽平均得分烙賽到只有個位數,選他幹17F 12/02 18:41
deanisme    : 嘛
stevetsao123: 大O:我有冠,CP3什麼咖小?19F 12/02 18:42
kkqaz369    : Nash不用看了,沒他的事20F 12/02 18:42
RickyRubio  : 第四個應該是BIG O21F 12/02 18:43
EvansChang  : 沒NASH很合理阿22F 12/02 18:43
doooooooooog: 因為記者是問他喜歡的23F 12/02 18:44
e8e88       : Nash可憐在西區,如果在東區或許可以打到總決24F 12/02 18:46
chinhan1216 : 他看重的應該是帶隊打進冠軍賽25F 12/02 18:47
Ingram14    : 講得好像CP3就沒有烙賽過一樣26F 12/02 18:47
cpeyeshield : 想看10樓繼續表演 拜託27F 12/02 18:49
metroways   : nash沒這麼不堪吧,多少人能連莊mvp28F 12/02 18:49
ki523898    : 老史可能是獅身人面像等級 總統山算啥29F 12/02 18:49
oBatman     : 老史是副總統山吧,一輩子副手沒辦法談30F 12/02 18:52
callme76    : 這沒啥戰點31F 12/02 18:54
BusterPosey : 老史哭了32F 12/02 18:56
loltrg42972 : 光有CP3就可以戰翻天了吧33F 12/02 18:57
linchez     : 有一個明顯過譽,絕對不是CP334F 12/02 18:59
akko76815   : 1冠PointGod   新冠的冠35F 12/02 19:00
NOKIA8888   : 有帶隊進總冠36F 12/02 19:01
foxlula     : Nash有MVP kidd有冠 老史鬼神累積數據 CP3有什麼???37F 12/02 19:01
tim19990312 : 有ai的愛阿所以他入選了很難懂嗎38F 12/02 19:02
cor1os      : 玄冥二老:39F 12/02 19:03
Satomisan   : cp3哈哈40F 12/02 19:03
cor1os      : 老手套最怕的不是喬丹而是史塔克頓41F 12/02 19:04
FAYeeeeeeee : 副總統山 蠻有梗42F 12/02 19:05
f22313467   : 老史沒了43F 12/02 19:06
tonypong    : CP3有手,軟手44F 12/02 19:06
ko373328    : nash沒防守是能幹嘛45F 12/02 19:07
kixer2005   : 怎麼混了一個低一級的進來46F 12/02 19:07
W5566DerD1  : 黑人當然選黑人,老史跟Nash當然看不上47F 12/02 19:08
TheoEpstein : 老史:??48F 12/02 19:10
windowdoor  : 混進去一個零冠仔49F 12/02 19:11
jay228      : 其實也別爭了,第4個人10年後就會換成77了50F 12/02 19:13
mightymouse : 0MVP0冠的混進去了51F 12/02 19:14
ymsc30102   : 人家就問favorite了52F 12/02 19:15
dereklin    : 看來只有魔術跟咖哩是毫無疑問的53F 12/02 19:16
k7202001    : 有mvp+fmvp 的控衛 是不是只有魔術跟咖哩?54F 12/02 19:16
k7202001    : 有mvp跟fmvp的SG 好像也只有老大跟喬丹
star1234    : 歐肥多學學喇,只會出一張臭嘴56F 12/02 19:18
phoenix286  : CP3進階數據超強57F 12/02 19:18
sxzc        : 反觀歐肥58F 12/02 19:20
samkobea1090: 怎麼有個無冠仔在裡面59F 12/02 19:23
JoshSmith   : 老史>>>>>>>>CP360F 12/02 19:26
SnakeK      : 看來AI是看個人能力大於榮譽61F 12/02 19:26
opwin       : 我只知道AI不會在總統山上62F 12/02 19:26
JoshSmith   : 其實也別爭了,第4個人10年後就會換成77了63F 12/02 19:26
joe1408     : 推AI常常鼓勵後輩 反觀歐肥64F 12/02 19:27
LukaDoncic77: 老史、奈瓜>>>>>>>>>>>>CP65F 12/02 19:28
alittleghost: 混了一位進去66F 12/02 19:30
wayne4225   : 現在這種比較有些人都酸不了咖哩了 真爽XDD67F 12/02 19:31
usmangaruba : 可接受68F 12/02 19:33
cor1os      : 沒人在意→解釋成沒人能酸  精神真阿Q -.-69F 12/02 19:35
cpeyeshield : 保黑>>>>>>>>保羅 AI你懂不懂啊70F 12/02 19:36
ginopun10477: 人家喜歡cp3不行逆71F 12/02 19:37
andye215    : 77應該是刷子榜吧 一定前三72F 12/02 19:39
malain      : 自己詮釋成沒人在意也很阿Q啊-.-73F 12/02 19:42
xul4vup4    : Stuckey呢74F 12/02 19:43
MarcusWright: 好意思吹連莊MVP唷XDDDDDD75F 12/02 19:46
ianasd      : AI爽選就選,有不滿去跟他說啊,跟我說幹嘛俗辣76F 12/02 19:49

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