※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-04-03 21:40:16
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作者 標題 [外絮] Stevens為近期雙J遭受的質疑說話
時間 Sat Apr 3 20:55:56 2021
Brad Stevens believes Jayson Tatum, Jaylen Brown are growing as leaders | Boston.com "I’ve tried to be very empathetic towards that because I think that as much as we ask of them, that’s just another responsibility." ...
Brad Stevens believes Jayson Tatum, Jaylen Brown are on the right path as lead
"I’ve tried to be very empathetic towards that because I think that as much a
s we ask of them, that’s just another responsibility."
Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown have both played like the star players the Celti
cs have hoped for this season.
However, the continued growth of both players has been overshadowed by the tea
m’s struggles this season as the Celtics hold a 23-25 record entering Friday
’s game against the Rockets. While the Celtics’ disappointing record has som
e wondering if Tatum and Brown are the right leaders for the team, Brad Steven
s thinks they’re on the right track to be solid leaders as they age.
The Celtics coach believes that Tatum (who’s 23) and Brown (24) still have a
few years before they hit their leadership peak.
“Listen, those two guys are All-Stars and those two guys understand that with
that, with the expectation of being our best players, that people are going t
o evaluate them in everything that they do,” Stevens told reporters prior to
Friday’s game. “That’s a hard transition for a young guy. I’ve tried to be
very empathetic towards that because I think that as much as we ask of them,
that’s just another responsibility.
“I’ve said for years, or at least I’ve said in the past year, that my goal
for them was to be two of the better leaders by the time they’re 26 or 27, ri
ght?” he said. “You have more experience, you have more to lean on. They’ll
have this year, whatever it turns out to be, to lean on as another opportunit
y to reach back and say, ‘I’ve lived this and I can help us navigate this.’
When it comes to younger players, Stevens doesn’t expect them to be vocal lea
ders necessarily. Instead, he hopes younger players can display signs of leade
rship through their play, and he thinks Tatum and Brown are doing that.
“I think the most important thing that young players can do when talking abou
t leading is they can lead by example with their play on both ends, and they c
an be accountable,” Stevens said. “And I think, for the most part, they dese
rve high marks in those areas, and especially accountability. Those guys don’
t chirp from the responsibility, they don’t point fingers at other people, an
d they have been really receptive to growth, and they deserve credit for that.
They’re not as good of leaders as they will be when they’re 27, but they’r
e as good as any [23]- and 24-year-old I can imagine. And so, I think that tha
t’s one of the many reasons I think they’re special.”
Even though his coach defended his leadership ability, Brown stated in March t
hat he was disappointed with his leadership.
“My job is to come out and play basketball and inspire guys to play hard and
compete to win. I haven’t done a great job at that,” Brown told reporters fo
llowing a loss to the Kings on March 19. “It’s been a challenge for me. I ac
cepted that challenge at the beginning of the year. So ultimately, I’ve got t
o do a better job at being a leader.”
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→ : BS: 我怕被開除1F 04/03 20:58
※ 編輯: jeff1013 ( 臺灣), 04/03/2021 20:59:27推 : 雙J註定無法在一起2F 04/03 21:00
推 : 可是沒人想聽你的話欸 現在氣氛就飽了 還在2-3年後3F 04/03 21:00
→ : 喔
→ : 喔
推 : 現在也不是要求多不多 是賽陣容完整卻在五成掙扎這5F 04/03 21:01
→ : 才是問題吧
→ : 才是問題吧
推 : 一樓是沒看安吉日前幫BS講話嗎?除非安吉走人不然7F 04/03 21:02
→ : 帥哥教練還是穩啦
→ : 帥哥教練還是穩啦
推 : 再給雙探花多一點時間9F 04/03 21:02
推 : 只要Smart冷靜 我賽還是大有可為10F 04/03 21:04
推 : 好啦知道了,就是想說學費還沒繳完嘛11F 04/03 21:05
推 : 明明就雙j以外再雷12F 04/03 21:06
推 : 青賽陣容完整?要不要算一下先發因傷缺了幾場比賽13F 04/03 21:08
→ : ?替補也是一群菜兵在練,這個戰績真的還好而已
→ : ?替補也是一群菜兵在練,這個戰績真的還好而已
→ : 幾年之後都換大約 戰績不上不下 怎麼找人補強15F 04/03 21:09
推 : 過譽軍神16F 04/03 21:12
推 : 穩又如何 別忘了 暴龍前總仔Casey拿到最佳教練後就17F 04/03 21:14
→ : 被開除
→ : 不拿球員開刀,總仔就是出來扛
→ : 被開除
→ : 不拿球員開刀,總仔就是出來扛
推 : 如果說鬍子 CP3 LBJ 這種算是控球大師20F 04/03 21:15
→ : 像KI那種比較偏快攻分球的叫做[能控球]
→ : 那雙探花就是根本連策應都算不上的超低控球能力
→ : 兩個都是純終結者,硬要他們控就是兩邊都做不好而已
→ : 連字母花三年練出來的分球能力都比他們好太多...
→ : 我很懷疑雙探花到字母現在這年紀有沒有辦法長出來
→ : 問題是找真正的控衛來控,牌子不夠大雙探花又會不爽
→ : 氣氛就開始搞起來~完全不知道怎麼救
→ : 像KI那種比較偏快攻分球的叫做[能控球]
→ : 那雙探花就是根本連策應都算不上的超低控球能力
→ : 兩個都是純終結者,硬要他們控就是兩邊都做不好而已
→ : 連字母花三年練出來的分球能力都比他們好太多...
→ : 我很懷疑雙探花到字母現在這年紀有沒有辦法長出來
→ : 問題是找真正的控衛來控,牌子不夠大雙探花又會不爽
→ : 氣氛就開始搞起來~完全不知道怎麼救
→ : 青賽要有人壓住那群年輕人28F 04/03 21:18
推 : CP3吧 但最後時光應該都在太陽了29F 04/03 21:19
→ : CP3是很老大哥的那種教法,雙探花八成會覺得他數據不30F 04/03 21:20
→ : 夠高一樣氣氛啦
→ : 我看只有吉巴鬍子LBJ才壓得住了,可是青賽買不到
→ : 夠高一樣氣氛啦
→ : 我看只有吉巴鬍子LBJ才壓得住了,可是青賽買不到
推 : 連瓜哥這種等級的終結點都需要一個好控球,才能打33F 04/03 21:21
→ : 出成績,雙J肯定也需要
→ : 出成績,雙J肯定也需要
→ : 真的要改變青賽齁,就是雙探花賣一隻35F 04/03 21:22
→ : 終結端本來就不需要那麼多人,而氣氛少一半就好帶多
→ : 終結端本來就不需要那麼多人,而氣氛少一半就好帶多
推 : 想必sweetgold大一定是常常出沒塞爾提克更衣室 連37F 04/03 21:22
→ : 雙J喜歡搞氣氛鬥老將都一清二楚XD
→ : 雙J喜歡搞氣氛鬥老將都一清二楚XD
→ : 了~39F 04/03 21:22
→ : 嚴格來說 JT還好
→ : 嚴格來說 JT還好
推 : 我剛好知道一位能壓住年輕人的又有冠軍經驗老將控球41F 04/03 21:23
推 : 我好像也知道!?42F 04/03 21:23
→ : 你看KI,黑娃那些前隊友都還是願意跟他擁抱聊天43F 04/03 21:23
→ : 樓下你也知道對吧?44F 04/03 21:23
→ : JB,聰明,企鵝三個大氣氛怪,好歹弱企鵝是為了表現機45F 04/03 21:24
→ : 會,有先發就好好打球了,其他兩隻就~
→ : 會,有先發就好好打球了,其他兩隻就~
→ : 弱企鵝那也是剛好合約年47F 04/03 21:25
推 : 我知道,是Jared Cunningham48F 04/03 21:26
推 : JT還可以 JB快丟吧49F 04/03 21:27
噓 : 兩個當屆全明星帶隊帶到不知道有沒有季後賽50F 04/03 21:29
推 : 可以外送覺得現在超賽需要老將壓休息室但聰明一定會51F 04/03 21:31
→ : 不爽
→ : 不爽
推 : 不可能沒季後賽啦53F 04/03 21:33
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 31
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