※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-08-11 13:51:46
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] 一部關於Curry的紀錄片正在製作中
時間 Wed Aug 11 13:02:51 2021
Steph Curry Documentary in the Works From A24, Ryan Coogler – Variety
NBA star Steph Curry will be the subject of a new documentary from A24 and producer Ryan Coogler. Titled “Underrated,” the film will chronicle Curry’s ...
NBA star Steph Curry will be the subject of a new documentary from A24 and pro
ducer Ryan Coogler.
Curry將成為一部新紀錄片的主題,然而這部將由A24(電影製作公司)與製片人Ryan Coogl
Titled “Underrated,” the film will chronicle Curry’s historic rise to promi
nence during March Madness when he played for the Davidson Wildcats.
The all-star athlete, considered one of the greatest shooters in NBA history,
currently plays for the Golden State Warriors and has won three national champ
ionships with the team.
In college, Curry set the single-season NCAA record for three-pointers made an
d was drafted for the NBA in 2009.
A24 will produce and fully finance the film, marking the indie studio’s first
project in development with Unanimous Media, the production company formed by
A24 將製作這部電影並為其提供全部資金,這標誌著獨立工作室與 Curry 成立的製作公
司 Unanimous Media 共同開發的第一個項目。
Additional producers on “Underrated” include Curry, Pete Nicks and Unanimous
Media’s Erick Peyton.
“被低估”的其他製片人包括Curry、Pete Nicks、和 Unanimous Media 的Erick Peyto
Proximity Media was founded by Coogler, the filmmaker of “Black Panther” and
“Creed,” along with Nicks, Zinzi Coogler, Sev Ohanian, Ludwig G顤ansson and
Archie Davis.
Proximity Media由Coogler與Nicks等人共同創立,Coogler曾製作過“黑豹“與“金牌拳
The company recently worked on “Space Jam: A New Legacy” and “Judas and the
Black Messiah.”
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1X4rd-Bg (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1628658174.A.2EA.html
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