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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-02-14 22:14:31
看板 NBA
作者 willy911006 (小溫)
標題 [花邊] Bill Russell 87歲生日
時間 Sat Feb 13 14:01:38 2021

NBA History
Bill Russell appeared in 10 GAME 7's, including 5 in the #NBAFinals. He went undefeated.

Happy Birthday, @RealBillRussell!


Bill Russell appeared in 10 GAME 7's, including 5 in the #NBAFinals. He went u

Happy Birthday, @RealBillRussell!

#NBABDAY #BHM https://t.co/NLzsJbvvFe
NBA History
Bill Russell appeared in 10 GAME 7's, including 5 in the #NBAFinals. He went undefeated.

Happy Birthday, @RealBillRussell!



今天是指環王Bill Russell的87歲生日,他曾打過10次搶七大戰,未曾被打敗過。

Whew, I made it to 87! I want to thank my wife for another amazing cake & the small forest fire upon it. Thanks @SKJR40 for standing by with the extinguisher just in case, next time bring a cpr kit. @legends_unite  #Deepbreath #fridaymorning @BleacherReport @NBA  @espn @celtics

Whew, I made it to 87! I want to thank my wife for another amazing cake & the
small forest fire upon it. Thanks @SKJR40 for standing by with the extinguishe
r just in case, next time bring a cpr kit. @legends_unite  #Deepbreath #friday
morning @BleacherReport @NBA  @espn @celtics https://t.co/TscoGkRhxv
Whew, I made it to 87! I want to thank my wife for another amazing cake & the small forest fire upon it. Thanks @SKJR40 for standing by with the extinguisher just in case, next time bring a cpr kit. @legends_unite  #Deepbreath #fridaymorning @BleacherReport @NBA  @espn @celtics

哇,我87歲了!謝謝我老婆給我的另一個蛋糕和上面的蠟燭大火,謝謝Shawn Kemp Jr.在


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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1W9sj6fv (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1613196102.A.A79.html
MarcPolo    : 羅素爺爺可愛1F 02/13 14:02
ntusimmon   : 11>>>>>2F 02/13 14:03
sx642220012 : 真。神獸3F 02/13 14:03
Joey1999    : GOAT4F 02/13 14:05
sustainer123: goat5F 02/13 14:05
toto3527    : 11個戒指 結果重複帶的那支套在最短的小拇指上==6F 02/13 14:05
jeffsu      : 戒指滿手太霸氣了7F 02/13 14:05
giveusatank9: 霸氣比87還878F 02/13 14:06
eightyseven : 上古神獸9F 02/13 14:07
l2l         : 冠軍數輾壓史上所有人 包含北美其他四大職業運動10F 02/13 14:08
c22501656   : 8711F 02/13 14:10
GeeBen      : Goat12F 02/13 14:12
GeeBen      : 滅火器也太好笑了
ishigakis   : 太多根吹好累阿XDD14F 02/13 14:14
eric02396   : 戒指多到雙手十根手指頭戴不下的男人15F 02/13 14:15
kingchen5   : 超好笑那麼多支是要老人吹死是不是16F 02/13 14:20
sungastill  : 真指環王猛爆17F 02/13 14:22
crawford438 : 訓練一下肺活量18F 02/13 14:25
a509170123  : 看起來超喘xD19F 02/13 14:27
akanishiking: 阿銀不喜歡他20F 02/13 14:40
transfight  : 冠軍戒真的噁心…………戴滿手21F 02/13 14:40
ymsc30102   : 摩根自由人22F 02/13 14:59
allyourshit : 我要是有11冠 一定把最後的一個戒指套在XX上23F 02/13 14:59
Alonzoooo   : 你是因為太小太細才能套進去24F 02/13 15:07
s10130804   : 別再找他頒fmvp了25F 02/13 15:07
tedandjolin : 每次頒FMVP都被阿銀羞辱QQ26F 02/13 15:48
ggdesu      : 從未輸過 neverlose727F 02/13 15:48
qaz19wsx96  : 是要多小才有辦法把戒指塞進去...28F 02/13 16:10
brian455461 : 這是謀殺了吧29F 02/13 16:18
pippen2002  : 真神獸傳奇!30F 02/13 17:02
zaza1128    : 87點起來要多久31F 02/13 19:12
swatch44    : 11>6>432F 02/13 21:45
aegis80728  : 打13年球拿11冠 真神獸33F 02/14 00:28

※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 29 
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