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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-12-29 12:42:14
看板 NBA
作者 kenny1300175 (蘇湖)
標題 [外絮] Antoine Walker:湖人戰績差不是因為龜龜
時間 Wed Dec 29 12:13:49 2021

Antoine Walker on Russell Westbrook: “I think Russ is fine”
By Erikas Polockas -Dec 28, 2021 10:18 PM

( 註:本文時間早於湖人VS火箭賽前 )

When Russell Westbrook was asked about his struggles following a 5-game
losing streak for the Los Angeles Lakers, the point guard responded: “I
think I’ve been fine.” Former NBA star forward Antoine Walker is inclined
to agree with Westbrook: “I think Russ is fine. The problem is Russ’
 late-game situations that gets magnified. … His style can work but Russ has
to look himself in the mirror on his decision-making late & his bad 3-point
shooting. He’s not the reason the Lakers are 16-18.”

當球隊5連敗後,Russell Westbrook 被問到他在球隊內是否打得掙扎時,

而前NBA球星 Antoine Walker 則同意龜龜的觀點。

Antoine Walker表示:


Antoine Walker on Russell Westbrook: "I think Russ is fine" - TalkBasket.net
When Russell Westbrook was asked about his struggles following a 5-game losing streak for the Los Angeles Lakers, the point guard responded: "I think  ...

First Things First
"I think Russ is fine. The problem is Russ' late-game situations that gets magnified. ... His style can work but Russ has to look himself in the mirror on his decision-making late & his bad 3-point shooting. He's not the reason the Lakers are 16-18." — @WalkerAntoine8

"When they get healthy, I still would not want to play the Los Angeles
Lakers, especially the way LeBron James is looking. If he is able to stay
health and play at the level he is playing right now, they're going to be a
tough out for anybody."



Antoine Walker also talked about how the issues with the Lakers go back to
the coaching staff. Walker said:

"Frank Vogel is my guy, but it comes from the coaching. You have to coach
these guys hard. You've got to be willing in film sessions, talk to guys who
are going to be future HOFers, and you have to tell them their role."


「Frank Vogel是我老大哥,但你身為教練必須去努力執教這些人,必須認真研究比賽錄

“When they get healthy I still would not want to play the Los Angeles Lakers, especially the way LeBron James is looking” - Antoine Walker still optimistic on Lakers
LA Lakers superstar LeBron James and the Lakers' poor start has drawn immense criticism as Los Angeles is ninth in the Western Conference. ...

First Things First
"Frank Vogel is my guy but ... you have to tell future HOF'ers their role. This is fixable, the Lakers are only 2 games under .500. When they get healthy I still would not want to play the Lakers. If LeBron's healthy they're going to be a tough out for anybody." — @WalkerAntoine8



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ljk476820   : 兄弟 你的心得不太對1F 12/29 12:15
k7202001    : 這個一定是其他29隊某隊的球迷2F 12/29 12:15
ojmarc      : 龜龜只是其中原因 有時打得順 會因為他的無腦失誤3F 12/29 12:15
ojmarc      : 突然崩盤
ojmarc      : 防守也常錯位 但進攻端確實幫助湖人很大
sawkuanwoo  : 這一咖都可以來評論湖人了,真的可笑6F 12/29 12:17
tigerlolz   : 打雷霆三場最後都是龜自己雷掉 還不是他問題喔7F 12/29 12:17
s07190719   : 這位的投籃選擇 覺得沒問題耶也是合理的 只是的確8F 12/29 12:17
s07190719   : 不能全說是西河問題
slluu2      : 給烏龜投 就是輸10F 12/29 12:18
md3q6e      : 典型的好像講了什麼 又什麼都沒講11F 12/29 12:18
payton711   : 湖人現在沒有龜龜只會更爛,爛到爆12F 12/29 12:18
jyekid      : 他領最多薪水當然被放大 而且還有關鍵決策跟無腦失13F 12/29 12:19
jyekid      : 誤 還有謎之防守
NTUKarbe    : 龜龜光是耐戰這點就不應該背最大的鍋15F 12/29 12:19
NTUKarbe    : 以上缺點也是找來前就知道的事 沒啥好抱怨的吧
gp03dan     : Russ做好防守,多把握出手吧…17F 12/29 12:19
jxxnlaihong : 鄉民都可以評論了 前球員為啥不行18F 12/29 12:19
seguignol   : 打雷霆不是只輸兩場? 現在連敗也不是打雷霆啊19F 12/29 12:19
rlhl7799    : 我柯20F 12/29 12:19
ilw4e       : 龜跟AD問題都一樣,不是多爛而是表現配不上那個身價21F 12/29 12:20
r252525r    : 每場5TO起跳 看得有夠痛苦22F 12/29 12:21
kai08130623 : 十幾年前就喜歡亂扔大號三分,當然看不出的問題23F 12/29 12:21
k960674     : Vogel: 不是欸  我還不夠認真喔24F 12/29 12:21
bestforbest : AD受傷是問題吧,至於怎麼受傷的勒25F 12/29 12:21
alittleghost: 湖人一哥,我是說薪水,當然他抗啊26F 12/29 12:22
kevinduh4   : walker講三分投射27F 12/29 12:22
a26480924   : 龜龜本來是需要大量時間習慣陣容 湖人一直變陣 穩定28F 12/29 12:23
a26480924   : 陣容過後龜龜失誤就變很少了
MonsterLife : 你是不是覺得Russ三分投太少了?因為沒有四分球啊30F 12/29 12:25
MonsterLife : 所以該多投一些三分。
chping0522  : 龜可以分擔真的不錯 可是防守常常漏掉32F 12/29 12:25
NIKOGAKU    : 骰到6是12面骰??33F 12/29 12:26
l2l         : 前幾天禁區命中排行榜文 這咖唯一禁區FG%不到5成的34F 12/29 12:27
l2l         : 看龜沒問題是以他自己的標準吧
NIKOGAKU    : 龜龜今天中場前才搞笑一波36F 12/29 12:28
seguignol   : 5連敗本來就只怪龜 不公平啊37F 12/29 12:28
matsuwu     : 我認為龜龜沒問題的,當全員歸隊我一點都不像對陣38F 12/29 12:29
matsuwu     : ,尤其老詹狀態好…這殺小前後文啦XD
EZ78        : Walker大概覺得他投太少了40F 12/29 12:29
LinEricX    : 這位當年好像也是濫投王41F 12/29 12:29
s30016      : 這隻比龜龜還天42F 12/29 12:31
tomoti      : 就上一場爛到爆而已,其它的就是你要容忍他會有很低43F 12/29 12:31
tomoti      : 級的失誤,這一直以來都這樣沒錯啊XD
x21198      : 打的差不是龜的啊,而是選了龜的人的問題?!45F 12/29 12:32
alittleghost: 今天龜龜打得很好,只有7次失誤而已46F 12/29 12:33
paul5566    : AD躺惹阿,我龜只能領繩47F 12/29 12:33

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