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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 珍妮:我是湖人老闆,我為每個決定負責
時間 Tue May 10 23:56:16 2022
Angry Lakers owner Jeanie Buss denies LeBron James rumors
Lakers owner Jeanie Buss denies LeBron James rumors
Lakers owner Jeanie Buss is letting the world know who runs the famed franchise in a fiery interview about the direction of the team after Los Angeles ...
Lakers owner Jeanie Buss is letting the world know who runs the famed franchise in a fiery interview about the direction of the team after Los Angeles ...
湖人老闆Jeanie Buss受訪,談到湖人相關傳聞與本賽季表現。
“Do they have final say? No. Are they running the team? No, no, not at all,”
Buss told The Los Angeles Times about Lakers star LeBron James and his camp at
Klutch Sports.
LBJ和Klutch Sports是否在控制著球隊?
“I am controlling owner of the Los Angeles Lakers, I’m held accountable for
every decision that’s made here.”
“I’m growing impatient just because we had the fourth-highest payroll in the
league. … When you spend that kind of money on the luxury tax, you expect to
go deep into the playoffs,” said Buss, who admitted she is not happy nor sat
isfied with the current state of the team.
“So, yeah, it was gut-wrenching for me to go out on a limb like that and not
get the results that we were looking for.”
“It’s normal when you have a top player or players you bounce things off of
them, I think that’s smart business,” Buss said about James. “I want him to
feel confident in the team, that we have the pieces to win a championship. He
has to be happy. … I want to make sure that he’s happy.”
Buss still believes the Lakers can win another championship with James and Dav
is leading the charge.
“There’s no reason for me to think we can’t win with them,” she said. “So
mething that I learned from Phil Jackson is that there’s always a path to suc
cess. … Sometimes it might be a little bit harder than other times, … but yo
u have to see the ability.”
Buss expressed that she decided to do the interview after being “in the backg
round for too much” amid the Lakers’ struggles this season — in which the J
ames-led Hall of Fame roster failed to make the play-in tournament, let alone
the playoffs.
“Absolutely, if we are not living up to the Lakers standard, absolutely I wil
l look at everything,” she said, later adding, “I will make the hard decisio
ns, because that’s what you have to do.
“We don’t like to be missing the playoffs, I understand the fans anger and f
rustration. I’ve got to make it better. “This last year was extremely disapp
ointing … it was hugely disappointing. I feel like we let down Laker fans, an
d don’t want to do that again, and we’ve got to get it right.”
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※ 編輯: Wojnarowski ( 臺灣), 05/10/2022 23:57:56
推 : 就說了我負責嘛1F 05/10 23:56
推 : 洛杉磯克拉克2F 05/10 23:57
推 : 就說了我負責3F 05/10 23:57
推 : 就說了我負責 齁4F 05/10 23:57
推 : 世界怎麼跟得上湖人5F 05/10 23:57
推 : 我(跟閨蜜)負責6F 05/10 23:58
推 : 龜龜到底怎摸來的有問嗎?沒有就是套好招阿幹7F 05/10 23:58
推 : 負責?所以要交易lbj了嗎8F 05/10 23:59
推 : 早說嘛!有問題早說阿!9F 05/10 23:59
推 : 負責交易忍者龜嗎10F 05/10 23:59
推 : 齁11F 05/11 00:00
推 : 所以老闆終於要出來坦了喔 喬好了?12F 05/11 00:00
→ : 影集拍上癮13F 05/11 00:00
推 : 發言得體 操作就...再觀察囉14F 05/11 00:00
→ : 羌還在的期間都不可能重回榮耀了啦 湖迷早就看開15F 05/11 00:00
推 : 017F 05/11 00:00
推 : 已下決定其他人少廢話18F 05/11 00:01
→ : 不對0.519F 05/11 00:01
推 : 時鐘領先全球20F 05/11 00:01
※ 編輯: Wojnarowski ( 臺灣), 05/11/2022 00:03:17推 : 就說了我負責21F 05/11 00:03
推 : Milf22F 05/11 00:04
推 : 再過沒多久講這些話的就要換LBJ跟他的快樂富堡了吧23F 05/11 00:04
→ : 哈哈哈
→ : 哈哈哈
→ : 洛杉磯拉克 湖人指揮官25F 05/11 00:04
推 : 別隊怎麼跟得上湖人26F 05/11 00:04
推 : 粗暴言論 duck不必27F 05/11 00:04
→ : 就說了我負責 世界怎麼跟得上洛杉磯28F 05/11 00:05
推 : 酸民在那叫什麼?29F 05/11 00:05
推 : LA克拉克30F 05/11 00:06
推 : 我敢說現在S級球星一定買不到31F 05/11 00:07
推 : 湖人的管理層真的是悲劇…32F 05/11 00:08
→ : 如果年輕球員簽太多 上場上不完怎麼辦33F 05/11 00:08
→ : 好我負責34F 05/11 00:08
推 : 了不起 負責35F 05/11 00:09
推 : 世界怎麼跟的上湖人36F 05/11 00:09
推 : 我負責 還想怎樣37F 05/11 00:09
→ : 粗暴言論38F 05/11 00:10
推 : 我負責 還想怎樣\39F 05/11 00:10
推 : 靠背 快被推文笑死40F 05/11 00:11
→ : 這個季後賽進不了我們就不要了41F 05/11 00:11
推 : 洛杉磯克拉克42F 05/11 00:11
→ : 都說了我負責 嗚嗚嗚沒錢43F 05/11 00:11
噓 : 前陣子吵最兇的時候怎沒出來喊話,無聊44F 05/11 00:11
推 : 就說了我負責 酸民粗暴的言論 大可不必了45F 05/11 00:11
推 : 我宣佈今年洛杉磯零季後賽46F 05/11 00:11
→ : 20冠軍不算榮耀 好了啦假粉 好了啦47F 05/11 00:12
推 : 就說了我負責,我就不能說錯一句話?48F 05/11 00:13
推 : 說了我負責在那叫什麼49F 05/11 00:13
推 : 洛杉磯克拉克XD50F 05/11 00:13
推 : 不是等不到球星,是還沒等到51F 05/11 00:13
推 : 代表交易龜龜也是要女皇點頭阿 女皇居然敢站出來扛52F 05/11 00:14
→ : 鍋蠻意外的
→ : 鍋蠻意外的
→ : 球迷是成年人了,應該自己照顧好自己的情緒54F 05/11 00:14
→ : 洛杉磯壞掉的鐘55F 05/11 00:14
→ : 下一次冠軍已經有規劃了,再給我們一點時間56F 05/11 00:15
推 : 我說了 我負責!57F 05/11 00:15
推 : 史上最多75大團打成真●零輪 笑話冠軍惹~58F 05/11 00:16
推 : 再說ㄧ次,姆斯真的管不到,真的管不到啦59F 05/11 00:16
→ : 有一隊在那講自己像被交易到國王隊,完全不是事實60F 05/11 00:16
→ : 可以以LBJ和AD為核心奪冠 有人不見了61F 05/11 00:17
推 : 我就說了62F 05/11 00:18
→ : 富堡干預球團 殷實教練也會受不了63F 05/11 00:18
推 : 附加賽都打不進去已經不是沒有季後賽的問題了吧64F 05/11 00:19
推 : 我負責 你走人65F 05/11 00:19
推 : 季後賽穩定收斂中66F 05/11 00:20
→ : 我負責 講幹話 你負責 坦67F 05/11 00:20
→ : 冠軍已經在收斂中,再過不久就會拿到68F 05/11 00:20
→ : 跟你說我負責阿 聽不懂嗎69F 05/11 00:22
→ : 珍妮:LBJ是殷實商人70F 05/11 00:22
推 : 洛杉磯克拉克71F 05/11 00:25
推 : 台灣 no.172F 05/11 00:25
推 : 霸氣側漏 女中豪傑!73F 05/11 00:25
推 : 看到標題就知道又歪了XDDD74F 05/11 00:25
推 : (湖)人與人的連假,冠軍會校正回歸75F 05/11 00:26
噓 : 取消Logo爺的終生票就先下台滾出管理層76F 05/11 00:26
推 : 笑死77F 05/11 00:27
推 : 幹 這年代講負責的 沒有一個負責78F 05/11 00:28
推 : 還好沒人會看你們的會議紀錄 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD79F 05/11 00:29
推 : 跟你說我負責啊 我都不能說錯一句話嗎?80F 05/11 00:30
→ : 洛杉磯女時中81F 05/11 00:30
→ : #NBA怎麼跟得上湖人 #不要怪湖人高層要怪對手82F 05/11 00:31
推 : 75團有原廠授權嗎?83F 05/11 00:31
推 : 通篇無龜84F 05/11 00:31
推 : 早說,為什麼不早說?85F 05/11 00:34
推 : 她負責 所以火掉教練 放任好友亂插....手86F 05/11 00:35
推 : Lakers can help!87F 05/11 00:36
推 : LA Clock88F 05/11 00:37
推 : 就說了我負責89F 05/11 00:38
推 : 老實說 真的沒想過會打這麼差90F 05/11 00:41
推 : 下一季應該也沒救了 LBJ+AD可能會更常受傷91F 05/11 00:41
推 : 艱難決定,看來夏天有大事要發生92F 05/11 00:42
推 : 美國陳屎中93F 05/11 00:42
推 : 要怪只能怪病毒94F 05/11 00:43
推 : 都成年人了,球隊勝率請自主應變95F 05/11 00:43
噓 : 事實證明妳也是個沒用的二代96F 05/11 00:44
推 : 負責然後呢 有什麼責?97F 05/11 00:44
推 : 粗暴言論duck不必98F 05/11 00:45
推 : 因為資訊系統問題所以湖人這季沒法進季後賽啦齁 可99F 05/11 00:45
推 : 戰績不好是因為球員鬆懈了100F 05/11 00:45
→ : 以進季後賽的話會再跟大家報告啦齁101F 05/11 00:45
推 : 我就說世界怎麼跟得上台灣102F 05/11 00:48
推 : 被推文笑死103F 05/11 00:49
推 : 史坦波中心指揮官克拉克珍妮104F 05/11 00:49
噓 : 說白了湖人也沒錢啊 要交易什麼105F 05/11 00:50
推 : 粗言不必106F 05/11 00:51
推 : 看好了世界,湖人只示範一次107F 05/11 00:52
推 : 芝加哥喬登 洛杉磯高登108F 05/11 00:53
推 : 粗暴言論duck不必109F 05/11 00:55
推 : WESTBRICK拜託快走110F 05/11 00:56
→ : 都說我負責 叫什麼叫111F 05/11 00:56
→ : 了不起 負責!112F 05/11 01:00
推 : 我說過我負責 粗暴言論大可不必113F 05/11 01:00
噓 : 女皇這樣講就是羌與眉龜再演一年了114F 05/11 01:10
推 : 靠著我們的氣質,可以打敗僥倖陽115F 05/11 01:11
→ : 羌龜迷都覺得自己主子委屈了,想甩開對方,結果根本甩116F 05/11 01:11
→ : 不掉
→ : 不掉
→ : 不然呢 本來就是老闆的問題啊118F 05/11 01:11
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 52
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