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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-02-21 07:03:25
看板 NBA
作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
標題 [外絮] 老巴:湖人跟籃網都打得不好,我厭倦談
時間 Mon Feb 21 00:25:43 2022


Even with their terrible moments, they catch all the attention from the media, b
ut Chuck isn't happy with that. The former player-turned-analyst recently took a
 big shot at these two teams, claiming he has no interest in talking about them
anymore, simply because they're not good and aren't playing great basketball.


During a call-in interview on “The Rich Eisen Show,” Barkley was inquired abou
t the relationship between Kevin Durant and James Harden, but he wasn't having a
ny of that. Instead, he went off on the Nets and Lakers for being bad teams and
still being in the spotlight (1:00).


“I'll get sick of talking about them. I don't know who I get more sick of talki
ng about the Nets or the Lakers. The Lakers stink, and everybody still talking a
bout them every day like they legitimate, and they aren't. They stink. But liste
n, the Nets, James Harden had enough. He said, like yo, I didn't sign up for all
 this stupidity. I'm gonna keep it moving, but it's gonna be must-see TV the nex
t two to three months about Philly, how that thing's gonna work out in Brooklyn.
 It’s going to be fun. My job is going to be fun.”


Charles Barkley Takes A Big Shot At Nets And Lakers: "I Don't Know Who I Get More Sick Of Talking About The Nets Or The Lakers." - Fadeaway World
Charles Barkley is never afraid of speaking his mind, no matter who can feel offended by them. The 1993 NBA MVP has become one of the most entertainin ...


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mouz        : 決賽就這兩支了1F 02/21 00:27
corlos      : 老巴buff了2F 02/21 00:27
corlos      : 老巴還是為NBA收視率好
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 02/21/2022 00:28:32
amazingwow  : 這兩隻要狂拉尾盤 連勝到總冠軍賽了4F 02/21 00:28
ste14563    : 決賽組合5F 02/21 00:31
WIGGINS22   : 東網西湖 附加賽的對手在抖了6F 02/21 00:35
sissykin    : 太陽熱火低調等等被捧殺7F 02/21 00:41
ccjack310424: 十連勝要來惹 決賽組合8F 02/21 00:48
peanut910013: LBJ突然回春 場場50分幹翻對手9F 02/21 00:50
kraftman    : 一波連勝的開始10F 02/21 00:52
ginopun10477: 老巴真愛是太陽 低調不談11F 02/21 00:53
drcula      : 老巴一生真愛是太陽,所以他一直低調,但是總冠沒用12F 02/21 01:00
hunt5566    : 總冠軍賽見13F 02/21 01:01
bemjamen123 : 美國糗爺14F 02/21 01:03
blackj14go  : 雷霆三少 各自組隊15F 02/21 01:04
chen7168    : 穩了穩了 明星賽完準備拉尾盤16F 02/21 01:04
NOKIA8888   : 穩了17F 02/21 01:09
WeiMinChen  : 起飛了18F 02/21 01:16
roytenpura  : 總冠軍賽:王下75湖V.S.宇宙網19F 02/21 01:17
saTUnotSATO : 老巴:整天談爛隊很無聊20F 02/21 01:19
a8856554    : 76要完蛋了,可惜鉛筆21F 02/21 01:20
xxxrecoil   : 講都是你在講22F 02/21 01:56
loserloser  : 可是觀眾愛看 你講其他隊 那個收視...?23F 02/21 02:17
aa01081008tw: 觀眾愛看啊..NBA版還不是湖人.LBJ討論度最高24F 02/21 02:21
vking223    : 巴爵士黑眼圈感覺變重耶,有人發現?25F 02/21 02:36
vking223    : 另外他應該其實是很喜歡這兩隊落難兄弟,不忍心罵了
deanisme    : 不想談也不行啊,詹皇湖就是話題中心,其他連勝的強27F 02/21 02:42
deanisme    : 隊受關注度搞不好連他一半都沒有
chh1470     : 穩了29F 02/21 03:17
Vedan       : 突然神明附體30F 02/21 03:32
AbukumaKai  : 很好啊 下半季起飛是糗的好31F 02/21 03:51
AbukumaKai  : 繼續爛老巴講的也是正論 每天看爛隊新聞幹嘛
ljk476820   : 姆斯突然覺得對手都是爵士33F 02/21 05:50
Hohenzollern: 這二隊剛好是組巨星團走奪冠捷徑的球隊34F 02/21 06:13
md3q6e      : 76掰掰35F 02/21 06:39
elvita      : 明星賽後的賽程可沒法讓老詹像打爵士前休好休滿了36F 02/21 06:44
ken720331   : 同意37F 02/21 06:53

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