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作者 標題 [外絮] Luka Doncic首次談論自己的傷勢
時間 Thu Apr 21 18:17:47 2022
Luka Doncic talks hopeful playoff return for first time since injury: ‘It’s the toughest thing ever’
The watch for Luka Doncic’s playoff return has taken its most promising turn yet. The Mavericks’ All-Star participated in practice Wednesday before th ...
Luka Doncic talks hopeful playoff return for first time since injury: ‘It’s
the toughest thing ever’
By Callie Caplan
The watch for Luka Doncic’s playoff return has taken its most promising turn
Luka Doncic的回歸目前迎來一道曙光
The Mavericks’ All-Star participated in practice Wednesday before the team’
s mid-afternoon flight to Salt Lake City for the third game of their
first-round series, Thursday night against the Utah Jazz.
Then Doncic spoke with reporters for the first time since he strained his
left calf April 10, late in the third quarter of the regular-season finale.
Uncertainty still remains after the conversation.
On their official injury report, the Mavericks upgraded Doncic from “doubtful
” to “questionable” to play Game 3 as they continue to evaluate his rehab
progress and risk for re-injury. He said “I don’t know if I’m going to be
100%” during the series.
But while describing how he’s approached healing what experts called one of
the most finicky, complex injuries in basketball, Doncic made clear he’s
hopeful and eager to return soon to play the part of the season he loves most.
“It’s the toughest thing ever,” Doncic said of missing the Mavericks’ 1-1
start to the series. “The playoff basketball is so fun, playing home,
especially home with the crowd. But you know just sitting out, watching the
games, it’s way more stressful than playing the game. I don’t know how, but
it is, and I just miss basketball. I know it’s only been two games, but I
miss it so much.”
Doncic increased his involvement in practice Wednesday.
During the portion of the session open to reporters, Doncic teamed with close
friend Boban Marjanovic and two-way players Theo Pinson and Moses Wright to
compete in a 3-point shooting competition against three other groups of
訓練影片: https://streamable.com/j9pvmy
He hustled between spots around the arc and hoisted some half-court shots,
backpedaling and moving with more agility and speed than he’d shown in
recent individual shooting regimens.
“We did a little bit of one-on-one,” Doncic said, “and I was actually
feeling good.”
Doncic and coach Jason Kidd didn’t offer specifics about whether he’s
tested explosive, game-like, change-of-direction movements or whether Doncic
would need to run in five-on-five scrimmages before returning to games.
But Kidd said his superstar took part in all the team’s on-court work
Wednesday — at Doncic’s own self-deprecating pace.
“Luka is doing Luka,” Kidd quipped. “I mean, his sprint is different than
anyone’s in the league. That’s the truth. I can’t put a speed on it or a
grade, a 40-time.”
Kidd continued with a realistic assessment: “He’s doing everything. He’s
going in the right direction, and again, I know it sounds like a broken
record, but we’ll see how he feels [Thursday] and then hopefully it’s a
green light. If not, we’re prepared to go without him.”
What a change from this time last week.
In the first few days of rehab, Doncic wore a walking boot to take pressure
off his calf and “I couldn’t even shoot.”
“I was nervous,” Doncic said. “I didn’t know what to do.”
He received massages.
Used blood-flow restriction techniques with a torquinete system periodically
reducing circulation to his calf while he performed physical therapy
Iced frequently.
Sat in the cold tub.
Sat in Normatec compression leg boots.
Spent each morning with the medical staff at the practice facility.
Returned home in the afternoons to do pool workouts in his backyard.
他收到訊息,在他進行物理治療時,必須使用帶有 torquinete系統的血流限制技術減少
“I’m doing a lot of treatment, man,” Doncic said. “I’m tired of just
laying down and doing treatment.”
Doncic has improved to the point “it’s a little bit, not really that painful
” and conversations about his potential return timeline have become more
Sports medicine experts told The Dallas Morning News that minor, Grade 1 calf
strains often take seven to 10 days to heal, but the Mavericks haven’t
revealed the severity of Doncic’s injury.
Injury analyst Jeff Stotts, who tracks NBA injury data for InStreetClothes,
said NBA players who suffered calf strains this season missed an average of
16 days. Reserve guard Frank Ntilikina, the only other Maverick to strain his
calf this season, missed four games over 12 days in November.
NBA傷病數據分析師Jeff Stotts表示,本季腿部拉傷的球員平均要缺席16天,FN是獨行俠
Doncic said his stepback 3-point shooting motion “is not a problem” for his
calf, but pushing off his left leg while driving to the basket or abruptly
changing directions to pass, score or defend — integral facets of his crafty
style —might still be.
Director of player health and personnel Casey Smith, whom Doncic called “my
boss,” and the 23-year-old All-Star himself will make the final call — for
Game 3 Thursday, Game 4 Saturday and beyond.
被Luka戲稱為老大的球員健康主管Casey Smith會和Luka會在之後每場比賽前做出最後決
“If there’s going to be risk, I don’t think I’m going to play,” Doncic
said. But like I said, today and yesterday, we did some good things. If it’s
not risk, I don’t want to play limited minutes. I’d be nervous. I want to
be out there the most time as possible.”
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推 : 休了吧 讓Brunson刷爵士刷到爽1F 04/21 18:20
推 : 保險起見再休一場吧2F 04/21 18:20
推 : 應該是不會上3F 04/21 18:20
推 : 還是希望能在季後賽看到77啊4F 04/21 18:20
推 : 100%肯定不行,但就別勉強,我是覺得最快也G45F 04/21 18:20
推 : 回主場再說吧6F 04/21 18:20
推 : 我覺得第一輪就看隊友吧7F 04/21 18:23
推 : 最快至少也是第四場吧8F 04/21 18:24
推 : 覺得完全好再上第一輪就交給隊友了9F 04/21 18:25
推 : 坐在場邊看比賽,比上場打球壓力更大 西門:?10F 04/21 18:26
推 : 交給隊友吧 爵士有雷丘在 77大可放心11F 04/21 18:28
推 : 先給隊友扛沒事12F 04/21 18:32
推 : 77別勉強真的不行第四戰上也還有機會13F 04/21 18:33
推 : 放心啦 別上 第二輪100%再回來 爵士這爛隊其他人隨14F 04/21 18:40
→ : 便打就爆開了
→ : 便打就爆開了
推 : 第四甚至第五場再上比較保險吧16F 04/21 18:43
推 : 與其硬上不如久休 全力備戰可能缺Booker的太陽17F 04/21 18:43
→ : 或是鵜鶘
→ : 或是鵜鶘
→ : 懼戰 果然是姆斯傳人19F 04/21 18:44
推 : 你們爵迷不要這樣,等下又有人要說不尊重爵士20F 04/21 18:44
→ : 結果都你們自己在喊XD
→ : 結果都你們自己在喊XD
推 : 不上還是很難過爵士啦,Brunson也不可能每場都爆發22F 04/21 18:45
→ : 沒意外第三場如果77沒上爵士會穩穩拿下吧
→ : 沒意外第三場如果77沒上爵士會穩穩拿下吧
推 : 期待其他人跳出來阿,看是借高利貸還是怎樣的24F 04/21 18:47
→ : 給我爆發出來,後面還款命中率到谷底慘敗也行
→ : 給我爆發出來,後面還款命中率到谷底慘敗也行
推 : 慘,明明可以避免的,被西瓜教練團搞26F 04/21 18:52
推 : 覺得還是G4再上吧,不要硬拼27F 04/21 18:53
推 : 再試探一場啦 反正宅爵本來就不好打28F 04/21 18:56
推 : 覺得最快第四場才會上 甚至可能要第五場29F 04/21 19:01
→ : 爵士第一第二場兩場都打很驚險 哪有輕易過關
→ : 爵士第一第二場兩場都打很驚險 哪有輕易過關
推 : 看來好像不用擔心有硬上的問題31F 04/21 19:03
噓 : 喊拔辣票啊,我覺得第七場在復出32F 04/21 19:04
推 : 休啦等滿血未來還長不要自爆33F 04/21 19:04
推 : 77還年輕,傷好全再上才是34F 04/21 19:05
推 : 他的衝刺和聯盟中其他人都不同XD35F 04/21 19:12
推 : G5應該是比較保險的時候 前四場想辦法打成2-236F 04/21 19:12
推 : 東77加油!!!37F 04/21 19:22
推 : 這樣聽起來g3應該是不會冒險上38F 04/21 19:23
推 : Kidd:他的衝刺和其他聯盟球員不同 XDD39F 04/21 19:24
推 : 3:1再上都可以,反正不要拼到大傷啦40F 04/21 19:40
推 : 推41F 04/21 19:40
→ : 拉傷真的沒這麼快好,熱開好像沒事,但莫名奇妙就42F 04/21 19:49
→ : 很容易又中
→ : 很容易又中
→ : 感覺好像沒事的時候真的又會再弄到,小心啊44F 04/21 19:52
推 : 第五戰再上應該是最好的劇本45F 04/21 20:03
推 : 感覺也是想偷偷看 看什麼時候兩敗再上場46F 04/21 20:12
→ : 衝啊47F 04/21 20:17
推 : 跟西門一樣準48F 04/21 20:31
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