※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-12-11 11:03:18
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] LBJ跟Anthony Davis在停車場做冰浴
時間 Fri Dec 11 10:39:51 2020
來源: TalkBasket
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y2x5k3qw
Anthony Davis and LeBron James in the ice tub in the parking lot of the Lakers facility | TalkBasket.net
Anthony Davis and LeBron James just chilling in the ice tub in the parking lot of the Lakers facility ...
Anthony Davis and LeBron James just chilling in the ice tub in the parking lot of the Lakers facility ...
Anthony Davis and LeBron James in the ice tub in the parking lot of the
Lakers facility
Anthony Davis跟LeBron James在湖人訓練場館外面的停車場做冰浴
Markieff Morris: “… two twins. Look at ‘em … Using the parking lot. Shit
crazy out here in L.A.”
Markieff Morris在IG上PO了影片並寫著:「看這對雙胞胎,居然在停車場~~洛杉磯真的有
影片: https://twitter.com/i/status/1337161896143667200
@ClutchPointsAppAnthony Davis and LeBron James just chillin in the ice tub in the parking lot of the Lakers facility
(via @Keefmorris/ IG)
@ClutchPointsAppAnthony Davis and LeBron James just chillin in the ice tub in the parking lot of the Lakers facility
(via @Keefmorris/ IG)
"The homeless problem in LA is getting out of control"
"$40 million/year is nothing in California, that's like two weeks rent and a
subsistence ramen diet"
"First they played in the bubble, now they play in the bubble bath"
"Best duo in the league on and off the court"
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VqjlyhF (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1607654396.A.ACF.html
推 : 那堆留言殺小啦XD1F 12/11 10:40
推 : 甲2F 12/11 10:41
推 : 做?3F 12/11 10:41
推 : 甲4F 12/11 10:42
→ : 色衰愛弛的nba彌子瑕 Wade:...5F 12/11 10:42
→ : 姆斯在教AD如何保養身體啊6F 12/11 10:42
推 : 泡泡那段留言超靠北 哈哈哈7F 12/11 10:42
推 : Wade:8F 12/11 10:42
推 : 年薪4000萬美只能住停車場9F 12/11 10:42
推 : 打開就笑死10F 12/11 10:42
推 : 樓下支援大哥算了啦11F 12/11 10:44
推 : 留言很北七XDDD12F 12/11 10:44
推 : Wade大哥沒有輸!13F 12/11 10:44
推 : 甲14F 12/11 10:45
推 : 曬恩愛15F 12/11 10:45
→ : espn的年度第一和年度第二,在停車場,划手機17F 12/11 10:46
→ : Wade: 他出軌了18F 12/11 10:47
推 : 這對真的很寶XD19F 12/11 10:48
推 : 有錢人的生活就是那麼奇葩21F 12/11 10:50
推 : 有wifi沒障礙22F 12/11 10:51
推 : 氣氛好成這樣...我看湖人3連霸了XD23F 12/11 10:51
→ : 怎麼會一人一池,避嫌嗎?25F 12/11 10:51
噓 : wade:26F 12/11 10:52
→ : 冰浴是泡在冰塊裡?27F 12/11 10:52
推 : LBJ需要AD的wifi28F 12/11 10:52
推 : 加州人民生活在水深火熱之中 連年薪40M也只能在停車29F 12/11 10:53
→ : 場泡澡XD
→ : 場泡澡XD
推 : 他們兩個以後圖超多的31F 12/11 10:53
推 : 我真的快笑死 他們兩個超好笑32F 12/11 10:55
推 : 有保持射交距離 不錯33F 12/11 10:55
→ : 打錯 社
→ : 打錯 社
→ : 射交距離 笑死!35F 12/11 10:56
推 : 哎呦36F 12/11 10:57
推 : 點開影片笑死38F 12/11 10:59
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 132
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