※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-05-13 11:00:44
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] 哈登:進攻時球沒有回到我的手上
時間 Fri May 13 10:39:17 2022
"When we were on offense the ball just didn't get back to me." - James Harden
on not being more aggressive
Action Network
James Burnes
@ActionNetworkHQ"When we were on offense the ball just didn't get back to me." - James Harden on not being more aggressive
James Burnes
@ActionNetworkHQ"When we were on offense the ball just didn't get back to me." - James Harden on not being more aggressive
James Harden on his $47 million player option: "I'll be here. Whatever allows
this team to continue grow, get better and do the things necessary to compete
at the highest level."
Harden said the ball didn't get to him. Asked if Doc Rivers called plays for h
im: "Next question."
Michael Scotto
Harden said the ball didn't get to him. Asked if Doc Rivers called plays for him: "Next question."
@MikeAScottoJames Harden on his $47 million player option: "I'll be here. Whatever allows this team to continue grow, get better and do the things necessary to compete at the highest level."
Harden said the ball didn't get to him. Asked if Doc Rivers called plays for him: "Next question."
I don't know how much to credit the Heat for this even with how they schemed f
or him, but James Harden's 13.8% Usage Rate tonight was his lowest in *any* ga
me in which he played 30+ minutes since 2011, his second season.
Couper Moorhead
@CoupNBAI don't know how much to credit the Heat for this even with how they schemed for him, but James Harden's 13.8% Usage Rate tonight was his lowest in *any* game in which he played 30+ minutes since 2011, his second season.
@CoupNBAI don't know how much to credit the Heat for this even with how they schemed for him, but James Harden's 13.8% Usage Rate tonight was his lowest in *any* game in which he played 30+ minutes since 2011, his second season.
Asked if he’s willing to take less money on an extension, James Harden said“
whatever it takes to make this team better.”
Keith Pompey
@PompeyOnSixersAsked if he’s willing to take less money on an extension, James Harden said “whatever it takes to make this team better.”
@PompeyOnSixersAsked if he’s willing to take less money on an extension, James Harden said “whatever it takes to make this team better.”
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YVSJSjE (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1652409564.A.B4E.html
→ : ?1F 05/13 10:39
→ : 氣氛2F 05/13 10:39
→ : 他從來沒有不惜一切代價吧3F 05/13 10:40
→ : 給你也買不到4F 05/13 10:40
→ : 氣氛了5F 05/13 10:40
→ : 蛋東尼不知道會不會被找來6F 05/13 10:40
推 : 還有要續嗎7F 05/13 10:40
推 : 籃網表示:爽8F 05/13 10:40
→ : 來了來了,這就是我要的抓馬9F 05/13 10:40
推 : 冷笑話要重出江湖了嗎?10F 05/13 10:40
推 : 坐等76ers氣氛阿,哈登跟金筆都很會11F 05/13 10:40
→ : 開始了12F 05/13 10:40
→ : 又氣氛了 我怎麼會說又呢13F 05/13 10:40
噓 : 哪個隊友還是教練在搞 鬍子你說我們挺你14F 05/13 10:40
推 : 球傳出去就在旁邊看 到底憑什麼覺得球該回到你手上15F 05/13 10:40
→ : 你也懂next question16F 05/13 10:40
推 : 粉身碎骨17F 05/13 10:41
噓 : 又氣氛... 會又吹密嗎18F 05/13 10:41
推 : 吹密19F 05/13 10:41
→ : 下半場一分未得真的不能用這理由耶 重新想過20F 05/13 10:41
推 : 先續再說 不爽再吹就好21F 05/13 10:41
→ : 隊友應該很氣 幫主知道自己退化 應該會降薪了22F 05/13 10:41
噓 : 氣氛23F 05/13 10:42
→ : 你有要球嗎?打這麼別怪隊友啦24F 05/13 10:42
推 : 第七戰這麼早開打?25F 05/13 10:42
※ 編輯: Wojnarowski ( 臺灣), 05/13/2022 10:43:13→ : 莫雷會挺鬍吧26F 05/13 10:42
推 : 球回到你手上 能得分嗎??27F 05/13 10:42
推 : 耶穌愛督28F 05/13 10:43
推 : 球(X)哨(O)29F 05/13 10:44
噓 : 你他媽站在原地...30F 05/13 10:44
推 : 跑位啊31F 05/13 10:44
→ : 打成這樣隊友最好敢把球回到鬍子手上32F 05/13 10:45
推 : 我有記憶的畫面你都站著待在防守者背後33F 05/13 10:45
→ : 又開始了 又...34F 05/13 10:45
推 : 鬍子這表現 莫雷會不會挺真不好說....35F 05/13 10:45
→ : 丹東尼戰術大師,老河雞湯大師,哈登心理有數36F 05/13 10:45
噓 : 十年老登迷也推不下去了 可憐哪37F 05/13 10:45
→ : 那位曾經比肩喬丹的得分王怎麼了38F 05/13 10:45
推 : 氣氛要熱起來了嗎39F 05/13 10:45
推 : 傳出去也沒看他在跑位接球,如何回到他手上40F 05/13 10:45
推 : 氣氛氣氛41F 05/13 10:46
推 : 他算是近期最明顯說一套做一套的球星了42F 05/13 10:46
推 : 回到你手上也是打鐵打掉阿 手軟哥43F 05/13 10:46
→ : 哈登也不空手走位,怎回到手上?44F 05/13 10:46
推 : 在籃網說隊友擺爛所以懶得動 去76人也一樣在發懶啊45F 05/13 10:46
→ : Next question,哈46F 05/13 10:46
噓 : 因為你只會待在原地47F 05/13 10:47
→ : 粉身碎骨48F 05/13 10:47
推 : 準備吹密 下一站要去哪49F 05/13 10:47
→ : 難道76人隊友有跟籃網一樣在擺爛 明明就自己懶而已50F 05/13 10:47
推 : 登登真的不太罩了51F 05/13 10:47
→ : 過半場傳給別人就變木樁了52F 05/13 10:47
推 : 都被金筆投掉了對不對53F 05/13 10:47
→ : 哈登沒辦法無球,戰術選擇性就少很多54F 05/13 10:47
推 : 在火箭被寵壞了55F 05/13 10:47
推 : 哎 你怎麼投了?56F 05/13 10:47
推 : 粉身碎骨57F 05/13 10:47
→ : 沒球58F 05/13 10:47
噓 : 他的意思是他要持球 因為他不會打無球 是隊友要跑59F 05/13 10:48
→ : 之前還一堆說 籃網隊友那鬼樣子難怪他不想打帶不動60F 05/13 10:48
推 : 鬍子使用率這麼低是老河的戰術問題吧61F 05/13 10:48
→ : 大家冷靜,鬍子G7一定能證明自己62F 05/13 10:48
推 : 可憐啊63F 05/13 10:48
推 : 防守時人沒有貼到你的對手上64F 05/13 10:48
→ : 氣氛有用嗎?現在球隊會挺你嗎65F 05/13 10:48
推 : 球不夠66F 05/13 10:48
推 : 幫翻譯:阿我就不會跑無球67F 05/13 10:49
推 : 在火箭明明無球也有破壞力 哀68F 05/13 10:49
推 : 完全講幹話 你一直傳出去然後說球不傳給你69F 05/13 10:49
推 : 叫姆斯的是不是打球都只會插腰看戲?70F 05/13 10:49
推 : 需要姆斯的聖光感召了 跟龜龜交換吧 至少龜龜心態71F 05/13 10:49
推 : 他對莫雷來說是真愛72F 05/13 10:49
推 : 這咖就根本不會打無球73F 05/13 10:49
→ : 換隊還是一樣 都是隊友帶不動 都是they的錯74F 05/13 10:49
推 : 氣氛了75F 05/13 10:49
→ : 你根本沒有往上回去要球...76F 05/13 10:49
推 : 滷肉飯也沒回到我手上QQ77F 05/13 10:49
推 : 熟悉的氣氛最對味78F 05/13 10:50
推 : 氣氛起來79F 05/13 10:51
噓 : 真的是教練問題80F 05/13 10:51
推 : 重簽搞不好35都沒有,PO當然執行81F 05/13 10:51
推 : 熟悉的氣氛最對味82F 05/13 10:51
→ : 龜龜<>鬍子83F 05/13 10:51
推 : 下一個問題84F 05/13 10:51
→ : 傳球之後不跑位 還要隊友把球餵給你????85F 05/13 10:52
→ : 先Fire老河比較快86F 05/13 10:52
推 : 有幾年前PG老河的既視感87F 05/13 10:52
推 : 氣氛大好88F 05/13 10:52
推 : 另一個姆斯起碼是37才變成插腰觀音89F 05/13 10:52
→ : 32的時候還猛拚一個追魂鍋拿冠勒91F 05/13 10:53
推 : 你不是都站在原地92F 05/13 10:53
→ : 當時被換過去七六時明明很高興 結果現在又在...93F 05/13 10:53
推 : 自己懶得跑位怪教練隊友不給球 這很鬍子XD94F 05/13 10:54
推 : 走轟95F 05/13 10:54
→ : 母獅偷懶是年輕就有了,只是21-22作得最難看96F 05/13 10:55
推 : 鬍乙己:進攻時球沒到我手上能算消極麽97F 05/13 10:55
推 : 來了來了98F 05/13 10:56
推 : 在籃網時隊友爛 懶得有理 在76人發懶的理由令人期待99F 05/13 10:56
→ : 來了來了100F 05/13 10:56
推 : 老詹無球時都比哈登積極多了 至少能站低位101F 05/13 10:57
推 : 你沒動過是要怎麼給你102F 05/13 10:58
→ : 而且他無球至少還能空切爆扣 哈登是站著發呆居多103F 05/13 10:58
推 : 龜龜:欸別學我說話我是脖子上被人套一捆麻繩的104F 05/13 10:58
→ : 去跟smart合體好了105F 05/13 10:58
→ : 鬍子和龜龜 都有沒球就站原地發呆的習慣106F 05/13 10:59
→ : 所以沒球 就真的跟站樁一樣
→ : 所以沒球 就真的跟站樁一樣
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 61
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