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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] 騎士轉正Moses Brown合約,可打季後賽
時間 Sun Apr 10 21:43:42 2022
NBA Player Transactions | NBA.com
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NBA Player Transactions from across the League ...
Cleveland Cavaliers converted the contract of center Moses Brown
to an NBA Contract.
Hoops Rumors 作者Arthur Hill
Moses Brown, who signed a two-way contract with the Cavaliers in late
March, now has a standard deal with the team, according to the NBA
transactions log. Cleveland had an open roster spot available, so it was
able to convert Brown without any other move.
Although no details were provided, it’s likely a minimum-salary
arrangement that covers the final day of the regular season. Brown will
now be eligible for the play-in tournament and playoffs, which two-way
players cannot participate in.
The 22-year-old center joined the Cavs in March on a pair of 10-day
contracts to provide center depth with Jarrett Allen injured and signed a
two-way deal at the end of the month. He has appeared in 13 games,
starting five, and has averaged 6.3 points and 5.5 rebounds per night
while shooting 62.3% from the floor.
Brown also played 23 games for the Mavericks this season before being
waived on February 10 when Dallas needed to open a roster spot to
complete a trade with Washington.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YKjyGM8 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1649598224.A.588.html
推 : 真好 有季後賽打QQ1F 04/10 21:46
推 : 他是之前在我犢的那位嗎?2F 04/10 21:47
是他沒錯。※ 編輯: TheoEpstein ( 臺灣), 04/10/2022 21:48:24
推 : 雷霆出身的3F 04/10 21:50
→ : 騎士的傷病潮太慘
→ : 騎士的傷病潮太慘
推 : 終於5F 04/10 21:53
推 : 我牛禁區也是滿缺的..可惜跟我牛陣容不搭6F 04/10 21:54
推 : 就是缺成這樣還不留 就知道多不合7F 04/10 22:08
推 : 有出色的身體素質,但還需要養個1-2年吧8F 04/10 22:09
推 : 對我騎來說算好用了9F 04/10 22:11
推 : 最早是我拓簽的 當時還比現在更raw10F 04/10 22:14
→ : 可惜附加賽就要gg了11F 04/10 22:22
推 : 看看他糟糕的防守站位以及進攻選擇,就知道為什麼我12F 04/10 22:22
→ : 牛不留他了
→ : 牛不留他了
推 : 記得在雷霆刷了不少雙十14F 04/10 22:36
推 : 真的是各隊顯學..15F 04/10 22:36
推 : 這支防守真的慘16F 04/10 22:39
→ : 恭喜有球打還有季後賽!!17F 04/10 23:00
推 : 我拓起家 雷霆刷出數據這樣18F 04/10 23:06
推 : 這種雙向合約也沒啥好養的,填格子好用上場擋個時間19F 04/10 23:08
推 : 這支是只能打進攻吧20F 04/10 23:13
推 : 名副其實的肉柱 就是站樁在裡面卡位手舉著 靠身體條21F 04/10 23:51
→ : 件混點時間 技術觀念還是菜
→ : 件混點時間 技術觀念還是菜
推 : 也要有季後賽打 騎士太不穩了23F 04/10 23:52
推 : 反觀 RMBJ 那隊24F 04/11 00:33
推 : 推25F 04/11 01:26
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 54
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