※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-01-12 00:43:12
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 丹尼綠:從熱火回來以後LBJ找到了正確的
時間 Tue Jan 11 19:36:05 2022
Philadelphia 76ers guard Danny Green, who, as a rookie, played with James in 200
9 in Cleveland and won a title with James in the Orlando bubble in 2019-20, gave
his thoughts on James’ maturation process over the years, via Ky Carlin of Six
ers Wire:
He was a big kid back then. He’s still a big kid, but he’s a lot more professi
onal. He understands he could win games, but he knew how to win, I guess after c
oming back from Miami because he figured out found out the formula of the right
way to do things and know how to win. So when he came from there, I think he too
k those principles and brought it with him back to Cleveland and to LA, but his
IQ. His memory’s always been the same. He’s got a high IQ. He watches a lot mo
re film. With that maturity of him taking it more professionally and the small d
etails of doing things. He brought that with him and that’s how he matured more
so than anything.
Sixers’ Danny Green explains how LeBron James has matured throughout his career
Philadelphia 76ers guard Danny Green explained how LeBron James has matured from his Cleveland days to today in L.A., via @SixersWire. ...
Philadelphia 76ers guard Danny Green explained how LeBron James has matured from his Cleveland days to today in L.A., via @SixersWire. ...
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推 : 大家都懂1F 01/11 19:38
推 : 本來想說點什麼,但是算了2F 01/11 19:39
推 : 贏球的方法 - 更多 更粗的腿3F 01/11 19:39
推 : WD CB RA KL KI AD 嗯!找到了4F 01/11 19:39
→ : 我要西河! 去牽過來..5F 01/11 19:40
推 : 更成熟了6F 01/11 19:41
推 : 在熱火學得如何做出正確的決定9F 01/11 19:43
推 : 高級酸10F 01/11 19:45
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 01/11/2022 19:46:24推 : 我也懂了 嘻嘻11F 01/11 19:46
推 : 大孩子12F 01/11 19:46
推 : 甘安餒 好像不是喔13F 01/11 19:51
推 : 知道該如何贏球14F 01/11 19:52
推 : 姆斯確實在騎士第一年開始控球晶片大幅成長15F 01/11 19:53
→ : *熱火回騎士第一年後
→ : *熱火回騎士第一年後
推 : 知道如何贏球 也學會了贏球的小招式17F 01/11 19:57
推 : 他還只是個孩子.jpg18F 01/11 19:59
推 : 湖人的大孩子19F 01/11 20:11
推 : 綠知道 我知道 整個PTT都知道姆斯在想什麼20F 01/11 20:11
→ : 什麼都講了但又好像什麼都沒講21F 01/11 20:11
→ : 所以今年要怎麼解釋22F 01/11 20:12
推 : 品腿總有失足23F 01/11 20:17
推 : 回騎士後確實比較強 在熱火時技術還是有蠻多缺陷的24F 01/11 20:24
推 : THE大孩子25F 01/11 20:31
推 : 幾歲了還大孩子XDD26F 01/11 20:33
推 : 熱火是贏球隊伍 spo懂的贏球 畢竟是meta 級教練27F 01/11 20:50
推 : 確實28F 01/11 20:57
推 : 龜龜:你確定?29F 01/11 21:05
推 : 正確的比賽方式--作戰室 賣小將遊30F 01/11 21:21
→ : 多年熟成小將油 先買先贏!!
→ : 多年熟成小將油 先買先贏!!
→ : 組團啊32F 01/11 21:31
推 : 所以在熱火是不正確的選擇嗎33F 01/11 22:07
推 : 內容很明顯不是講組團34F 01/11 22:26
推 : 超會找的啊35F 01/11 22:32
推 : 組團躲弱區 就算有人想得到也不一定有那個臉皮36F 01/11 22:56
→ : 贏球的密碼~就是腿啊!37F 01/11 23:16
推 : 37歲大孩子38F 01/12 00:19
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 88
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