※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-10-09 12:02:32
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] Ben Wallace 回到活塞隊擔任顧問
時間 Sat Oct 9 01:30:57 2021
Omari Sankofa II
@omarisankofaBen Wallace is joining the Pistons as a basketball operations and team engagement advisor. He will assist the front office and coaching staff as a player developer and mentor and will also participate in business and community efforts.
@omarisankofaBen Wallace is joining the Pistons as a basketball operations and team engagement advisor. He will assist the front office and coaching staff as a player developer and mentor and will also participate in business and community efforts.
Ben Wallace is joining the Pistons as a basketball operations and team
engagement advisor. He will assist the front office and coaching staff as a
player developer and mentor and will also participate in business and
community efforts.
名人堂傳奇球星 Ben Wallace
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XO81KbR (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1633714260.A.95B.html
→ : 叫你顧問出來打1F 10/09 01:34
推 : 班蛙:再抽一次狀元啦2F 10/09 01:45
推 : 首先你們要先留個爆炸頭...3F 10/09 02:02
推 : 跟緊、手伸起來、撿籃板,這樣防守很難嗎?4F 10/09 02:03
推 : 通通去瘋狂重訓5F 10/09 02:08
推 : 是留掃把頭6F 10/09 02:17
推 : 鐵血教育7F 10/09 02:30
推 : 不防守的會不會被他舉起來丟出去8F 10/09 02:37
推 : CC你來站中鋒,教你防守9F 10/09 04:27
推 : 想聽Mason的進場:ㄅㄅㄅㄅ Ben Wallace!10F 10/09 04:56
推 : 4屆 DPOY真的猛11F 10/09 07:28
推 : 重點是他才6尺9呀...這樣還能在禁區怪獸橫行的年代12F 10/09 07:47
→ : 拿4次 (而且本人還說身高是灌水的)
→ : 拿4次 (而且本人還說身高是灌水的)
→ : 班蛙:首先練壯一點,扛住他,跳起來扒鍋,就這樣14F 10/09 07:53
→ : 當時有說他其實只有6-715F 10/09 07:53
推 : 燙成大爆炸頭 身高自然會增加16F 10/09 08:06
推 : 先去燙個爆炸頭 讓高度增加17F 10/09 08:07
→ : 去陪練矮子史督花的吧18F 10/09 08:19
推 : 開始督防守19F 10/09 08:21
推 : 大班:禁區很簡單 練很壯 緊跟 頂住 跳起來巴他20F 10/09 08:22
推 : 籃板防守加成up21F 10/09 08:41
推 : 下一季就看到Cade渾身肌肉了22F 10/09 08:47
推 : 先燙爆炸頭23F 10/09 08:55
推 : muscular monster!24F 10/09 09:26
推 : 目標全隊臥推兩百!25F 10/09 09:34
→ : 加油 把2代壞孩子跟藍領精神傳承下去26F 10/09 10:20
→ : 希望Stewart能習得大班真傳
→ : 希望Stewart能習得大班真傳
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 22
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