※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-03-28 01:12:12
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] Danuel House的親人車禍罹難
時間 Sat Mar 27 23:32:54 2021
Danuel House 的親人遭遇嚴重車禍,對方駕駛酒後開車,碰撞前車速高達185 km/hr,導
死者包含 Danuel House 手足之妻 Porsha Branch 以及他的三位姪子,分別為年僅七個
月大的 Drake House、年方兩歲的 Messiah House 以及年僅五歲的 King House。
以下是opencourt這個網站的報導,內容的確是寫Danuel House
Houston Rockets forward Danuel House has lost four family members, who
tragically died in a car accident caused by a drunk driver. The victims of
the tragedy reportedly are House’s nephews and the wife of his bother.
On March 14, Porsha Branch, her 7-month-old son, Drake House, her 2-year-old,
Messiah House, and 5-year-old King House were killed by a drunk driver.
According to the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, a deputy pulled the drunk
driver over for speeding shortly before the crash. The driver apparently didn
’t appear impaired so he was let go again, only to kill an entire family
minutes later.
Investigators said the black box recovered from the vehicle showed that the
drunk driver was driving 115 mph, two seconds before crashing into Branch’s
The candlelight vigil was Thursday, with the walk-thru visitations happening
yesterday and today, which explains the absence of House from the team. Our
thoughts and prayers are with their families. May they rest in peace.
──《Penny Hardaway》
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WNr0e4o (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1616859176.A.132.html
推 : QQ RIP1F 03/27 23:34
推 : 酒駕該死2F 03/27 23:34
推 : 幫QQ R.I.P3F 03/27 23:35
推 : 有夠慘RIP4F 03/27 23:36
推 : 唉~幫QQ R.I.P5F 03/27 23:37
推 : ..................6F 03/27 23:40
→ : 泡泡嫖妓是這位對吧!?7F 03/27 23:40
推 : 酒駕真的是垃圾 RIP8F 03/27 23:40
推 : 他媽的開這麼快趕投胎喔9F 03/27 23:41
推 : 樓主twitter好像是說damien 不同人?10F 03/27 23:42
→ : 這個新聞讓我想的多年前BMW酒駕高速公路超速撞小鴨11F 03/27 23:45
→ : ,大學生4人全部罹難火燒車,那個人大概還是爽爽過
→ : ,大學生4人全部罹難火燒車,那個人大概還是爽爽過
Husband wants justice after 3 children, wife killed in crash | khou.com
Damien House's life will never be the same after his wife and three of his children were killed in a crash authorities said was caused by an impaired ...
推 : 又是9+垃圾14F 03/27 23:48
→ : QQ15F 03/27 23:48
推 : RIP16F 03/27 23:50
→ : 雖然房子在泡泡很靠杯 不過酒駕真的該死17F 03/27 23:51
推 : 185是三小… 垃圾酒駕18F 03/27 23:51
推 : 酒駕開185是自殺吧!自己找山撞不好嗎?19F 03/27 23:52
推 : 185 酒駕真的去死個十八萬次都不足惜20F 03/27 23:54
推 : 垃圾酒駕下地獄21F 03/27 23:54
→ : 欸 不是 這車禍不是他吧22F 03/27 23:55
推 : 垃圾酒駕23F 03/27 23:55
推 : 的確是不同人啊 別被誤導了@@24F 03/27 23:56
噓 : 垃圾酒駕25F 03/27 23:57
→ : 原po 不用去查證新聞的嗎?阿就不是他呀26F 03/27 23:57
※ 編輯: ckny ( 臺灣), 03/28/2021 00:05:18→ : 抱歉原po看錯了,內文是說他的手足27F 03/28 00:02
→ : 酒駕真的害人28F 03/28 00:03
噓 : 185.....29F 03/28 00:09
推 : 酒駕久架,下地獄吧!30F 03/28 00:24
推 : 哇靠...R.I.P31F 03/28 00:27
噓 : 185==32F 03/28 00:32
推 : R.I.P.33F 03/28 00:36
推 : R.I.P...34F 03/28 00:36
→ : R.I.P35F 03/28 00:37
推 : 酒駕真的垃圾36F 03/28 00:40
→ : 米國酒駕殺人好像也是判很重37F 03/28 00:41
推 : R.I.P.38F 03/28 00:44
推 : R.I.P.39F 03/28 00:50
推 : 真的太扯............40F 03/28 00:52
推 : 去你媽的垃圾酒駕41F 03/28 00:53
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 78
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